Originally, I tried to get into the Ben x Kevin ship but it didn't really work out for me for some reason, then Ben x Rook came along and I was instantly infatuated! Now when I started getting into the whole Ben x Rook thing, I originally liked Dom!Rook but somehow that all changed into Sub!Rook . . . I don't know how, don't ask why.

Now all I think about when I see Rook is this: He's totally Ben's wife.

Which is how this story came along, also a Ben x Rook video helped me, I don't really remember the name of it and I don't want to go back and look because I'm lazy as hell but I know it uses the song So Contagious by Acceptance.

W.I.S (What's In Store): Love. Accidental/Secret Marriage. Smut. Dom!Ben. Sub!Rook.

I hope you enjoy reading this tale I conjured up.

I do not own Ben 10: Omniverse.

Our Transgressions

Fiddling with his omnitrix nervously, Ben sat at the bar in Mr. Baumann's shop waiting for his revonnahgander alien partner to show up who happened to be an hour and a half late for their not-date lunch date. Sighing tiredly, the teen hero continued with his nervous habit causing Mr. Baumann, the shop owner, to become just as nervous . . . in his defense, Ben had been sitting in the same spot for nearly TWO hours straight, not ordering anything or talking with him beyond saying their usual greetings, toying with the omnitrix, and sighing an awful lot.

The glass doors to the shop chimed indicating a customer had entered the shop, Ben looked over his shoulder in time to see a familiar, lean figure approaching him. Rook.

"Hey Rook~," Ben greeted, grinning while Rook slid onto the stool on his right, "I was beginning to think you stood me up."

"I do not understand the term you are using, but I apologize for keeping you waiting." Rook sighed as he slumped in his seat, "I had some very important paperwork to deal with back at Plumber HQ, if it is any consolation I can pay."

"No, no," Ben waved his friend's offer off, "I'm the one who asked you to lunch so I'LL be the one who pays."

"You are being most generous today, Ben." Rook began, small smile in place, "Treating me to lunch, and at a place I wanted to go to for a change. Not to mention, you are paying. I have nothing to say but 'thank you'."

A light flush spread across Ben's cheeks as he was graced with a fond smile from his friend, and current flame, the teen waved his friend off once more earning a confused expression from the taller male.

"Don't mention it." Ben grumbled, "What are friends for after all?"

"Friends are generally . . . ,"

"It's an earth saying, I didn't really mean anything by it."

"Oh, so we are not friends?"

"No! We are! It's just . . . ugh! Never mind." Ben slumped in his seat, "Let's just order. I'll just have my usual Mr. Baumann. What about you Rook?"

"Hmm . . . ," the revonnahgander eyed the menu intensely, "I suppose I will have the tentacles covered in protozoan sauce."

Ben made a disgusted face as Mr. Baumann went to work on their orders, this left the two in silence as they waited patiently for their food. Tapping the counter idly, Ben set his gaze anywhere but the revonnahgander currently sitting at his side.

"So, Ben," Rook began, capturing Ben's attention, "You had sounded awfully strange on the phone, is something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing's wrong." Ben assured, "I just . . . wanted to have lunch with my best friend, is that so wrong?"

"I suppose not." Rook frowned, "But, the phone call . . . you were stammering and to put it in earth terms, making a fool of yourself."

"I was not!" Ben huffed indignantly, "I was just doing something at the time! Look, I just wanted to have lunch with my friend, okay! There's no ulterior motive, I'm feeling great!"

"Well, if you insist."

"I do insist!"

"Very well."

Glaring at the opposite side of the shop, Ben's tapping became more forceful . . . in truth, he HAD invited Rook for some ulterior motive. The teen didn't know when it had started, his infatuation with his alien partner, his MALE alien it happened shortly after their first day together when they had been eating chili fries together; it had been a very enlightening talk between the two new partners. Maybe it all started when he found that he happened to adore the way Rook's amber eyes would brighten when he learned some new and confusing earth custom, the way he would smile when he was praised, or maybe it was just the revonnahgander himself. All in all, it led to this exact moment, the day Ben had finally gathered up the courage to ask Rook out.

"Eat up boys." Mr. Baumann groused as he set their respective food choices in front of them, "And Ben . . . ,"

"I know, I know." Ben muttered, holding his hands up, "I won't destroy anything."

