Story: Arms of an Angel


When childhood best friends Jacob and Bella run into each other after losing touch for years, they decide to become roommates. Will they be able bring back the good and overcome the bad from their past?

BellaxJacob, all human, rated M for future lemons.

AN: I don't own anything. I'm posting this story live as I write it, please let me know your views, so I can take your feedback into account!

Chapter 1: Apartment

Jacob POV

I arrive at the building ten minutes early, expecting to have difficulty finding a parking spot, but I am pleasantly surprised by the surroundings. The building is right outside the city, in a relatively calm and green neighborhood and there's a parking lot right across the street. This quiet location is one of the reasons for the high renting price. The new soccer team I transferred to doesn't pay as much as my last one yet, since I spent most of last year being injured, but I still plan on recovering soon, so I'll be able to afford a place like this when I play more games. I just hope the apartment looks just as nice as the online pictures.

Even though I'm early, I decide to go ahead and ring the bell, just in case the agent is there already.

"Yes?" a female voice asks through the intercom.

"This is Jacob Black. I have an appointment at five."

"Come on up," she says and the door buzzes.

The elevator brings me to the fourth floor and the agent waits in the doorway.

"Good afternoon," she greets me with a firm handshake, "I'm just finishing the tour for the previous client, but why don't you have a look around and I'll be with you soon?"

I nod and follow her into the apartment, but I stop dead in my tracks when I recognize this other client.

I must have been staring at her, baffled by the ways in which she changed and hasn't changed at the same time, because she starts grinning and says, "what's the matter, don't remember me, Jacob?"

"Bella," I breathe, "of course I … I mean, wow, look at you!"

"I know," she chuckles, "I don't look quite as creepy as I did in high school, do I?"

I get a little uncomfortable at her calling herself a creep, even though she's right of course. Back in high school, my childhood neighbor and best friend turned into a suicidal gothic version of herself, which was quite creepy to be honest.

"You look great," I all I manage to say.

"Thanks," she grins, and I can almost swear she's blushing, "so do you. And your career, wow, congrats. I heard about your transfer, are you happy about it?"

I notice the agent becoming impatient and I realize we've been rudely ignoring her.

"We should hang out and catch up," I suggest, "how about a coffee, after my tour here?"

"I'd like to," she says, still smiling. It's been ages since I've seen her smile. Somewhere during high school, her smile had vanished along with our friendship. She continues, "but I came with the bus and I don't know my way around here."

"I can give you a ride, I'm parked right across the street."

Fifteen minutes later, we're sitting side by side in my car. Our easy introduction is replaced by an awkward silence, as I drive through this still unknown city, looking for a nice place to stop and have a drink.

"This is weird," she states.

"What is?" I ask confused.

"Us pretending to be friends, after everything that happened."

I glance over at her, wondering if she'd rather cancel the coffee.

"I wasn't pretending," I explain, "I know we haven't been close in a long time, but I still cherish the friendship we used to have before… Besides, I've changed a lot since then, and I really would like to catch up."

A small smile plays on her lips again. "Fair enough. In that case, I'm rather hungry so how about early dinner instead?"

"Sounds good. I know a restaurant near the station. It's a few blocks from here, but I could give you a ride home afterwards."

"That's okay, I can take the train, I don't live in this city yet."

"Me neither, but I hope to move soon. I hate the two hour drive to every soccer practice. We might have to fight for that apartment though, it looked really nice." I try to tease her.

"It's all yours," she says, "I can't afford it. It's a shame, it looked wonderful. I've seen so many places in this city and this is the first that I really liked, but they should have been more clear about the actual renting price online. I wouldn't have bothered."

"You're right. It's rather high. I actually can't afford it either, with my pay check at this moment. But I could use some of my savings and hope to play again soon."

"I thought you soccer players are all filthy rich," she mocks.

"I'm no Messi," I chuckle, "and this isn't Premier League, but I get by, especially if I get to play. It's just been a bad year for me with the injury."

"I know all about sports injuries," she nods.

"How so?"

"I'm a kinesiology student now, last year and specialized in sports medicine."

"Really? That's awesome. I started studying physiology too, a few years ago, but I couldn't combine it with my soccer, so I dropped out."

After finding this common subject to talk about, the conversation flows easily. We enter the restaurant, place our order and enjoy the food, all the while talking about student life, and my few years as a soccer star, before I got injured.

