Chapter 1

The tower had been vacant for nearly a week, and when all eight of them fell asleep on the couches and chairs of the main room, avenger's tower seemed to sleep too.

Tony, not having had his suit with him during the fight in the smoke, was noticeably more scratched up then he was when he got back from a mission which he used his suit during.

Natasha and Clint, on the other hand, having been trained assassins, barely had a single scratch between the two of them.

True, the fight ended with a decree of peace, but they had nothing to show from the fight, except the memory.

Steve, Bruce, and Thor had seemed in better shape than the rest of them, but still they decided to snag the opportunity to sleep while it was available.

Pietro and Wanda had been hesitant to fall asleep in a tower with six super-humans who had suddenly become their allies, but the lure of rest eased them comfortably onto the couch.

"It is seven forty-three," Jarvis' voice piped up when Bruce's eyes flickered opened, knowing that would be his first request.

"Thanks Jarvis," Bruce nodded to the ceiling, still not completely sure where exactly the voice came from.

"It's too early to be conscious," Tony rolled over on the couch he was occupying, pressing a pillow onto the back of his head.

Bruce rolled his eyes, sometimes the smartest person of them all could act like such a child.

"Is it morning?" Wanda called over to Bruce from where she sat next to her sleeping brother.

"Yes, Wanda, it's morning," Bruce answered her, surprised that he didn't notice she was awake before.

"Thank you," Wanda went back to smoothing back her brother's silver hair.

"I'm sure Tony has some extra rooms, if you wanted to get some rest," Bruce told her, noticing her glance at the mug of coffee that he had acquired.

"Want some?" Bruce motioned to the coffee machine.

"No, but thank you," Wanda said.

"And I'm quite comfortable here," she finished, turning her full attention to her brother.

Bruce nodded, perfectly fine with ending the strange conversation.

"Tony, come'on, you and me have work to do," Bruce grabbed the pillow off of Tony's head and bounced down the stairs to the workshop.

"Uhmhmhmmm," Tony mumbled on his way towards the stairs, still half asleep.

Steve was leaning against the base of a chair, a paper napkin held in place by three of his left hand's fingers, while the right hand drew a rose on the napkin with a pencil.

"That's lovely," Wanda scooted across the floor towards Steve.

"Here," Steve held out the napkin to her.

"Is it for me?" Wanda didn't take it at first, but then grasped it between her fingers carefully.

"Sure," Steve said, then got up to get his own cup of coffee.

Wanda stared at the drawing, admiring the art work of one so fierce and powerful.

"It's morning," she said, not having to move her eyes from the napkin to know that her brother had awoken.

Pietro nodded, used to his sister knowing when he did anything and everything. Sometimes having a witch for a sister could get on his nerves.

So, a lot of you suggested I go with #1-#2.

Which I have decided to do!

I really hope to see some enthusiasm for this continuation of Avenger's Tower!

Love it when you take a moment to Favorite, Follow, and of course, REVIEW!
