I've had this chapter for a while now, I'm not sure why I haven't posted it earlier. I guess I was never really happy with it, but here it is. It will be the last chapter in this story (for now at least), perhaps I'll make a sequel some day (no promises though).

11. It's a Queer Night

"You guys have never talked about Prom before?" Alec wondered, while they were all hanging out in the back of the schoolyard after school. Isabelle, of course had brought up the topic, because she'd seen a dress down town.

"Yeah, but this year we're all coupled up," Clary shrugged. Alec looked at Jace, half expecting him to protest, but half already knowing that Jace thought any kind of event would be exciting as long as he would be there with Clary.

"We could rent a limousine!" Simon cheered.

"Isn't that a bit cliché?" Jace wrinkled his nose.

"Do you have a better idea?"

"I do, but I won't tell you yet. It will blow your mind," Jace assured him. What was happening to his best friend? He had never been romantic, not before Clary. But then again, Alec couldn't really blame him, because wasn't he the guy who had arranged romantic weekends with his boyfriend every so often?

"So I should definitely ask Magnus even though he's the senior?" Alec asked. He was way past being embarrassed about asking his friends for advice about boyfriend stuff.

"I dunno, are you the guy in the relationship?" Izzy wondered.

"Come on, that sort of gender stereotype is a bit outdated," Simon said, but Izzy and Jace kept waiting for an answer it seemed. Why did Simon have to be the evolved one of them?

"What Simon said," Alec eventually replied.

"Really? No saucy details?" Jace grinned.

"I don't ask about your… saucy details, you don't need to know about mine." But Alec felt his cheeks flush. He knew what they were really asking.

"Oh gosh, you are the girl?" Simon exclaimed in a teasing manner, showing that he didn't really want to admit that he in fact did have a somewhat stereotypical image of gay couples as well.

"No," Alec fought hard to keep his calm.

"Who wears the pants?" Jace asked.

"No one!" Alec protested almost as a reflex, only afterwards realizing what he'd answered, but it was too late, because Jace burst out laughing. "That's enough. I thought you guys were more mature," Alec said, got to his feet and left the group in anger, wishing he was also leaving high school this summer, but he had another year.

He went around the school and was just in time to pick up Magnus after his detention, which he had gotten for some witty comeback at a teacher.

"Hey there, handsome," Magnus' face lit up by the sight of Alec and it made him feel a lot better already.

"Hey," he smiled back, but he wasn't entirely sure if he had pulled it off. Magnus put his arm around Alec, while waving goodbye to the rest of the kids from detention. "Did you make friends?" Alec wondered, sounding more surprised than he probably should.

"Yeah, we had a real Breakfast club kind of connection," Magnus grinned.


"The iconic eighties movie? No? Well, we'll go home and watch it if you don't have anything else to do?" Magnus suggested.


Magnus stopped then and looked at his boyfriend sideways.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Alec wondered.

"I could have sworn you were upset a minute ago?" Magnus studied Alec's face.

"I was, but then I saw you," Alec admitted. Magnus bit his lip, as if to hide his overwhelming emotion that somehow Alec was once again the source of. Magnus seemed unable to stop himself, and he lifted his hand to the back of Alec's head and gently pushed him closer to himself, closing that small distance with a heavy kiss. Alec's body turned reflexively and he pressed himself against Magnus for a moment, before remembering that they were still on school ground.

"Let's go to my place," Magnus smiled softly.

"Were we a bit too harsh? I mean, we were only joking, he knew that?" Izzy seemed almost upset, which was a rare sight, but when it came to her brother Clary supposed it was possible.

"Maybe you crossed the line a bit. You know he doesn't like it when he's the center of the joke, I mean, who can blame him? He doesn't make jokes about you guys either," Clary shrugged.

"Shit, you got a point. Now I feel horrible," Jace sighed, and pulled out his cell phone to text an apology, Clary thought. She had to refrain herself from looking at the display, even though Jace wouldn't care, she wouldn't be able to keep her thoughts to herself if Jace's apology would contain any sort of wit, which it most likely would. Meanwhile, Izzy was starting to get a plotting sort of look in her eyes.

"Simon, we need to go shopping. You need a suit that matches that dress I saw," she said.