"You better not." Mr. Baumann sighed, "I'm still trying to pay off last week's damages."

"How much damage can Ben possibly do by eating?" Rook questioned curiously,

"You'd be surprised." Mr. Baumann deadpanned, walking away.

Slurping noises captured Ben's attention, his cheeseburger halfway on its journey from the plate to his mouth, glancing sideways, the green eyed human felt his mouth completely dry out in 5 seconds flat. Eyes glued to the way Rook's head bobbed as he slurped up the food, the way his mouth worked around the forkful of tentacles, fitting all of it into his mouth causing his cheeks to bulge as he thoughtfully chewed before swallowing . . . and the pleased hum accompanied with a look of pure elation that followed soon after was just KILLING Ben.

" . . . what do you think, Ben?"

"Uh . . . think of . . . who with the what now?"

"Were you not listening?" Rook blinked, Ben's deer-in-the-headlights look gave him his answer, the alien sighed, "I was asking if you would like to accompany me to Revonnah since we have the weekend off oddly enough, but I was wondering if it would be a good idea considering you were not on favorable terms with my father, Rook-Da."

"Oh, right . . . well," Ben rubbed the back of his head as he thought up the possibilities of his current conundrum, "I'd love to go back to Revonnah, I've been wanting to try some of those amber ogia recipes you guys have. So yeah, I'll go with you."

"But my father . . . ,"

"Don't worry, I can handle him." Ben grinned, "Besides, it's not like he's the first person to hate me."

"He doesn't hate you."

"To-ma-to. To-mah-to. Same difference." Rook frowned, confused, Ben sighed, "Nothing. Just, don't worry about the little things, I've got this."

"Right . . . ."

Staring down at his plate of half eaten food, Ben nudged the plate away with a sigh before he glanced at Rook's plate, the revonnahgander was nearly finished which meant the end was nearing for their not-date. Pursing his lips, the hero toyed with a smooth surfaced triangle pendant within his jacket pocket, wrapping the black corded rope around his fingers, the teen took a steadying breath.

"Hey Rook, listen, you got a moment?"

"Of course."

"Well, meet me outside when you're finished. Okay?"

"Um . . . okay."

Sending an almost rueful smile at his friend, the human placed a large amount of money on the table before he walked away leaving a very curious revonnahgander in his wake. On his way outside, Ben began mentally cursing himself for his cowardice . . . at this rate, he might as well wait until next week to work up the courage, yet AGAIN.

Basking in the sun's warm rays, Ben had found a comfortable place against the sun baked wall as far away from the shop's entrance as possible and away from any eavesdropper, if he were to be shot down by his best friend and partner, at least no one would be able to hear his soon to be humiliating rejection.

"What is this about, Ben?"

"Well . . . there's something I wanna ask you . . . and give you."

"Forgive me again for I have not gotten you anything." Rook stated, head cocked to the side curiously, "Is this another one of your strange earth customs?"

"Wha . . . ? No! No, I'm sure you should be familiar with this."

"All right. I will answer as best as I can."

"Um, great, good." Ben began fiddling with the amber ogia pendant in his pocket, "So uh, I was kind of wondering if you would . . . y'know . . . go out with me?"

"'Go out with you'?" Rook parroted, looking around, "But we are outside, are we not?"

"No, that's not what I mean, I mean, will you be mine . . . as in be my boyfriend."

A confused frown presented itself on the alien's face before it dawned on him, he blinked a little in surprise in light of his new revelation:

"You mean like a partner?"

"Um . . . yes?" Ben blinked, he finally revealed the pendent, allowing Rook to gingerly take said offering, "And here, I made this . . . for you." Ben watched the revonnahgander's lips twitch upward into a warm smile, "So . . . what do you say?"

"Ben," Rook began, simply beaming, "You realize this is a marriage amulet, do you not?"

"It . . . it is!?" Ben stammered, face beet-red, "I mean . . . I didn't get a whole lot of time studying revonnahgander customs because Grandpa Max came in and interrupted me so I had to go based off of memory but I was tired because I hadn't slept for two days straight and I couldn't exactly remember the entire thing! I was trying to go for the whole boyfriend thing!" Rook arched a brow, "Not that it wouldn't be nice to be married to you! It's just . . . ! Ugh! Can you just give me an answer!?"

