So, hello everybody! This one took a while to write, we had a few blackouts, I got sick, then school interfiered. But yes here is chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Ace blinked blearily. He was abruptly awoken from his daydream by the sun shining through the curtains and into his eyes, though the wake up call was welcome since the dream he was having was anything but pleasant.

His clothes and other necessities were messily crammed into his overflowing green striped duffel bag. He yawned and rubbed the sleep from his gray eyes. A thick envelope was discarded beside him, holding his job. Well the payment for it at least. It was mind boggling how much money people were willing to pay, simply to acquire a map that was probably fake anyway but what the client wants, the client gets.

He disliked jobs like this. While it was true his occupation required him to snoop around, he had, over the years build a steady network of snoops and snitches that send him reports in regular intervals via. bird carriers. And while dealing with information was his profession, he disliked breaking into heavily guarded places simply because missions like those required patience, waiting and more patience. Things Ace didn't have, but he was nothing if not stubborn and determined so he somehow managed to sneak past the security undetected, though a part of him wanted to do nothing more than to simply burst on fire knock out the guards then strut in the darn mansion and steal those godforsaken treasure locations.

But unfortunately Spade was known to be cunning, manipulative and most inmportantly mysterious, and Ace had no intentions of making people think otherwise.

He was given all kinds of shady jobs. But hey! It was good money. The entertaining challenges were added bonuses, though those were few and far between. Most of them were all about sorting through piles and piles of useless details, and he had to spend hours browsing through the documents until he found whatever it was that his client desired. Rather boring really.

Ace was proud to say that he had become a bit famous in the underground world for his skills. Although the fact that people were able to link some of his crimes together still made him rather annoyed.

Though right now he couldn't afford to think about things like that because he had gotten too comfy, and now for some unknown reason the White-beard pirates were raising hell trying to find him. He didn't know what they wanted to do with him. He carefully avoided assignments that might disturb the Strongest crew in the world, after all he could only hide from so many people at once, and he was anything but eager to add another Yonko to his ever growing list of enemies.

Alas he long since learned to stop imagining the worse case scenario, because unfortunately there was no such thing in his chaotic life. The universe seemed to enjoy finding new inventive ways to screw him over so it could laugh at his misery.

That was why he decided to go incognito, and was currently located in a shack atop the Tianzi mountain. Since it was practically impossible for people to climb the stone towers surrounded by thick mist and since navy and pirates alike avoided the place it was the ideal place for him to hide, hopefully the White beards would give up on tracking him down.

It had been only about a week and he was already bored out of his mind. He rolled onto the side of the bed. As much as he disliked his current situation, he had to admit. The White beards were persistent little bastards, most people would give up immediately upon seeing how little bout him was known, but the pirates were insistent on finding him. He'd been avoiding them for a little over a month now, but they were still hot on his trail, so he decided to hide in the desolate mountain scape.

It's not that he didn't know how to stay out of sight, he had gained a lot of practice during the years after all, but the pirates after him had the advantage in numbers. They had 9 divisions out in pursuit of him, while the remaining 4 were staying aboard the smaller black Moby continously guarding the islands under their protection, their allies were determined to find him as well. He hated feeling like this, he was no covard and he despised hiding like one, but he had no intentions of facing the Whitebeards, when he hardly even knew why they were after him. He furrowed his eyebrows in thought "Don't tell me they think I had anything to do with what happened to their 13th commander, do they?...Shit."

On Moby Dick

Thatch leaned over the railing, a far away look in his eyes when he heard Douma shout from the crowssnest:" Land in sight!"

"Hmm" he glanced at the approaching pile of land "So this is Wuling island, huh?" he looked at the massive stone towers rising high above the waters surface.

EnchantedTales:Yep, though this one took a while (we had a couple of major blackouts), and I'm glad you think so :3

Rheassa: He is no longer a Marty, though the chapters are stil short

TheTitan: Yep :9

RobotDogZombie : Then why did you do it? O.O

A big great thank you with a bishie on top to SpookyCookie, who listened to my rants and patiently waited for my long-overdue update :) and Arashi No Ko (You'll see what you did XD)