Natsumi, known to her guild members as Natsu, was confused. Granted, this wasn't a change from the usual; she was often confused, especially when Lucy was involved. Not that she didn't love her best friend. Lucy was, after all, one of the closest people to her heart, second only to Happy and her boyfriend, Gray.

Speaking of her lovable stripper, he not only was part of the reason for her confusion, but also the reason why Lucy was running back and forth across her bedroom, moving from the closet to the vanity back to where Natsumi sat on the bed.

Happy lay in Natsumi's lap contently sleeping. The cat was lucky, Lucy had barged into their home at the crack of dawn (much too early for the rosette's taste), outfits piled in her arms. She refused to listen to Natsumi's protests and questions, immediately running upstairs to the dragonslayer's bedroom, which lead them to the situation they were in now.

"Why are you here again?" The tired fire Mage asked one more time.

Without stopping or even glancing her way, Lucy exclaimed, "Picking you out an outfit for your date with Gray!"

Now, Natsumi was well aware she had a date today, she was ditzy, not a dumbass. However, Lucy always let her do her own thing when it came to preparing for her dates. Never before had she even offered her help, let alone busting in and picking out her outfits.

"My outfit? Why can't I just wear my usual clothes?" The black vest and pants along with her scarf and bandaged chest was trademark. It didn't feel right not wearing it. The question made Lucy pause. Slowly, the blonde gave her friend a nervous smile.

"Well, I was talking to Gray..."

"And...?" She raised a pink eyebrow.

"And, he told me that he'd really like to see you in something...girlier, than what you usually wear..." She finished delicately, looking back to the pile of clothes. Natsumi, however was shocked, and a little betrayed.

Gray didn't like what she wore? He'd rather tell Lucy than tell her to her face? She squeezed Happy closer her chest like a stuffed animal, face set in determination and slight anger, before standing up and stomping over to the pile of clothes. She set Happy's sleeping body on the dresser and snatched an outfit up, before stomping over into the walk-in closet and closing the door behind her.

Lucy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry that she'd offended her best friend, and then raised to her hairline as Natsumi's hand stuck out of the open doorway. "Lucy, give me that lipstick over there!"

Still dumbfounded, Lucy obediently set the light pink lipstick into her friend's outstretched hand. Another 2 minutes passed before the door opened to reveal a stunningly dressed Natsumi.

The shorter woman wore a slightly oversized light pink sweater that hung off her shoulders. Beneath that, a black tank top along with a denim skirt, black stockings and brown boots. Her spiky pink hair held a white bow and her makeup was light, not overpowering, the soft eye shadow only making her eyes look brighter and pink lipsticked lips stretched into a cocky grin.

"How do I look?" She asked, though it was obvious she was confident in what she wore.

The blonde's mouth flapped open and closed uselessly. That seemed to be the answer Natsumi was looking for, because she sauntered over, grin still in place, and plucked the pink handbag off the dresser.

"Heh, that Popsicle wants girly? I'll give him girly!"

The exclamation woke up Happy, whose mouth immediately dropped open. "N-Natsu!? What happened to you?!"

The girl didn't answer, just sashayed her way out the door, shouting, "I'm coming for you, Gray!" to the sky as she walked.