Summary: Nico had been through hell, or something very much like it. The incident would follow him for the rest of his life. He was scarred. He was scared. He was messed up. Enter Will, the caring big brother who stole Nico's heart. But could he heal Nico's wounds?

This story may contain triggers.

This contains: Violence, Language, Eating Disorder, Boy x Boy, Possible Smut, and Incest (but not exactly)

*Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot of this fanfic. The characters belong to their respective and amazingly talented author (our uncle Rick). I make no money what so ever by posting this story to this site.

I never knew my mom. What I knew about my daddy, I wish I didn't. As far as I could remember, daddy had never been a loving man. Although, the pictures of him smiling he hid in the cabinet showed that he once was. But that was back before mom died. Six years ago, my mother died, leaving me and my father alone in the world. Daddy said I killed her. He said that she never would've left him if it wasn't for me. I would listen to him rave every night, as we sat at the dinner table eating whatever it was that he had managed to make from the few items we had in our fridge. We never really had much money. We lived in a one bedroom trailer in Ohio with nothing but a doggie door and a rusty old toilet. Daddy didn't really have much interest in working. All he ever did was tell me how much of a nuisance I was. But I really couldn't remember much about what happened with momma. I was barely even a minute old when she died. All I knew, was that I killed my mom when she pushed me out of her belly.

I guess daddy must have just snapped. He had finally gotten tired of seeing the face of the person who killed his beloved wife every single day. Days leading up to the incident, I remember daddy talking to the air. He kept stroking it and saying things like, "I'll be with you soon," and "I'll make sure that murderer can't hurt anyone no more." Then he looked at me- with this look in his eyes that scared me for reasons I didn't even know- and said in a high voice, "Never again!" It scared me so bad, I had nightmares about him. In every nightmare, he would chase me, screaming at the top of his lungs "Never Again! Never Again!" Then I'd wake up. And every day after that, I'd encounter daddy talking to the air again. But I made sure to stay hidden- I didn't want daddy finding me and shouting at me. A few days later, there was the incident.

Daddy had told me to sit on the couch and watch SpongeBob while he made dinner. "Yes, daddy." I had said. Those were the first words I had really said to him since I had first seen him talking to the air. I may have only been six years old, but I knew better than to spend too much time around my daddy. I did my best to give him his space, especially when he was talking to the air. I did what he said and turned on the television- one of those big back ones with the antenna sticking out from behind. I watched SpongeBob in silence for a few minutes before I realized that something wasn't right. Thick, black smoke hung in the air in front of my eyes, like a curtain. A crackling roar sounded behind me. I turned and saw the kitchen in flames.

"Daddy!" I yelled as I maneuvered through the room, jumping back as the flames spread to the couch that I had just occupied. I coughed and looked through the smoke for my daddy. I found him in the kitchen. He was standing amidst the fire, laughing his head off. "Never again!" he shouted and hacked on the smoke. Then he locked eyes on me. "Never again!" he said and jumped through the flames and grabbed at me, but I ran from him to the only door leading out of the trailer. I tried in vain to pry the door open, but I couldn't breathe. I was choking on the fumes. I fell to the floor, trying desperately to climb through the doggie door, when I felt something hot across my back. Searing pain shot through me as I let out a strangled cry. Daddy had struck me with the leg of a wooden chair that had been set on fire. "Here we come honey!" he laughed crazily. "We're gonna be together again!" I watched him through bleary eyes.

I couldn't breathe. My back was on fire. I was going to die. I lay on the floor, waiting for death, when a miracle happened. Something reached through the doggie door and took hold of my hand. I was dragged through it and laid on the ground. Then, I felt something wet and cold splash across my back. I was saved! Someone had saved me! Was it daddy? "Daddy?" I gasped. But it wasn't him. I heard his tortured cry coming from the house engulfed in flames. "Nico!" He sounded furious. I could see someone- a lady who I knew in the trailer next to ours- standing over me. Her lips were moving, but no words came out. They were drowned out by the sound of my father screaming my name in rage. "Gotta hide from daddy." I told her. Then I blacked out.


I didn't remember much of what happened after the incident. I remember being put in this building with a bunch of other kids. I remember not talking to anyone, not the kids, not the adults, not anyone. I remember hearing the adults around me talking. They'd say things like, "Lucky he survived," and "Father is unstable," and "In a facility."

There were two things I remembered most above all others. First, I remembered the vivid nightmares of daddy coming out of the fire, trying to grab me so that he could drag me back in. He always laughed and screamed a never ending chorus of "Never Again!" I'd wake up and run to the bathroom, crying and puking with my head in the toilet. After the incident, I always had trouble sleeping. It was nearly impossible. I'd wake up terrified and I'd fear going back to sleep. Second, I remembered not being able to eat. Every time they tried to feed me, I would remember the thick smoke. I could see it all around me, feel it choking me. Fear rose within me and I'd start choking on the food in my mouth, eventually throwing it up, along with whatever else was still in my tummy. After a while, I stopped trying to eat. The adults stopped trying too. They said that it was too much trouble to deal with. They said I was messed up.

