One month later…

Emily races around a large hedge and comes up to a stop as she sees one of her foes has cut her off. The grin on his face tells her she's made a big mistake.

"Uh oh."

She turns to run back the way she came, just barely avoiding yet another foe. She darts away and thinks she might be in the clear when two more appear in front of her. She skids to a stop and starts another way but the two behind her leap and tackle her to the ground.

"OOMPH!" Emily grunts.

A second later the other two leap on. She struggles to get free but her giggling attackers each grab a limb.

"GOTCHA, MAMA!" Declan calls out.

"Yep, we gotcha, Emily!" Jimmy agrees.

Emily struggles a bit more but doesn't want to hurt her sons and their two best friends. Finally she relaxes.

"Okay, okay…you got me."

The four little boys jump and start to dance around. "WE WON! WE WON!" they chant.

Emily rolls onto her back laughing. "So when exactly did 4 on 1 tag turn into 4 on 1 TACKLE tag?"

Henry grins. "Uncle Spence said we should tackle you to make sure you know we tagged you."

Emily rolls her head towards a tree, where the genius sits on a blanket, cradling his baby girl. She lifts a brow.

"Paybacks are hell, Spencer."

He grins. "No way. Not while I am holding my baby girl."

"Can't hold her forever, Doc," she taunts.

"But I can sure try," he counters with a grin.

"Right." She looks back at the boys. "So, anything else you want to play? Maybe something that won't put me in traction?"

"Soccer?" Sam suggests.

"Yeah! Or baseball!" Henry offers up.

"Maybe both! I bet there's a way to play soccer and baseball!" Jimmy suggests.

Declan thinks a second. "Yeah! We can get a ball the size of a soccer ball and you have to hit it with the bat but the fielders can only kick it or head it to try to get you out."

"And you have to run bases! But like 10 not just 4!" Sam says excitedly.

Emily lays on the grounds as the four boys come up with a crazy new hybrid game that will have few rules, plenty of chances for disagreement, and will be incredibly fun. From a distance.

"Come on, Mama! Play!" Henry encourages, grabbing her hand trying to pull her up.

"I don't think so. I'm going over to the blanket and rest. Maybe once you all hammer out all the kinks of the game I'll join in."

"Okay. Come on, guys, let's go get what we need!"

Emily sits up and watches as they run to the shed filled with toys and equipment for kids to use in the park. Had she ever been that carefree? Maybe, maybe not. But she would do her damnedest to make sure her sons, their friends and her new "niece" Nikola can remain carefree kids as long as possible. She stands up and dusts off her pants before walking back over to the blanket.

"Need anything, Spence?"

"Nope, we're good, aren't we, Nikola? Yes, we are." He coos to his little girl.

"I still think she'll have a complex since you gave her a boy's name." Reid just grins. Emily looks at the other participant in the picnic. "Need anything, Hotch?"

Hotch shifts a bit, his chest still catching a bit. "Nope. I'm good. Had fun watching you play with the boys." He sighs. "Makes me miss Jack. Hell, makes me wish he was here to play and have fun, too."

Emily nods. "Me, too." She studies her hands a second then looks up. "I'm sorry I…didn't get to know him. I just…I was worried…I didn't want…shit…"

"I understand. I'm sorry I had a family life that didn't include you. You should have always been part of things we did."

"I couldn't be, Hotch. Someone could have used me against you or your family against me. It wasn't safe. Maybe…maybe someday we can all visit and be a real family for a time."

Hotch smiles. "I like that."


Hotch looks up at Henry. "Yes, Henry?"

"You keep score a'cause you can count!"

Emily frowns. "Hey! I can count!"

"But Grandpa can't play and you can. You're just too chicken to play," Declan points out, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Ooooo," Hotch and Reid intone, grinning.

Emily stands with a frown, grinning internally at the baiting. "Chicken? I'll show you guys chicken!"

