Disclaimer: I don't own Escaflowne, or pretty much anything for that matter. Please don't sue, I'm poor. On the other hand, I do own the characters I created. (It will pretty obvious which ones I mean) All the songs used belong to their respective owners. Not me. And if there really is a Hollywood Video, I'm very sorry. No harm intended. (

A/N: This is my first attempt at a fic! Please be kind. ( In fact, I don't think I've written any stories since they forced you to do it in Elementary. Hee hee hee.. My aim was for this story to eventually line up with the Escaflowne timeline. You'll know when you get there.

And for the impatient sort: have patience. Yes, this story DOES have a plot, and you'll get there quick. I promise, the goods (i.e. Dilandau in the shower) lie ahead.


it's you that I adore

you'll always be my whore

you'll be the mother to my child

and a child to my heart

we must never be apart --Ava Adore, Smashing Pumpkins


Chapter 1

A Rough Start.

Ava let out a cry as a tall, armored man grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her down the corridor. He turned to her as he continued to hurry down the hallway. "Keep quiet, and hurry up! Folken-sama is not a patient man, and little brats like you shouldn't keep him waiting!" he growled through his bushy moustache. Ava glared at him angrily and stumbled along behind him

The morning before she had been sitting with her father in their modest garden, at their home in Zaibach. He was ill, and was wasting away. Ava's mother had died many years before, before Ava could even walk, and she had no siblings. So, the responsibilities of tending to the horses and looking after the farm fell into Ava's hands, on top of looking after her father. He was sleeping more and more during the day as an escape to his pain, so if Ava had nothing else to do, she would go ride her horse, Stetson, for hours on end, or practice her combat skills.

She was different than regular girls her age. She didn't have much companionship by other kids, and kept to herself. She was abnormally strong, and possessed cat-like agility and reflexes, among other things. Before he was ill, her father was the local martial arts and swordsmanship master, therefore Ava had learned a great deal from him. The medication and living costs were high for them, so to make ends meet they took from the funds that Ava's father had established. He was a successful businessman, to say the least. For extra cash, Ava sold much of the farm's harvest in the market.

This particular afternoon she arrived home to see her father at the table with a stranger. They must have been discussing something important, because they didn't even notice her walk in. So Ava, indifferent, decided to go to her room to occupy herself.

With this, her father turned to her. "Ava, come here." Ava came and stood beside him, mildly curious. "Will this be suitable for the examination?" Ava's father asked the man.

"Yes, yes, here is fine" the man said absently. With the word 'examination, Ava looked up at her their guest with confusion. He was a stringy little bald man, with odd goggles and a bleak gray tunic that resembled a lab coat. He looks like a mole, thought Ava. Mr. Mole [hee hee] suddenly stood and swept Ava off her feet, placed her on the table, and pulled her shirt over her head. Ava cried out in surprise and anger, and to her astonishment Mr. Mole tugged her pants to her ankles as well. Alarms went off in her head. She looked to her father, expecting him to reprimand this intruder. Instead, he was looking at a small stack of papers, signing one every so often, looking bored. He wasn't too concerned about what this sick little man was doing to Ava. Fear rose within her. She was so confused with what was happening. Sickened with the fact that her father was sitting back while she was being violated, she found that she didn't have the strength to fight with mole man anymore. She tried to cover herself as best she could, as she sat there in just her underthings, icy-gray eyes cast downward behind her fringe of jet black-blue hair. She was about 12, and therefore quite self conscious with the fact that her body had recently begun to change, even though she still possessed some of the shapelessness and skinniness that children have. The mole man proceeded to check her body over, checking muscle mass and reflexes and general health. When he was finished, he turned to Ava's father.

"She is a good candidate. Her muscles and reflexes are impeccable, especially for her age. She is in remarkable physical condition, and the. abilities we had discussed earlier will prove to be a valuable asset." Ava scrambled to dress again, her blue-black hair in disarray. Why is this man doing this? What's happening? Her mind shouted frantically. Mr. Mole placed her on the floor once more, for Ava's dad did not have the strength to perform that act. He pulled out his chair and brought out a note pad, sitting down. br

"Now," he said "Does the girl have any experience with weapons or horses? Ava was puzzled. "She has been riding since she could walk. As for weapon experience, she had taken martial arts lessons under my instruction until a few years ago, and has very good coordination." The mole man wrote something down on the note pad. The mole man asked more questions, but Ava found she could no longer bear to be in the presence of both men. She left the room in disgust.

A while later she heard her father calling her from the kitchen. When she got there, it was just him. The man had left. She sat down beside her dad.

"Dr. Beku is going to take you to town tomorrow,"he said "I want you to do what he says and mind your manners. lf you're good, he is going to take you to get some new things." "You're speaking to me like I'm a child. And I don't want to go" Ava said, pouting.

"You are a child. It's not up for discussion." For a moment, his eyes flashed and he looked at her in a forlorn way, but in an instant they were back to their usual cloudy, glassy look inside his sunken sockets. "Now help me to my bed"

The next afternoon when Dr. Beku arrived, he promptly went to speak with Ava's father. They murmered so Ava couldn't overhear, and she saw her Dr. Beku hand her dad a small silk pouch, while her dad handed Dr. Beku a small rucksack. He spun on his feet, took Ava by the arm, and quickly ushered her out of the house. She turned to look at her father. She could see him lying on his futon, with his withered body and pale skin. She saw him wipe a tear from the corner of his eye, then lost sight of him. Ava thought she heard him say quietly "Gomen.."


Ava quickly learned that she wasn't going to return to her home. However, they did go to town, as her father had said. Dr. Beku bought some food, and a new cotton robe and pants for Ava. After a time, she worked up the courage to speak to Dr.Beku.

"Where are we going?" She asked in a small but determined voice. He either ignored her or didn't hear. She got a little annoyed. Clearing her throat, she asked again louder. His head spun to look at her. "You should learn some respect, you'll need it. Where you're going, you'll quickly learn not to address your superiors so rudely. Zaibach is not a place to take so lightly." Ava felt her blood run cold."Zaibach."


Well, ladies and gents, I hope that was moderately enjoyable. Trust me, excitement lies ahead. Ava grows up, and learns her boys aren't boys any longer..

NEXT CHAPTER: A run-in with Folken, Ava meets the boys, adventures in the Cafeteria, and Ava's dark secret is explored.. Please Review!!