Hello Cursed fans. :)

I want to thank all of you so much for favoriting, following, and providing feedback on this story. It was a pleasure to write and More Than a Feeling has been as well, though it is slower going. What I wanted to do is let all of you know that I have begun Dean's version of Cursed. It relays the events exactly as they happened in this fic, but through the eyes of Dean Winchester. I never had any plans to do it, but I was trying to get inspiration for MTaF and ended up with this. Chapter one is up now and will have three chapters and an epilogue. Hopefully this will help fill the void until I can put together a quality chapter for MTaF.

If you are interested in revisiting Cursed through Dean's eyes, check out Crave via my profile. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

- JoieWilder