Elsa couldn't think about it without feeling dirty. It was obscene. Sickening. Wedding bells chiming, all of Arendelle singing, after she had told Anna how she'd felt. And Anna would still rather have that oaf than her. She felt monstrous again, wicked, but this time not because of what others thought. This time it was because of the anger lancing her own soul. How could Ingrid be so sweet and so understanding, this woman she had just met, while her own sister denied her?

Elsa felt herself getting colder, her slightest breath billowing into plumes of white. The familiar motes of ice filled her bedchambers, but there was nothing magical or sweet about them. They were grit from an explosion, sparks thrown off a fire. She saw icicles forming, an array of daggers growing from every nook and cranny. Elsa didn't fight. She closed her eyes and let it happen, the ice covering even her, blood freezing in her veins, closed eyes frosting over, everything suddenly hard and cold and smooth.

The fire in her heart was finally out.

A knock at the door awoke her. She shifted and the ice broke away from her like sheets of glass. She looked around the ice-blasted room. The clock on her wall was frozen solid, but through the window, she could see the town's Clocktower. Hours had gone. In the blink of an eye, the entire ceremony had passed. She'd missed it.

Elsa had never felt so relieved.

"Enter," she called.

One of the porters came in, an admirable poker face keeping him from reacting to the devastation. "My apologies for disturbing you, your highness. Your sister is wed—we tried to reach you, but it seemed you were having… difficulties. Princess Anna decided to go ahead without you. She and Kristoff are departing now, if you'd like to visit with them before they leave."

"Leave?" Elsa asked, still groggy from her icy slumber. "Leave where?"

"On their honeymoon, of course."

Elsa felt the fire flare up again, worse than ever. No, she wouldn't be touching Anna, but that man would, that annoying, blithering, crude, arrogant—

"That will be all," she told the porter, and he quickly left. Frightened of her. As well he should be.

No more. She wouldn't feel this way anymore. Once the honeymoon was over and the two lovebirds had settled in, then she could tolerate it, but not know, knowing his hands were on Anna, his lips…

She closed her eyes and let the ice come again. This time, she buried herself in it.

"Elsa? Elsa? Oh, what a relief—I thought my legs would cramp if I stood here any longer."

Elsa blinked. Fresh air—cool but alive—lapsed across her body. She was covered in ice, but it was melting away. She could see it sluggishly pulling away from her, sweeping across the sloped floor, down into a grate that took it away.

Where was she? Everything was white, as she'd left her bedroom, but this place was no ruin. It was cold, stark, but beautiful. Majestic. It put her in mind of the icy palace she'd made, but so much grander, more ambitious, the skill and artistry making a bold statement. It was Ingrid's.

She stood before Elsa, lovingly leaning forward to brush the remainder of the frost from Elsa's face. "I thought you were ready to thaw. Why did you do that to yourself? You're not experienced with this magic, my dear girl. You could've harmed yourself."

"Wouldn't that be a shame."

Some of the ice remained, marring Elsa's dress, interspersed with it like bloodstains. Ingrid left it there, leading Elsa to a well-upholstered couch, sitting them down beside a warm blazer. As much as Elsa liked the cold, she relished the change. Ingrid held her close and the fire lit them both.

"I just—wanted to miss the wedding, the honeymoon, all the… all the jabbering. It was too much. It hurt inside me. And then when I froze myself, the pain went away."

"How do you feel now?" Ingrid asked her. Her hands were the perfect counterpoint to the fire's warmth. Rubbing coolness into Elsa's limbs before the heat became oppressive.

"Better. At least it's done with. I can just… ignore it, now. Where is Anna?" A sudden panic gripped Elsa. "She should be here! Even with our differences, she would've waited for me night and day!"

"She did," Ingrid assured her. "At first. But as time passed—well—she did have a kingdom to run."

"A kingdom to run? It's only been a few days, surely—"

"A few days? Elsa, it's been six years."

Elsa opened her mouth to call Ingrid a liar, but nothing came out. Only pain in a silent scream. Ingrid held her closer.

"She… she wouldn't let me be frozen all that time, she would've done something, she would've thawed me…"

"She tried, sweet girl. She tried. But she would've done more harm than good. That's why I brought you here, to my sanctuary. I knew you needed time. She visited, of course…"

"When? How often?"

Ingrid pursed her lips. "Less and less, as the years went by. She's a very busy woman, your sister. She already has to juggle her family with the kingdom."

"I'm her family!" Elsa protested.

"You are, but…" Ingrid took Elsa's hands, squeezing them. "You're also not. Anna has a new family now. Look."

She turned to the mirror on the wall. Elsa did too. Even as she felt her heart break, all over again.

There was Anna, six years older, six years wiser. And Kristoff. And two small children, running and playing with her just as Elsa once had. But no ice magic. Nothing dangerous.

