Chapter- 2

Disclaimer- I don't own prince of tennis or any of its characters

Authors note- I hope you like this one and I have edited the previous chapter. Gosh! So many grammatical errors I felt so ashamed after reading it T_T

So, please read this and the previous chapter and tell me if you guys liked it or not!

The one shots won't necessarily be in order. I might shuffle them up like some shots maybe of the Echizens having some kids and some shots maybe when they just got married or in honeymoon mode (*smirks*)

So anyways enjoy!

And have a nice day


"How long will you gone again?" Sakuno asked me with a cute pout on her face.

We were lying on the bed naked and she had this beautiful smile on her face early in the morning. She brushed my hair with her delicate finger while I was holding her hands and brushing it with my thumb. I loved waking up to her every morning. It made my day so much better.

"I don't know, maybe forever…" I said with a smirk and she hit me lightly in my shoulders

"I will miss you…" she said as she came closer to me and gave me a small peck.

"I will be back within a month…or maybe before that… or maybe I shouldn't even leave you…" I said looking at her cupping her cheeks with my hands.

"No… it's the grand slams and Ryoma Echizen fan club will be disappointed if he leaves the competition…" she said with a smile brushing my hair again.

"Who care about them…I am worried about…"

"It's okay Ryoma… it's just a month and the little Echizen won't be out till another six months…" she said with a smile and she cupped her slightly swollen belly.

I frowned at her. Sakuno was pregnant with my child and it's been three month since we found out. It was unexpected and we never planned it but I was so happy when she told me. She had been glowing and loving ever since. People told me she might experience mood swings and may behave differently or have weird food fetishes but she was still the same old Ryuzaki but now an Echizen and she looked more beautiful day by day.

"I don't want to leave you alone…" I said with the frown still in my face.

She looked at me and she smiled but didn't say anything. She just kept brushing my hair.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" she asked me.

"A girl" I said

She giggled and my face became more relaxed when she did that.

"I think it will be a boy… just like you…."

"Or a girl… just like you…." I replied back.

"Oh… Ryoma… you are going to be such an over protective father…." She said with a giggle

"If it's a girl, she won't be allowed to date until she is twenty five or something… if it's a boy I hope the brat doesn't turn out to be like my father or my brother…"

Sakuno laughed and then she gave me a quick kiss.

"That's so unfair… we dated when we were sixteen years old and who said you aren't like your brother or father?" she said with a smirk.

I raised my eyebrows at her… did she just say that?

She giggle and she got up covering herself with the sheets.

"Come on... Let's get you some breakfast and get you ready to leave… you have a flight to catch…" she said as got up from the bed.

I groaned in frustration, I just wanted lye on the bed with her. I got up outside the bed wearing my shots.

Sakuno as she always does, wore my shirt.

She was standing in front of a mirror and looking at her belly.

I hugged her from behind and cupped her stomach softly. I gave her a peck in the lips and I said,

"Thank you Ryuzaki" and she just smiled.