Hi guys this is KICCHIN!

So yeah, I'm mostly a reader not a writer but somehow this idea just got in my head while listening to some songs. And since Halloween is coming, I kinda decided to publish this. I will post till third chapter but you tell me if I should continue the story or if its too cliche or whatever to continue. Really, its okay no hard feelings or stuffs, after all this is my first attempt writing and publishing a BL fanfic *scratches head*

So pairing will be AKAFURI, KAGAKURO, AOKISE, MIDOTAKA AND MURAMURO. So hope you like the line up so far, and if you like the story and want me to continue, review or give it a fave! Thank you very much, I won't be holding you for too long for this AUTHOR'S NOTE. Enjoy!


I dont own KnB or any of the characters(If I do AKAFURI would have more screen time)

Chapter 1:Family Matters

Some people say that every happy ever after starts with a tragedy, but this story it starts with a family. A family that went down ages ago, even if I tried to understand truly there was just little I could understand about it. They were united by the same blood running through their veins. For some they're just your boss, or perhaps that friendly neighbor, or the muscular policeman down the road, or your son's pediatrician. They were just there, ever since. They don't bite like you thought they do, or do they live in an eerie looking mansion outside town, that's totally untrue. You see they are like all of us, just like you. Or perhaps I should say, we are just like you. The reason I am telling you about this story is really not something so deep or philosophical, it's just plain and simple—I just want to retell this long story of different shades, faces of love.

Familial love, some says a family needs a father, a mother, then their children. But isn't that too old school? They are nothing like that, one could not really say that they were actual biologically brothers, but the same blood is keeping them alive, the same blood is running in their veins and that was what made them brothers. The family legacy started somewhere in Kyoto, some says their ancestors were from a European country and due to some circumstances fled there and then stayed there for years and years until such time the descendants decided to move to the city. The eldest among the brothers works in a company, as the CEO, then their second a doctor, the third a confectioner, the fourth a police officer and their youngest a teacher. It is a fairly normal family as you could say. The sometimes—or most of the time—over protective eldest, the I-told-you-so second eldest, then the lazy pampered I-don't-give-a-crap middle child, the overachiever narcissistic second to the youngest , and everybody's angel the youngest sibling. It's basically a typical family structure, except for one thing.

Who are they really?

It's a good question, don't you think? Akashi Corporation, the biggest, most influential firm in the country, run by a bachelor, a young man named Akashi Seijuuro, the eldest among the five siblings. The corporation was a small firm back then until it was succeeded by the young man, there was a quite eerie story behind the success of the company. During the first months of the turnover, being a young man—and seemingly inexperienced on the terms of the danger of the fields—many company tried to took advantage of it targeting him in many fatal way one could think of. But none of it actually happened to the young man, and mysteriously whoever tried to thwart against the corporation, or more Akashi himself would fall into either insanity, or their death. There was no leads that could be traced to the young man though, he was always busy at the company and was thought as physically weak against the grown men stated obviously by his small stature. Was it a curse perhaps?

Or something else?

And maybe that something else was him.

The youngest, the most loved, most cared for. "Good bye sensei!" the small child waved goodbye to his teacher as his mother waited for him outside the gate. The teal haired teacher smiled back sweetly and bowed to his student's parent. A usual day at Teiko Day Care, truth to be told the Day Care is actually built using the Akashi Corporation's donation. The Day Care was known for having a very child friendly teacher—a charming young man with teal hair and powder blue eyes. The young man was exceptionally bright and has keen eyes that helped a lot from preventing any strangers from picking up the child.

A slight tug called his attention, looking beside him he found one of his students with a shy look in her face. Patting the child's head the little girl pressed herself to his side. "Is something the matter Ami-chan?" he asked in his usual monotonous voice. All awhile a man confidently strode his way to the gate of the day care, the teacher quickly noticed that—due to the towering height-behind him was a familiar blond. The blond woman excitedly spotting her daughter slightly tugged the man's shirt and pointed at her daughter.

"Ah, Ami-chan looks like your mommy's here." He said to the child, the child smiled at the sight.

"Mommy." The little girl said in full fluent English. The blond woman ran to her as the man followed her suite. Tall, quite muscular, he guessed he was either working out or an athlete, he has quite a tan skin—but not as tan as Aomine-kun—he thought, he has red hair but with darker shade than his brother's, he noticed the weird split eyebrows which made him laugh inwardly. Despite the very intimidating look, he felt no air of danger of the man.

The child quickly gave her mother a hug and the blond lifted the child in her arms with a smile. It was such a nice sight he thought, everyday he watches this beautiful sight. "Ami-chan you've been good while Mommy's out?" The woman asked with a smile, the child enthusiastically nodded.

"Good day Alex-san."

The blond woman yelps in surprise along with the man behind him. Chuckling to hide her surprise Alex bowed her head in greeting, "Ah didn't notice you there, sorry Kuroko-sensei." Alex Garcia—or Alexandra Garcia, is an American who happened to have married a Japanese man, who unfortunately died of a car accident when their daughter was only months old. The beautiful woman entrusted her daughter now to the Day Care during her work days.

"Its alright, Ami-chan did well today in class." Kuroko said. His eyes shifted to the tall man next to Alex, he was still gaping from the shock.

"Ah, sensei this man is a far relative of mine." Alex said gesturing to the man, "Hey, Taiga introduce yourself."