"I have a suit at home, I got it for my bar mitzvah, my mom ordered it two sizes too big so I would be able to use it more than once. It's still a bit too big, but…" At this point there was no way of describing the expression on Izzy's face – a mix between the pain she felt from not having the heart to make him stop talking and the horror she probably felt from the possibility that his suit would not match her dress. "Izzy, we'll just buy a tie that matches your dress, it's gonna be fine."

"Fine," Izzy echoed and clearly had to hold herself back from complaining further. She jumped to her feet and turned to Clary, which sent a shocking terror through her body, because she knew Izzy was about to say… "Let's go get those dresses. I saw a perfect dress for you as well, it will be mind-blowing," she looked over at Jace at her last word as if making the promise to him instead of to Clary.

"I thought girls dressed for themselves and not for guys?" Clary said.

"And we will," she winked at Jace, took Clary by the arm and led her down to the bus stop so they could go into town. "You will feel absolutely amazing, when you see the way Jace will look at you."

"A gold dress?" Clary had to admit that Izzy was rather spot on with the simplicity of the dress, because despite its bold gold colour there was nothing much to the dress other than the long fabric only just touching the floor, it even covered up Clary's shoulders. "But it's expensive?" Clary asked hopefully, because she didn't really want to spend too much of her savings on a dress.

"It's not that expensive. Surely your mom will help you pay for a Prom dress?"

"She's an artist, but she's not exactly Van Gogh," Clary reminded the other girl.

"Really? I could have sworn last time I saw her she was still a ginger with one ear?" Izzy said in all seriousness and Clary giggled. She didn't always know how to, but sometimes Izzy was funny and sarcastic in her own way and on her own terms. "Well, mine is on sale, I can give you the rest of what my mom gave me for the dress?"

"I can't take your money!" Clary protested.

"My mom's money. She won't know the dress was on sale. Come on, you look smoking in that dress. Screw the Prom Queen, we'll be the hottest bitches at that Prom," Izzy smirked.

"Okay, I do really like the dress. Thanks, Iz," she said.

"Hey, what are girl friends for?" She said, holding up a tie in the exact same fabric as the dress she'd just tried on. "This will be perfect for Simon!" Izzy cheered.

"He do look great in red," Clary agreed.

The movie, Alec thought, sure did touch some timeless issues. Although, he couldn't help but think about how lame it was that these were the exact stereotypes you would expect to find in high school, just as there were stereotypes in so many other areas.

"I think the stereotypes are outdated," Alec said, halfway through the movie. Magnus' legs were sprawled over his own, and he was tracing patterns on Magnus' lower arm, while Magnus was completely absorbed by the movie.

"Really? I guess you might be right. Maybe Freaks and Geeks have a more updated view of the stereotypes," Magnus offered, but Alec just stared at him blankly, hoping they wouldn't have to watch any more movies about high school. "Never mind. Did something upset you today?" Magnus wondered.

"It was just something stupid the others said," Alec shook his head.

"Was it about you?"

"More about us," Alec shrugged. He didn't want to upset Magnus as well, but then again, stereotypes never seemed to upset Magnus. He had a way of brushing that sort of thing off, as if it didn't bother him.

"Oh… well, why don't you tell me about it then?"

Alec sighed deeply. "They wanted to know who's the "girl" in our relationship."

"Obviously you said no one?" Magnus raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't think the question deserved an answer."

"So they kept teasing you?"

"How did you know?"

"Have you met your friends? They are not exactly the most civilized crowd. They should know something like that would upset you," Magnus folded his fingers around Alec's.

"It's not that I was that upset. It's just, I wasn't going to tell them any details and so I left. It's fine now, Jace texted an apology," Alec felt silly suddenly. It hadn't exactly been all Jace, but he always had a way of taking on too much of their friends' problems, as if they were his responsibility.

"It's odd how the first thing people think about a gay couple is who is top and who is bottom, while no one wonders the same about a straight couple?" Magnus mused, and lay down to watch the movie. But Alec couldn't let go of the sight of his boyfriend now that he'd been so mature and reasonable in his response to the matter. How had he been so lucky to meet someone with his age with such insight into how the world was divided?

"Magnus?" Alec said.

"Mmh?" Magnus didn't turn his eyes away from the TV.

"Would you go to Prom with me?" Now Magnus turned his face to look at him.

"You want to go to Prom?" He looked at him half expectantly and half disbelievingly.