Then there were the meetings. I would sit all day in the small office of a city official. Her name was Beth. She would always walk in with this same couple named Sara and Kyan. The grownups would talk to each other, fill out paperwork, try to talk to me, then fill out more paperwork. I remember being very afraid of the man. Although he would smile at me and bring me toys, I always kept my distance. I was scared he would turn out like my daddy. And I remember being very afraid for the woman. Her belly was big, just like my momma's was before she died. I was scared that she would leave her husband, and that her baby would end up just like me; hated by their father for something they didn't even remember doing.

For almost a month, this continued on a daily basis. The whole time, I kept my mouth shut. I feared that if I opened it, nothing but terrified screams would come out. Screams, or vomit. Finally, one day, Beth had told me that Sara and Kyan were going to take me home with them. She told me that they would take care of me and that I would be safe. She smiled like it was the best thing that could've happened. I wasn't so sure about going anywhere with the man, but I nodded my head, knowing that I didn't really have a choice.


"Will, this is Nico." Sara said to the boy standing in the living room. They had brought me to their home and was introducing me to their son.

He had startling blue eyes and short, blonde hair that stuck out in all different directions as though he had just woken up for a nap, which he probably did. He looked about 8 years old, only two years older than me, and was a bit taller than me. He held his father's hand and stared at me unblinkingly. I stared back at him. "Daddy, who is he?" the blonde boy asked the man. I cringed at the mention of the D word.

"This is your new brother." He told the child.

A confused look decorated Will's face as he shook his head. "Nuh uh." He said. "My brother is still in there." He pointed to his mom's enlarged tummy.

The woman, Sara, simply smiled and took the boy's other hand. "No, baby. This is your other brother."

"Ooh." He said and nodded his head, as though her explanation made all the sense in the world. I stared blankly at the threesome. At the time, I didn't know what a brother was because I was an only child with a father who never communicated with me other than to tell me that I was a horrible beast who killed my mother in cold blood. But whatever a brother was, I didn't want to be it if it meant having to stay in that house with that man, Kyan. I looked at him, and he looked at me. Frightened, I backed away some. There was no way I was going to let him set me on fire.

Then he spoke. "He's very scared and confused. Some bad stuff has happened to him. So you have to take good care of him." He said to the child, who nodded, never once taking his eyes off of me. "Make sure you're nice to him, and play with him. Okay?" he nodded again.

For the first week, I spent most of my time in the closet in the room Will and I shared. They were all very nice, but I was still afraid. I was afraid of Kyan, and afraid for Sara. I didn't want to get close to them, for fear of getting hurt and for fear of accidentally hurting someone else again. Every night, I was plagued by nightmares of the incident, where my father would visit me in my sleep and terrorize me. Every night, I woke up and would cry silently in my closet. During the day, I would revert back to my stony faced self. Then there was Will. He would stare at me curiously for hours while he played with his toys. He'd ask me if I wanted to play, but I would just look at him blankly. I don't know why I wouldn't talk to Will. It wasn't like I was afraid of him. I guess I was still afraid of opening mouth and hearing nothing but screams.

I was thankful that they decided to give me some space. "Until you get used to being around us," they would say with a smile. I didn't eat meals with them, but they would bring my food up to the room and leave it for me to eat whenever I felt like it. Not like I ate it any way. I did try though. Late at night, I would sneak into the kitchen and rummage through the fridge for something I might possibly be able to eat. No matter how many times I tried though, I couldn't get rid of the choking sensation that would overcome me. I'd run to the bathroom and purge everything I had inside of me, which wasn't much really.

One night, Will found me like that. Without saying a word, he took me into the kitchen, prepared some nice hot soup, and tried to spoon feed me. But I cried and shook my head. "Why not?" he asked, crying with me. Then I did something that shocked Will and myself. I spoke. "I can't swallow. It's choking me." I sobbed. Then, Will did something curious. He spooned the soup into his mouth, and pressed his mouth against mine. The liquid flowed through his lips into mine, and it smoothly went down my throat. I gasped at the miracle and wept more tears. I was so hungry. Will spent hours that night feeding me soup through his mouth. When we were done, he led me upstairs to our room, and laid in the bed with me. He held me as I slept. That night, I slept soundly without a single visit from daddy.


Ten Years Later...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I cracked my eyes and sun streamed though. "Get up boys! First day of school! Bus leaves in 30 minutes!" I heard Will's mom, my adoptive mom, Sara, call through the door. I groaned shook the body next to mine. Will mumbled unintelligible words into the pillow, then began snoring again.

I sat up in the bed and Will's arm fell from my shoulders and landed across my hips. I looked at him bleary eyed. Fuck! I sighed. Another night spent in Will's arms was like a gift and a curse. Only in Will's arms was I able to get a dreamless, nightmare less, night of sleep. But only at the expense of my heart. I was in love with my brother.

Hi Everybody! Welcome to my new story! Ok, so I know that this chapter was kind of short, but it was meant to be sort of a prologue. I really just wanted to put into words the past events that led up to the current situation Nico is in. I also want to say that I am kind of making this story up as I go. I hadn't planned on having it posted so soon, but it was in my head and I couldn't focus on anything else til I got it out, that's why Im up typing at 5:06 am. Though I do have some ideas for future chapters, everything isn't in chronological order yet (that's why I didn't really want to post the first chapter up so soon). So please bear with me as I get my hot mess of a head sorted out. And one more thing I need to mention that is kind of important... I NEED YOUR REVIEWS! They help me make my stories better! So don't forget to review! Now im off to bed. Good night... or good morning... whichever one you think it is!