I'm amazed at grown up she looks. She was always a bit of a tomboy, trying to hide the fact that she was a girl, but now… Even though she's still wearing jeans, sneakers and a plain shirt, she's definitely a woman. A beautiful woman. I can't keep my eyes off of her. As if I'm trying to figure out if she's real. She still has freckles on her cheekbones, her hair still falls before her eyes the way it used to, and her cheek still dimples when she smiles. I think I forgot how crazy I used to be about her. I put all those memories away when she changed. But now, it all comes back.

Twelve years ago

Three light taps on my window makes me drop the game I'm playing and rush over to open the curtains and window for her.

She climbs in expertly and grins when she pulls two bars of chocolate from under her wide shirt. This means she's staying over. She always brings candy when she plans on spending the night, even though my mother welcomes her with open arms and keeps her well fed.

My parents both know she sneaks in regularly, and they asked her to stop climbing our tree, but she insists that she doesn't want to bother anyone by ringing the doorbell. I know that she really just doesn't want to be seen by her father. Our front door is in his line of view, and the tree next to my window isn't.

She's quite a bit younger than her brother, and both her brother and father are overly protective over her. She's never been allowed to stay over, and she definitely wouldn't be allowed now it's become harder every day to hide that she's hit puberty.

I try not to stare at her small breasts, only just visible through her wide shirt, and focus on the chocolate instead, as she settles down on my bed.

I once asked her, begged her almost, if she would be my girlfriend, but she wanted none of it. "I'm not a girl," she stated stubbornly, and that was that. We never discussed it anymore, even though we both knew and accepted that I was very much in love with her.

I smirk when I take the dark chocolate from her and ask "what did you tell them this time?"

"Science project at Mary's house."

"There's no bag, so you're going back later?"

She shrugs while stuffing her mouth with white chocolate. "Dunno, we'll see."

My mother must have heard her enter and she walks into my room without knocking carrying a plate of biscuits. "Hello Bella. Are you staying for dinner later?"

"Yes, ma'am, if you don't mind?" Bella answers.

My mother smiles "you're always welcome here" and steps out, only to walk back moments later with covers and a pillow for my couch. Bella continues talking but I'm distracted by the look my mother gives her.

She seems to be focusing on the blankets, but her eyes are on Bella's arms. There are several bruises visible. Bella is usually covered in bruises, being a tomboy who likes to play rough on the playground with the boys. I know my mother disapproves of Bella's wild behavior and tree climbing, but in her eyes I see more than worry. She actually looks like she's about to cry.

Later that evening, I forget all about my mom's weird behavior, and after the chocolate and biscuits are finished, Bella and I start playing some games while bantering.

"And Black loses again, loohoo-seeheer," she chants, making an "L" on her forehead with her hand.

"Only because I let you win, Swan, I know what a sore loser you are and my room doesn't want to deal with your tantrums anymore."

She playfully nudges me, "I told you that was an accident, and you never cared for that action figure anyway. You were only pouting because you lost to a girl. Again."

"Oh, so now you are girl, are you?"

"Shut up," she laughs, which means I made a good point.

Thinking back on this memory now, and knowing what is to come in the next years, I wonder if maybe my mother knew more than I did back then. About those bruises. If perhaps she knew everything, or at least suspected the things I still don't know for sure to this date. And probably never will know.

Bella and I keep bringing back childhood stories, carefully avoiding the awkward years and only focusing on the good times we had. Which is more than enough to fill an entire evening.

From time to time, we just sit and smile at each other. It's clear to me that she cherishes these memories with fondness as well. And I wonder if it's clear to her how I feel that same spark again. How I could easily fall for her, all over again, just like that. After just one dinner. She's always had that strange power over me, even without trying.

As time moves on too quickly, the idea of having her step on that train home, and not seeing her again, becomes unbearable to me. I know if we agree to keep in touch, nothing will ever come of it. Life just always gets in the way.

An then suddenly, it hits me.

"We should both get that apartment."

"What?" he eyes widen and she leans back.

"Think about it. You're the only one I know in this city, and if we split the rent, we can both afford it. It's definitely big enough for both of us."

She waits a few seconds, and I know she's considering it.

"But we really don't know each other."

"I'm not that complex and my mother trained me well to not be a pig," I grin. "Come on, it's not as if we'd be buying it. We can move out at any time. What have we got to lose?"

"Hmm," she hums, "it was a very nice place… good location, close to the university."

My smile widens. "Exactly. So what do you say Swan? Be my roommate?"

"Sure, Black, let's give it a try."

And just like that, Bella Swan is back in my life, and everything is about to change.

AN: Usually I finish an entire story, before I start posting it. But now I decided to try something else. I just came up with the idea for this story today and decided to throw it online now it's still fresh. I haven't written anything past this point. I have several ideas, but I like some feedback before I continue. So what do think?