Chapter 7: Яestart

Just as Seigi finished chanting his ride, a mostly red robot wielding twin pistols appeared in front ofhim. Kaizard held his pistols at ready, eager to defeat the invaders who planned to invade Cray.

"I call Daibarrett (9000) in front of Daimagnum and Daidragon (9000) to my right," said Segi as the units appeared on his field.

"I attack your vanguard with Daidragon," he continued. "Its skill is the same as Neon's (12000 to 7000)," he said before the red dragon robot rammed into Bolt Line.

"Damage check…a stand trigger, power to my vanguard (7000+5000=12000) and I stand Neon," said Byakuro putting Dysprosium into the damage zone.

"I follow up with an attack with my avatar, Kaiser Magnum Blast! (9000 to 12000)" said Daisuke when Kaizard prepare to shoot with his twin pistol. "Trigger checked…nothing there," said Daisuke and Kaizard's attack failed to harm Bolt Line.

"With a boost from Daimagnum, Go Daibarrett, D-energy blast!(14000 to 12000)" Daibarret received a boost from Daimagnum and, with a nod of approval from his idol, he shot a energy bullet towards Bolt Line.

"Guard with Neon (14000 to 17000)," said Byakuro. The named unit appeared and smacked the energy blast to the side, causing an explosion that failed to harm Byakuro's vanguard.

"Turn end," declared Seigi. There was bitterness in his voice, no doubt because he only managed to deal one damage that turn.






Daimagnum, Daibarret-Neon, empty

empty, Kaizard—Bolt Line, empty

empty, Daidragon- empty, Robin

"My turn, I stand and draw. I ride Photon (9000) and call Radon (9000) in front of Robin," said Byakuro as Bolt Line glowed and become a Photon and Radon appeared beside him.

"Neon, with its skill, attacks Daidragon (10000 to 9000)," said Byakuro resting Neon.

"Don't guard," said Seigi and Daidragon was destroyed by a shot from Neon.

"Photon, attack Kaizard! (9000 to 9000)" said Byakuro resting his vanguard.

"Don't guard," replied Seigi.

Byakuro heard a voice from the trigger he was about to check and smirked.

"Critical trigger. The crit goes to Photon and power to Radon(9000+5000=14000)," said Byakuro, half a moment before revealing his trigger check.

Photon leaped forward and slashed Kaizard with his blade and following up with another.

"Damage check, Daicrane. Power to Kaizard (9000+5000=14000), and I draw…second check, no luck there," said Seigi placing his damages and drawing a card.

"Radon, attack with a boost from Robin (19000 to 14000)," declared Byakuro as Radon readied himself to shoot.

"Goflight will guard that (19000 to 24000)," said Seigi placing the stand trigger to the guardian circle and Radon's shot was deflected.

Byakuro attack was stopped and he ended his turn.






Daimagnum, Daibarret-Neon, empty

empty, Kaizard—Photon, empty

empty, empty- Radon, Robin

"Byakuro, I'm actually quite impressed with your skill, your level is about the same as or even higher than Ken when he fought me at the shop tournament," said Seigi before he paused. "But that is not enough to defeat me."

"The brilliant jewel on its chest is the spiritual core of its justice, I ride, Super Dimensional Robo, Diard (11000)!" chanted Seigi and an orange colored robot with a huge diamond on its chest, raising a palm to the sky appeared on top of a glowing Kaizard.

"Kaizard's skill lets him gets an additional 5000 power until end of turn (11000+5000=16000), and he also gain a crit if his power is above 15000 before the attack step," explained Seigi. "And I also activate Daibrave skill from the soul, by sending him to the drop zone, my vanguard gains an on hit draw skill by counterblasting one card," continued Seigi, moving the Daibrave from the soul to the drop.

Ken watched with apprehension, and nodded at the familiar strategy. "Byakuro will surely guard Diard's attack to prevent Seigi to gain advantages, but that's just what Seigi wants. He's planning to waste Byakuro hand on the attack this turn so he can do his big finisher next turn without any hindrance," Ken barely resisted the urge to give advice; that would be dishonorable.

"Diard attacks your Photon (16000 to 9000)," declared Ken while resting his vanguard.

"I guard with Lanthanum and Apollo (16000 to 24000). You need two trigger to pass," Byakuro declared with a smile, confident that Seigi wouldn't draw a double trigger.

