File 55: Royal messengers

And so, Yusuke found himself playing video games with Genkai at her home. Although her tradional rooms suited more activities like calligraphy, ikebana, tea ceremony or the playing of some tradional instrument like the koto or shamisen rather than video games.

"Don't get soft on me! It's your ass, you wipe it." The relentless old master rebuked him, just as Urameshi had thought she would. That moment of inattention was enough to tip the balance and allow her to trounce him in the game. "Whatever you do from here on is up to you. Even supposing you grow tired of everything in this world, and decide to blow it away, I no longer have the power to stop you."

"Wh-what are you saying out of the blue?" That one had slightly piqued him. It was now too late to try and turn the tables and he lost miserably... again.

"Everyone has something that they can destroy depending on their mood. It could be a toy, a pet, their family, their country... depending on the person. Yours is just much larger than others, that's all. If you ever feel like destroying yours, come here before you do. I will let you have my life first." Genkai smiled at him. For a second, he was touched by her selflessness and her feelings for him. Wait! Who was going all soft now?! That wasn't like her!

"That's so stupid!" No matter how many years may pass, the importance of his comrades won't change. Fighting might be a given, but he could never consider killing them. She gave him a memo. It was the address of Sato Kuroko. Her maiden name was Sanada Kuroko, and she was the first Spirit Detective, and as such, closer to Yusuke than Genkai. Just chatting with her should be insightful.

The next day, while Urameshi skipped class again (not knowing how Kuwabara and especially Keiko were worried about him) to go see Kuroko somewhere faaaar in the boonies, Koenma had gone to Genkai to hear how she had handled the issue. The prince believed it had been wise to send him to Kuroko. Knowing her, there was nothing to worry about. But Genkai felt that something was still up. Enma's orders to eliminate Yusuke had gone out to all sorts of places. In both the Reikai and Ningenkai, there were only a small handful of people who could defeat Yusuke now. And among them were those who had once served as Spirit Detectives... as well as...

"That's right. I was also asked to kill Yusuke." Akari suddenly slid a door and entered. "Of course I kindly and politely declined." She added with a cutie smile.

"So they did come to you after all..." Junior said.

"Yep. Still, your pop can be quite harsh... or more like annoying?" She pondered. She understood that the Great King Enma had to preserve mankind and eradicate any potential threat. But 'for the sake of humanity' wasn't a valid enough reason for her to act. As a human herself, she knew that more than the 'humane' side, the utterly rotten and cruel side was significantly more powerful and widespread, be they cruel towards animals or their peers. Humans were actually the most inhumane creatures. That might make her one of those rotten humans but IF she thought about it, she actually believed Sensui to be right and would be perfectly fine if this Earth was less crowded. It was also true that humans were quickly destroying their own planet. What more... every single creature preyed upon others and were also being preyed upon so it was only natural that humans should also fall prey to another species. That could also serve to regulate the population. With that in mind, she was also perfectly fine with demons eating humans. However, he had chosen the wrong methods to achieve his goal. Although she loved chaos and free-for-alls, she also needed a peaceful 'nest' to return to. As long as it was out of her sight and hearing, she didn't care what happened to others. But she would fiercely protect her nest, her territory, and those inside, those she loved. So demons swarming the place was out of the question.

Suddenly, she sensed three familiar youkis... although they were unnaturally weak.

"Looks like I have some visitors." She went out the room and stopped right outside on the wooden walkway. "Been a while, Hokushin, Touou, Seiten." She greeted.

Akari and the three demons headed to a different room to talk. They were sitting formally on their shins while she was sitting cross-legged. Actually, when she had first gone to the Makai in order to train, she had spent most of the time with those three and their King, Toushin Raizen... as well as some of Raizen's friends... or rather, his fighting pals. Well, she was always treated like a newborn (considering the gap in power, it was only natural) and was always teased. They were properly training her though since teasing her WAS the best way to raise her fighting spirit and make her grow. Her grandmother used the exact same method too. Beyond the fact that Raizen had been abiding by his decision not to eat humans for 1000 years and his subordinates' intention to follow in his footsteps over time, she loved their aesthetics. Having fun fights was more important than anything. And comraderie was born the moment they found other people with which they had fun fighting. It was all thanks to them that she learned about the fun side of combat, because she met such strong and nice (?) people who made perfect milestones to surpass. They had opened a new horizon to her who had only been focused on revenge until then, making her realize how tiny her world until then had been. And they had also told her about the situation with the two other kings, Yomi, and Mukuro.

And now, those three had come to ask HER for help... as well as Yusuke's. Raizen had one year left at best, most likely, only half a year. Urameshi was Raizen's descendant. When they told her that, Katsuyama didn't look surprised, though she had mixed feelings about it. She had already sensed that. Just like her and Yusuke's growth had been sensed during their brief trip to the Makai to fight Sensui, although they could still be considered fledglings. The situation of Raizen's faction was desperate. They needed as much help as they could get, which was why they needed her to return with them to train to become proper war potential. The girl slumped down on her back and stared at the ceiling.

