If Thorin had to listen to that agonizingly shrill voice much longer he wouldn't be responsible for his actions. Aileana was a very attractive dwarrowdam from the Iron Hills. Her family had titles and wealth. Marrying her was good for the kingdom or so his father, King Thrain had told him time and time again. There was nothing actually wrong with Aileana, she was no more caught up in status and wealth than most other dwarrowdams that Thorin has met. It was just that he didn't love her, he liked her well enough; they would have an adequate life together. He would be consumed with the affairs of state and she with the politics of the court. Yes, Aileana would make a very stable, respectable, solid wife and no doubt give him an heir. Love was a fantasy anyway. Something for the poor to play with in order to give their lives meaning. Thorin's life was duty, he would be king even though he longed for the freedom to just be himself. Given a choice, his would open a blacksmith shop and happily apply himself to his craft. His younger brother Frerin should have been the heir, he lived for the politics and intrigues that Thorin hated. What was Aileana saying now? Was it something about seating arrangements and how delicately they had to be handled? How you couldn't just put everyone everywhere, it had to be well thought out. Thorin nodded hoping it was in the right places and began to plan a brief escape.

After explaining that he was no good at arrangements for celebrations and that he had total faith in Aileana; he announced that he and Dwalin were going on a hunting trip to the west of Bree for a few days. Aileana just sighed and rolled her eyes. Truth be told she'd be glad to have him out of the way so she could do what needed to be done. She had long since realized that this would be a respectful but loveless marriage and looked at it as an obligation to be honored and a destiny to be fulfilled. One day she would be Queen and that was more than enough reason to put up with Thorin.

As Thorin and Dwalin rode out the gates of Erebor, Thorin felt as if a burden had been lifted. He looked back at the magnificent city. He could name a hundred dwarves who would give anything to be in his place and yet he felt only more and more trapped with each passing day. Especially now that he was to be married, it was as if a door with slowly but inevitably closing. Dwalin looked over at his friend and prince, he knew Thorin cared deeply for Erebor and his people but he also knew that Thorin wanted nothing more than to escape his royal fate. The irony was that as much as Thorin didn't want to be king, Frerin did.

"Thorin wait for us." Dis called after her brother.

What was this? There was a group following them.

"Dis, what's going on?"

"Well dear brother, it appears that I am not needed or wanted in planning your wedding. Your bride to be made that very plain. So, I am not going to stay behind while you get a chance at some freedom."

"And what about Kili and Fili?" Thorin gave his sister a questioning look.

"Hi, Uncle Thorin." Fili and Kili said in unison.

"Why are are they here, Dis.?"

"You don't think I am going to leave the heirs to the throne here with that woman do you? After you are married and she gives you an heir, they'll be safe ...but not yet."

"Really Dis, I hardly think she would go that far."

"Are you willing to bet your nephews lives on it?"

"Well no..."

"Fine, so here we are."

"Balin, brother why are you here?" Dwalin asked.

Basically the same reason. My council is no longer sought after by the king. Counselors from the Iron Hills have taken my place."

"Bombur what about you?"

"Let's just say I won't be doing the cooking for your wedding and I hope you learn to like the garbage the idiots from the Iron Hills will no doubt serve." Bombur huffed. "I'm bringing my wife and the children because with those Iron Hills dwarves around, we all need to get away."

"I see...well what about the rest of you?" Thorin was smiling as he looked over the small gathering of his friends and family.

"We aren't going to let this many royals travel unescorted," came the answer from Oin. While Dori, Bifur, Bofur, Ori , Gloin, his wife, and their son, little Gimili all nodded in agreement.

"I'm just here for kicks" Nori said with a smirk.

Thorin looked at the group and decided that he would be glad to spend time with people that actually cared about him. He smiled and they all gave a sigh of relief that he wasn't going to turn them back.

" So," Balin stated, "The Company of Thorin Durin is ready to depart."

