AN: Finally, a new chapter!

Also, I will now not be reading guest reviews until they are reviewed first. This is my hobby and I want to continue doing it. This was the best way to allow myself to continue to enjoy writing.

Thank you and enjoy!

Chapter 5

"Ladies, let me tell you one thing that you need to never forget. ESPN is Satan." Katie waved her straw at us. "Garrett was shrieking joyfully and I thought that it was because, for once, I wasn't using my teeth. Was his joy due to me performing my least favorite sexual escapade with him? Oh no! He was cheering for the Celtics scoring on the Heat."

Another lunch period meant another dose of Katherine's Why Sports Are the Devil update. This usually consisted of what sporting event sucked Garrett into it's clutches and the list of reasons that Katie detested it. She even had a problem with bowling.

I picked at my tuna fish salad while glancing over to Edward's table. If our eyes met he would give me a little wave that made me blush. I was a giddy mess thanks to him.

"You could take him to a cabin in the woods with no cable," I suggested. Edward was playing with his juice bottle. He would swirl the contents around with the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. It was adorable. "You can reconnect on a more intimate level."

"Garrett would climb a tree to try to get reception so he could watch a game on a cell phone," Katie pointed out. She watched as I waved to Edward. "You are in the cute zone right now, Swan. Just wait until he gets sucked into water polo season. Edward Cullen looks like a polo fan on both land and water."

"Be nice, Katie," Alice admonished. "Edward is one of the good ones. Unlike Jasper who is still sitting over there with Rosalie Hale. He promised me on the phone last night that he was breaking up with her."

She sighed sadly as she gazed longingly at Jasper. He returned her gaze with a sad smile.

"You have to remember, Alice, that Rosalie is a frightening woman," I reminded her.

"Are you talking about Hale?" Tanya snarled as she dropped her lunch on the table. "She's been sniffing around Emmett."

"Emmett?" I heard Alice ask excitedly. I was too busy staring at Edward to inquire about this Emmett and Rosalie connection. Edward had a bit of cracker stuck to the corner of his mouth. He needed me to lick it off.

Tanya attempted to open her water bottle. She struggled to twist off the top. "Stupid. idiotic, bottle of over-priced—"

Kate grabbed the bottle out of her hands, opening it easily. She gave it back and stated, "Calm down there, tiger."

Edward's tongue flickered out of his lips and he removed the crumbs. A sigh escaped my mouth.

"It has come to my attention that Emmett used to date Rosalie before his accident. The standard football star and head cheerleading coupling that is so ridiculously cliched that it makes me want to punch something," Tanya complained.

"Weren't you a head cheerleader who dated the captain of the football team?" Alice asked. She noticed me ogling Edward. "Bella, pay attention to Tanya right now. You can gaze lovingly at Edward later."

"Sorry!" I turned my attention back to my friends. "Did I tell you that we're going on a real date tonight?"

"About thirty times, you lovesick goof." Kate threw her napkin at my head. "We have to deal with saving poor Emmett from the Ice Queen."

"Can we save Jasper too?" Alice motioned to the forlorn looking Mr. Whitlock. Edward was talking quietly to him. Rosalie was ignoring them both. It seemed her Parisian gossip magazines were far more interesting.

Kate shook her head. "He's a big boy and needs to grow a pair. Whitlock needs to break up with her on his own. Emmett, however, is a sweet guy who needs our protection from becoming a human popsicle."

"I would never have broken up with John if he had a brain injury. I ended things with him because he was sleeping with the rest of the squad," Tanya explained. "Blondie over there dumped him because he got hurt. If Emmett doesn't want to be with me that's fine. I just worry about him being with her again."

"Tanya, did Em end things with you?" I asked. He always looked at her like she walked on water.

"No, but he was telling me that she was speaking to him again. It's just that she's so beautiful and I'm—" My friend looked down at the bottle she was clutching.

I placed my hand on hers. "You are a warm beauty with a heart of gold. Rosalie Hale is like a block of ice. There's no warmth there. Trust in yourself and in Emmett making the right decision. He will."

Tanya gave me one of her famous giant squeezes. It was hard to breathe.

"Thank you," she whispered in my ear.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Edward stand. He looked at me and motioned toward the door with his head.

I practically pushed Tanya off. I announced loudly, "I better get back to my room. I have things to set-up for my next class."

Alice waved her fork at me. "Liar. You want to sneak kisses with the handsome Mr. Cullen."

"Yes," I agreed. "One day it might lead to groping in the janitor's closet. I can only keep the hope alive."

"He's still holding out on you?" Tanya asked. "I suggest attacking him like a wildebeest. He won't know what hit him."

"No. I think it might be better this way. There's something thrilling in the anticipation." If I said this enough times I might actually start believing it.

Kate choked on her sandwich. "You're in love. I would never have believed it could happen."

"Stranger things have happened," I pointed out as I gathered up my things.

As soon as I left the break room, Edward grabbed me by the hand. He placed a kiss on my cheek. "There you are."

"You waiting for me? I was heading to get out paint supplies for my next class. What a wonderful surprise, Edward!"

We started walking down the hall with fingers tightly clasped. Edward grinned at me. "You know good and well that I was waiting for you. I'll help you get ready for your class."