"I want to go with you," Alec said, because it was as simple as that. He knew Magnus secretly wanted to go to his last Prom and Alec wanted to do everything to make Magnus happy.

"Yeah, I want to go to Prom with you," Magnus smiled. "Come here," he said and pulled Alec down on top of him. Alec looked down at the most beautiful face he'd ever laid eyes on and knew how lucky he was. Here was the guy he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, while pushing away the thought of how that was probably the feeling every other teenager who was in love felt, he wanted the memory of Prom with his high school sweetheart, so they could some day look back on the not so simple time that was high school, but the time that had seemed a little simpler just because he wasn't alone like he had been a year ago. "You need to get closer than that if I'm going to kiss you?" Magnus said, since Alec had stopped a few inches from Magnus' face to just look at him.

"Right, I guess I was just kind of blown away by your good looks," Alec said.

"I do like the sound of that, keep going."

Alec leaned down and kissed his forehead, then his temples and as he moved down he whispered sweet things like, "I love your smooth skin, and the sweet smell of your hair."

"Alexander, what has gotten into you? Have you been taking some poetry class I don't know about?" Magnus chuckled.

"I'm just trying to take charge and be the "guy" in our relationship, I thought that was clear from me being on top?"

In a quick move Magnus grabbed Alec's arms and rolled them out of the couch and onto the floor, Alec now with his back against the carpet.

"You were saying?" Magnus bit his lip. Not answering his rhetorical question, Alec pulled his boyfriend down with both hands around his neck forcing a kiss, though it was only forced for a few seconds before Magnus relaxed his body against Alec. Alec tried to pull his boyfriend closer, but he couldn't possibly get any closer, not with this much clothes on, anyway. Magnus was rubbing against him, and it was driving Alec mad that Magnus was still wearing a shirt. He awkwardly pulled the other boy's shirt over his head and rolled him over on the floor, so he could undo his pants as well. Alec had just pulled his own shirt off and came up to once again kiss Magnus on the lips, when the door to Magnus' room opened.

"Mag—" Mrs Bane said, before stopping herself mid-calling her son's name. Alec rolled away from Magnus, he felt himself blushing all over, but none of it mattered, because Mrs Bane had already closed the door again. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you had company after your detention!" Mrs Bane said from outside the room. Magnus looked amusedly at Alec. 'It's not funny' Alec mouthed.

"It is a little funny," Magnus whispered. "Sorry mom, I should have made a warning sign, but it sort of just happened," he shrugged, even though his mother couldn't see him. Alec shot him a disapproving look.

"It's fine, honey. Alec, would you like to stay for dinner?"

Alec was stunned. She had just walked in on them half-naked and rubbing against each other, and now she wanted him to stay for dinner and look her in the eyes? Magnus recognized the horror.

"I'll let you know, you're sort of putting him on the spot right now," Magnus said.

"Oh, of course. I didn't mean to… Well, I'll leave now," she said and they were quiet for a moment, listening to her footsteps as they disappeared down the hall. Alec buried his face in his palms in relief. He knew the horror of walking in on his sister and Simon making out heavily, but Mrs Bane clearly wasn't Alec and she clearly didn't feel embarrassed or even upset, like a regular mother probably would. His own mother would have probably left the house for days, and definitely not lingered by the door.

"Relax, it could have been worse." Alec looked up at Magnus.


"She could have gotten home ten minutes later?" Alec scowled at him. "Okay, stud, five minutes later then," Magnus smirked. Alec reached up for a pillow from the couch and threw it at Magnus.

Alec stayed for dinner, facing his fear of facing the mother who had just walked in on her son and his boyfriend. She didn't seem the slightest bit upset, quite the opposite.

"Oh, would you relax Alec. It's perfectly healthy for two teenage boys to be very active. In fact, you should enjoy it while it lasts, because there will be dry spells in every long-term relationship. I mean… I don't want to assume, but I'm hoping it's long-term?" Mrs Bane explained, and Alec felt his entire face get warmer and warmer with every word, as she seemed to continue talking. Meanwhile, Magnus was trying to hide his grin in his napkin. "Long, long, long-"

"Mom," Magnus had to stop her or she would go on. "Don't worry about us." Magnus looked over at Alec in a loving manner, and Alec's face cooled down again. Instead he started to feel warm other places, places he only felt warm when he looked at Magnus; his toes, his stomach, his chest…

"Alec?" Magnus said, and it seemed he had been saying it a few times without Alec noticing.