"Their names are Karl and Jakob," Ingrid said. "Or so I've heard. She hasn't brought them here, obviously. In fact, it might not be a good idea for you to go to her. Not when she's with them. She's very protective of them. Won't even let me visit. And she consulted the rock trolls quite frequently during her pregnancies to make sure they didn't have magic. So, perhaps we could call upon Anna first and after she's seen you, then—someday—you can see your new nephews."

Elsa found tears rolling down her cheeks. Hot tears. Burning tears. An inferno running out of her eyes.

Ingrid wiped them away. Her touch was so cold. So wonderfully cold. "There, there, Elsa. Don't cry. Your sister is very happy. Aren't you happy for her?"

"I don't have a family!" Elsa sobbed, falling into Ingrid's lap—at least knowing Ingrid would let her, would stroke her hair instead of shrinking away from her touch. "I'll never have a family… never have a husband or children… all I had was Anna and now she's gone! She left me!"

"She didn't leave you, Elsa. It's just… she's so different from you. You never really had her in the first place, because she never really understood you. You're a good person, Elsa, a loving person. I'm just not sure Anna is deserving of that love."

"I hate her." The words hissed out of Elsa like hot steam. It felt good. "I hate her! I wish she'd been born this way! I wish she knew what it was like!"

"She can't, Elsa. No one can. Just us. And maybe, someday, your children."

Elsa looked up at Ingrid, smiling down at her like it would all be alright. It wouldn't be. It wasn't enough. "Who would ever want to have children with me?"

"I would." Ingrid cupped her niece's chin, stroked a soft cheek with her thumb. "You'd be a wonderful mother. Look how you accepted Anna, even when she was so different from you. She was hardly so accepting. And you needn't rely on a man to give you children. You're powerful, Elsa. As powerful a witch as I've ever seen. With your magic, you could be with child. They would grow inside you, just as Anna's did. Be born from you, just as hers were. And have magic, just like us. They could be ours, Ingrid. Yours and mine. I know I'm not Anna—"

"No. You're so much better than her. You're my family."

Ingrid bowed her head. "You honor me."

"How could we have children?" Elsa demanded. "I don't want to wait a single minute. I want to feel them inside me. Sisters, just as Anna and I were. But raised properly. Not in fear, like our parents did."

"Yes," Ingrid agreed. "Your mother… never was the most accepting member of the family. I'm afraid her fear was passed on to Anna."

Elsa shook her head. "Fear will have no place in our family. Anna has no place in our family. It'll be just us. Us and our children. Please, Aunt Ingrid, tell me how?"

"How does any child come to be? First, there's an absence of clothes…" One hand touched herself, the other touched Elsa. Their clothes froze, becoming brittle ice that snapped with their heated breath. Elsa could already feel herself quickening. "Then a willing maiden." Ingrid reversed their positions, throwing Elsa down on the couch, rising over her. "And finally, a certain… potency."

Elsa looked down Ingrid's body—her beautiful, enchanting body, like a promise of loveliness that Elsa might one day endeavor to—and saw the icy phallus extending from her crotch, one end inside her sex, the other protruding obscenely for Elsa.

Elsa comprehended instantly. It would join them, link their bodies. Ingrid's magic would enter her with the ice. It would push into her womb and become children. Her children. Her and Ingrid's. Their own perfect family. Only a part of her quailed, and Elsa hated that part, that part that still cried out for Anna, but still…

"I've never done this before," she whispered.

"Oh?" Ingrid asked. "I watched you, Elsa, remember? With your hand? With the ice? This is actually a bit smaller…"

"You know what I mean. With someone else. Laying with someone as I would with a man. You're going to lay with me… like a man would."

"Yes. As you would've lain with Anna. I know I'm not her. But the same way you wanted to make her feel, I'll make you feel. We're family, after all. Family has to take care of each other."

Elsa wet her mouth with her own tongue. Her eyes were already lost in lust. She reached down, afraid to touch her own sex, it was so hot. But she splayed her legs open and put her fingers to her labia and spread them far apart, open for Ingrid, and her aunt's phallus bobbed as Ingrid lowered herself, the head inching closer and closer, touching her, entering her, then suddenly plunged inside her, thrust halfway inside her cunt.

Elsa screamed, writhing with pleasure, the slippery sensation inside surprising her.

"See?" Ingrid said. "You took it before. You can take it now. Just don't be afraid. Remember, it's only me." Ingrid smiled and shoved the phallus deeper. "You never have to be afraid of me."

Elsa whimpered in pain and pleasure. She wasn't afraid. Ingrid was pumping into her and it felt good and it could've been Anna feeling good, it could've been both of them, but Anna didn't want that, didn't want her, so now it was just the two of them and it felt so good.

"It hurts," Elsa whined, "but it feels good!"

"You deserve to feel good," Ingrid whispered as she pressed the rod up to the hilt in her niece's wet cunt. Elsa's hips rolled in a spasm of ecstasy, a shockingly wet noise coming from their coitus, and Ingrid kept going, coupling her body with Elsa's.

