
He loved it when she snuck up on him, and she loved it when he loved the unexpected. He was a creature of habit more than anything else, and breaking his routine was her favorite pastime as of late. It was increasingly getting harder and harder to think of new ways to surprise him, however. After all, how many times would he act surprised when she appeared before him, springing into his arms to steal a kiss? Not much longer, she mused. But it certainly was fun to do.

Her musings were cut short when a pair of muscular arms wrapped around her waist. Most women would find this surprising: but she merely smirked as she felt his hot breath on her neck.

"Fancy seeing you here," he murmured. Her body shivered as his deep baritone of a voice rang through her entire being.

"Is it?"

"Indeed. Do you need anything, milady?"

"Why as a matter of fact, I do."

She twisted around in his arms to wrap hers around his neck. Her deep blue irises met his emerald ones with a mischievous gleam.

"Perhaps you can show me…to your chambers? I often find myself getting lost looking for them in this massive place."

"Why would you need to find those, milady?"

She closed the distance between them to lay her lips upon his. He responded in kind, only deepening their contact as she entangled her fingers in his silver tresses.

When they finally did part, they both were breathless. The woman stole a glance at him once more, and with a far more husky tone than before, she spoke.

"You know why."

"Well, far be it from me to deny a lady."

In one swift motion he lifted the woman into his arms.

The woman giggled as he marched straight to his chambers, closing the door behind them.

And neither of them were seen until the next morning.


A/N: Lately drabbles have been my thing, so here is a short series of some with my favorite SenshiXShitenu couple. I don't know how long these will be, so just leaving it open for now. Enjoy and R and R!