"This is really nice of you Ben," Rook smiled, "So I have no other choice but to say yes."

"Sweet~!" Ben fist-pumped the air earning another odd look by the alien, "I mean, yeah, sure, whatever . . . that's cool."

"Custom dictates that you are to be the one to fasten this around my neck."

"Sure thing."

Taking the necklace from the revonnahgander, Ben was surprised to have Rook kneeling before him, head bowed, allowing the teen hero to tie the homemade necklace around his boyfriend's neck. Once secured, the cat-like alien stood up to his full height with a proud smile as he gazed down at the amber ogia stone shining bright underneath the sun's light, his amber eyes fixed Ben with an almost loving look causing the teen to smile goofily.

"Thank you Benjamin Kirby Tennyson."

"Hey, we're dating now," Ben grinned happily, "There's no need to be formal."

"You are right."

"Aren't I always?"

"Well . . . ,"



"So, do you wanna catch a movie or something?"

"Catch a movie?" Rook blinked, "How would one catch a movie?"

"Earth saying."

"Oh, well, yes. I would very much like to 'catch a movie'."

"Great~!" Ben beamed, "So I'll come pick you up around, let's say, 7-ish?"

"That's acceptable."

"Sweet," Ben quickly tip-toed, giving Rook a peck on the cheek, "I'll see you then."

As the teen left, Rook absently placed a hand on his cheek, a light blush dusting his features.



Both Ben and Rook were blasted from the cinema by Fistina and Liam. Growling irritably, Ben glared at the two villains as they exited the hole in the wall.


Blinking, Rook allowed himself to relax as he watched Ben, or Rath, lunge at the two criminals who had 'ruined their date', really, it was all a little odd to the revonnahgander but he allowed it so long as Ben, Rath, didn't overdo it.

"Rook, there have been reports of some kind of disturbance downtown at the cinema."

"I know Magister Tennyson." Rook began, watching Rath and the other two fight, "Ben and I are already at the scene, it is Liam and Fistina."

"Do you two need back up?"

"Uh, no, that will not be necessary . . . ,"


" . . . Ben has this."

"All right, be careful you two."

"Will do, Magister Tennyson." ending the transmission, Rook turned his attention to Rath who had body slammed Liam, "Ben!"


"Um . . . I think that's enough. We got them."


"Right . . . ," Rook moved to Fistina's downed form, snapping the cuffs around her wrists as Rath did the same with Liam, "How long have you . . . ?" the countdown began beeping before the area was engulfed in a bright green light, " . . . never mind."

"Rook?" Ben called tentatively,

"Yes, Ben?"

"Can we forget what Rath said?"

"Why?" Rook smiled as he herded Fistina and Liam into the back of the PROTO-TRUK, "I thought it was highly sugar filled."

"You mean 'sweet', right? Ben corrected, "Wait!" the teen blinked, a blush forming as Rook shut the doors to the truck, "You think it was sweet?"

"Of course. Why would I not?" Rook beamed as he moved to sit in the driver's seat, Ben sliding into the passenger seat, "Having one's name shouted aloud so endearingly, and by a hero no less, would have anyone feeling weak in the knees as you humans put it."

"Oh, okay . . . well, cool." Ben rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Your welcome."

Smiling cheekily, Ben was rewarded with a tender kiss by his revonnahgander boyfriend.


"Have a good trip you two," Max smiled as he watched the two board Rook's ship,

"We will Grandpa~!" Ben waved,

"And a good trip to you as well, Magister Tennyson." Rook smiled,

"Please, Rook," Max began, "Call me Grandpa Max. We're like family; you ARE dating my grandson after all."

"Okay, Magister . . . I mean, Grandpa Max?"

"That's a boy." Max smiled, "Now be careful~!"

"Bye Grandpa~!"

"Goodbye Magister Tennyson!"

"Dude." Ben muttered,

"What?" Rook blinked,

"Call him Max."

"Max?" Rook frowned, "Forgive me, it will take time for me to adjust."

"It's cool, so, how long do you think it'll take to get to Revonnah?"

"It depends really."

"On what?"

"How fast I drive."


The O-T is the initials of the story. I originally had another page but it was sloppy and really short, at least to me, I hope you all enjoy reading this. I got lazy near the end.

As always . . . (sigh).