"Twin Drive…first check, nothing there, second check, a heal trigger, I heal a damage, and the power goes to my Daibarret (9000+5000=14000)," said Seigi grinning that he succeeded reducing Byakuro's guard while placing the Gorescue and Commander Laurel he check to his hand and put a damage into the drop zone. Diard's fiery fist punched through Lanthanum and Apollo but the fire became dead just inches away of Photon.

Daibarret boosted by Magnum then proceeded to attack Byakuro's Photon (19000 to 9000). Byakuro was delighted to receive a draw trigger as the damage and draw a card.

"Turn end," said Seigi happily.






Daimagnum, Daibarret-Neon, empty

empty, Diard—Photon, empty

empty, empty- Radon, Robin

"Stand and draw. I ride Hafnium (11000)," said Byakuro anticlimactically as a huge Cyberoid similar to Radon was ridden.

"I moved Neon to the back and call Osmium (9000) to replace it," said Byakuro as Osmium appeared occupying the placed where Neon once was.

"Ready to serve you, Lord Byakuro," said a monotone Osmium.

"Thanks, Beta Tango whatever," replied Byakuro, trying to remember what number he was. For some reason, it was easier to synchronize with certain units, like Osmium, which was puzzling to Byakuro: according to Osmium, there were plenty of low-level cyberoids just like him.

Byakuro then attacked with Osmium boosted by Neon targeting Diard (16000 to 11000), and Seigi let it through, receiving one damage.

"Now Hafnium, continue the assault," said Byakuro.

"I'll let it through again," replied Seigi.

Byakuro's Twin Drive revealed a Photon and a Niobium while Seigi damage checked a Daitiger. Radon's attack was boosted by Robin, but Seigi guarded with his Gorescue from last turn. Byakuro nodded contently. "Turn end."






Daimagnum, Daibarret—Osmium, Neon

empty, Diard—Hafnium, empty

empty, empty- Radon, Robin

"Stand and draw," said Seigi before he sigh. "Byakuro, it was fun and I hope we can fight again," Seigi paused, his expression becoming serious. "But now I'll punish you for breaking the rule, Final Turn!" declared Seigi.

Seigi's declaration was met by a number of reactions. The crowd broke into a mix of gasps, murmurs, cheers, and scowls. Ken closed his eyes tightly; he knew what was coming, and could only pray that he wouldn't check any critical triggers, or it would be over.

Byakuro just wondered where Seigi had come up with 'Final Turn," and wondered if there was anything cooler than that that could replace his 'End Game.'

"I call Daimariner (7000), and activate Diard's Limit Break," said Seigi before Diard raised he palm outward. "By sending Daimariner to the soul, I can superior ride a grade 3 Dimension Robo from my deck and the unit ridden will gain an additional 4000 power," explained Seigi while searching his deck for the grade 3 he wanted.

"That's quite a nice clan you have there, Seigi," Byakuro commented. "Superior riding, power plus, crit gaining and powerful on hit effects. I think I understand what you're all about now." Byakuro's smile grew twisted. "I now have the tools to defeat you next turn."

Seigi, meanwhile, grabbed the card he had searched for and looked sternly at Byakuro. "Thank you, Byakuro, but there's one characteristic of the Dimensional Robos that you overlooked, one that will ensure that you do not survive until the next turn."

Seigi closed his eyes and raised the card overhead. "Braves, soar into the Galaxy and punish injustice, I superior ride my Super Dimensional Robo, GOOOOOeagle (11000+4000=15000)!" Seigi slammed the card down, opening his eyes into a narrowed, determined glare. A huge grey-colored robot wielding a broadsword landed where Diard once stood. "And once its attack reaches 19000 or more it gains 2 crit," added Seigi.

"It's still 15000 so it can't activate its skill, so I don't need to worry about that," Byakuro commented.

Seigi's mouth curled into a smile. "Next I call Glory Maker (6000) behind my vanguard and to the right Daidriller (8000), whose skill lets me counterblast one to increase another Dimension Robo unit's power by 4000. I choose Goeagle, now his power is 19000. And by sending Daimariner from the soul to the grave, I increase Goeagle attack by 3000(19000+3000=22000). Finally, I call Commander Laurel (4000) behind Dailander."

"Calling a 4k rearguard, that's the most absurd thing someone can do. I can't believe that guy is a pro," mocked a student from the crowd.

Some of the crowd couldn't help but sighed at the ignorance of the person who mocked Seigi but they also thought that it would be laughable to watch that person's reaction when Seigi could successfully pull off Laurel's skill.