"As a human I don't feel all too concerned with the happenings of the Demon World. There are Kokou-nee and Enki and Natsume-san and Kujou-san and the others too. That said, you came at a perfect time. I was just getting bored and thinking that a good work out would be nice. An all-out war against two super powers should be the perfect way to keep me entertained. All the best if I can get stronger! All the best if we're the weakest dog! Although that guy's a shitty old coot, him croaking without me having been able to make him cry and beg even once would be mortifying beyond reason... Alright! I'm in!" She reasoned outloud.

Of course, she didn't utter a word about the debt she owed them... nor did Hokushin, Seiten, or even Touou get angry about her calling their Raizen-sama a 'shitty old coot'. Those two had their own way of showing affection. They knew that if possible, she didn't want him to die at all, and that she had also come to respect and admire him and his strength. They were also used to her running her big mouth. She always had a way to phrase things to make herself seem superior somehow or another. Or like that was the only way she could talk. She didn't have the power to back it up yet, but they were certain she had the potential. So they humored her. Although she had some extremely vicious, troublesome, and careless sides, she was still a cute kid after all. Unless it was what made her cute? In any case, she was coming back as their ally. They rejoiced. What more... what she lacked in power, she was making up for it with spirit! So much that even they felt inspired by it.

"By the way, you said you were going to talk to Yusuke, right? He's the stupid and straightforward type of guy but he can be unexpectedly slippery in more ways than one. You should choose your words carefully and not underestimate him." Akari smirked.

Urameshi took the train and came deep in a mountainous countryside. He was starting to feel like he was being tossed around because nobody wanted to deal with him and that annoyed him. He passed through a village, entered the mountain, crossed a river, climbed up a rocky area, and followed a forest path. The sun was setting already. He arrived at a barrier with a notice board reading 'Private property ahead. Beware of dogs!' As if people would ever come to such an out-of-the-way place. But as he kept walking, he stumbled upon some grotesque skeletons that didn't seem very human. And then he sensed two threatening presences. He avoided their attacks. Those two assailants were small, fast, and agile, and they were actually... two human children, a boy and a girl, no older than 10 who almost looked like twins. That was a surprise. They apparently believed him to be a youkai in disguise who had come to kill their mom. Urameshi dismissed them, telling them to go play hero somewhere else. They didn't listen and charged again. He easily contained their onslaught, using only one finger each to block them. When their blows diversified, he just evaded them, his hands once more in his pockets, and even made it so they'd take each other out. Then he leapt onto a branch and taunted them like an even younger brat. They snapped and combined their reiki into a ball inbetween them.

"Kaisei! Fubuki! Stop!" A female voice stopped them right before they launched it. They obeyed and the ball of energy vanished. It was their mother, Kuroko, who approached. She was a beautiful woman with sharp features, long, straight black hair in a low ponytail, wearing jeans and a black sweater. She had received word from Genkai-shihan that a lively one would be coming. Yusuke jumped down. The four walked to the first generation Reikai Tantei's home. She apologized to him about her children attacking him. She had trained them to attack whenever they sensed youki. But now they knew his face so they weren't going to attack anymore. The 'dangerous dogs' he had been warned about at the entrance was actually referring to these two, though they were more vicious than dogs. And the bones he had seen were actually from the youkais they had killed.

They arrived at a wooden cabin where Yusuke met Kuroko's husband, Sato Shougo, a novelist. He looked surprisingly plain compared to his wife. He was the one who brought tea while his kids were mocking Urameshi's name. At their mother's demand, the children properly introduced them themselves... The boy was Sanada Kaisei, 9, and the girl, Sanada Fubuki, 8. The guest noted the difference in surname. Actually they found their mother's maiden name 'Sanada' much cooler than their father's name 'Sato'. There were Satos all over the place and it had too sweet a sound (written with a different kanji, sato meant 'sugar'). Sanada was more warrior-like, like famed samurai and military commander of the Warring States period Sanada Yukimura. But Shougo was all depressed now, having his name depreciated like this. His spouse comforted him. That was just child talk.

As she was flying back to the city, Akari came face to face with a large flying gargoyle-like monster. It had a collar whose chain was held by a small humanoid demon. Instantly alert (as aside from those she knew, demons rarely came to her with friendly intentions) she questioned them about their identity and reason for being in her way. They were Mukuro's envoys, and had a messageball for her. She refused at first. After all, she was buds with Raizen and his gang. However, it seemed like Mukuro-sama was urging her to take future prospects into account and reconsider her allegiance. That annoyed her. But she decided to still accept the messageball. She was always curious about the strong and it was a chance to know more about those on the other side.