The four boys high five, glad they have tricked her into playing their new game. Emily jogs out to join them.

"Okay, what's the rules, were are the bases, and are you really up to losing at your own game?"

The boys grin and run down the rules they had agreed upon so far. As they spread out to start the game, Emily glances over at Hotch and grins.

"Ready to keep score, old man?"

"Ready when you are," he answers.

"Good. Thanks…Dad."

Hotch just nods as Emily turns and starts to play socbaserball (as it is currently called) with her sons and their friends.

JJ finishes reading the resume in front of her. Of course she had read it once before or the candidate would not even be in front of her. As acting captain of the police force, the protective woman had insisted on interviewing and choosing all applicants for the force. If she can trust them with her back, she can trust them with the lives of the citizens she has sworn an oath to serve and protect. She notices this particular woman does not seem to be nervous. JJ sets the paper down on her desk and folds her hands over it, staring into calm eyes.

"So you want to leave the Red Light district and join the police force. Not a usual progression. Can I ask why?"

The woman gives a subtle shrug. "I never wanted to work the Red Light district. It was just a means to an end after I was blackballed from regular employment a few years ago."

"I see. What did you want to do then?"

"I applied to the police force. When I refused to give…favors…for the chance, I then tried to work the mines, the farms, even the mill. Then I got a visit one day and was informed I had two options: sleep my way to the police force or sleep my way to retirement." The woman sits up straight. "I figured at least down in the Red Light I could get paid for spreading my legs for assholes. But if I slept my way to get the job I wanted I'd lose my own self-respect and be a target for continued harassment. At least down in the Red Light Trixie could make sure the right people kept an eye out for me."

"I see," JJ says noncommittally. "What about leaving town?"

"This is my home. I have a sister and brother-in-law here, as well as a niece. Why should I leave them because of one asshole?"

"Good point," JJ agrees. "In this position you may have to work to protect the very man that propositioned you. Are you ready for that possibility?"

"No chance of that, actually."

"Oh, why not?"

"He's dead. Your wife killed him."

JJ stiffens. She takes a breath before asking the next question. "Who was it?"

The woman lifts an eyebrow. "Your father."

JJ lets out a slow breath and shakes her head. "Zeke…you bastard," she mutters. She consciously eases her shoulders and meets the eyes of the woman wronged by her father. "First of all, let me apologize for…shit, so much I don't know where to begin. Secondly, I can understand if you will have issues working for me, no matter how long I hold this desk. I can make sure Alfred is your immediate supervisor should you be chosen to serve."

"I have no issues with you, Captain Jareau. Your actions and those of your sister show your loyalty is with the people, not your father. Hell, you can't help who you're born to, right?"

JJ nods. "True."

"Look, what's past is past. This is a chance for everyone to start new, right?" She leans forward. "From the time I was a kid I wanted to be a cop." She grins. "I think first it was because you had horses," she admits as JJ chuckles. "But as I got older I understood that without justice our town would be hell on earth. The battle we are still recovering from is proof of that. I want a chance to help make sure no one screws that up by stealing, killing, or just being an asshole. Please, Captain Jareau, give me a chance and I will show you I can be an officer you will be proud to serve with."

JJ can't help but smile. "I believe you." She stands and offers her hand. "You start training in one week. Welcome to the police force."

Kate Callahan stands and shakes JJ's hand. "Thank you, Captain. And on a side note, JJ, I never blamed you for what he did."

"I wish you'd told me, Kate. I'd have castrated him myself. I always wondered why you chose the path you did. I'm sorry I never asked."

Kate shrugs. "How were you to know, JJ?"

"I should have known. There is so much I should have seen but…I didn't. I promise you: my eyes are wide open now. I won't give you a free pass on training because your safety as well as the safety of the public is at stake but, well, short of you really screwing something up I'd say you'll finally have a pony."

Kate grins. "A childhood dream come true!"

