And that's a wrap! Last chapter! I am indeed a Carenzo fan. I know a lot of people aren't so I wanted to warn that, that happens. Also one reader wanted the twins to have survived so I fixed that. I really like the fight between Bonnie and Kai in this and I really wished they had, had Bonnie kill him herself in the show but I did love seeing someone save Bonnie for a change! Either way I hope you guys like this. I am finishing this at 4 in the morning with a crap ton of sleeping medicine in me so there may definitely be errors. I apologize in advance for that. Love you guys so much and see/hear from you when I start my next story…hopefully!

Disclaim: I do not own the vampire diaries, its characters, or storyline. I only own this story and concept.

Chapter 7

Bonnie stepped from the trees into the clearing several miles away from the home of the Gemini coven. Kai ground to a halt. The 30 or so witches behind him followed suit.

Kai's face broke into a childish grin.

"I'm glad you decided to join us Bonnie."

"I'm not joining you Kai. I'm here to stop you. All of you."

Kai laughed. "You're here to stop me? How are you going to do that? Little Bonnie Bennett all on her own once again. Aren't you getting sick of that? If you chose to be with me you'd never be alone again."

"She's not alone." I stepped up behind Bonnie and the rest of the Scooby gang, Stefan, Caroline, and Elena, stood beside me.

Kai laughed again. "Oh no! The reject Scooby gang is here to foil my master plan. I have one question though? How are the five of you going to stop all of us?"

I lifted an eyebrow. "Five?"

The Gemini Coven and several distant Bennett cousins, including Lucy, stepped out from the trees. Matt, Tyler, Jeremy and Alaric were taking up the rear with flame throwers in case any of the enemy witches got past our team. "Who said anything about five?"

Bonnie walked up to me quickly. "I can do this by myself. You're going to get all these people killed."

I grasped her shoulders and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "It's time to stop doing everything by yourself. You're not alone."

She looked up to me with red rimmed eyes and nodded before turning back to Kai.

"If we're done with the little whispers of undying love could we fight now?"

"First things first though. We need Jo back. I also need the magic you stole from Liv and Luke."

"You can have Jo. Turns out she's even weaker than I thought. I have no use for her." Jo came running from the middle of the group towards Alaric who quickly embraced her. "As for the twin's magic why do you need it?"

"It'll need a place to go when I bring them back?"

Everyone stared at Bonnie with wide eyes. "You can't bring them back….."

"Can't I? You know what? Never mind about the magic. You keep it. I'll simply suck it from your body when I kill you."

Kai's face turned up in a sneer until it was almost animal like. He turned his hand in a sweeping circle to alert his soldiers and then pointed to us and the battle began.

There were cyclones of water, circles of fire, vines climbing out of the ground and dragging its prey back into the ground for a slow oxygen deprived death. And while the witches were using every element and spell they could muster, the vampires were ripping people apart. Stefan was ripping heads from shoulders; Caroline liked to play with them first, batting them around like a kitten with a ball of string before breaking their necks with the same ease as stepping on a twig; Elena was delicate about hers…it resembled a dance as she lead them into the magic that would engulf them. I however had one goal. I wanted to get to Bonnie as soon as possible. So I took no time in moving about the battlefield at record speed, while occasionally separating hearts from their chest cavities.

I could see Bonnie who had separated herself completely from the war. She was going head to head with Kai and it appeared he was winning. He had obviously sucked in a great deal of magic and was throwing Bonnie around like a ragdoll. As I got closer to them, I saw her slam into a tree and heard the sickening breaking of a bone. She collapsed onto the ground for a few seconds before kneeling on all fours and proceeding to spit out a glob of blood, big enough for me to be concerned. Kai smiled and then nodded to his left and then his right and two witches came barreling at Bonnie. I screamed her named and tried to get to her but was hit with an invisible force from one of Kai's lackeys which had me landing several feet away.

When I looked back up Bonnie had her arms out to her sides with her hands balled into fists. The two witches had stopped in their tracks and I could see their mid sections slowly collapsing and growing smaller. They were being squeezed to death and blood was starting to dribble from every orifice. They finally dropped to the ground in a dead heap and instead of Kai taking it as a sign to back off; he merely nodded for two more witches to come for Bonnie. She merely flicked her eyes to each of them and whistled. Their heads whipped around at lightning speed, effectively breaking their necks.