"Do you want more salad?" he smirked.

"Sure," Alec took the bowl from Magnus' hand. Now it was Mrs Bane's turn to hide her smile.

"Alec is taking me to Prom," Magnus said.

"Really? That's exciting. Are you candidates to become Prom King and King?"

"I don't think we're quite there yet. I mean, I've heard about schools where they do that, but Alec is not…" Magnus stopped himself, which was odd, because it was something he rarely did.

"I'm not very social at school. I don't think half the kids know who I am," Alec shrugged.

"I know you'll have a great time anyway," Mrs Bane smiled.

"Maybe we could go into the garage and see if that old thing still works, you know the one, and we can borrow it to go to Prom?" Magnus said secretively.

"Oh yes, that's a very good idea. Very original, Maggie," she winked at him.

After they had helped clean up after dinner, Magnus took Alec out into the garage. It looked just as untouched as it had the last time they were in there to find camping gear. Magnus went all the way to the back of the garage and uncovered a blue tandem.

"Are you kidding?" Alec frowned.

"Come on, it will be fun. And I'm betting no one else is going on one of these, if anything they will be going on bikes and it will be sad, because that will most likely mean they came alone," Magnus said. "This is sort of romantic, don't you think?"

"We're a gay mixed race couple, it's not like they won't have enough things to tease us about."

"Where is your self-confidence?"

"I don't have any," Alec rolled his eyes.

"Right. Well, I suppose the other option is renting a limousine or going with your friends or my friends? And if I know my friends, which I do quite well, I'm willing to bet Catarina will go by rollerblades, because they are just as eco-friendly as a bicycle, but more fun, and Ragnor will probably not go. Maybe Raphael has a good plan?" Magnus looked smug, because he knew Alec didn't like Raphael very much. The only one of Magnus' friends that he actually liked was Catarina, but he had a feeling that she didn't like him very much. She seemed certain that Alec would break Magnus' heart.

"Fine. We'll take the bike. Jace said he was planning their transportation, and I don't know if that's a good thing," Alec agreed.

"Yay," Magnus cheered.

Next day at school Magnus had joined the friends for lunch outside in the schoolyard. The weather was getting better these days, and they all loved being outside.

"I hear you all wonder who the girl in our relationship is?" Magnus began, and Alec tried to give him the 'don't'-look, but it didn't work.

"We were only kidding around. We know none of you are the girl, obviously," Izzy rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I know, but it also made me wonder, who is the girl in your relationship?" he asked Izzy.

"I think it's pretty obvious," Simon said. "It's clearly me," he added. Alec had to admit to himself that out of all the guys his sister had dated, Simon was by far the preferable choice for her. Even if he was also quite odd and a huge nerd, he would never walk all over Izzy like so many other guys had done before, even though she had been an expert at hiding it.

"That's what I would have guessed," Magnus shrugged, and spotted someone walking directly towards them.

"Is that Aline Penhallow?" Clary wondered, just before Aline approached them. She stopped right in front of Alec.

"Hi," she said. Alec never really talked much to Aline, they practiced archery together, but that was pretty much it. He'd been helping her out the first couple of times, but she had quickly turned out to be a natural.


Aline bit her lip, as she nervously looked around the crowd, but avoided looking at Jace. She had made out with him once, in one of his attempts to get over Clary and one of Aline's attempts, it seemed, to be straight.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Is it about arch…"

"No," she cut Alec off. "Please?"

Alec got up and walked with her, because she had made him curious.

"If this is about Prom…" he began.

"It is," she admitted, when they were alone.

"I already have a date," he admitted apologetically.

"I know, I heard. And I think it's brilliant. I wanted to ask Helen, but she already has a date," Aline crossed her arms. Aline had secretly been crushing on Helen, Alec had known that much from the very first time he'd seen Aline look at Helen, while trying to shoot arrows – it had gone pretty badly, to say the least. Helen seemed to always be at school, she was the good student who made sure to get all the extra credit she could get, so she would get into the right college. He heard she'd been accepted to Princeton, Stanford and Harvard. She was a hard worker.

"I heard she's planning Prom?"

"She is. But Sebastian asked her to Prom, and she didn't want to say no. He is difficult to say no to for some reason. Anyway, you know his sister Clary? Maybe she knows if he actually likes her?"