On the second day in Bree after replenishing their supplies The group headed for the forest to hunt. A few hours later they found themselves on the outskirts of a settlement that could not be found on their map. It appeared that a celebration was underway. Little people, smaller than dwarves scurried about laughing and smiling, carrying giggling babes and waving to them as they passed. There were brightly colored banners hung from every tree and building in sight. Vendors in stalls lined the cobblestone streets, selling quilts, curved wooden jewelry, woven baskets, cloth and baked goods. Fresh fruits and vegetables were everywhere. The little people stared at the dwarves for a second but then broke into warm welcoming smiles. They could hear a few call out. " Welcome, you're just in time for the festival."

"Dwalin these must be hobbits, I had no idea there was a hobbit settlement near Bree anymore." Thorin announced, surveying the scene.

"Ay, I've heard that years ago there was one, but not in many a day, have I heard of this many halflings in any one place. They must've come here for this festival they keep yelling about."

"Probably. Let's get some rooms. There's an inn over there. Who knows, maybe this festival of their will be amusing."

" Couldn't hurt."

"Look at their clothes. They are dressed like people did hundreds of years ago, what a lovely way to celebrate their festival." Dis smiled.

"Looks the same to me " Fili smirked and his mother rolled her eyes.

Once they were at the inn they were amazed at the hospitality of the hobbits. Rooms at the inn cost less than half what they would have been in Bree. They took rooms and decided to have a look around the settlement.

"Thorin have you noticed that none of these hobbits seem to recognize you. I mean, you may not be their crown prince but have you once gone anywhere in middle-earth that someone didn't know who you were?"

"Now that you mention it I haven't. This is refreshing, no pressure, no expectations." Thorin sighed.

"Look," Ori pointed out. "they live in holes dug into the sides of the hills."

"Well, if you don't have a mountain, I guess it's the next best thing." Bofur reasoned and everyone agreed.

The hobbits carried baskets of food and what looked like decorations. They smiled as the dwarves walked pass; the men tipped their hats and the ladies nodded. Children ran every which way, all a blur of curly heads and giggles. Thorin couldn't remember feeling this lighthearted in a very long time. Finally they saw a banner proclaiming,"Celebrate Yavanna's Spring Festival ". Thorin remembered from his studies that Yavanna was a valar and married to the dwarves' own creator Mahal but not much else. He was trying to recall anything else about her when he walked into a hobbit knocking the little fellow onto his backside.

"Here now, watch what you're doing there hobbit." Dwalin growled.

"Me! Why I think your friend here should do the same. It appeared we are both at fault, thank you very much." the little hobbit fussed as his got off the ground and dusted himself off

"How dare you speak that way about princ..."

" I do believe you are correct in you assessment Master Hobbit." Thorin interrupted Dwalin with a look. " Allow me to apologize. I should have been watching where I was going. I hope you are not hurt."

Fili and Kili could be heard trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

"Indeed, I should have too. I do apologize. Bilbo Baggins at your service." Bilbo bowed and smiled at Thorin. "We don't get many dwarves in the Shire. Are you here for the festival? Is this you family? I hope you will all join us at the party tree for the feast tonight."

Thorin couldn't recall having seen a more adorable creature in his life. The little hobbit had reddish gold curls, big green eyes and the most wonderful smile. Coupled with the fact that he had no idea who Thorin was this could turn out to be a very interesting hunting trip. Dwalin couldn't remember having seen that doe-eyed, school dwarf, first crush, look in Thorin's eyes in years. It was good to see something other than resignation on his friend's face. Bilbo stared at the dark haired dwarf, looking into his crystal blue eyes he thought for an instant he could get lost there.

"Yes, these are my family and friends. We're on a hunting trip, but yes we'll stay to see your festival too. Is this Yavanna the valar who is wife to Mahal?"

"Yes indeed, she is the valar who blesses and watches over the plants and animals, she is the giver of fruits. As hobbits love the earth and growing things in it, we are especially close to her."

"I must say Master Baggins, we'd not heard of there being a hobbit settlement this close to Bree."