"We have plenty of time to make-out in the boiler room," I suggested. "Wouldn't that be quite enjoyable?"

I started toward the direction of the basement but Edward pulled me toward my classroom. "Time for work, Miss Swan. I'll make it up to you tonight."

"We heading to third, Mr. Cullen?" I inquired.

"I was thinking perhaps second with a lovely dinner to start with." He headed to the shelf that held all the paints. "What kind and color?"

"Grab the white and black gouache. We're working on shades of gray." I started placing palettes. on the tables. "I'm going to steer the children away from the fifty shades variety. It would be unseemly and highly creepy for a high school setting."

"What?" Edward looked at me in confusion.

I guess questionable literature about floggers and bondage wasn't Edward's thing. Of course, I didn't read it myself. Supposedly, there was something about a tampon that made the teachers' book club nauseous according to Katie. Though the idea of tying Edward up with scarves was quite appealing. First things first, however, since we haven't really gotten to touching underneath clothing.

I shrugged. "Never mind."

Edward leaned against a table. "Jasper is ending things with Rosalie tonight."

"Should he bring protection of some sort? A hot iron? Perhaps a hair dryer? It will have to be hot enough to actually melt her." I walked over to Edward and was enveloped in his open arms. When Edward decided to open up to emotions, he was quite the hugger. It was quite snuggly and my new favorite place to be.

"He's going to call her from his home. Just in case, he changed the locks." Edward ran his fingers up and down my back. "Rosalie is a bit frightening when she wants to be."

I looked up at Edward. "She's been talking to Emmett. Did you know they were an item before his accident?"

"She never mentioned it." Edward's face was the picture of concern. "Rosalie taking up with Mr. McCarty would be a terrible idea. She'll eat him alive."

"Have any words of wisdom? Tanya is beside herself worrying about it."

Edward smiled down at me. "I'll talk to Mr. McCarty. See what he actually thinks about Rosalie speaking to him again. I can give him advice about fending her off."

"Did she ever try to date you. Edward?" All of a sudden, I felt like Tanya did. In my heart I knew Rosalie and her acidic personality was no threat. Unfortunately, there was a small part of me that was threatened by her beauty.

He chuckled. "She only tolerates me because of Jasper. Honestly, I think she wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire. My advice to Emmett would be to act like me. That would make her go the other direction."

"I don't know what her problem is. I think you're quite charming and cute." I placed a hand on his cheek.

"Cute, huh? I think you're lovely." Edward gave me a shy smile.

Leaning my forehead on his, I asked, "Can I kiss you now? Just to get me through the rest of the school day?"

Edward actually blushed. "The students won't be here for a couple of minutes."

"Right. No hormonal children to interrupt." I pushed closer to him. "Unless you don't want to kiss me. I guess you'll be fine waiting till tonight."

"I would be remiss if I didn't kiss you now. The day would be filled with remorse of the missed opportunity of your lips on mine." His lips were practically touching me.

"Aren't you quite the charmer? I think you should be writing adaptions of classical writing for the BBC, Mr. Science. You're missing out on a wonderful opportunity by playing around with science stuff."

"Shut up and kiss me, Bella."

I was happy to oblige. His lips fitted perfectly with mine. We kissed like we weren't stuck in my classroom but a more romantic setting. I could see us kissing like this on a dock. Seagulls flying overhead as we held each other tightly. The sound of the waves hitting the land as Edward weaved his hands in my hair. This would be the romance Edward talked about. I wanted this in my life. I wanted this with him.

Edward pulled away slightly. "This feels different. When I dated before this everything was completely planned and organized."

"Your relationships? They sounds more like business meetings." I squeezed his waist. "Mine were all pure intensity and whim. It would be like a fire. The relationships would be quick to ignite and extinguish just as quickly."

Edward ran his hand down my neck. "I feel tingly when I touch you. I don't want to stop."

"I like being quiet with you like this. Just hugging and talking during our day is so wonderful to me," I admitted. Of course, hot lovemaking in the back of his car would be super. We would work up to that.

"We work the best mixing everything all together, don't you think?" He asked, his grip tightening.


Our lips touched again. There was more of an intensity then before. He was kissing me with a passion that was inspiring. I wanted to roll our naked bodies in paint and create a series of masterpieces. Our intertwined limbs would be the tools to create works of art that could be hung on the walls of the most celebrated galleries and museums in the world. We could frolic on large canvases as—

Silly daytime fantasy. I just wanted to make sweet love to the man. I wasn't the least bit picky where or how.

Patience is a virtue, yet his kissing is an amazing drug. I squeezed his ass and he squeezed mine back.

"Damn, Miss Swan!" Mike Newton's obnoxious voice exclaimed. "You hittin' it with Mr. Cullen? My dreams are all fucked!"

We pulled away quickly. The students were all snickering as they took their seats.

"Language, Mr. Newton," I hissed. I hated that kid.

"Maybe next time we should visit your boiler room suggestion," Edward whispered in my ear. "It was a good suggestion that I should have agreed to."

"The janitor's closet is far more cozy, I hear." I pinched his butt discreetly.

Red-faced and adorable, Edward jumped up. He squeaked, "Tonight then."

Tonight indeed.