A/N: *nervous laugh* haha, heyyyy guys... *dodges thrown objects*

I know I know, "I suck" doesn't even begin to describe how much of a butt I am. I won't make up excuses because I know you guys don't really want to hear them. I'm just going to go hide...um, here's the next chapter, I'm sorry I made all of you wait so long for it. It's kind of short but bear with me. Hopefully I can get the next chapter up soon but until then, here's something to hold you over? You may need to reread the last chapter to remember what has happened. Again, I'm really sorry I dropped off like that.

Thankfully, cleanup went smoothly. After King Jefford regained consciousness, he apologized for all damage caused and offered to pay compensation. Elsa tried to explain that it really wasn't necessary but he refused to accept no for an answer. After Elsa finally agreed, the king left quickly. Hans' unconscious body was thoroughly restrained and tossed into his ship's holding cell for the trip back home. Needless to say, the wedding reception ended after that. The celebratory atmosphere gone after the attempted murder of basically the entire Arendelle royal family, however small it was.

It was a bit of a flood as all the guessed began leaving. Queen Rosslyn had been a tremendous help sorting out the departures as the various nobles poured out of the kingdom. Elsa did what she could too, but she was obviously a bit shaken despite her best efforts to keep calm and unfazed. The biggest comfort was Jack's solid presence at her side the entire night. He had managed to keep her anchored while she spoke to guests who had made the far trip out only for it to be cut short. It was a bit scary to think of how easily she felt at ease around him. How she really really wanted to sit down and just rest her head on Jack's shoulder instead of talking to kings and queens. That wasn't right. Yes, he was her husband but it had only been one day. Hadn't she been the one who had told Anna not to be so quick to judge? It was too early to start thinking like that. Elsa just needed to get to know Jack first. To take a step back

At least...for now.

This all running through her head as she absently said farewell to the departing nobles who smiled politely and assured her that the wedding was wonderful nonetheless; accepting the compliments mindlessly.

Finally, after the last of the nobles had left—save fore for Rosslyn, North, Bunnymund, Toothiana, and Sanderson, of course... which, in hindsight, is a bit much- Elsa let herself finally let out a much needed, noisy sigh; her shoulders deflating as she did.

The Snow Queen ran a hand over her tired face, as she felt the night's end seem to suddenly weigh on her.

Jack put a comforting hand on Elsa's bare shoulder and she had to suppress a shiver. Again, she was a bit taken by his cool touch that was so obviously not warm like anyone else. That's not to say Elsa doesn't enjoy warmth, heat feels just as pleasant but this, this was...cold; this was new. She had felt very minor degrees of cool. She knew when things were cold but she never felt it. Never the casual chill that came with Jack. It was a bit strange how he, of all people, brought out the feeling, yet, the more she thought about it, the more heat seemed to find it's way underneath the young guardian's fingertips, like a little whisper playing on her skin.

"Jack," Bunnymund called, his voice snapping Elsa out of her minor daze as she spotted the australian striding towards them.

Jack turned to the pooka and retracting his hand from its perch on Elsa's shoulder. The young queen scolded inwardly at the loss of touch but managed to keep her disappointment from showing then scowled herself for feeling it in the first place.

"Come on mate, Rossy and North wanna talk to you about something." Bunny said.

There was the slightest bit of hesitation on Jacks part, a miniscule pause that if Elsa hadn't been watching, she would have missed it, before he nodded and followed Bunny out of the main hall.

For the second time that night, the Snow Queen let out a tired sigh. She found herself rubbing absently at her shoulders.

Anna caught Elsa as she was leaving the main hall.

Anna looking as tired as Elsa felt. Her strawberry blond hair was now falling out of her once neat bun and her dress creased in all the wrong places, blood staining the front.

"Oh Elsa, hey, I was just coming to find you, how are you?" Anna asked sympathetically.

"As well as you can expect." Elsa shrugged halfheartedly. "How's Kistof?"

"Better. He'll live, the stubborn idiot." Anna smirked, just a little. But it was enough for Elsa to realize just how far over the moon Anna and Kristof were for each other.

"But that's not why I came, I was thinking and um,..." Anna looked a round in a way that confused Elsa, " You think we can talk somewhere else?"

Anna didn't wait for an answer as she pulled Elsa down the hall and into one of the many empty conference rooms.

"So," the Princess drew out the word when they were safely alone, " What now?"

"Isn't that my line" Elsa questioned playfully.

Anna gave her a look. You know what I mean.

Elsa sighed, "Well, Jack and his friends are staying here for the night. Tomorrow I'll head to Sorono."

"No, not that." Anna sighed, waving her hand in dismissal, "I mean what are you going to tell Jack?"

Now it was Elsa's turn to sigh. She had already given this a lot of thought. Especially after it almost came out earlier that night. She did want to tell him but what if…what if he reacts badly? It was very possible, especially considering the Witch Hunt movement sweeping through Europe. That was why the kingdom had decided to keep Elsa's powers hidden. What if Jack was part of the movement and tried to have Elsa killed? And even if that threat didn't exist, a lifetime of hiding left its marks. Opening up wasn't something someone just…did. What if Jack just plain freaked out and thought she was a monster?

"I—not yet." Elsa said finally.

