Our Little Secret

I don't own PLL

I've been off work for vacation this past week and unfortunately today is my last day off before I have to return to work. I figured I would spend my last day of freedom writing a fluffy Ezria story so here you go. :)

Aria's POV

Sitting at my desk in English class I cross my right leg over my left then smooth down the skirt of my dress as I readjust in my seat. A small smile spreads across my lips when I see Ezra walk into the classroom just as the morning bell rings. Ezra slips me a subtle glance accompanied by one of his breathtaking smiles. He is dressed in black slacks, a classic white shirt, and the red tie I gave him for our first public date. His hair is all tasseled up as if he just woke up and didn't have time to tame it. Biting my bottom lip I imagine being able to walk right up to him to run my fingers through his silky tresses.

Ezra puts all of his things away on the desk before moving around to the front of the desk to begin his first class of the day. Crossing his arms across his chest, he leans against the front edge of the desk.

"I want everyone to put all of their books and study guides we have been working on away. The only thing I want on your desks is a spiral notebook and your choice of writing tool. Pen or pencil, I don't care."

There is a light rumble in the room as everyone puts their things away and retrieves the items Ezra requested. Once everyone is settled Ezra continues with his lesson.

"As we are nearing graduation I know it has become a very stressful time for you all. Senior year is just about over, it's time for one last big summer before you all go off to college. I want you to write about your future."

The room is filled with grumbles and groans due to Ezra's words. I look at him in curiosity, unsure of where he is going with this assignment.

"No, no now wait a minute." Ezra laughs softly at his students' response. "I know what you all think but this isn't like the overdone 'list of accomplishments kind of story' but that isn't what the assignment is about. I don't want to hear about what college you are dying to get into or what type of degree you are hoping to get. Tell me what you hope to achieve in your personal life. Are you planning on staying in Rosewood or are you moving to some other state? Do you want to get married or have kids? That sort of thing. This assignment is meant purely as a way to make you all forget about finals and preparing for college. This will be your last paper for the year so make it count."

"When is it due?" Alex asks from his desk next to mine.

"You'll have the entire hour to work on it. It is due when the bell rings Mr. Collins."

I subtlety roll my eyes at Ezra while hiding a smirk. Alex has been trying to flirt with me over the past couple weeks and it has been driving Ezra crazy because Alex just isn't getting the hint that I am not interested. He hates having to sit fifteen feet from me every day and watch as other guys have tried to hit on me both in the classroom or out in the hall.

Raising my hand I draw Ezra's attention back to me. "How long does it need to be, Mr. Fitz?" I give him a light smile as if to tell him to forget about Alex.

"As much as you can write before the bell, Miss Montgomery. You may all begin."

Opening my notebook I begin to write my paper.

Before I know it, the bell signaling it is the end of class has rang. After tearing all four pages of my paper out of my notebook I put my things away then stand up with my bag on my shoulder. I linger a bit for everyone to place their papers on Ezra's desk in a stack prior to walking out the door. Once majority of the people have left I make my way to the line of kids waiting by his desk. It is only a few seconds before all of the papers have been dropped on Ezra's desk and everyone has left. Stapling the thin white sheets together I hand them to Ezra.

"Here is my assignment Mr. Fitz. I think you'll enjoy reading what I wrote, but first…" I trail off as I spin on my heel to face the classroom door. I shut it and lock it swiftly before returning to Ezra's side where I dropped my bag on one of the desks. Sliding my arms around his neck, I lean my body into his as I attach my lips to his to give him a long, drawn out kiss. Ezra's hands come up to caress my body as I give him a breathtaking kiss. Pulling away from his lips I smile up at him with a flirtatious look.

"What did I do to deserve that?" Ezra asks after a moment. His arms are still twined around my body, holding me against him.

"You had to sit through an hour of Alex Collins staring at me trying to get my attention. I just wanted to show you that you are the only man who has my attention."

Ezra sighs faintly before leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too. Now I have to go to second period, bye babe." Pressing one last kiss to his lips I grab my bag then leave the room in a rush.

Just as I am getting settled in my desk at second period history, my phone buzzes in my purse.

I put something in your purse for you to read. You can't read it until tonight when you're alone. You look beautiful today by the way. – Xx E

Furrowing my eyebrows I lean down to my purse and look to see what Ezra slipped in my bag when I wasn't looking. My hand instantly grasps ahold of an envelope with my name scrawled across it in Ezra's telling handwriting.

I'm intrigued. Thank you, babe. You look pretty sexy today as well. Xoxo

Locking my phone, I drop it back into my purse right as the bell is ringing for class to begin.

At the end of the day I hurry home, pleased to have the house to myself. My heels click and clack loudly on the wood stairs as I run up them and straight into my room. Dropping my book bag right inside the room I curl up in the pillows on my bed. I rummage through my purse to retrieve the envelope from Ezra.