"I can answer that for you. Sebastian doesn't like anyone other than himself," Alec said with certainty. Aline smiled at that.

"I was hoping you would say that. I just hope Helen can see it too," she shrugged. "It's amazing how he and Clary are related, they seem nothing alike to me?"

Alec shrugged, even though he knew what the reason was; Sebastian took after their father, who had been there while he grew up, but had left before Clary could remember much of him. He had only heard stories about Valentine, so he didn't say anything to Aline. Lunch break was almost over, and Magnus came up to the two of them.

"Are you sharing prom secrets?" he wondered.

"Secrets? About prom?"

"Aren't you friends with the girl who plans prom?" Magnus asked.

"She would like to be more than friends with her," Alec said casually.

"Yeah? Are you taking her to prom?"

"She's already going with Sebastian," Aline shrugged.

"Ugh, I hate that guy. She probably just feels sorry for him. She seems like a sympathetic type of person that… erh?"

"Helen," Aline said.

"Right, Helen," Magnus smiled. "Well, you should come find us at prom?"

"Yeah, okay," Aline smiled. "Thanks guys," she added and skipped on inside the school building.

"That was nice of you?" Alec said.

"I'm a nice guy, don't look so surprised," Magnus replied. "Anyway, I have a plan."

"For what?"

"For getting rid of Ellen's awful date."

"Helen. You're not gonna poison him with glitter, are you?" Alec raised his eyebrows. Magnus ignored him, and looked dramatically out into thin air as he continued to explain his "plan".

"There is no way Helen isn't going to be Prom Queen. She is the most loving person in school, despite her tendency to geek out about geometry or what not. At the end of the Prom Queen and King dance I will interrupt and ask her to dance, unless we can convince Aline to ask her herself, and I'll have Aline cut in after me. And this is of course unless you're Prom King, then I'll grab you instead and we'll have Aline dance with Helen. It's a perfect and innocent and very simple plan. It can't possibly go wrong," Magnus said with ease.

"You just thought this through?"

"I'm a genius, I know."

"No, it's actually quite simple. I'm surprised your plan doesn't involve any kind of props or weapons," Alec shrugged.

Now that prom night was finally here, Clary felt excited after all. She did love the dress Izzy had helped her pick out. Despite her pale skin, the gold brought out a glow in her. Sebastian had gone to pick up Helen, and now she could hear her friends outside. She was still a bit disappointed that Alec and Magnus didn't want to go with them, but she could understand why, considering how annoying Izzy and Simon had been the past few days, asking stupid questions.

"Clary!" Her mother called and Clary was ready to walk down. Her mother had needed to take some time to get used to the idea that Clary was going to prom with Jace. They had kept their relationship secret from her for too long, and now she finally seemed to be somewhat at ease with the thought. It had been a long time since he'd lived with them, and he wasn't really her brother, not even close. Everyone held their breath as she walked downstairs, except from Izzy, who had a smug 'I told you so' expression plastered across her face. Jocelyn looked at her proudly, while Luke was taking pictures.

"Come on, don't take pictures of me alone," she begged him.

After group pictures they walked out to the caravan that Jace had borrowed from one of his dad's friends, who had also agreed to drive them. As he opened the door carefully two balloons managed to escape. Inside though, there was almost no room for them to sit because of the balloons. They had to sit on top of each other, which none of them seemed to mind. Clary sat on top of Jace, Simon sat on top of Izzy. Simon seemed to take this whole joke about being the girl a bit too seriously, but Clary had a feeling that it was Simon's odd way of punishing himself for being sort of an ass. Izzy seemed to find it endearing.

"Simon, sit still, you'll wrinkle my dress," she giggled. Her dress was gorgeous, it went just above her knees and it had a beautiful back, cut out as a rose and revealed the sight of her skin in between the cut out lines.

Clary stared out of the window, so she wouldn't get carsick. She'd never been in the back of a caravan before, while it was driving. On the way they passed by Magnus and Alec.

"Were they on bikes?" she wondered, convinced that she was seeing things. Simon turned to look out the back window, causing Izzy to moan with dismay for possible wrinkles on her dress.

"I think that was a tandem. Gosh, that is so original!" he smiled hugely.

"Shut up, my idea was better," Jace said.

"It would be genius if you'd cut down on the balloons a little bit," Izzy noted.

