"Gods... I know it's wrong to say this but some action would be nice... pirates, meteor shower.. something... to pass the time...I swear Thomas, this is your fault. I don't know how, but it is." Naoko vi Britannia complained to her crew, getting a scattered reply of laughs and grins at the teal-blue haired communications officer.

"I'm sorry Commander, I didn't realize you needed me to hold your hand after forty years in service. It's not like the stupid pirates made off with anything..." The resident chew toy of the TRM Glories of the Mother, grumbled quietly.

"Second Lieutenant Ashford, why don't you say that again and speak up. I'm sure the Commander would love to hear your opinion." Pascal grinned down from his place at Naoko's side. There was little more the Italian-Brit enjoyed more than teasing his old squad-mate. "Come on, she doesn't bite."

Naoko just gave her Knight a sideways glance. Should she be reprimanding her men for the nearly constant chatter that filled the bridge of her ship? Probably, but this was basically a paid vacation for her and her crew. Escort a small group of scientists and scout ships through the Relay, take a quick look around to see what's on the other side, and back to Shanxi, drinks for everyone and new colonies for the people.

Besides, even if they were flying a Bulwark-class clunker, they still had some old 24th generation Hector and her own personal Knightmare frames if the proverbial space shit hits the fan. She was her parent's daughter and she'd go down with her ship before letting anything harm the civies.

"Samir! How long till we are green?" Naoko cut through the chatter, wanting to know how long till they could activate the newest relay. This was the third found by the Holy Britannia Empire of Humanity after 70 years in space. With more than thirty colonized worlds and moons, mankind was thriving among the stars.

All thanks to Auntie Cecile and Project Valhalla. Naoko smirked. Her family was big, and they weren't all related by blood, but she loved them regardless. Even Uncle Llyod. Mad scientist as he may be.

"Just waiting on confirmation from the Westshire, Commander. ETA. Five Minutes." The Indian-Brittanian didn't look up from his terminal as logistical info scrolled past.

"Thank you. Be sure to double-check with Captain Enad that his scout ships are ready. I want this done quick, clean and with as little pain as possible." Naoka shifted in her seat, sitting up straight for the first time in an hour. They were on standby as the civies finished preparations for activating the giant hunk of metal before them, but it was getting close to show time.

"Hey Pasty." Well, it was close, so she could still fool around for now. Specifically annoy her knight with his pet name.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Oh don't be like that. You know I haven't earned my title yet." Naoko huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Something that little shit Mao keeps holding over my head" She grumbled at the thought of her younger half-brother.

He is a nice guy and all. He just had inherited his father's causal arrogance and ran away with it. Rumor among her siblings was that Mao once enraged Aunt Nunnally by accident. A rather legendary feat among the 'royal brats', considering the women spoiled her various nieces and nephews rotten.

"You think I'll get to meet one of Llyod's new kiddies after all this?"

Pascal just shrugged, honestly not knowing. "I'm unsure commander. If you ask politely, and formally request a leave of absence. It's not like little Alphon or the rest are going to disappear into thin air."

Naoko just smirked. "No.. no they aren't."

"Commander! We have confirmation from the Westshire! They're requesting permission to activate the Relay." Samir spoke up from his terminal as the required line of text popped up.

"Give them the go ahead. And put me on broadcast to the rest of the group."

Samir simply nodded, holding up a hand as he counted down to start Naoko's broadcast.

The commander took that time to straighten her black uniform to perfection, or as close to perfection as possible given the circumstances. The army uniform had changed since her father took over. Instead of the ridiculous peacock clowns wear that was worn prior to the Unification.

No, plain black slacks and jacket with silver lining were the current military style. The only difference between an army uniform and that of the Order of the Black Knights would be the logo sewn onto the back. Well, Papa does have a certain preferred style..

Personally, Naoko found it a bit.. well dark, but when you're an emperor famed for routing out corruption or gross incompetence with an success rate many attributed to demonic intervention, it made sense that happy colors weren't ones you generally associated with.

Ah Papa. Feared by the locals as the harbinger of dramatic speeches and by those few idiots still stupid enough to try and cheat the system as the force of their reckoning... I think I'll take Pasty's advice. Take a year off and relax with Mom. Maybe get big sis and everyone to bully Papa into spending a week with us.. ah bugger. Worry bout it later. Time to address the men.

Naoko grinned. If there was one thing she inherited from her father, it was her love for a good speech and dramatic gestures. So as Samir's count hit one, she cleared her mind and stood up, putting on her best smile. Then she started.

"Brave men and women of our Holy Empire! Is it not another glorious day for Humanity! For years, man has stood strong! We have stood firm against our own corruption and base nature! For decades, by the grace of the emperors, with the dedication of it's people and the blood of our soldiers, has the human race stood together!" Naoko didn't shout, but her words carried weight, every man and woman in the seven ship fleet either listening to her broadcast or watching the speech themselves.

"Humanity has left the cradle of Holy Terra! And today, we mere mortals, we few sons and daughter's of the empire stand before our next step through the stars! To make history in the golden age of our great union! Now what say you?! Should we stand and wait for an invitation from the universe?! Or shall we take destiny into our own hands and forge our path to the mountaintop by little more than human will alone?!" Naoko swept her hands to the side as she spoke as if judging the weight of an invisible object she held.

In her left, the choice to wait, for humanity to stagnate, content with their lot and the limits of their empire. In her right was another choice. To take their divine gift, to ascend to the stars as masters. To march forever forward as members of the human race, to fight and survive till the very last man. The men cheered as she raised her right hand, it was a choice any of them would make. To stay content with today, or to look towards the future was hardly a choice at all.

"Then let it be done! Activate the Relay! Get into formation! Man your stations and let us be off! So that generations after us may enjoy the sights of new worlds, of pastures green and oceans blue under stars yet unnamed! All hail the Empire! All hail! Britannia!" Naoko's fist shot into the air as she shouted the usual praise, a small smile of pride stretching across her face as her men cheered back, seeming to shake the armada in their enthusiasm.

Yes.. today shall be a glorious day for the empire. Naoko smirked as she took her seat, watching as the Relay started to glow, small arcs of lightning playing off of it. Truthfully the empire didn't need the machines, but why not follow the trail set before them? Once they had coordinates for where the Relay left off, they could scrap the over-sized tuning fork and turn it into something useful.

Maybe a new Knightmare for Olivia.. oh that'd be nice.

An: Yo. So yeah.. just had this idea and I had to get the teaser/prologue out to shut my own brain up. Not sure when I'll update this, but meh. Well, hope you all enjoyed the chapter (short as it is) and I look forward to more in the future. But for now All Hail Brittania! Cause why not?