Hey guys, not really sure how to go about this one, but I have decided to quit writing fan fiction, there are a number of reasons and I will do my best to explain them, so I ask for a little understanding.

First and foremost would be my wife and I are expecting a child, I am incredibly happy and excited about it, but with the developments in my life recently I haven't had the time to update at all, but more than that I do not even have the motivation to do so anymore. Writing these stories has always been a hobby, I wanted to write chapter's so I did so, now I feel like I have to write them and I no longer want to as much as it sucks to leave so many of these stories unfinished there is a small silver lining for a few of my stories.

A close friend of mine has offered to pick up three of my stories, I know it's not many but at least a few will be continued, originally I had planned to drop all my stories completely as I didn't want to lose my own touch, even though it's a hobby I put quite a bit of effort into my stories, I really wanted them to be liked even if it was just for fun and I am satisfied with all of them. But as I said before, I no longer find it fun, it feels more like a chore and I don't like the chapters I am coming up with, but that's life, I never expected to be where I am today at all but I wouldn't ask for it to be any other way, I had a lot of fun writing these stories, talking with followers, I was flamed quite a bit when I started out, but I think I wrote a few stories that people really enjoyed and that makes me very happy.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for following, favouriting (This isn't really a word so I'm going with this spelling.), reviewing, messaging me when I disappeared for a month and even those people who just read the stories, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Now, with that I can tell you the stories that will continue.

The three fictions my friend asked to pick are:

A Wolf Among Hunters

The Legend of the Dragonkin

A New Vongola

His Pen-Name is Grandtheftfandom (Personally I think this is great.) He was actually the person that first got me to upload my fictions here, so if it wasn't for him I would never have written what I have, ironically he never uploaded his own stories even though I think they are quite good, hell maybe you guys can convince him to get one up. But as far as I am concerned no one would be able to continue my stories as close to my own writing style as him and I think he will do these three stories justice.

Again, I'd like to thank everyone for reading and enjoying my work, I appreciate it immensely and I doubt the stories would have evolved like they did without the input of some of you on here. But unfortunately this is it for me, I also would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays.

So, I guess that's it, this is the last time I will be seeing you guys here, but it was fun.