"It wouldn't give the same effect. You'll see," he said. He had also made sure they'd arrive at the same time as most of the other students, and when they opened the door the balloons went up into the sky and in between the balloons they walked out. No one was looking, because somehow Sebastian had gotten hold of a motorcycle with a sidecar and that was how he and Helen arrived, just at the same time as the others. "Seriously?" Jace snorted.

"How is he going to explain a motorcycle?" Clary wondered. He could be so reckless sometimes. Here he was in sight of the entire school, there was no way he could deny to have driven a motorcycle without license.

"The girls seem to be digging it," Simon shrugged.

"And the boys," Izzy added. Everyone was gathering around Sebastian and Helen. When Magnus and Alec arrived they couldn't see what the fuss was about because of the crowd. Aline walked up to the group of them. She was wearing a beautiful long strapless dress, very simple.

"How did he get permission to drive that?" she wondered. Clary thought she detected a bit of despair in the girl's expression.

"I'm pretty sure he didn't get permission," she said through gritted teeth. Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Sebastian, is it?" he figured. He looked bored. "Let's go inside." He said, and took his arms around Alec and Aline. Clary wondered what they had been talking about the other day in the schoolyard, when the three of them were all secretive together. She had always had the impression that Aline was the happy loner, the kind of person who didn't need a group of friends around her all the time, and she even looked cooler when she was standing alone. She felt Jace's hand in hers and they walked inside.

Inside they were taking couples pictures. Alec suddenly felt nervous. He had never really been the type to show much affection at school, even though he knew everyone knew Magnus had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was Alec, even if they didn't know him for anything other than 'Magnus' boyfriend' or 'Izzy's brother'. He tried to look casual as he put his arm around Magnus for the camera. Afterwards it was Jace and Clary, they looked like a million dollars. Clary was wearing a beautiful golden dress, which went all the way to the floor. Jace could look great in anything, but he'd dressed up for the occasion anyway.

"Looking good, biscuit," Magnus winked at Clary and she blew him a kiss, which he caught in the air. She was being particularly confident this evening, Alec thought. Alec had never known that the right kind of clothes could have such an effect on you, not until Magnus had helped him pick out the right kind of suit for occasions like this. The black and grey suit made him feel more like an adult, and more important for some reason.

In the gym, which had been made into a ballroom, Magnus went straight for the punch and found a flask inside his blazer.

"What are you doing?" Alec knew Magnus was spiking the punch, it was more an exclamation and a way to tell him not to do it.

"It's only champagne, I won't waste it on everyone. Here," Magnus held out two glasses for Alec to hold and he added some of the champagne. Of course the champagne had pieces of gold in it. Jace and Clary came up to them, so Magnus held out a glass for Clary. "It matches your dress," he winked at her.

"How did you do that?" she asked in amazement.

"It's real 23 carat gold, don't worry it's drinkable," he shrugged, as if it answered her question. Clary didn't care to ask again, so she just sipped at the glass. The punch was sweet, but the champagne brought a sour taste to it and Alec accepted that it was a good combination of sweet and bitter. Helen had hired the best DJ in town, and she'd probably gotten a good deal too. For all Alec knew, she had helped tutor the DJ and he played at Prom as a favour. At least he thought he recognized the guy. Magnus tried to get Alec to dance, but Alec had no intention of making any dance moves at Prom. He knew at some point he would have to slow dance with Magnus to make his last Prom complete, but Alec was saving up for that moment of humiliation by having more of Magnus' spiked punch. Izzy seemed to have the same problem with getting Simon to dance and eventually Magnus decided he needed to take Izzy dancing. Alec watched them, while he tried to ignore Simon's endless babble next to him. Where had Jace and Clary gone? He looked around for them, but he couldn't spot them from the corner where he and Simon were standing.

"Gosh, she's so beautiful. I just wish I could dance. I just don't think I would do her justice on a dance floor," Simon was on a rant and Alec didn't hear half of it. "And that dress, phew!"

Alec located Jace and Clary on the benches making out. He couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. He was very aware that PDA was popular among his friends, but he could never get used to it himself. Sometimes he wished he could be as carefree about it as Magnus and his friends.

The friends gathered, as they were about to announce King and Queen. As Magnus had predicted, Helen was elected Queen. But he hadn't considered the fact that people might have chosen him for King.

"Magnus Bane!" The name thundered through the room.