My life hasn't turned out quite the way I had thought it would. Growing up, I always wanted to be a writer and a teacher, that much is true. My personal life on the other hand is a different story. After a few failed relationships I felt a bit defeated in my romantic life. All of that changed one day when I met this beautiful, petite brunette in a bar who has turned my world around. She is a very captivating young woman who makes me look at life in a completely different light.

Every day I look at this stunning woman sitting in my classroom in the fourth seat two rows over from the windows all I can imagine is making her my wife one day, well that is if she'll have me. I see the two of us settling down somewhere in a city of her choosing to raise a family. I've imagined a little girl who is an exact replica of her mother. Her name would be Daisy and she would be the best daughter we could ever imagine. I might even surprise my—hopefully—future wife with a puppy one day since she has dropped many subtle hints over the past two years that she wants a puppy.

I take my days one day at a time in hopes of accomplishing at least one of my many wishes involving this very captivating woman in my life.

Maybe one day she'll be my wife. Who knows? The cards are in her hands.

A large smile breaks out on my face as I fold the letter back up into thirds. I don't realize there are a few tears of happiness trailing from my eyes until they hit the paper. Climbing up off of my bed I grab my purse, shove the letter inside of it, and then run downstairs and out the door to my car.

It only takes me ten minutes to arrive at Ezra's apartment complex. I enter the elevator instantly and press the button for the third level. During the short ride up to his floor I find his key on my keychain. I only have to wait a few more seconds before the doors open up on the third floor.

When I arrive to his apartment door I insert my key to unlock the door and quickly let myself in. Ezra spins around from his place in the living room to face me when he hears the door swing open. He doesn't even get a word out before I have closed the gap between us and hooked my arms around his neck. Pulling him down to attach his lips to mine I kiss him with even more passion than I had with him this morning.

As our kiss heats up I move us across the room towards the bed. All it takes is a little push and we are tumbling onto the mattress together.

"I love you," I say for the first time since entering the apartment.

Ezra's hands slide up the back of my thigh to cup my ass under the skirt of my dress that has ridden up. We roll around on the mattress for a few minutes simply kissing and hands roaming. Before long all of our clothes have fallen to the floor and our sweaty bodies are rocking together in bliss.

After some rather pleasurable events with Ezra in bed we curl up together under the covers. My bare chest is pressed against his as our arms are wrapped around one another and our legs are tangled together. Ezra's hand strokes down my bare back in repetitive motions causing my body to drift closer towards sleep.

"Yes." I mumble tiredly against Ezra's chest.

"Yes to what?" Ezra asks in confusion.

"Yes, I want to marry you. When you read my paper from this morning you will see I wrote the exact same thing as you. I want to get married and settle down somewhere together. We can have a family at some point, maybe while I attend college or after I graduate."

"I take it the letter I gave you is the reason you came in here and kissed the hell out of me?" Ezra smiles down at me in happiness.

"Yes," I nod my head and laugh softly. "That is why I waltzed in here and had my way with you. I'm glad we both want the same things."

"Why don't we?" After a moment of silence I rephrase. "Get married I mean. We both plan on getting married in the future to each other. Besides, I already have the perfect white dress a certain male in my life got me who also happens to own a suit that matches said dress perfectly. Why not get married now?"

"You really want to? While we're still Student/Teacher?" Ezra asks apprehensively.

Rolling over in bed, I move to lay on my stomach next to him so I can look at him directly. "I do. I don't care if society views us as simply student and teacher. All I think about when I see you is how much I love you. When I think of us I think of two people who love each other and belong together."

"We do have a four day weekend coming up at school." Ezra points out. "Maybe we could drive up to New York and get married there at a courthouse."

Biting my bottom lip, I grin up at him. "Well why don't we look up what all we need in order to legally get married this weekend?"

I can tell he is still a bit apprehensive about this. I know he wants this too but he clearly is worried I've let my desires overcloud my judgment. Pushing my body up a few inches I press my bare chest against Ezra's to kiss him leisurely. Assuring him this is something I truly want, we sit up in bed and grab his laptop to do a little research. It isn't long until we find all the information needed in order to obtain a marriage license in the state of New York.

Ezra reaches up to shut the lid of his laptop whilst pressing a kiss to my head. His fingers have been running through my hair for the past half hour as we searched around online.

"So we'll leave Friday morning?" Ezra murmurs softly into my ear.

I nod in agreement, snuggling deeper into his side. A small yawn escapes my mouth. Glancing over at the clock I see it is just after midnight.

"I can't wait. I love you." Tilting my head up a bit I manage to reach his lips just barely.

"I love you too sweetheart. Now, get some sleep honey, you have school in the morning." Ezra flips off the lamp from the nightstand next to us before pulling the covers up over our naked bodies. Our bodies tangle together in our sleep.

