Gajeel and Sting growled in unison as Natsumi walked off with Loke. The iron mage moved forward, as if to attack, but Sting held him back; Grey was on the move now and his eyes were narrowed in concealed fury as he trailed behind the couple.

As if he could feel the various sets of eyes on his back, Loke shivered. He brushed it off as excitement. After all, he was on a date with Natsu, and if the heat billowing off of her was any indication, she was pretty happy. Her eyes sparkled with childish enjoyment as she gorged happily on the food offered to her. Suddenly, all 4 males were focused on one thing:

Natsumi's frantic movements to grab more food were causing her skirt to ride up.

Spurred in by the turn of events, Loke reached a hand down slowly to touch her ass. As Grey slapped on a hand over his nose to stop the oncoming flow of blood, Gajeel and Sting rushed forward, both slamming into Loke with enough force to land all 3 of them into a dazed pile on the ground.

The ice mage used this opportunity to grab Natsumi's hand and yank her towards the market place entrance.

"H-hey! I wasn't done eating, you dumbass popsicle!" The pink haired gal squealed as she was wrenched away from her precious food. She still hadn't pulled her skirt down, and the men around them, drawn by the sudden tackling and screaming, began to take notice, leering and drooling at her retreating figure.

Gajeel and Sting weren't far behind, their growls ripping through the air as they knocked down each and every single leering man. Hearing the familiar noise, Natsumi whipped her head back.

"Whoa! What are Metal-face and Sting doing here!? And what about Loke!"

Her questions were completely ignored, of course, as Grey pulled them out of the marketplace and into the forest. In an attempt to escape the two angry dragon slayers behind them, he swerved and winded through trees.

Gajeel cursed loudly as he began to lose sight of them, the scent growing weaker until it disappeared. It was night now, and finding them would at this point would take hours. Cursing loudly again, he punched a nearby tree. The sound it made as it splintered and fell was only a little satisfying.

Meanwhile, in another clearing, Natsumi glared fiery daggers at Grey's form. The ice mage sat on the ground with an aggravated frown on his face.

'He drags me out here for no reason, and has the nerve to be upset!' She howled inwardly. Outwardly, she lifted a fist and brought it down viciously on the top of his head, leaving him sprawling.

As she raised a boot to bring it down on his head, Gray caught it, pulling her down with him. It was a struggle, but he was able to get her pinned under him, even as she growled and squirmed.

"Let me go!"

"Stop squirming and i'll let you go!"

"Let me go and i'll stop squirming!"

"Flame head!"


They slammed their heads together in their usual manner, growling. This close, Grey could clearly see the faint lipstick, slightly smeared from her frantic eating. Something about the slight smear made him want to mess it up even more. So he did.

He pressed his lips against hers without warning, moving his hands from her wrist to run down her body. Underneath him, her squirming stopped as she began moving her body against his.