Natasha had been laughing for five minutes now. And Vladislav honestly couldn't blame her. It was madness. Vladislav had seen a great deal of things in his life, from poking his head out of Natasha's shirt. A three daemon pile up was not one of them. It had started simply enough. Adrasteia had just been laying there, a few feet away from Steve as she always did. And then Amarisa had happened. The polecat bouncing from one piece of furniture to the next squeaking in excitement as Tony told the rest of the gang another one of his drunk disaster stories. And then Risa had landed right on Adrasteia's head. And the lioness had jumped up, snarling more in surprise than real outrage and caught the musteline in her paw. That was when Maeshka took an interest.

With Risa held on the ground, wiggling and squeaking by the lioness, who now looked more playful than anything, Maeshka was already spreading her wings to wait for the perfect moment to dive. Vladislav poked his head a little further out, his vision rocky from Natasha's barely strifled laughter. And then Amarisa got away. Chittering in delight, the polecat darted away from Adrasteia's paws and jumped onto her back. And Maeshka dived. What her intentions were, Vladislav did not know, but they didn't last long as Adrasteia twisted herself around to get at Risa and caught Maeshka instead.

And it was all downhill from there. Tony, Clint and Steve finally noticing their Daemon's antics, and unable to do anything but laugh. With Maeshka's indignant squawking as she was pinned beneath gigantic paws, Risa chittering as she wove through and around them both, and Adrasteia rumbling in laughter, it was pure chaos. Pure, hilarious chaos. Bruce was the only one not reacting, beyond a quiet smile, and Vladislav could see Malchior, laughing. Vladislav simply wasn't sure what to think. Even with Clint, and the whole of SHIELD struggling to keep him under control, things had never gotten this crazy. It was strange, and made him question the sanity of Natasha and him, sticking around for no apparent reason. They could save New York together without living in the same building. And yet, they stayed. For some unknown reason, that had nothing to do with Clint, or the concealed weapons Tony had left all over her room, they stayed. It wasn't for the comfort. The safety that came with numbers. It wasn't because of Clint, who was already in love with the place.

It really only left one option. The people. The odd tightness in their chests, that came when they watched the carefree wrestling of the Daemons. That felt so much better when he could honestly say that it was thanks to him, that Adrasteia was relaxed enough to play like this. It was a odd feeling. But a good one. In a weird, painful and unfamiliar way. And scary, because this wasn't meant to happen. They hadn't been trained for the purpose of getting attached. Clint and Coulson had been bad enough. But now this? All the Avengers and the insanity that followed them. And beyond that tickle of confused fear in their minds, they actually didn't want to run away.

Vladislav turned his head away from the chaos as he heard the surprisingly soft padding of Sirion's feet. Thor's soft spoken but still excitable Dhole. He was surprised that she hadn't joined in on the chaos, but obeyed the silent request and retreated back into Natasha's shirt. Maneuvering his way through the layers and down in her jeans, finally slithering into her boot and poking his head out the top. And just barely resisting the urge to flinch back inside as he was greeted by a gigantic copper head only inches away. While Vladislav had noticed traits in her more reminescent of Loki than Thor, Sirion did have Thor's lack of respect for personal boundries.

"Madness, huh Vladislav?" She said, her voice lilting and her head turning in the direction of the rough housing Daemons. "Quite, and Stark's fault as per the norm." Vladislav stated mildly, carefully keeping the curiousity out of his voice. "Loki and I used to play like that." And there it was. "She was a Caracal.. I wonder where she is now. Loki wouldn't tell us." Her voice was mournful, and Vladislav shifted, unsure how to respond to grief. Then it came to him, clear as day. Why Thor to this day didn't feel at home. Because something was missing. And while they may not be able to fix it, they could at least give him closure. "We'll find her Sirion. It won't be easy, but we will." Vladislav pulled back into the boot, and wound his way up to Natasha's wrist, not waiting for Sirion's reply.

Natasha gave him a strange look when he settled back to her wrist, not entirely pleased by the promise he had just made. It was strange, helping people. He'd never done that before. Never built rather than destroyed. It was nice. Scary, but nice. And he could get used to it.