"I attack your Hafnium with Goeagle (22000 to 11000)," declared Seigi beginning his attack.

"I have a perfect guard in my hand but I only have two damages and I need more to prepare for my next turn," thought Byakuro. "No guard," said Byakuro. Oh, he would enjoy his next turn SO much.

Then he heard Garnet Star's voice in his head. "Idiot, did you really forget what made that attack so powerful? He has an extra two criticals on him. Even one critical trigger means you lose the game!" Byakuro froze. He hadn't forgotten, but in his anticipation of the future, he had lost sight of the present. He had saw that the attack wouldn't finish him off, and had decided to let it through as a result. Hopefully, he wouldn't be punished too much. "Idiot of an agent. The last one was worlds better than you," Garnet said disdainfully.

"Check the drive trigger," Seigi said slowly. "First check… Driad. No trigger." Byakuro could feel the sweat rolling down his neck. "Second check…"

"…Daikaiser. No trigger."

Byakuro sighed in relief. He checked three damage, and winced at how easily he had been pushed into a corner, but he was confident he could stop the other attacks. "Now, I activate Commander Laurel's skill." Seigi continued.


"By resting four rearguards, I can stand my vanguard again!" Goeagle raised its sword-wielding fist to the sky and roared a battle cry of justice.

At this, everyone looked at the kid who had mocked Seigi for calling Laurel. Said child had already curled his shoulders in, trying to disappear, shamed for his earlier mockery of the unit.

"My vanguard attacks your(22000 to 11000)," declared Seigi resting his Goeagle.

Goeagle stood and began to charge at Hafnium again but was stopped by Barrier Star-Vader Promethium raising a shield against it. "Perfect Guard. Promethium."

Byakuro dropped Garnet Star from his hand, but not before he could hear the dragon mock his incompetence.

"Drive trigger check, first check, a stand, all effects to Daibarrett(9000+5000=14000), second check, I revealed a draw trigger, all effects to my Daibarrett (14000+5000=19000), and I draw," said Seigi adding the triggers to his hand. "Then, I attack your Hafnium again with my buffed Daibarrett(19000 to 11000)."

"Come on, can't you give a guy some slack," Byakuro complained, before he intercepted with his Radon and Osmium (19000 to 21000).

"Turn end, you survived but I doubt you can win next turn with me having six cards in my hand and an intercept," boasted Seigi whose expression began to loosen.






Daimagnum, Daibarret—empty, Neon

Glory Maker, Goeagle—Hafnium, empty

Commander Laurel, Daidriller - empty, Robin

Byakuro grimaced thinking that he would lose this fight and receive punishment. More importantly he remember what Pid told him the night before when he was building his deck...

"Byakuro, put me into your deck, I promise not to take control of your body," urge Pid while smiling slyly. "You even put some copies of Garnet Star, surely one more commander unit won't be much," added Pid trying to trick Byakuro, knowing that the moment Byakuro do what he wanted, he could start invading earth.

"No way clown, if you really want to, wait till I can master your power, then you won't be able to manipulate me," replied Byakuro while adding two Garnet Star into his deck.

"Fine, boy. Don't blame me when you lose your power," replied Pid, still hiding his smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Byakuro asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"It seems that I forgot to mention something important to you, if an agent of Link Joker loses in a fight, they will lose their connection to us and the power granted to them," answered Pid. "You should reconsider, put me in your deck and I can grant you everlasting victory," tempted Pid.

Byakuro almost tempted to accept the offer, not wanting to lose his recently found power. But he did not accept it, not wanting to lose his freedom more.

"Then I should try my best not to lose. I admit that I still want to have this power but I won't surrender my free will to you," answered Byakuro firmly.

Byakuro remembering the conversation he had with Pid renew his determination to win against Seigi. 'I don't want to return being bored, so I'll win this fight!' thought Byakuro confidently. 'Even if the game is fun, it's even more so when I have to put everything on the line when I stand up!'

"Seigi," sad Byakuro returning back from his train of thought. "I will finish the fight this turn," said Byakuro before pausing. "End Game!" he declared out loud.

Seigi remained unfazed by this while the crowd doubted that Byakuro could win. Ken on the other hand hoped that his best friend could win this turn to lessen their punishment.

"Stand and draw, I call Niobium (9000) in front of Neon and Lanthanum (7000) in front of Robin."

