
Minako wasn't sure what she was looking for – she saw him earlier that day reading something, but she couldn't tell what from her vantage point. When she tried to sneak up on him, he was too fast for her – when her head peered over his shoulder at his computer screen, it had flickered back to the investment page it was so notoriously used to being focused on.

"Aww, something you aren't telling me I should be aware of Kunzy-kun? A long distance other woman, maybe?" she tried to goad him into giving her the information she wanted.

"How did you guess? Don't tell my other other woman, if you'd be so kind. She's got a bit of a jealous streak."

She scoffed and closed the lid of his laptop. He looked up at her.

"No other women on my watch, Mister!" she winked. "I'm all the woman you could handle, be honest."

He chuckled.

"How right you are."

"So, what were you reading? I know it wasn't the investment page, that's a tab you always have open."

"Minako…" Kunzite warned. "Stay out of it."

Stay out of it? She thought. Do you even know what stay out of it means in Minako Manor? Find it at all costs!

And so, the blond was currently busy cleaning Kunzite's room. Cleaning, in the way that a monsoon was just "A small drizzle". Currently, Kunzites entire wardrobe was on various pieces of furniture, and his bedroom appliances all unplugged. Still, she slammed open and shut different drawers until…

"Found you!" she hopped back and plopped onto the bed. "Let's see what secrets you hold, my friend."

Minako held Kunzite's laptop up. She placed it on his nightstand, opened the lid and booted up the device. She scowled at the offending 'Log in' screen.

"Enter password, really?"

She typed in her name, password denied. His name, password denied. Her eyes scrunched up in concentration as she tried to solve this new puzzle. She typed in different phrases, his work ID, his birthday…all came up nada. After twenty minutes, she sighed and leaned back on the pillows of the bed.

"Think Minako, you aren't the Senshi's leader for nothing. Let's see…if I were Kunzite, and wanted to keep me out…what would I make my password…oh!"

She typed in 'Stay out, Minako'.

With a resounding beep, the desktop screen loaded. Minako cried out victoriously.

"Ha! Knew it! Don't try to keep me out of anything Mister Secretive. The Senshi of Love and Beauty can crack any code! Now to see what you were looking at yesterday."

Minako went through the history on the web browser. When she found the page she thought she was looking for, her eyes widened.

"Ohohohoho, no wonder you didn't want me to see this," a devious smile graced her lips. "I can't wait for you to get home, my dear. Tonight will be a treat."


That evening, Kunzite returned home from work, and Minako was a bit too sweet for his liking. His eyes narrowed.

"What are you up to, Mina Mine?"

"Nothing Kunzy-kun," she replied in a sing-songy voice. "Just wanted to greet you at the door."

"I don't like this one bit."

Kunzite walked into his bedroom to see if there was any collateral damage. When he saw everything was in its proper place (and a bit too clean looking if you asked him) he walked back into the living room.

"What are we having for dinner, my dear?"

"O, I dunno," she leaned against the kitchen countertop. "I was thinking…something a bit…spicy?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Hmm…" she tapped her chin with her finger. "Something really spicy, but really…savory, too."

"I…see. I don't quite like where this is going."

"But I don't have any recipes available…"

"You haven't cooked a day in your life Min-"

"Would you check online for a good one sweetie?"

Kunzite sighed. He went into his bedroom and grabbed his laptop…his too warm for not having been used all day laptop.

"Minako, what did you do?" he eyed her suspiciously.

"What do you mean? I can't get into your laptop without your password, dear."

He froze.

"What did you do today, Minako."

"Why don't you open that and see?"

With another sigh, he obeyed. When the computer reopened, he nearly dropped it as a page he had carefully hidden for months was smack in the middle of his screen, and enlarged so it was covering the entire thing. Once again, he sighed and turned to her. She had somehow crept up on him and was very, very close – with a far too smug grin on her lips.

"How did you even get into my laptop?"

"Ami-chan has rubbed off on me, I guess. Your password was a bit too easy to crack, too."


"Well, not at first. But I thought, you wouldn't use an easy password, or even one I'd try to guess you'd type. But if I tried to guess something you'd say out loud to me when I was being too nosey…"

"Minako," he hissed. "There was a reason that page was hidden!"

"To hide your embarrassment? Your shame? Sweetie, there's nothing to be ashamed about, seriously! I do it all the time, too."

"You do?"

"…No," she giggled and wrapped her arms around his. "But I think it's incredibly adorable that you find that line of fiction…so enthralling."

"Don't start. Don't you dare start."

"If I knew you liked Sailor V fanfiction so much, I would have written you one a long time ago," she winked. "One that's…rated M, maybe? Though the one you had open was pretty steamy already."

"Minako!" he glared at her. "Don't you dare mention this to anyone else, do you hear me? If you do I'll-"

She silenced him with a kiss.

"Your secret is safe with me love," she winked again. "I just was curious, that's all. But honestly, it's not a big deal. I search the Senshi aaaall the time."


"Mmmhm," she kissed the corner of his mouth. "It's fun to see what pops up now and again. Fanfics are…a bit different though. More creative territory. We should read some together. It'd be fun."


The blond giggled huskily.

"I can think of…a lot of things we can do with that material you were reading yesterday. Why don't we skip dinner and head on into the bedroom for some dessert?"

It was his turn to chuckle. In one swift motion, he cradled Minako in his arms and carried her to their bed.

"Whatever you say, Mina Mine. Far be it from me to deny a lady."


A/N: Gaaasp it's been so long since I've updated this. I wanted to do something serious honestly, but what can I say? I…prefer humor XD Um, not quite happy with how this came out, but here it is nevertheless. Hope you enjoy!