I OWN NOTHING! I haven't written in ages, but I really, really like the two of them, and there's not a lot up for this ship. Star Wars comes from Bobbi's shirt, and the rest is just me, though I absolutely believe that their relationship couldn't survive, positive or negative, without some bickering. I also think everyone would have a pool going on how long it would take them to get back together, and Coulson wouldn't approve but secretly he conferred with May and put up half of her bet.

"If you want to stay, stay," she had said, as she left him alone in the front room of the safe house.

And he did. He did want to stay. He wanted to keep drinking with Mack and Tripp and Fitz, wanted to keep arguing with Skye, wanted to get to know Agent Simmons now that she was back from her undercover work. He didn't even mind getting his ass kicked by Melinda May, and as Directors went, Coulson wasn't all that bad. Yes, Lance Hunter wanted to remain an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and so he stayed. And he kept saving Bobbi's life, and she repaid the favor often enough that it became something of a joke for the rest of the team to keep track of who was "winning" for that mission. And eventually, he remembered that she had some traits other than "Demonic Hell Beast", and that he really loved how good of a cook she was, and how nice it was to have a sparring partner that was right at his level, and that she loved Star Wars as much as he did.

Bobbi, for her part, remembered how nice it was to have someone who made her laugh. Maybe he was childish, but he also had a wicked sense of humor, and could spot a flaw in her technique in seconds flat. He might be a jerk about helping her fix it, but he always helped her, with fighting and with anything she needed, and she was grateful to him for that.

And one day, when she was frying chicken and he reached up over her to grab plates so he could set the table for the team, his arm wrapped rather comfortably around her waist as he dropped a peck on top her head. A couple days later, they were curled up watching "A New Hope", with her head on his shoulder, absentmindedly bickering about how sci-fi would have been effected had Star Wars been released before Star Trek. In the blue glow of the TV screen, Bobbi remembered how safe she felt in his arms, and Lance remembered how wonderful she felt in his. So they kissed, and then they went back to watching Luke and Leia and Han have adventures while taking a break from their own.

In the end, they both were glad he stayed.