The two chuckle. They stare at each other a moment, then JJ moves around the desk and the women who had been friends as children exchange a hug.

"Glad your dad didn't kill you, JJ. You'll be a hell of a captain."

"Thanks, Kate. I'll be proud to serve with you."

The hug ends and Kate leaves the office. JJ goes to her desk and stares down at the application. She takes her pen and writes "ACCEPTED" across the top. She places it in the folder for soon to be recruits and picks up the next application in the stack.

"MICHAEL KNIGHT!" she calls out and sits down to prepare to interview the next applicant.

"WOO HOO! TETRIS BACK UP AND RUNNING!" an elated Penelope Garcia-Reid squeals.

The happy geek plays the game on a jumpy, rebuilt screen for a few seconds, grumbling as the space bar sticks a little and screws up a couple of drops. When she finally loses the game she still sits back extremely satisfied. Sure it was just one computer but it was one more than she'd had running that morning.

"So you really did it?" her assistant asks.

"You saw it! Couldn't get the sound to work but, yes, this computer is running! Let's see…LOOK! MICROSOFT WORD! Wow…I thought it was just an old wives tale but it really did exist."

"Wow so, like, that was before Microsoft was taken over by the government and their Doc Serve software was the only allowed software?"

"Yep! This must be a dinosaur someone hid away. Brave person," Garcia says admiringly. "Doc Serve sucks. Let's hope we find more dinosaurs."

"You said it! So, what do I do to try to get some of these others running?"

Garcia looks up and stares at the stacks and stacks of laptops, desktops, and ever tablet computers in the old firehouse. She sighs.

"Wow…sure is a whole lot of them. Well, let's start with the laptops. They'll be the easiest for the council, doctors and cops to use where needed. So, let's start plugging them in and see which ones might actually have a spark in them. Spence is still trying to figure out a way to recharge batteries so we need to be ready for him because we both know he's going to do it," she says with confidence and pride.

"You bet your ass he will, Garcia. Let's get going."

Garcia starts to untangle laptops from their cords and plug them in. Hopefully by the time her husband brings their daughter by for her afternoon feeding one or two more computers will be getting the fixes they need to bring the town back into the age of technology.

Roz rubs a hand across her eyes. "Are you fucking serious?"

Angus grins. "Isn't this just the type of decision you wanted to make?"

"Oh, hush, old man. I was joking when I said all I wanted the power to decide is what colour to paint things. I had no idea one neighborhood wants white fences and another wants natural wood only and that they would bring that shit to the council."

"Well they didn't bring it to the council. They brought it to the mayor. Ready to see the reps from both sides?"

Roz rolls her eyes. "Sure. Send them in."

Angus opens the door and gestures into the hallway. Two men walk in and Angus introduces them.

"Mayor Rosaline," (she refused to be called Mayor Jareau), "meet Mr. Cleaver of the white fence group and Mr. Brady of the natural wood side."

"Gentlemen, is this dispute really necessary? I mean, seriously, considering the other shit you have to deal with?"

Mr. Cleaver steps forward. "If we start leaving things natural they will break down sooner. The whitewash will help the fences maintain their durability for years!"

"But the natural way is prettier! And, to be honest, easier when there are other things we need to do. Why should our family not be allowed to have a pet because we don't have time to paint a damn fence!" Mr. Brady complains. "Should we just throw Tiger away because of a fence?"

Roz lifts a brow. "You have a tiger?"

"Uh, no. A mutt. A dog. Kids named him Tiger. No idea why," he admits.

"Ah." She thinks a second, then looks at Angus. "Just to confirm, the distillery is almost up and running, right?" Angus chuckles and nods. She looks back at her guests. "Thank God. Okay, here it is: Natural wood, whitewash, whatever the hell you want to do and whatever you have time for. If you two are going to waste time and energy over something this utterly ridiculous when there are real concerns still being dealt with I shudder to think where you might be working. For at least the next year there will be no beautification restrictions or requirements. Once our damn town is rebuilt, our businesses back to running, our infrastructure and defenses solid, then come see me and we'll fucking grid out what color fences have to be on every damn street if we need to. Until then get a fucking life and GROW UP!"