Kai was increasingly angrier. He screamed, "Enough!"

All of his witches made eye contact and then leaped into action. Half of them spoke a small chant which made Matt, Tyler, Jeremy, Jo, and Alaric pass out and the other half stuck their arms out to call for the roots underneath the ground. They climbed out of the ground in a sticky slow mess with the ease of molasses. The roots wrapped around the witches and squeezed which stopped any movement. The vampires were not as lucky. The roots shot out and went through our mid-sections and then wrapped around us several times. I could feel the heavy bark moving around inside me and I began coughing up handfuls of blood.

Kai smiled at Bonnie and walked to her slowly.

"Don't you dare touch her, Kai!" I screamed around the blood gathering in my mouth.

Kai barely acknowledged me. When he finally got to Bonnie, he placed his hand above her sternum and whispered. Bonnie let out a harsh gasp as he mended her broken bones.

"There we go. Good as new."

Bonnie stared at him with disgust but never uttered a word. "You see Bonnie; I don't want to hurt you. You're friends, I don't really care about but I would never want to hurt you. You are everything I would want in a partner because you're everything I'm not. Opposites attract right? So what do you say? Join me?" He extended his hand to her. She knew if she took it, that Kai would let all of us live. She would once again be sacrificing herself for our pathetic lives.

I wheezed and barely managed to whisper to her. "Don't do it, Bonnie. I love you." She must have heard me, though I have no idea how. She turned to me and a sweet smile graced her lips; for a split second I caught a glimpse of the old Bonnie, before she turned back to him and gripped his hand in a bone breaking grip. He tried to yank it back but it was useless. She kept eye contact before whispering 'incendia.'

Every one of Kai's witches went up in flames and after a sweep of her free arm the roots retreated. I fell to the ground and could already feel my insides trying to mend. The field was a mess of blood and bodies and though Kai's army was defeated, there were still a great deal of causalities on our side. People were trying to drag themselves up so they could escape and heal but I just wanted to get to Bonnie.

She was still holding onto Kai's arm and they were having a silent conversation with their eyes that no one was privy to.

"What are you going to do Bonnie? You're going to pick these people, who would never pick you, again? Or are you going to pick the one person who would understand the betrayal you've felt?"

Bonnie's face broke out in a small smile. "Neither. I pick myself." She opened her free hand and a knife appeared. By the look on Kai's face, I assumed he recognized it. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Bonnie began stabbing Kai at lightning speed, all the while crying. Heavy, fat tears fell off her face as blood pooled on her hand. All the while Kai was screaming and trying to fight her off but her magic had made him essentially immobile.

I don't know how long or how many times she stabbed him but finally he managed to push a few words pass his lips.

"Please Bonnie…stop…please stop…"

She stopped and studied his face they way a predator observed its prey before going for the jugular. Then she spoke slowly and clearly and the whole gang tuned completely in despite the horror of what was happening.

"Giving up so soon? I'm embarrassed for you." Then she placed her hand over the middle of his chest and I heard and I swear felt his body protest as his heart was ripped from his body inch by inch, until it was sitting in the palm of her hand. His body fell to the ground with a resounding thud and then we were all rushing to her. Elena and Caroline arrived before I could. It turned out that almost losing each other again had fixed any problems between them. They embraced her and they all sunk to the ground as Bonnie dropped the heart and then cried into the chests of her best friends.


It had been six weeks since the bloody battle. Burying the bodies and covering up everything had been fairly easy. Bonnie disappeared right after the body dump and no had heard from her since including her mother and cousin. I had given up hope that we would ever see or hear from her again. She had brought the twins back and given them their magic though no one was quite sure how she had done it; though with all the dead Bennett magic in her body, it was quite possible. Stefan and Elena had been spending a lot of time together. Their excuse was that they needed someone to lean on to help them through everything that had happened in the past year but it was obvious that they were headed towards a reconciliation. Caroline came out with the news that her and Enzo had been seeing each other for months behind everyone's backs. It was a weird match but honestly it worked. Alaric and Jo were planning their impending marriage. The proposal came only a week after the big fight. Tyler and Liv were going strong and Matt was seeing my…niece…I guess. That was still an adjustment. Jeremy had left a couple of days after the fight for art school. All in all everyone was happy and content except me.

I missed Bonnie but she had ignored every attempt I had made to get in contact.

