The minute the Weasley family arrived at the new house Rachel knew everything would be different. It was peaceful for once. No one was trying to kill her or kidnap her. The press couldn't get to her. It was just Rachel and her family.

The Dursleys trial came faster than Rachel wanted it to but it was successful. After giving all three of the Dursleys Veritaserum they sang like birds and were immediately sent to Azkaban, where Peter Pettigrew had already ended up in an animagus proof cell. Dudley went into the Foster system but every family that took him in couldn't handle his bratty behavior which finally landed him in a group home.

Remus and Sirius went on the run together. Although the charges against Sirius for murder had been dropped they were still wanted for kidnapping. After a few months the search settled down. They couldn't find them anywhere and Rachel couldn't care less. As long as they stayed away from her she would be happy.

Everything was moving smoothly as they all went back to Hogwarts, except for Charlie and Bill. Arthur made a wonderful muggle studies professor. He often ran his curriculum past Rachel, since she was raised by muggles, to make sure the facts were still valid.

Molly enjoyed working in the hospital wing with Poppy however she hated how often she found her oldest daughter in one of the beds. She was happy to be close to all her children though. Bill and Charlie came to visit very often and everyone had a bedroom in the Weasley's quarters so Rachel often found herself in her bed there after having a late night talk with her parents. They were spending a lot of time together and Rachel was finally opening up to them about her past more. If the Dursleys weren't in jail they would be dead.

Rachel was happy. She had the occasional nightmare and the road to happiness was long and bumpy but she reached it.