"I mean eventually, I might tell him because, you know, I have to live with him for the rest of my life but—I want to get to know him first."

Anna nodded, "Yeah, okay. I just wanted to check." She said quietly.

Elsa smiled and pulled her little sister into a hug. It was just like Anna to worry.

Anna pulled away, "One more thing, you know that you and Jack are going to have to share a bed tonight, right?"

Elsa groaned.

"Hey, where you start in getting to know him is your choice." Anna said, wiggling her eyebrow.

The Snow Queen pushed her little sister playfully as they left the conference room.

Bunny lead Jack into one of the many over-sized bedrooms within the castle.

As jack walked in, he surveyed it, noting the intricate wallpaper, the Massive bed with a gold colored duvet and about 50,000 pillows on it. Brass candlesticks hung from the walls, casting the room into a yellow glow.

In the middle of the room, North and Rosslyn sat on the bed while, to the side, Tooth and Sandy stood leaning on the dark, mahogany bed posts.

The whole gang was here, Jack noted. Right, so not just royal stuff then, guardian related.

As the door to the room safely shut, Jack decided to start things off.

"So," Jack said, drawing out the word as he spoke, "What're we all here for then?"

North shifted where he sat before clearing his voice, "We all know that this evening, princess Anna was attacked by Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. And although the situation was handled, it does pose a very important question."

North looked pointedly at Jack, "I know this time the threat wasn't Guardian related and we were able to handle the situation without having to expose ourselves but next time we may not be so lucky." North turned back to the rest of the group, "The question is, What do we tell Queen Elsa?"

Bunny was the first to respond, "she can't know."

Tooth cut in next, " I disagree, I think we should tell her. She seems like a good person, and now she's married to Jack. She deserves to know."

Sandman nodded in agreement.

Bunny let out a harsh laugh, "You think she's going to believe us? That the Easter bunny, the sandman, Santa Claus, we all really exist?"

"Well, it's easy enough to show her!" Tooth shot back, she almost visibly bristled. Jack could imagine in her real form, her feathers would probably be standing on end. "Jack creates snow out of nothing for god's sake and I have wings!"

"That doesn't mean she'll take it well. What if she freaks out, huh? What if she sees our magic and screams 'evil' and suddenly Jack gets burned at the stake!"

A silence fell over the room, Bunnymund's words hung heavy, suspended in air. It was a dark time in Europe. Witch hunts were just one of the things that started spreading through the continent after Pitch disappeared. Up until now, the guardians had tried their best to put the subject out of their heads, tried to ignore it. You can't bring joy to children with thoughts of grief. So they had all put it in the back of their minds and went on with their duties.

At this point, Jack decided to break the silence. "Do I get a say?" he asked. The phrase cut through the room like a knife as all eyes turned to him.

North was the first to recover, "Of course Jack, go ahead."

Jack nodded, "God I can't believe I'm saying this," he muttered, "but I agree with Bunny."

An unreadable expression filtered across Tooth's face but Jack decided to ignore it and continued, "It's too dangerous to tell Queen Elsa, to tell Arendelle. At least... for now.

"I think we should wait a while. See if we can trust Queen Elsa and Princess Anna enough to tell them, give me time to see first. We'll be spending the first month of our marriage in Sorono anyways, I can probably get an idea of how she is then. "

Sandman looked around at all the Guardians before stepping up and nodding in agreement. North next and the remaining Guardians soon followed.

"Jack finally had a decent idea," Bunny smirked.

Jack rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue childishly.

North clapped his hands and smiled, "I think that was all we needed to talk about for now. It has been a long night and we should all go get some rest. We'll meet again for breakfast tomorrow before Rosslyn, Jack, and Queen Elsa have to head back to Sorono. "

Just like that, the meeting was over. They all filed out of the room and wandered to wherever they planned to stay for the night.

Out in the hallway, though, Tooth stopped Jack by gently pulling his wrist.
"Jack, wait." She said.

Jack turned to her expectantly.

"You're sure about this? . . . All of this?" Tooth asked, "I now we kind of pushed you into it and...I just want to make sure you're sure."

Jack let out a slight huff of a laugh, "It's a little late to back out now, don't you think?" He asked gently.

Tooth smiled shyly.

"It'll be fine, Tooth. I'll be fine." he reassured.

"If you're sure, Jack," the fairy responded, "It might not be as easy as you think. Remember, Jack, you're married now, it might not be as simple as not telling her."

Jack looked at Toothiana quizzically before Tooth just sighed.

"Never mind. Just . . . remember that okay?" she lightly squeezed Jack's wrist that she had been holding the entire time before letting go. "Good night Jack, go enjoy your wedding night." Tooth turned to walk down the hall and Jack watched her for a brief moment then also turning and wandering off to try to find his own room.

A/N: Before I left, I remember getting a lot of reviews asking when Jack and Elsa will find out each other have powers. I tried to answer that in this chapter. If you all have any other questions, go ahead and leave a review. If not, leave a review anyways, I love getting them and I really do read all of them even if I don't respond. The next chapter will probably be the same length as this one, look forward to awkward wedding night conversations. Thank you guys so much, I love you all. I honestly cannot apologize enough for falling off the grid like that.