(A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Yes, this is still ongoing, I've got a bit of writers block so waiting for the next chapter might take a while, please be patient. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.)

Yamaguchi never came back that day. If he did it was when Tsukishima was out or taking a nap.

The next day Tsukishima woke up early at six o'clock even though his first class that day started at ten.

He saw no one was in the other bed as he grabbed clothes to change into after his shower. He sighed and walked out of the room down the hall to the bathrooms where he took a shower.

When he finished and walked out of the bathroom he saw Yamaguchi exit another person's room.

"Yamaguchi," Tsukishima said his name to get his attention.

Yamaguchi jumped, shocked that Tsukishima was also up this early. "Hey Tsukki," He said facing the taller but avoiding eye contact.

Tsukishima frowned at this, "Whose room is that?"

"A senpai's," Yamaguchi vaguely answered.


"Kuroo Tetsurou."


"SHH! Tsukki! People are sleeping!" Yamaguchi whispered with a finger up to his lips.

Kuroo opened the door just then, "What was that? Oh hey it's Tsukki!" He grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Don't call me that," Tsukishima said through his tightly clenched teeth.

Kuroo wrapped an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulders and whispered something into his ear. It made Yamaguchi blush and look away down at the floor.

Tsukishima glared daggers at Kuroo. He really want him to let Yamaguchi go. Then he remembered, they can never go back. He just made a click of the tongue and opened his door. He entered the room.

Shortly after Yamaguchi joined him in the room, "My first class is at eight. I'm going to make sure I know where all my classes are first. I don't think I'll be back in our dorm until midnight."

"Your class ends at midnight?" Tsukishima asked with his back towards Yamaguchi. He sat down at his desk pulling out books for his classes for the day.

"No, Kuroo invited me to spend time at a party that ends at one in the morning but I don't want to stay out that late so I'll be back at midnight."

"…" Tsukishima didn't like this. He didn't want Yamaguchi with that annoying ex-captain of Nekoma. He couldn't be trusted. "Can I come too?" He turned around to see a shocked expression on Yamaguchi's face.

"Uh, I'd have to ask Kuroo first," Yamaguchi said.


It was an awkward silence after that.

Yamaguchi got his things together and left the room with a small quiet "I'll text you the answer later. Bye."

Tsukishima got up after packing everything in his backpack and laid in his bed as he read a novel.

When it was about time for him to go to class he noticed he gotten a text from two people. One was from Yamaguchi:

"Kuroo said you could come along. He wanted to warn you that some people will be drinking so you should avoid the alcohol."

Tsukishima scoffed, "Of course I'll avoid it. It's illegal after all."

He then looked at the next text message, it was from an unknown number:

"Hey it's Chihaya! I got your number haha~"

Chihaya… Why would she want my number? Tsukishima wondered as he registered her number in his phone.

He left the room with his keys in his pocket and his backpack on his back.

When school ended for the two of them, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi met in their dorm room.

"Ready to go?" Asked Yamaguchi after he set his bag on his desk.

"Yeah," Tsukishima did the same and opened the door seeing Kuroo about to knock on it. "What do you want?" Tsukishima glared.

"Now, now, Tsukki. Don't be like that," Kuroo smirked, "I'm here 'cause I'm here to pick up my date for the party. Oh and you too."

Tsukishima frowned because of two things. One because Kuroo said Yamaguchi was his date, not that he cared (he was trying his best to stop wanting to go back to before), and because Kuroo was taking his presence as a joke.

"Kuroo you ready to go?" Yamaguchi asked from behind Tsukishima.

"Yup," He grinned.

"Then let's go," Tsukishima pushed past Kuroo and stood in the hallway waiting for the two.

The three walked to the party. Kuroo and Yamaguchi were too close together but Tsukishima tried to ignore it. I have to give up on Yamaguchi. There's no going back to before after all.

Drunk. That was the only way to describe the people at the party when they arrived. Tsukishima kept his eyes on Yamaguchi and Kuroo, the guy wouldn't leave Yamaguchi alone, but he leaned against the wall away from them so that they wouldn't know he was looking at them all this time.

Random girls kept coming up to him offering him a drink but he refused each time and told them to get lost. Then Chihaya walked up to him, but she didn't say a word she just leaned against the wall next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Tsukishima with a sigh not removing his eyes from Yamaguchi and Kuroo.

"Partying," She replied and took a sip of her drink. She then looked over where Tsukishima kept staring. "Hm."

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Tsukishima shouted when the girl lifted up his shirt.

"Looking at your abs," She was admiring it, "Nice. Very nice."

He pushed her away, "Stay away from me."

She moved back to him close and then even closer. "You know you are good looking."

"Are you drunk?" He asked when she was close enough where he could smell her breath.

"Maybe," She said which made Tsukishima sigh and push her away as he walked to Yamaguchi and Kuroo. The two had just moved to sit down on the floor in a circle with other college students.

He sat across from Yamaguchi and Kuroo and glared at the latter.

Someone grabbed a bottle and said, "Everyone knows the rules right?" They set the bottle in the middle and spun it.

It went for a while without Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, or Kuroo landing on anyone but then the bottle pointed at Tsukishima. The girl giggled and kissed him on the lips but as soon as it happened it ended by Tsukishima pushing her away.

He spun the bottle and he realized how much fate loved to torture him. It landed on Yamaguchi.

Tsukishima moved towards Yamaguchi, he placed his hand against Yamaguchi's cheek, Yamaguchi blushed and slowly closed his eyes as Tsukishima started to kiss him.

The kiss became more passionate and heated when Yamaguchi licked Tsukishima's lips asking for entrance. Tsukishima knew that Yamaguchi making the first move meant he was drunk but still he deepened the kiss. He could hear the side comments but he ignored them, he loved kissing Yamaguchi.

But it ended when Kuroo pushed Tsukishima away and pulled Yamaguchi to his side. "Stop kissing my boyfriend!"

Everyone went silent. Tsukishima's eyes then widened. "Boyfriend," he gulped as he slowly registered what Kuroo said. He glared at Kuroo and stood up angry. How could Yamaguchi be with this guy? He asked himself as he stormed out of the house and back to his dorm room.

He slammed the door shut and groaned before taking off his glasses and falling into his bed face into his pillow as he yelled, "DAMMIT!"

He hit his fist against his bed. He got up and got ready for bed, when he laid in bed he heard the door open but he was too angry to welcome Yamaguchi back. He became even more angry when he heard another male's voice.

"Oh, is Tsukki asleep?" Tsukishima could hear them walking to Yamaguchi's bed. "You drink too much, Yamaguchi," Kuroo chuckled.

"Sorry, Kuroo," Yamaguchi mumbled.

"It's fine," Tsukishima then heard nothing. And then he heard the sound of a moan and the end of a kiss. He gritted his teeth. He wanted to yell at them but he couldn't they thought he was asleep.

"You're a good kisser, Yamaguchi," Kuroo must have sat on the bed or Yamaguchi moved because the bed creaked. "But, I'm a nice guy. I won't take advantage of someone who's drunk." The bed creaked again as Kuroo walked out of the room and shut the door.

Tsukishima was glad Kuroo didn't touch Yamaguchi more than a kiss but now… Now he needed to get over Yamaguchi quickly because it was obvious he had moved on already.