It's eight o'clock on Saturday. Ezra and I drove up to New York at an ungodly hour yesterday morning to allow us to file for a marriage license as soon as possible. We are waiting outside the courthouse with only five minutes left before we can get married since we unfortunately have to wait twenty-four hours after filing for a license to wed before you can actually marry your spouse.

I am dressed in my white knee length dress Ezra had previously bought for me when we attended Rosewood's annual Winter Ball. Ezra is wearing the same grey suit he wore that night since it matches my dress so well. My stomach is currently in knots as it fills with butterflies at the thought of what we are about to do. I cannot believe I am finally going to become Mrs. Fitz. I know we will have to keep it a secret from everyone which will doubtfully be hard but we are used to keeping our relationship status a secret from those around us. While we are equally nervous about this legal commitment, we are both more than ready to tie the knot and take the next step in our relationship.

"Mr. Fitz and Miss. Montgomery," the priest calls out as he walks out to the hall where Ezra and I have been sitting clutching on to one another's hands as we wait. "We're ready for you." The tall man retreats back into the room expecting Ezra and I to follow along behind him.

"Are you ready for this?" Ezra asks me with excitement in his eyes.

I nod my head with a wide smile on my ruby red lips. "I've been ready since the day I met you."

We both stand up from the wooden bench, hands still laced together, as we move towards the entryway. "Let's go make you my wife." Ezra smiles playfully as he lightly tug my body to be pressed up against his followed by his arm hooking around my lower waist keeping our bodies pressed together.

"Can't wait," I murmur against his lips. I can tell he is about to kiss me so I lean in just enough so my lips hover over his. "But you're going have to wait until I am your wife until you can kiss me." I giggle at his reaction and pull him into the room where the priest awaits us.

"Do you have your marriage license?" The man asks in a soft, friendly one.

"Ah, yes." Ezra releases my hand to reach up into his front left suit pocket to retrieve the vital piece of paper. Handing it over to the man, he thanks Ezra before unfolding it and looking it over.

"Perfect," he says after checking for all of the proper information on the paper. "Are you two ready to become husband and wife?"

Ezra and I both look over at one another as we share a nod.

"Then let's get you two kids married!" The man says in joyous tone.

I cannot wait until he slips the metal ring on my finger which declares me as a married woman. Yesterday we went wedding ring shopping where we found the perfect set that matched our desires. Ezra bought me the most beautiful ring. My ring is sterling silver with a round diamond in the middle with two smaller square diamonds on each side of it. There are small diamonds all the way around the band of the ring adding extra character to it. Ezra and I made a deal prior to walking into the jewelry store that we wouldn't tell the other how much the ring we pick for each other costs. I didn't have enough money to buy Ezra's ring outright and due to my age and lack of credit, I couldn't apply to finance his wedding ring. Ezra told the sales woman to add the ring I picked out for him to the cost of the ring he picked out for me and he would pay for financing both of them. I tried to tell him I would make the monthly payments for his ring but he says he doesn't want me putting my money towards that. Any and all money I receive he wants me to save for college and nothing else. It took many rebuttals on my side before I finally gave in after realizing there was no way he would change his mind about this. I simply plan on paying him back in a way that doesn't involve money at all.

We lucked out that the jewelry store had our sizes in stock of the rings we wanted, well almost that is. Ezra managed to pick out the perfect ring for me that they had in my size. I on the other hand wasn't as lucky. The band I wanted to get for him was only available in two sizes too small or one size too big. I bought the next size up and plan on getting it sized after the wedding. All in all, yesterday had been a very productive day for the two of us.

My breath has been caught in my throat for the past several minutes as the priest has rambled on and on before getting down to the "I do's" part. I feel as if I can't breathe when Ezra fishes the rings out of his pocket. I lightly chew on my bottom lip to help contain my massive smile as Ezra slips the ring on my wedding finger. I have been so caught up in the moment I didn't even realize it is time for me to say "I do."

Ezra smiles brightly at me as I vocalize the words he's been waiting to hear.

"And do you, Ezra Fitz, take this lovely lady to be your wife?"

Ezra can't help but smile with so much excitement that a tear slips out of the corner of his eye.

"I do, yes." Ezra replies instantly. I smile shyly up at him as I slip his sterling silver wedding band on his finger.

"I now pronounce you as Mr. and Mrs. Fitz. You may now kiss your bride."

Ezra doesn't even let the man finish his sentence before he closes the gap between us and claims my mouth. Our arms tangle around one another as our lips dance together in glee. We both mutter "I love you" to one another between breaths for air as we continue to kiss one another. After we thank the priest, who had been smiling at the two of us, we scurry out of the courthouse as Mr. and Mrs. Fitz.

I have had majority of this written for a while I just haven't had the time to write the remainder of the chapter. I do plan on posting a couple more chapters for this. This is just something that has been bouncing around in my head. I had the desire to write one day so I decided to take a break from school since I had the day off from work and I spent it writing. Hopefully you guys liked it. Let me know in a review. : )