"New plan," Magnus grinned. Izzy caught Magnus by the arm.

"Whatever you're planning, do not break the crown. You're exactly the type of person who would break the crown and share it with the rest of us," she hissed. Magnus chuckled, and looked towards Alec and Aline. Aline was clueless, as Magnus left for the stage. Alec wiped his face with the palm of his hand.

"I'm sorry, Aline, I sort of promised Magnus that when Helen was elected Queen we would break up the Queen and King dance at the end of the song and have you dance with Helen," Alec said apologetically.

"Oh my gosh, that's perfect!" Izzy cheered. "How did he know he would be elected?"

"He didn't."

"It's fate," Izzy folded her hands over her chest.

"You're being really girly right now and it's starting to freak me out," Simon grimaced.

"Right, don't take away Simon's part of being the girl," Jace sniggered.

Aline walked up and took Alec's hand.

"Thank you," she whispered, and went with him to the dance floor. They were the first people to break out to the dance floor besides the King and Queen. Magnus had refrained from holding a speech and throwing a Mean Girls moment, which Alec felt repelled with himself for even knowing what that was. His heart was racing as he took his boyfriend's hand in his and started dancing in front of the entire school. He felt safe knowing that Magnus would lead him, because he had no idea how to dance. Helen didn't even look stunned for a second, when Aline walked up to her and they began dancing as well.

"Did you tamper with the votes?" Alec scowled at Magnus.

"I'm hurt you would think so," Magnus said, but he didn't sound hurt.

"It seems your plan went almost too smooth?"

"Okay, I might have done some last minute magic with the votes," he said and leaned in to whisper, "but Helen was totally in on it all the time. Who knew she could be such a rebel for the right cause."

"So Helen likes Aline too?"

"Yes, so it seems. But she seemed even more eager to help plan out an LGBTQ ending for the Prom. I might have persuaded her by putting the image of two bisexuals as Prom royalty in her head, and said royalty breaking up to dance with their same-sex partner," Magnus said casually. Alec couldn't help but be kind of proud of Magnus for his plan, and he wasn't exactly surprised that he was able to persuade Helen.

After the dance Alec swore he heard Izzy say something around the lines of "it's a queer miracle" and Simon adding, "no, it's a queeracle." Magnus must have noticed Alec was starting to get bored, or he would have never suggested they left the party. Outside in the midnight air Alec intertwined his fingers with Magnus'. Alec had forgotten all about the tandem, and was about to walk home.

"Don't tell me you went all out and rented a hotel room?" Magnus teased.

"Oh shit, no I didn't. Should I have?" Alec hadn't been sure just how traditional Magnus wanted Prom night to be.

"No, you shouldn't. I'm beat anyway, I just want to go home."

"Oh, yeah. I thought I would walk you home?" Alec offered.

"I think you're forgetting about our ride?"

"I completely forgot," he admitted.

"Don't worry about it, we don't have to ride it home. I would like to walk," Magnus smiled softly. They walked home on each side of the tandem. They were both so tired that none of them talked much, but it was a nice kind of silence. The kind of silence you could only have with someone you knew well and someone you felt completely comfortable with. Outside Magnus' house Alec reached up to hold Magnus' face. The night had been perfect, at least he felt that Magnus thought it had went well.

"Are you going to just kiss me goodnight like a sweet boy on his first date?" Magnus smirked. Alec's nose was only an inch from Magnus'.

"That was the plan," he whispered. He didn't want to leave Magnus, but Magnus said he was tired and he didn't want to intrude. The light in front of the house went on and off. Alec was confused for a second, but then Magnus started laughing. Mrs. Bane stuck her head out of the front door.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself," she grinned. "Haven't you invited Alec in? Or did I ruin some Prom ritual? I will go inside then." Mrs. Bane shut the door again. Magnus looked amused, but tired.

"She sort of reminds me of Izzy," Alec said.

"She sort of does," Magnus agreed.

"You don't have to invite me in. I'm perfectly fine with having to say goodnight to you out here," he shrugged. Magnus pulled Alec in for a sweet kiss.

"Would you like to break the ridiculous Prom tradition of sexcapades and fall asleep while spooning with me instead?" Magnus asked almost as if it was a formal invitation.

"There is nothing I would rather do right now," Alec smiled softly, which apparently made him deserve another short kiss, before they walked inside.