The men both look ashamed at the scolding. Roz is right: it's pretty damn ridiculous considering all the other things that have to be done. They make their apologies and start to leave.

"Hey, Brady?" Roz calls out. He turns. "Cute name for the dog. Tell the kids it's great."

He smiles. "I will. Thanks, Mayor Roz."

Roz sits back in her chair and glares at Angus. "That was your passive aggressive way of getting me to actually participate in real town affairs?"


"You're an ass, old man, but I hear you." She stands and stretches. "At the next council meeting I promise to do more than practice that coin over my knuckles trick Spence is teaching me. I still can't believe people want me in this role. I mean, seriously, a Jareau back in charge? People are fucking nuts."

Angus grins. "And as long as you continue to rule with a healthy dose of resignation they will continue to trust you. Of course if you suddenly look like you are enjoying the power you'll probably be assassinated so you probably figure you are screwed either way."

Roz starts to laugh. "Yep, Angus, you hit it right on the head. So the town is stuck with me for now until I can figure out a way to abdicate the throne."

He laughs and goes out to get the next person waiting for an audience with Mayor Roz. Roz walks over and looks out the window at the town.

Yep, slowly but surely it was coming back together.

Emily finishes singing a lullaby to the boys and gives then both a hug and kiss.

"And tomorrow it starts my week on top, right, Mama?" Henry confirms.

Emily smiles. "Yes, tomorrow. Sleep now, son, and it will be time sooner."

She kisses him once more and strokes a hand through his hair. She stands up and double checks the blanket on Declan, who sleeps in the top bunk. He hugs his toy bunny tightly.

"These beds are fun, Mama."

"I know they are. Enjoy the night up here."

"I will. Bunny will, too."

She grins. "I'm sure he will. Goodnight."

She kisses him once more and retires to her bedroom. She knows it will be a couple hours before her wife returns. JJ has insisted on touring each district at the start of the night shift so she knows what's going on. Emily hopes that need will end soon but since it gives her time to do a little work of her own she doesn't mind too much. She settles on the bed and lifts up the book on the nightstand. She gets comfortable and starts to read.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…," she sighs happily. "I love Dickens."

When JJ gets home a couple hours later she finds the town assistant librarian asleep, "A Tale of Two Cities" dangling from her hands. JJ grins.

"So damn cute," she whispers.

She hangs up her gun belt then goes across the hall to check on the boys. Seeing they are both sleeping soundly, she returns to her room and sees Emily is sitting up.

"I thought I heard you come in."

JJ smiles. "Just a few minutes ago. All is calm tonight."

"Good." Emily scoots to the edge of the bed and pulls JJ close. "So does this mean the captain is off duty?"

JJ rests her arms on Emily's shoulders as she stands between her legs. "It does indeed mean that."


Emily grabs her wife and flips her onto the bed and rolls on top of her. JJ giggles as Emily stares down at her.

"That means I can have my way with her."

"Looks like someone got recharged by her nap," JJ notes.


Emily leans down and gives JJ a toe-curling kiss. She brings a hand up and starts to undo the blonde's shirt. By the time the kiss ends, that hand has made its way under JJ's bra and is gently squeezing a pert breast. Emily stares into eyes purple with desire.

"I think I want to get the captain knocked up tonight."

JJ smiles. "Not scientifically possible," she points out.

"Maybe not," Emily concedes. She lowers her mouth and sucks the hard nipple a moment before looking back up at her wife. "But I'll have a hell of a fun time trying."

JJ laughs and starts to work her wife's clothes off. "Me too, baby. Me, too."

And soon the two are doing their best to defy science as they prove their love to each other long into the night.

Peace and love have returned to East Alleghany.

The End…probably