Chapter One: The Huntress

The darkness was unsettling. She couldn't remember a thing. She didn't even know her own name. Zoe, a little voice whispered in her ear. Was that her name? The name had sounded familiar. It had to be her name.

Zoe was in the darkness for about a minute before her eyes had completely adjusted, showing a cage with several other crates of what looked like food and clothing stacked along one wall. A long silver dagger and quiver full of silver arrows sat next to her. She took the quiver and strapped it along her back. Then she noticed what she was wearing. Black skinny jeans were tucked into black buckled combat boots. She had on what her mind supplied with as a blank silver and black jersey with her first name on the back. How she knew of the back she didn't know.

Twenty minutes had gone by since she found the quiver. So out of boredom and slight necessity she looked for the bow.

Ten more minutes had gone by. She had found the black bow. She had already put her long black hair into a braid, a silver circlet with a dark sun pendant that rested against her forehead braided into her wavy locks. Her mind readily made her anxious of when this elevator was going to stop and what was out there waiting for her.

Forty minutes total had gone by then when the cage suddenly stopped. She looked up to see that above the sliding top of the elevated cage was a pair of doors. Zoe leapt up and slid the cage doors back. Why were the doors so high? She crouched down, tensing her legs to prepare to jump. Zoe sprung up, only managing to slam the door against her hand, pushing it up a few inches before slamming back down with a loud metallic thud. She saw that it was dark, so she kept doing this until she heard a voice. A few were heard actually.

"Why didn't the alarm go off?" a deep voice asked.

"Gally! Help me open this up!" another voice yelled. Zoe pulled the bow off of her back and loaded an arrow. She quickly climbed up on a few crates so if the boys came down she'd have a slight advantage of surprise and the cover of the darkness. She lost her focus momentarily due to her being puzzled on how she knew what to do in this situation, from the bow and arrow stance to moving to receive an advantage.

She regained her focus and drew back her arrow when the doors opened up.

"I don't see anybody," the first voice said, obviously shocked.

"There has to be somebody! We all saw the doors and heard the noises!" a new voice argued. Zoe backed further into the corner. She was as still as a statue when she heard the next thing.

"Well, I'm gonna check it out. Come on, Gally," the second voice from earlier said, sighing at the end of his first sentence. He jumped down into the cage to take a quick look around for the person down in the cage, a.k.a. Zoe. She took a stance and pointed at his forehead, aiming very carefully. A dim overhead light flickered. His eyes widened as he finally found her.

Minho's P.O.V.

BANG! BANG! BANG! What is that?

I woke up blearily, rubbing my eyes as I sat up. I slipped on my shoes and went outside. I ran a hand through my hair as I looked around, trying to pinpoint the banging noise. Gally, Alby, Newt, and Zart soon joined me outside. Everyone else must still be asleep.

"How can anybody sleep thr-"another bang interrupted me, "through that?"

"I don't know. But I do know that the noises are coming from the box," Newt said helpfully. We all turned to the box just in time to see one of the doors pop up a few inches before slamming down again.

"Why didn't the alarm go off?" Alby questioned as we walked closer. The banging had suddenly stopped. Thank god, that was really annoying.

"Gally! Help me open this up!" I yelled back as I ran towards the door. We both slid the doors open and the others peered in. We slid the doors open. Everybody crowded around, trying to see the new boy that would join us. We looked around, but there was nobody there. Where could they have gone?

"I don't see anybody," Alby said, voicing all of our thoughts.

"There has to be somebody! We all saw the doors and heard the noises!" Gally argued with Alby.

"Well, I'm gonna check it out. Come on, Gally," I said as I jumped down into the cage.

I looked around. The crates were still along the walls. I didn't see anybody. Then the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I slowly turned around to see a shadow in the corner of the room. A smell light flickered, revealing an intimidating girl with black hair and silver eyes. The scary thing was the black bow that was pointed towards my head. My eyes, by now, were the size of dinner plates. I slowly backed up, into the space were the others could see me.

"Minho, what is it?" Zart asked, speaking for the first time. He jumped down next to me only to have an arrow burst through his shoulder, spraying me with blood. The girl leaped towards me, off of the boxes. She planted her feet on my chest before pushing off, catapulting herself out of the cage. I fell to the floor, slamming my head on the ground. My vision blurry, I gently pulled myself out of the cage, giving chase to the sprinting girl. She was fast, I'll give her that. Alby had an arrow wound, no arrow, but the other two were knocked unconscious by her hidden dagger. I gave chase, sprinting after her. The sun rose when she started to escape, so the doors started to open. She had noticed this, too.

She broke her path to head to the eastern door, by my section. She ran past the doors, heading into the maze. She easily navigated the stone walls, making quick decisions on where she was going to turn. Finally she came to a dead end, barely panting, and turned towards me.

"Where am I, boy?" she snarled at me.

"Well, hey there, Huntress, how are you? My name's Minho, by the way." I asked her sarcastically. She growled at me and pointed her bow again, stepping towards me. Not again, I couldn't have her shoot me now. I raised my hands in mock-surrender.

"Whoa! No need to get scary and try to kill me, Huntress!" I said, taking a step back. She gave me a creepy smile.

"Have I killed you yet? Have I killed your pathetic friends, some who can't even take an arrow wound?" the girl asked me, lowering her bow. I notice that she doesn't mind the nickname. Awesome.
"Well, come back with me, you'll be excused for self-defense."

"Alright, let's go." Huntress then took off running, pulling me with her by my hand.


"I know where we are going, Minho. I have memorized where we went as I ran." She's good, real good, even better than most Runners. We ran until she came upon the entrance of the Maze. We walked in silence. This time I was pulling her by her hand to the infirmary where we could see Alby and check her out for injuries.

"Hey Minho, did you-"Gally cut himself off to glare at Huntress. She smirked as she came in, her hand still clutched in mine.

"Hello, boys, did you miss me?" she asked flirtatiously. They took a step back when they saw her dagger in her hand. Meanwhile I stood next to her smiling.