I know, I know… I should really be focused on PD or even New Love, but I'm at a serious blockage on both of them, so I thought I would put up something else that I have been working on for a little while. I only have a couple of chapters done as of now, but this is really more of an experiment for me than anything. I wanted to see if I would be able to write a completely different sort of fic than I normally do – that is, I wanted to see if I would be able to make Harry something else (i.e., a werewolf). See, usually I keep him about the same person, just with different things that would make it more AU. Now I wanted to branch off a bit and see if this would work…

Summary: "The man looked up and peered at Harry...in a moment, the eyes had pierced through him, and he felt his knees weakening in response to his pack instincts. This man was his Alpha." Remus is Harry's Alpha, but that doesn't mean that he is happy about it. After all, no one had been there when he was bitten at age five - why should anyone care now? Never mind that he knew his parents…

Rated: T (for language and theme)

Well, enough of my babbling… Enjoy the story, and if you have any suggestions for this one, PD, or New Love, please let me know!

He huffed as he ran from the park, away from the mean kids. What was so wrong with him? Why couldn't he make friends? He just couldn't understand it – he'd never done anything to them – nothing wrong. He didn't think so, anyway…but he was only five, so he wasn't too sure what was right and what was wrong when it came to making friends.

He wasn't too sure where he was going, either, and soon he found himself on the outskirts of a dark forest that he didn't recognize. He'd never been here before, and it was getting late. He looked back at the full moon rising past the sunset, and decided that he didn't care. He didn't want to go back home, so he entered the dark forest.

About an hour later, he was sincerely regretting his decision to venture into the forest. Now he was lost, and frightened. He'd heard strange sounds for what felt like days now – shrieking and screaming in the distance, rustles under the leaves, growling under the bushes. Logically he knew that it was mainly just his imagination, but he was too jittery to focus on that thought for too long. Most of the rustles after all, were rabbits and deer running from between the bushes.

He heard another rustle right next to him and jumped, but then quickly adopted the fiercest scowl he could muster.

"Go away, Mister Rabbit!" he said, but his voice wavered a little at the last part. "You don't scare me! Go eat some carrots, or…" He wasn't quite sure what to say – why was he even scared of a rabbit? So he determinedly turned and walked away.

Suddenly something slammed into him from behind, and he cried out as he was shoved to the ground. He quickly rolled over onto his back and scrambled to get away from whatever it was that had attacked him. He couldn't see it, and his eyes darted around fearfully. He heard a deep rumbling growl, like a rabid dog would make, and leaped to his feet.

"Go away!" he shrieked hysterically, tears spilling freely from his eyes. "Leave me alone!"

Something sharp swiped at his arm from behind, and he cried out as he felt his skin tear and warm liquid flowed down his arm. He began running away from the animal that had attacked him, and he heard large paws pounding on the ground behind him, leaping after him.

Then the animal leapt over his head, and he caught a glimpse of a long, lean body covered in dark brown fur, a long snout, and sharp teeth dripping in drool. The animal landed in front of him and turned to snarl at him, and he didn't even have the presence of mind to be able to identify what kind of animal it was. It did remind him of a wolf though, sort of – but this was the largest man-like wolf he'd ever seen.

He screamed and didn't even turn around, beginning to run backwards away from the animal, unable to take his eyes off the demonic-like eyes and the slavering mouth.

The wolf-like creature seemed to grin at his fear before it suddenly leaped again, knocking the little boy to the ground on his back, paws pressed to keep him down. The wolf threw its head back and howled a long, bone-chilling howl – a howl of triumph. Then the head descended, jaws open, biting with powerful force into the little boy below him.

The boy shrieked a shrill wail of pain and agony as the full moon continued to twinkle innocently down.


P.S. The updates for this will probably be a bit sporadic, as it's not my main focus right now :/