The man blinked twice before clearing his throat, "A-Ah yeah, well I…My name's Kagami Taiga." He said quickly offering a handshake.

"Ah idiot you're supposed to—"

"It's fine Alex-san." Kuroko said accepting the handshake, "Pleased to meet you Kagami-kun."

Kuroko's eyes widen as skin met skin, the Kagami was no exception. In a flash of speed Kuroko retracted his hands staring at his palms. Kagami did the same. Kuroko blinked twice…what…was that? It felt like pain. His chest tighten, he could hear a foreign pounding in his chest. "M-Must have been the wool." He heard Kagami muttered under his breath, looking at Kagami again Kuroko didn't notice any wool in the man's clothings, it wasn't just static.

"Is something wrong?" Alex cut through his reverie. Kuroko being good at masking his thoughts quickly turned to Alex shaking his head.

"I just remembered something, forgive about that Kagami-kun." He bowed his head politely.

"Hn." The man replied.

There was something peculiar about him. Was it the way his eyes shine with so many things yet empty at the same time, or was it the way his ice cold voice prickled his skin? He could not quite pin-point which really is strange about such man, he is charming, yes, he's polite, yes, but that's normal, yes? Nothing that big…so why? Looking back at his hands Kagami for the first time in his entire life could not understand what the heck was going on in him. "We'll see you around then Kuroko-sensei." Alex said bidding the teacher their goodbye. "Come on Taiga." Nodding Kagami took a glance at the teacher who bowed in return. As they turn around and headed their way Kagami stole a glance at the teacher, what he saw surprised him. Despite the teacher saying it was nothing, he was staring at his hands with his barely unreadable eyes.

It wasn't a big deal he said.

"Where is Tetsuya?" Akashi Seijuuro asked as he sat on his arm chair his legs crossed drinking a cup of tea quietly. His eyes landed on the bespectacled doctor shuffling through a couple of papers—ignoring him which of course was something you do not do to Akashi Seijuuro. Feeling the dark aura intensify, Midorima Shintarou almost yelp—albeit unmanly—feeling the cold shiver run up his spine. He coughed putting the files down, and the sight that welcomed him made him wished there was something, anything he could use as an excuse to run from there right then and then. Akashi Seijuuro is smiling…darkly. "Now, Shintaro, I did ask something yes?"

"Y-Yes," Midorima sighed and looked up at the stairs leading to the second floor, "he is in his room."

"My, still this anti-social? How about Daiki?"

"Aomine-kun said he needs to work over time today." Midorima jumped out of his seat at the sudden addition to the room appeared. No one except Akashi could ever get used to that appearing-disappearing trick of their youngest. Bowing his head to his older brothers Kuroko greeted them, "Welcome home Akashi-kun, Midorima-kun."

"Y-Yeah." Midorima replied trying to compose himself.

"How was today?" Akashi asked. Midorima sighed and went back to his seat. Now here starts where older brother dotes the baby brother. It was quite a sight though if people outside the family knew this man-cold and unerring is actually such a doting brother. Ever since then only Kuroko was able to question Akashi without receiving an untimely uneven hideous haircut.

"It was fine." Kuroko replied stoically. "How about you Akashi-kun?"

"I'd like to ask you a favor now that you asked of it."

Midorima's eyes glinted at those words, he closed his eyes. This is it, he thought bitterly. The thing about them was their roles, they were all bright and people have known their names except for their youngest who worked as an average school teacher in the neighborhood. For some it would be just 'it so happened that one likes lying low', but it wasn't just that. The day they were assembled as this, he carried the sullied parts of their nature, a role he can only take, a role imposed to him, a role Akashi wished didn't need to exist. But his existence, his role, his tasks were inevitable for their survival. These things were discussed in the living room like it was nothing, Midorima don't know if it was part of Kuroko's personality to not really question the things—the favors Akashi asked of him. He wondered if it was only because he loved his family, or was it because he didn't know anything else. At times Midorima questioned their youngest brother's way of thoughts, he seems to be the most thwarting member of the family, more than Aomine—maybe because he knew Akashi could never hurt him—but when it comes to these things, he silently complied.

Akashi was the family's crest, the family's symbol, bright and absolute, shining in glory. But behind him was the family's guardian. Some thought it was a curse, so they lived in an unopposed environment, because whoever tries to sully the family crest or anyone of the family falls down, crushed. Some calls him the curse, the spell, but they knew better. It was only him. A small unnoticeable presence always present behind the bright lights of the family's name.

The shadow.





The dark figure's silhouette was the only vague thing in the room. The rain seems to be mourning over something, and he wondered for whom does it weep? For him or for him. His eyes were watching the lifeless body on its desk, in the man's hand was a knife and his throat cut thoroughly and blood bathed his pale body. Tomorrow people will come and see this and thought the man killed himself from guilt. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, that scent filled the air but it made him wanted to throw up thinking that was that man's. He turned around and stared at the window from the room. The rain hasn't stopped.

"It must have been the heavens weeping."

He remember someone saying that whenever it rains. Heaven, it was something that didn't mean that much to him…or to anyone of them in particular. But if it is true that the heaven is weeping, was it for that man or him? He didn't really want to do this, to hurt anyone, but it was like a natural instinct imprinted in his body. Was the heavens weeping for he could not for himself?

Clearing his head he decided to leave the scene, it was only a small price to pay.

It was either this or they would repeat a history of decades ago.