It was a little past 4 in the morning and I had, had my fill of watered down whiskey and doped up college girls. I stumbled into the house all the while trying, but failing, to be quiet; though it turned out to be a waste of time. Stefan had left me a note, saying that he was staying at the dorms with Elena but he assured me that he would be occupying either Bonnie's or Caroline's (who was most likely with Enzo) bed. I could care less but I appreciated Stefan's efforts.

I crumbled up the piece of paper and dragged myself up the stairs. I removed my shirt before even getting to my bedroom door and was already undoing my belt when I opened the door. And there on my bed was Bonnie Bennett, once again in a gray t-shirt that looked suspiciously like mine.

I closed the door softly behind me and leaned against it.


Bonnie smiled and fiddled with the hem of the t-shirt. "Hi yourself."

I threw the shirt I had in my hand into a corner and then pulled the belt from my pants before tossing it on top of my shirt. "What are you doing here, Bonnie?"

"I wanted to see you."

I sighed and pushed my hand threw my hair. "That's nice but I'm not in the mood so go find someone else to scratch your itch." I moved away from the door and began the slow walk to my bathroom but stopped and turned back to Bonnie, when she began to speak.

"That's not why I'm here, Damon."

"Then why are you here, exactly?"

"I didn't realize you were still made at me." I crossed my arms and stared her down as she came to stand in front of me.

"Why? Because I came to aid you in the fight against our recent big bad? Let's get something straight, Bennett. I can save you and still be mad at you at the same time."

"Actually…I think I was the one that sav-…." She stopped when I raised an eyebrow. "Right….not important."

"What do you want Bonnie? I need a shower so if it is sex you want, just climb in the shower with me. But you can't stay the night; I'm really not in the mood."

I walked into the bathroom and Bonnie was close behind me. "Do you recognize this shirt?"

I turned back to her and studied the shirt. "It looks like one of mine…"

She nodded slowly and once again fiddled with the bottom of the shirt. "That's because it is. After I sent you back, I was lonely so I went into your closet for something to wear but I couldn't find anything that I wanted. I ended up going into your bathroom and on the floor was this shirt. It was the only one that still smelled like you…so I wore it all the time so I wouldn't feel as lonely. I still do that when I miss you."

I nodded. "Ok…what's going on Bonnie?"

"Kai messed me up. He touched me inappropriately and he physically abused me and when I got back I was messed up. I was mad and depressed and I needed someone to hurt as much as I did. So when you told me that you loved me I saw it as an opportunity to hurt someone like I was hurting. I'm sorry…"

I grabbed her hand and gave it a gently squeeze before rubbing my thumb back and forth over her knuckles. "That's ok. I forgive you."

"It wasn't ok. You didn't deserve that. I think a part of me also did it because I thought I was just a rebound but I saw your face on the field when you thought I would die again…and I'm not a rebound."

I drew her in and squeezed her shoulders softly. "Of course not."

"I know that now. I'm sorry I disappeared but I needed to find myself again."

"Have you?"

"It's a work in progress but I'm closer than ever. I've already apologized to everyone else including Caroline and Elena. And they in turn apologized to me. They admitted that they had taken me for advantage and I think we're on our way to a mend, which is really good. But now I need to you to know how very sorry I am…for hurting you and for making you feel like your love was unwanted. It is wanted."

"Is it?"

She smiled and sniffled. "Do you know when I knew you loved me?"

I shook my head no.

She nodded and then proceeded to tell me. "I knew when you helped me fake my death when Klaus was trying to kill me, I knew when you gave me your blood after Alaric drunk from me, I knew when you stayed on the island to find me, I knew when you made a deal with the devil to bring me back to death, I knew when you told me to go home without you when Kai stabbed me with that arrow, and I knew when even with roots through your belly you still tried to get to me to save me from Kai and probably to save me from myself. I've always known…I was just waiting for you to catch up."

I looked at her seriously and tried to search for any malicious intent but the old Bonnie was back. Well more accurately, enough of the old Bonnie was back that I knew every word that had passed her lips was the truth. I pulled her in for a hug and swept my hand up and down her back.

"So what do we do now?" I leaned back so I could look into her eyes.

She lifted her shoulders in a cute shrug. "First date?"

My mouth kicked up to one side. "Definitely first date." I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her once more. Though her face was pressed against my chest I still heard her words.

"I love you Damon."

I smiled into her hair. "I love you too, judgy."