In the Satos' house, Kuroko offered Yusuke brandy. He happily accepted since no other adult would give liquor to a teenager. The kids wanted to drink too and she accepted, shocking the guest again. Well, the little ones just got whiskey bonbons, and Urameshi, just a drop of brandy in his tea. The young man hung his head. He got his hopes up for nothing after all. He should have known. Kaisei and Fubuki were smashed after a single whiskey chocolate. Their mother mocked them, although she was just as drunk with a glass of beer or two. Seeing them like this, Yusuke could understand just how troubled Mr. Sato could be with such a family. But soon, the little kids went to sleep, leaving the adults to talk seriously.

Kuroko retired as a Reikai Tantei in order to get married. She gave up the rough world to live for love, although those youkai never learned and kept coming after her. Her ordinary days might be dull but she was happy like this. Before getting married, she had met Shinobu. She could tell his spiritual strength from just a glance but in the same time, he looked really sad. Well, Yusuke had nothing to worry about on that point. She guaranteed that he could continue as a Spirit Detective for ten more years. When he told her he had already been fired, she asked her husband to tell his fortune. With the teen's agreement, Shougo read his palm and studied his expression and physiology.

"You are not discontent with the things around you... however... Somewhere in your heart, you have a desire to be placed in danger." The diviner surmised.

"Bingo, you nailed it."

"If you would think about your own feelings first, you'd come to a decision during times of confusion. And whether you like it or not, danger is coming for you."

"Bingo." A shadow said. The person, flanked by two others, was standing on a tree branch overlooking the cabin. When they came down, the two former spirit detectives sensed their presence and turned to the door.

"Who is it?" The woman questioned. The three appeared inside. Their appearance was reminding of monks. All three men were bald and wore the same clothing: blue robes and a gray vest decorated with dark triangles. Kuroko approached them and repeated her question more politely.

"We have no business with you. We need to speak to that man over there." The square-faced arrogant one on the right retorted.

"Touou!" The middle man spoke his comrade's name warningly and stepped forth. He apologized for the late hour, and that he was going to be brief since they had little time. They had found Yusuke by tracking his youki. Also going straight to the point, Urameshi asked the business they had with him. "We are emissaries from the Demon World."

Yusuke found it strange. He could barely feel any youki from them. They must be weaklings, and yet they said they were residents of the Makai? His interlocutor understood his doubts, however, according to the Reikai's ranking system, Touou and Seitei were A-class demons while he, Hokushin, was a S-class demon. The teen pointed out that the boundary tunnel had been sealed and there was the barrier in place preventing such demons from coming through. Those three they had come without making use of a dimensional rift. There was a simpler way that also allowed them to avoid detection. But then Kuroko demanded to be filled in. So Yusuke told her about the whole affair with Sensui. Things had moved on fast since she had retreated from the frontlines over ten years ago. Then he turned back to the youkais to ask how they snuck into the Human World. Hokushin explained all they had to do was suppress their energy to that of a D-class demon. He showed them his torso where a disgusting organic device was attached to his body and palpitating. It was this thing that suppressed their energy. It couldn't be removed until they returned to the Makai. There were other methods but they were illegal, and thus forbidden to them. When coming to the Ningenkai was absolutely necessary, they were permitted to equip this implant for a short amount of time. And the reason why they had to go through all that trouble to talk to him was because they had been asked to invite him to return with them... by his true 'father'.

"You mean the youkai who used that demonkin grand atavism stuff?" Urameshi questioned. Hokushin confirmed. "He's like a moth to a flame. He just comes straight at me! Then that geezer is still alive?!" He exclaimed. The bald S-class demon confirmed again. "Is he strong?" More than angry his voice now sounded hopeful and excited. Hokushin testified. And Yusuke wanted him to take him to that asshole right now since he's got a mountain of things to say. Seitei told him not to be hasty and to hear them out first. Their passage in and out of the Human World was strictly regulated, and Urameshi was no exception. His accompanying them would mean he has agreed to join to their side as it was their very purpose for coming here. They could not take an outsider back with them. Yusuke did not expect the Makai to have any rule. That angered Seitei and Touou but Hokushin cut them off before they could say anything.

These laws only applied to their country. There were many nations in the Demon World, and theirs was but a small one. It was true that the Makai was a world without order, or more like disorder was actually the best law, and people tended to isolate themselves. But now a great change was taking place. A contest between just three youkais had involved the entire Demon World. Yusuke thought it was just an ordinary brawl. Hokushin agreed. However, each of those three had the power to rule over the Makai. And they detested each other for lots of various reasons, including food. All three were the type that must consume humans for energy. One declared 'it's time we stopped eating humans'. Another instantly objected 'my stomach cannot accept anything other than humans, and I'm barely making do with what little I eat'. And the last one claimed 'they multiply at such a rapid rate we should feel free to eat them as we please'. They never agreed or compromised on anything but since their powers were so evenly matched, a dubious balance was achieved. If two were to fight and one should win, the third would take this chance to finish him off. This delicate equilibrium has been maintained for over 500 years (which shocked Yusuke). Well all three kings were extremely patient and cautious, which was about the only things they had in common.