" How odd, we have been here for many generations. We were here before your King Dáin I, King of all Durin's Folk, son of Náin II, son of Oin."

Thorin blanched and Balin shook his head to try and clear it.

What do you mean laddie, why Dain I hasn't been king in over four hundred..." Dwalin started but stopped when Thorin glared at him.

"Master Baggins this might sound odd but what year is it?"

"My, my, my Master Dwarf I think perhaps you may have been in the hard cider a little early today." Bilbo laughed. " But to answer you question, why it's 2510 of course. Well. I must be going so much to do before the feast tonight. I do hope you will all come. Just follow the crowd to the party tree." Bilbo bowed and hurried on his way

" Well, now we know whose been in the hard cider. It's 2915 and Dain I has been in the Halls of Mahal for hundreds of years. These little fellas must not be able to hold their cider." Dis laughed and patted Thorin on the back. "It's probably something to do with the festival. They dress in old fashioned clothing and act like it is really the past. That's a lovely way to celebrate, if a bit odd." she added.

For a moment, just one, Thorin considered the possibility that the hobbit was right but that would mean they had gone back in time and those type of things just did not happen. Well, not unless there was a wizard around and he hadn't so much as seen a wizard in years. No, Dis was right the hobbit had started celebrating a little early or he was a little touched in the head or this was just their tradition...that was probably it. Pity if the hobbit was a little touched in the head because he was the cutest little thing Thorin had ever seen. The party tree ...well he'd have to find this party tree and hopefully see that cute little hobbit again. Maybe he'd be sober this time.

Thorin noticed Dwalin walk up beside Dis and whisper something in her ear that had her blushing but he decided not to say anything. He knew his old friend had pined for Dis over the years and if this little outing gave them a chance to be together... well good for them.

Bilbo felt hot and bothered as he hurried home. It wasn't that he was almost late, it was that handsome dwarf with those amazing blue eyes. He wondered if he was one of King Dain's warriors. He was certainly built powerfully and looked extremely fit. Bilbo was sure he could make out the outline of muscles under that blue tunic.

"Bilbo, dear is that you?" Belladonna called as she heard the front door open.

"Yes, Mum. Mum, there are dwarves in town."

" Really? Dwarves? Are they here for the festival?"

"They said they were on a hunting trip and they seemed a little confused about who their own king was...it was a little strange. They are dressed a little odd...I mean even for dwarves; not that I've seen that many dwarves but still... "

"Maybe they were in the hard cider a little early? What are they like?

There's a whole group of them about twenty or more. Mum, one of them is so handsome and another is a little scary. Then there's three females and several younger ones and several older ones. Did I mention one was really handsome with blue eyes and long black hair"

Belladonna smiled. "Handsome is it, Master Baggins?"

"Oh Mum, I'm just saying...well you did ask."

Belladonna came out of the kitchen to see her son looking out the window.

"Hoping they will come this way?"

"Oh Mum!"

Belladonna laughed and pulled Bilbo into the kitchen to help her with the cooking for the festival.

"Belladonna, Bilbo! There's a situation. I need to talk to you both." Bungo called to his family as he entered their smail.

Bungo had just come from a meeting with the Thain, Belladonna's father Gerontius Took. It seemed that something odd had taken place a few days ago and the town council had been called in to discuss it. All the hobbits knew something felt different about their settlement, but only the Thain had managed to find out what.

Bilbo and Belladonna eyes got bigger and bigger as they listened to Bungo. It was not just hard to believe; it sounded impossible. When Bungo finished telling his little family what had happened to their settlement, they all just sit there wide eyed and silent. That the school teacher had made such a sacrifice and Yavanna had honored it. It all seemed just too much to even consider. But it had happened. Three times now over the past few days strangers had wondered into the settlement and each had confirmed the news from the outside. The strangers' clothes had been the first clue, then there was the mist surrounding the settlement and the school teacher Mr. Oleand's disappearance plus his letter to the Thain. This was real. Their settlement had been blessed or cursed depending on your point-of-view.

They were no longer part of the natural flow of time.