"Now, I return four cards from the drop zone to search my deck for Hafnium's mate," said Byakuro while returning Apollo, Promethium, Lanthanum and Osmium back to his deck.

"Invader without equal, spread despair to the weak and crush their hope, Unrivaled Star-Vader, Radon, LEGION!" chanted Byakuro when a white light appeared from his deck to join Hafnium.

"I activated Hafnium skill, I counterblast two to lock Glory in the back row, and activate it again to lock Laurel," said Byakuro when Glory and Laurel was turned into black orb surrounded by two red rings floating above the place where they once stood.

"I activate Robin skill to counterblast one and send him to the soul to lock Daibarret and Daimagnum. I also move Lanthanum to the back to call Photon(9000) and he lets me lock another one of your unit," continued Byakuro.

"Byakuro is desperate, he is using up all his resources and if he doesn't succeed, he would definitely lose," thought Ken while the crowd was booing Byakuro thinking that only a beginner will resort to lock all opponent's rearguards while a pro would use smartly use Link Joker to triangle locking each turn as it was used best as a defensive clan rather than a offensive one.

"For each lock I do this turn, 2000 power is added to both Lanthanum and Niobium and since I locked five times, they both gain 10000 power making them 17000 and 19000 respectively," explained Byakuro as a dark red aura surrounded the two units he mentioned, empowering them.

"My vanguards do a Legion attack on yours, Star crusher! (20000 to 11000)" declared Byakuro as both Hafnium and Radon launched a combined shot at Goeagle. "And I activate my Legion skill, I can increase 5000 power to a separate unit for each locked card you have, there is five so I increase Photon to 14000, Lanthanum to 22000, Niobium to 24000 and the last two increase to Hafnium and Radon making their combined attack 10000 power higher(30000 to 11000)."

Seigi looked at his hand grimacing, he never thought that Byakuro's all out attack almost made him flinched. He considered the options of the cards in his hand, he only has a perfect guard, 2 grade 3s and three cards worth 20000 shield. If he perfect guarded Hafnium and Radon, the remaining cards in his hand won't be enough to shield him from Byakuro's rearguard attack, leaving him at the mercy of the damage check. So he decided to gamble for Byakuro not drawing any triggers.

"I guard with Daicrane, Dailander, and Goflight,(30000 to 31000)" said Seigi as the units appeared in front of Goeagle preparing to shield their vanguard from the attack.

Bead of nervousness dropped from Byakuro's forehead as his was preparing to do the twin drive, "Drive trigger check...first check, Hafnium, no trigger. Second check...a critical trigger!" said Byakuro who smiled as he revealed the yellow trigger. "All effects to my vanguard," said Byakuro before he added the trigger to his hand.

Seigi's guardian was unable to withstand the attack and was destroyed, leaving Goeagle defenseless. Seigi's damage check revealed a draw trigger and a Goeagle. The Goeagle on the field was shot through its center and fell to its knee defeated. Byakuro walked out from around the table and held a hand out to the defeated Seigi. "I win, chairman."






[Daimagnum], [Daibarrett]-Niobium, Neon

[Glory Maker], Goeagle-Hafnium+Radon, empty

[Laurel], [Dailander]-Photon, Lanthanum

While Byakuro was fighting Seigi at school, Shin was sweeping the shop's floor when he noticed two young girls wearing Miyaji academy's uniform entered the shop. He recognized one of them and greeted her.

"Hei, Akira, its been a while." Shin stopped sweeping the floor and looked at the girl beside Akira. "And you brought a friend too, what's her name?" asked Shin indicating the girl beside Akira.

"She's my best friend, her name is Fujiwara Yuki and I brought her here to try out vanguard," replied Akira.

"I hope it's worth it," Yuki said softly. "I went to school today after all, because you wanted to show me this place, but I don't know…" She trailed off, doubtfully.

"I'm sure you would love it and Welcome to Cat Capital!" said Shin delighted to have a new customer.

"But the sign in front wrote Card Capital," asked a curious Yuki.

"It's a cute name right? I'll tell you the story later. Now I want you to pick a trial deck so we could start playing. I'm sure you'll have fun," answered Akira urging Yuki to buy a trial deck.

"If you say so," replied Yuki.


Sorry for the long absent...It has been almost a year this story has been written but due to some reason I am sorry to leave it like this so I plan to continue this story starting from October. A sincere thanks to everyone who supported this fanfic.