"Yes, yes," Elsa moaned, her pain and frustration gone, only pleasure and desire left. The icy shaft had disappeared so completely into the marsh of her sex that not even a tiny section was visible. Looking at the mirror, Elsa could only see their pale bodies melting together. And then, another glimpse of Anna's married life, chasing the children like they were her family, like they deserved her and not Elsa.

"Harder!" Elsa demanded. "I can take it!"

"Yes," Ingrid agreed. "I do believe you can."

Her hair was out of its bun, a sheen of gold polishing her back as she fucked the heavy shaft into Elsa, her niece arching her body upward, answering the challenge of Ingrid's powerful thrusts. Their bodies clashed wetly, Elsa's mouth fallen open, begging for a kiss that Ingrid withheld from her, preferring to let the deep sighs and low moans escape unencumbered. Elsa's breasts heaved with each thrust of the phallus into her body, her nipples growing longer and harder with every kiss Ingrid bestowed upon them.

Elsa's nails scratched across Ingrid's back; her hands pulled that soft, supple body even closer, trying to get her aunt to drive herself harder into Elsa's cunt. They fucked, venting all their need and frustration into the phallus that joined them, Ingrid breathing hard, Elsa squealing with delight. Their cold bodies blazed with sweat; the icy shaft glistened with Elsa's wetness.

They stroked each other's bodies as their sexes met, joined by the icy phallus. Elsa wrapped her white legs around Ingrid, pulling her in even tighter, needing the phallus fully sheathed in her even as she knew how pleasurable it was to have Ingrid thrust in and out of her.

She had never felt anything like the relentless pounding of the phallus into her, the riot of desire it produced inside. As much as she had enjoyed being hugged by Anna, holding her hand, it couldn't compare to this. To Ingrid.

"Can you hear it?" Ingrid asked, and Elsa did. The phallus wedged into both their bodies, making sounds that were loud, wet—gushing. "I hear how much you love it."

Elsa's cunt rushed up to meet Ingrid's hard, driving thrusts. Her sex plastered itself to every inch of the ice as Ingrid bounced in needing rhythm, willingly skewering herself on the phallus enclosed in her slit. Constant shudders ran through the rich curves of Ingrid's body as her end of the phallus lewdly jerked inside her.

She couldn't resist anymore. She kissed Elsa, joining their bodies from their entwined legs to their tangled pubic hair, their kissing breasts to their heated gazes. They fiercely grinded against each other, Ingrid on top of Elsa, fucking so hard it seemed as if the ice would break. It didn't. Ingrid bore down with it and Elsa thrust up to meet it, and it only got colder.

"We're almost done, Elsa," Ingrid said pleasantly. "You're going to come. Then you'll be mine. My child inside your womb, growing every day, until she finally arrives nine months from now and our family is complete. Do you like the sound of that, Elsa? Are you ready to bear my child?"

"Yes!" Elsa panted, her world the inescapable sight of Ingrid's lustful grin, her swinging breasts, the sound of Elsa's own groaning fleeing from her throat to fill the room.

Ingrid's phallus lunged into Elsa's swallowing cunt, over and over again.

"Harder!" Elsa begged. "Fuck me harder!"

"If I fucked you any harder, I'd be Kristoff. I've watched him fucking Anna. As hard as he tries, he never makes her come, the poor dear. But me, I just have to keep doing this. I know what your body wants. The same thing as mine, sweet girl. Would you like to learn this spell? Fuck me the way I'm fucking you? Fill my womb with a little Elsa to grow up with your own small one?"

Elsa's body was imprisoned, strained by the controlled savagery of Ingrid's strong thrusts. Icicle nipples pressed into each other. A sensuous film of sweat covered both their bodies. It froze and cracked as they continued to climb toward orgasm.

Elsa gripped Ingrid's knotted shoulders as she pleaded with her. "Yes! Yes! Show me how to make our family bigger! Make me come! I can't take it anymore!"

"Of course," Ingrid grunted. "Anything for my family."

She sent the phallus into Elsa harder than ever, leaving it buried to the hilt, knowing she'd made Elsa come.

And she had.

Elsa screamed at the top of her lungs, climaxing in a series of long, wet jolts that made her entire body sing. Time after time, she bucked up, clawing at Ingrid's pale body, marking her white skin with scarlet lines until she went limp and Ingrid stretched back, pulling the phallus from her. It returned to water, splattering against Ingrid's thighs, and she returned to Elsa, sprawling atop her newfound lover.

"Am I pregnant?" Elsa asked.

"Yes," Ingrid told her. She put a hand on Elsa's belly. "Our little princess. No bigger than a fingernail now, but soon, she'll be the third part of our perfect family."

Elsa gratefully turned them over, pressing Ingrid against the back of the couch and then steering into her embrace, letting Ingrid hold her more lovingly than anyone else in her family ever had.

"I wish you were my sister," she said, and Ingrid smiled as fondly as ice melted when it was spring.