A "DC Elseworlds/Star Wars: Infinities" crossover.

By Carycomic

Characters and concepts: if you recognize them, I don't own or profit from them (as usual).

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. . .

. . .there was an interplanetary republic. One with a government so corrupt, many of its member worlds tried to secede! And, consequently, a terrible civil war was fought to prevent that.

The Republic eventually won. But, at a terrible price: it became a dictatorial empire. With the former Supreme Chancellor ruling as an absolute monarch! That is why many former foes have now joined together in an alliance to restore the Old Republic. Even though such a restoration will not be easy. Indeed; such an effort will require a great deal of bravery. . .and boldness.


"Who is this, Master?" inquired the newly knighted Sacorrian Jedi, referring to the strangely quite six year-old boy before her.

"His name is Bruce-and-Wayne Kane-Finger of Lorrd," replied Jorus C'baoth: "Bruce Wayne, for short. His parents and I were fellow members of the Senate Interspecies Advisory Council. And, last night? He saw them murdered, before his very eyes!"

Lezlee Tomkin's hands flew to her mouth, in speechless horror, as Jorus C'baoth continued.

"Forensic scanning of a blaster, found discarded at the scene, has shown traces of Arcona DNA. Leading police to theorize an armed robbery-gone-wrong. . .perpetrated by a salt addict. Which is why they are rounding up every female Arcona, answering that description, even as we speak."

"And, the boy?" Lezlee asked: "What will become of him?"

"I'm going to ask the Council to make him a ward of the Temple. I know he lacks all sensitivity to the Force! Yet, he has no living relatives on his father's homeworld. And, his mother's homeworld is just too rife with political intrigue, at the moment for my peace of mind."

"If they say 'yes,' " replied Lezlee: ". . .you know you can count on me to help you look after him. I could even reprogram one of the protocol droids to act like a robotic telbun!"

Lezlee had learned of that unique form of surrogate parenting (practiced by Kuati aristocracy) from her fellow ex-Padawan and former roommate, Kendalina of Kuat. And Jorus C'baoth, sensing the sincerity in her words, smiled and nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, for him, the Jedi Council proved equally agreeable in granting his request. As a result, Lezlee was able to keep her promise. She introduced young Bruce to LFR-3D. A variant of the LE-class of protocol droid who preferred to be known. . .as "Alfred."

Yet, despite all the tender-loving care they lavished upon him, Bruce remained hysterically mute for the next year. It took a rather unusual incident for his power of speech to return to him.

One particularly warm night, while sleeping with the window open, a hawk-bat flew into his bedroom. Normally, the wing beats of this avian species were virtually silent. Yet, somehow, they awakened Bruce. And the distorted silhouette it cast on the dimly lit wall, behind his head board, made it seem like a huge monster to his bleary eyes. As a result?

He started screaming!

Lezlee and Alfred rushed to his room. The latter adjusting his vocabulator so that it sonically repelled the hawk-bat, driving it back out through the window. While the former hugged young Bruce to her bosom. Using a moderate amount of the Force to enhance the calming effects of the lullaby she was now humming to him. Little did she know, however, that this would be the last time she would ever comfort him so. Because, two weeks later, the political intrigue on Alderaan that Jorus C'baoth had been so critical of was finally resolved. Bail Organa of House Organa would now be the planet's ruling Viceroy.

Which, in turn, meant that he would finally get to meet his late sister's only child.


"Commissioner Gordon?" said the younger man: "I'm Harr Veedent. Senior Prosecutor for the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations, Churba Sector. This is my steno droid, J-3PO."

"Pleased to meet you," said Jimm Gordon with as much sincere enthusiasm as he could fake.

"Where's the prisoner?"

"Right this way."

Gordon led the way into a gray-walled interrogation room. There, sitting at a table with two chairs, was a rather plump human with salt-and-pepper hair. . .and a rather sour expression on his face. Veedent sat down across from the man and repeated the introductions before asking the plump man's name.

"Please state it loudly, and clearly, for the record," he added.

"Fredrikk Stryker," replied the prisoner in a bitter tone.

"Occupation and planet of residence?"

"Former general manager of Apex Chemicals, Gotham City-dome, New Cov."

"And how did you first become involved with Black Sun, Mr. Stryker?"

"Last year, I had a streak of bad luck at the sabacc tables on Ord Mantell. And, six months ago, I'm approached by this Anzat who says he works for a Tisshar who's bought up all my markers! All I have to do, to pay them back is to let them use the chemical plant as a front. . .for refining contraband glitterstim."

"What was your response?"

"I told him that was impossible, as I had four partners I had to answer to!"

Veedent consulted a data pad handed him by J-3PO.

"Those being. . .Steevin Crane, Paul Rogers, Willem Lambert, and Bruce Wayne?"

Stryker nodded: "With Crane in charge of Shipping; Rogers, the head of Research & Development; Lambert, the chief numbers cruncher; and Wayne, the majority stockholder from having given us the start-up creds."

"How did the Anzat react to your pronouncement?"

"He said to leave those details up to them. That they were real good at arranging tragic 'accidents.' "

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