However, that balance was crumbling as now, the youkai against using humans as food was on the verge of death. And that demon was the ruler of their country, Warrior God, Toushin Raizen... as well as Urameshi's true father. Having not had a meal in the last 1000 years, he was dying from lack of nourishment. They had no idea why he would abstain from eating humans to the point of sacrificing his own life and no encouragement could bend his will. But as long as that was his will, they would obey it. If that ruler fell, the rest of them would fight in his place, but they lacked numbers and power. The king knew Urameshi had come to the Demon World once before.

"I knew it! That bastard stuck his nose in my fight!"

"You felt it, then. He told us 'he's not worth shit now but he'll eventually be a big help'."

"I don't like it at all! You don't want me, but anyone you can get. You're grasping at straws even when you know you can't win."

"In all honesty, you are correct. I cannot hope to match the power of our king or the two others. Likewise, your current power is a far cry from mine. That is why we wish to bring you back to the Demon World and train you there."

"I still don't buy it. Something's fishy. Why should I believe any of this? The only part I can confirm is whether or not you're stronger than me." Yusuke smirked challengingly.

"Would you like to test it out?" Hokushin smirked too. The monks stood up. Kuroko ordered them to take it outside and NOT destroy the house. His young visitor reassured her and the four demons left.

Akari landed on a deserted area of the city. Kurama and her had a date. He had allowed her to take the day off on this condition (and that was his way to make sure she'd actually return). She wanted to see him of course, and she also needed to tell him her decision. But then, as she was cutting through a vacant lot, she felt a, no, three demonic presences...

"Again, huh? Why is everyone trying to stop me from going to my date? Being popular sure can be annoying. Still... how can I be so sinful... having such beauty, power and intelligence that all three Kings so desire me?!" The girl declaimed to the heavens, shining and posing oh so dramatically. However, those people were so totally unresponsive that after a while she dropped the act, shine, and pose and sighed dejectedly. What complete lack of sociability and sense of humor. Shouldn't they do whatever was needed to please her if they really intended to recruit her? Wasn't it obvious they had to get along with her act? That bunch was really no fun. "So, what if I say that I'm already taken? What will Yomi-sama do?" She probed, serious again, after having correctly guessed the identity and purpose of those three.

"He will insist. Everything is here." A messageball floated from the middle guy to Akari and the youkais disappeared without further ado. Then it started raining. Katsuyama sighed again. What was with those people?! They were not headhunters, just delivery boys! There was a mistake in the choice of personel! At least, Raizen had sent his close aide, Hokushin, who could make a proper conversation! The best would have been people with charm and skills! No, well, it was true that it would be bad if she was late for her date. Needless to say, Kurama took precedence... But couldn't a rendez-vous for a business lunch meeting have been good?! Had they been better (looking?) company!

Urameshi and his three guests stopped a distance away from the house in the woods. Yusuke wanted his opponent to remove that device as he couldn't be considering fighting in that D-class mode. However, as Hokushin had previously said, it couldn't be removed until he returned to the Makai... and he was confident to win even with it still implanted. Naturally, being belittled to this extent severely angered Urameshi who seriously threatened to kill him.

"Please make every effort to. I want you to understand how earnest we are. Considering our current respective powers, one punch from you would blow me to smithereens... assuming you can hit me of course." Hokushin taunted his interlocutor, aggravating him even more. "My special ability remains intact even if my overall power is D-class." He smirked and lightly punched a tree, causing a number of leaves to fall, removed his vest, and entered a battle stance. "Let us begin. I will win our match before the last leaf touches the ground."

"Tsk... messing around with me... Your funeral dude! Bring it on!" The former and fired (up) Reikai Tantei yelled. The demon monk charged, and his slowness further annoyed Yusuke. Was that lack of speed due to having his spectral powers reduced so much or was he just belittling him? Whatever, if that guy wanted to die so badly, he was gladly going to help! Yusuke aimed a punch at his opponent's face... that just lost all shape and literally TWISTED out of the way! His head and neck just seemed made out of rubber or bubble gum! Hokushin actually had the most pliable body of the Demon World. That was his ability. He could pick up a stone over 20 metres away just by stretching his arm. He coiled around the boy's arms, greatly reducing his movements. Urameshi cursed and vainly attempted to tear that neck apart but it just kept stretching. And then the man-eating demon took a knife from his clothes and walked towards him. The hold on the boy tightened, the arm elongated, and the knife stabbed Yusuke.

"Checkmate." The scout claimed before the last leaf touched the ground.