A/N: I normally don't want to give excuses for delays, but since I promised a semi-weekly update rate this year and failed it I should at least come clean. It was going good when I had to go back home for a weekend, became really sick the next, lost my muse for the stories; and lastly, a month ago I started an internship. It's really my dream job and I've been giving it my all for the last few weeks because I have to learn everything from scratch in the new business./Monkan

~ Chapter 4 ~

"So what did you want to talk about?" Loki asked as he sat down on the diva in his room.

Looking around Thor saw the chair from "yesterday" and the memory of Loki sitting in it dead in a burning room flashed through his mind.

"We will miss lunch at this rate and I know that's a high crime in your book, brother." Loki joked with a smile at Thor's continued silence.

"Have you seen anything out of the usual for the last few days?"

Loki let surprise filter onto his face. "Not that I can remember. It's been as normal as it can be around here. Why do you ask?"

"What have you done for the last week?"

"I've been studying here in my room." Loki pointed to the stack of books by his desk that could just barely be seen behind the curtain to the next room.

"When was the last time you did any mischief?"

For the first time Loki's back tensed as he didn't like the questions order. "Not for a couple months now, Thor. You know that."

"Have you said anything that might make anyone hold a grudge against you recently?"

"No. Thor what is going on?" Loki demanded gently as he didn't like where this was going.

"Have you ever experienced the same day before?"

"You mean deja vu? Then yes. But that's only moments where you feel that something has happened before."

"I don't mean moments." Thor turned and looked at Loki. "I mean whole days. Or more precise a day. I know everything that's going to happen until slightly after dinner today. And it's not just knowing what will happen. I know what people will say and how they will react."

"It's just not possible." Loki shook his head.

"But what if it's possible?" Thor countered. "I'm standing on a single road and there's no way to go back, but it always leads me to the same end no matter how many times I try to avoid it. I don't want to reach that end. Every step is painful, but I don't know how to avoid it because every time I reach the end I end up at the beginning." Thor moved restlessly toward Loki until he was standing close. "I'm the only one who remembers. Even this conversation will become something only I know in a few hours. I'm stuck, Loki. I don't know how this is happening but I do know that there's someone responsible for it."

"And I'm part of that ending." Loki concluded, drawing up a vague map in his head from what Thor was telling him. He still thought it impossible, but Thor was trying to tell him something and that was enough for him to try to piece it together no matter how ridiculus.

"You die." The flinch could be felt from the close distance between them, but Thor was past the point where it would make him flinch. "I saw you kill yourself so many times that I just wanted it all to stop. I always questioned why would you kill yourself when I protect you with all my might. But I've finally learned the truth. This day will end when someone murders you. How or who I don't know because the means is always different in some way each time. The method, the place, but it all leads to your death."

Unable to say anything, Loki could only watch as Thor sat down next to him and took his hand in his.

"I promise you that I will save you in the end. No matter how many times I have to walk through this hell, I will make it through to the other side with you by my side. From this moment I will not rest until I find who's behind this and drag him to your feet. This I promise you," he raised their hands so that their hands was between them, nearly shielding their bottom lips. "so please forgive me for I will fail you on the way. I will be unable to protect you and each time I see you die it will be another wound on my heart as I will never forgive myself for my weakness."

Though he wanted to say so much more, he couldn't because he had never been the one who was good with words. It had always been Loki who could spin words any way he wanted. It was always Loki who was smarter than him, who saw everything from every angle and weighted the risks. He didn't have that. All he could do was speak his heart.

"At lunch there will be those who will speak ill about you, but fear not their words, for I will make sure they don't finish their words."

As if on cue the bell for lunch rang and Loki was not sure if it was just a coincident or not with the timing.

"For today," Thor squeezed Loki's hand. "Don't leave my side."

In the end Thor was unable to protect Loki once more. This time they were both drugged and Thor doesn't know when they are separated but he does know the moment before time resets because he can hear it in his heart. The scream he let out the first time Loki "hanged himself".

Thor was struggling to keep his breath as the water around him grew darker and darker, pulling Loki down like it was swallowing him. His hands reached out for the pale figure who sank faster than he could swim.

Thor caught Loki as his body convulsed backward. Blood spat from his mouth as the goblet rolled at their feet.

Thor had no time to get close enough to stop Loki from cutting his own throat with a silver dagger.

Thor ran through the corridors once more in hopeless attempt to stop it.

Thor's fingers brushed against the end of the rope as it slipped out of his grip and the snap echoed in his ears.

Thor could only watch as Loki fell from the horse and was trampled to death by the animal who panicked by the event and gave a particular nasty kick.

Thor ran up the stairs to the roof just to catch the disappearing view of Loki as he jumped. Barely aware that he no longer felt out of breath from his excessive running.

Thor stared at the clock as it showed an all time new best record for him on his training course. Everything he did was improving. From his aim to his strength to his speed and stamina. There was no doubt about it. He was not just going back in time, but his body took the experience with him.

Thor walked with big steps toward the window with a long range bow in his hand. He looked out and caught Loki heading toward another place to kill himself. He took aim with the only arrow his brought with him and searched the area.

His eyes searched every crook and shadow he could spot when a movement caught his eyes.

Without thinking or questioning himself he let it go and watched in cold detachment how the shadow flinched back and although he couldn't see the face of the enemy he knew that his message had reached the other.

Although he doesn't know who or why, they better be ready to be hunted.

Because he was coming after them.