This is AU. There is no magic in Storybrooke and no one lived in the Enchanted Forest.

My writing partner and I took the story of Lillith and instead of using her we are using Regina.


"Emma, please, I'm sorry. I really do hate it at home. I feel invisible like you do, or that no one cares. Please, don't just walk away."

Regina thought about that day from time to time. The way the blonde had rubbed away her star and disappeared into the night. It felt like a lifetime ago, though it'd only been a decade. She wasn't sure why this one girl had stuck with her all this time. She just knew that when she was bored and found herself staring at her birthmark, Emma often came to mind. Just like now.

Regina was stuck in an extremely boring city council meeting with no one really saying anything. Anything that mattered, that is. Most of the townsfolk were idiots.

Emma Swan had just come into Storybrooke for reasons of her own. Boston had become hell for her and she needed a change. Too many people had been lying to her for all her life really. Every time she would see a star symbol she would think about the one girl that lied to her. That was the one that hurt the most.

There was a time where she attempted to try and find the girl but failed due to not knowing her last name.

Today she was headed to the town council meeting, hearing about a section of job openings that would be listed within the county. Sitting in the back she found one that was interesting to her. Sheriff.

When the meeting came to an end, Regina thought she'd finally get to go home to her son. But no such luck. One of the councilors came up to her and struck up a conversation.

"The Sheriff's position, huh?" Linda, the county recorder asked Emma when she inquired. "Well, Miss, you'll have to inquire with the mayor. She has a stack of applications." She pointed at Regina as the brunette spoke to another woman. "Regina Mills."

Emma turned her head to look at the woman. Her brows furrowed. She couldn't be THE Regina. No, couldn't be. Her feet seemed to move on their own accord towards the mayor. She waited patiently however until the woman finished her conversation. "Excuse me, Madam Mayor?"

"Yes?" Regina answered, turning her head to the blonde and instantly scowling, unable to hide it. The girl looked like 'her.' "How may I help you?" She asked politely with a forced smile, trying to recover from her temporary rudeness.

"Hi, I came here wanting to find out about the jobs available here and hearing that the sheriff's position was open I'd like you to know that I'm very much qualified for it and wanted to inquire about applying."

"Well if you're qualified, you're more than welcome to apply. We'll select our top candidates then leave it to the public to decide through a vote." Regina went through her stack of papers to find an application, then handed it over, her blazer sleeve riding up just enough to uncover the star birthmark.

Emma took the application and then saw the mark and paused momentarily. "Regina..." She whispered and looked up at the beautiful woman before her. "Its me. Emma." She smiled lightly. "Hi."

Regina's eyes locked with Emma's as she looked back up. But the mayor was not as happy to see her as she was to see the mayor. "And here I thought you'd have gotten yourself into trouble and arrested by now." She said coldly. "The world can still surprise me, apparently."

"You're right actually. Went to prison for a year. But I woulda thought the same for you actually. But then again you weren't who you said you were either." Emma shrugged.

Regina scowled. "Good luck with the job application, Emma." She stood and gathered her stuff then. "And have a pleasant evening." The mayor marched off then, the councilor left behind to stare at Emma.

"So I take it you two have a past?" Kathryn asked having over heard their conversation.

"Yeah. Something like that." Emma took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She then walked out of the hall and towards her yellow bug. "Mayor... I can't believe that." She said to herself.

Regina didn't really expect to see Emma at her office the next morning. "You're seriously turning that in with a criminal record? What exactly makes you qualified?"

"Yeah, I am. When I got out I worked in claims and then I became a bounty hunter. On my downtime I was a bouncer. I'm physically and mentally prepared to be a sheriff. I have my CWP and everything else I need to carry a gun. I'm not afraid of criminals nor taking them down. I think straight and smart. I would benefit this town as sheriff." Emma said sternly.

Regina sighed and looked through her application. "A juvenile record. Well if that's all it really was, you do have a chance." She looked up at Emma then. "I'll call you, Ms. Swan."

Emma nodded once. "Thank you." She went to leave then turned around again. "Its uh its good to see you again, Regina." She offered a smile before walking away.

Regina's cold demeanor melted away then, the mayor secretly glad to see Emma, too. She watched her walk away then tried to return her focus to work. Try being the key operative word.

"Mills... I would have never guessed Mills. Let alone Mayor Mills."

Just a quick start to our story. What do you think so far?