Hey, guys! This is my first fanfiction! I really love this anime so hope you like it! This might be slightly confusing if you haven't seen the anime. RR! ;)
* Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt

Mai P.O.V.

"Hey! I'm Mai Taniyama and I'm 17 years old. Already for a year now I'm working at Shibuya Psychic Research or short SPR. My boss, the 18 year old Kazuya Shibuya or Naru as I call him, is actually the famous Oliver Davis and he's from England. If there was a price for being the biggest narcissist in the world, he would definitely win it!"

"Luckily there is also the rest of the group. There's the always silent Lin Koujo, a omnyoji from Hong Kong, Ayako Matsuzaki, a 24 year old shrine maiden who can only do exorcisms when there are trees around, Houshou Takigawa or just Monk, a 26 year old Buddhist, Masako Hara, a 17 year old celeberty medium, John Brown, a 20 year old priest from Australia and Eugene Davis, Naru's twin brother, but everyone calls him Gene."

"Right now I'm running to work. Yes, running! I'm going to be late again! It's almost a routine! I wake up and notice I forgot to put on the alarm clock again! When I'm done dressing up I run to work and every time I open the door I hear: "Mai...You're late. Make some tea." Eeergh Naru really gets me mad sometimes! "Gene...Lin...Would you like some tea to?" "Yes, thanks Mai! That would be great!" I heard Gene say. Lin being Lin just nodded and I went to the kitchen.

Not long after that I went to Naru's office and put the tea on the desk. He just took it and drank from it without even giving me a glance! "Sjeez, Naru! Would it kill you to say thanks!" "I'm afraid it will", he said in his own over confident way. "I swear I'm gonna kill him one of these days!", I muttered. And judging from the smirk on his face, he heard me.

After that I went to bring the tea to Lin and Gene and they did say thank you! "Heard that Naru? That's how a thank you sounds!" I said. "Get to work!" I smiled, knowing that I scored.

It was already four o'clock when Monk came in. "Oh, hey Monk! How are you?" "Hey Mai! Is Naru there? I've got a case that might interest him." "Of course he is! Did you ever saw Naru NOT come to work! I'll just go get him!"
Naru P.O.V.

"Naru! Monk's here! And he's got a case!", I heard Mai shout. "You don't have to shout, Mai!", I said to her. "Oh, but I'm afraid I do!", she said taking me back on my earlier joke. I heard Gene mentally laugh. Since Mai, him and I have kind of the same psychical abilities, we were telepathic. We could hear each others thoughts. I put up a wall so that they couldn't read mine anymore and left my office. I got a seat in one of the sofa's with Gene and Lin and I said, "Mai, why don't you go and get some tea." "But Naru! I want to hear what the case is!" "Mai, tea!", I said. With that she stood up and left for the kitchen.

Mai P.O.V.

I went to the kitchen as I heard Naru continue. "Now, what exactly is this case about", he said in his business - voice. "Sjeez, he's all work!", I heard Gene think. Funny, I was just thinking the same thing! But then Monk answered the question and it got interesting. "Well, there's a house that's been haunted by a ghost already for a month now. Over the day nothing seems to happen, but from the moment the clock hits twelve, strange things start to happen. Furniture starts to move out of it's own and they hear a voice say the same creepy thing over and over again in the same creepy way." "Then what does this voice say?", I heard Naru ask. " 'You shouldn't have let me die!', but the family never saw where the voice came from." "Ok! We'll take the case. What is the address?", I heard Naru ask as I walked into the room. "Chonoma street 43." And with that I dropped the tea.

Naru P.O.V.

"Ok! we'll take the case. What's the adress?", I asked. "Chonoma street 43." Bang! We all turned arround to Mai with a worried expression on our face (Well, except for me of course). "D-d-did y-you say Ch-chonama street 43?", I heard her stutter. "Yes", Monk answered. "T-that's the h-house where my p-parents died!"

We all looked at her, shocked, even me. This was something we all never expected. I saw Gene stand up and put her on the sofa, while saying:"Why don't you sit down, Mai. I'll go make you some tea.", but even before he left the room she fainted.

Mai P.O.V.

"Where am I?" I looked around to find myself in the living room of a house. "Oh, I am home! Well, my old home at least. I must be dreaming again, but that means..." I looked around and yes there he was! "Hey, Gene!" "Hai, Mai!" "So what do you want to show me?", I asked him. "Just watch for yourself, but I don't think you are going to like it, Mai. I'm sorry!" "Hey! You can't do anything about it, so don't worry!", I said, giving him a reassuring smile, but one look at his face and I knew I really wasn't going to like it. So unsure of what I was going to see, I watched. I saw a woman and she was crying. I heard her say something , but I couldn't understand what it was. She mumbled to much to hear it. Just when I thought I was able to understand it, the woman stopped crying and stood. I couldn't believe my eyes! Her face was drenged in blood, her dress ripped apart and she had scars all over her body, but what scared me the most was the mean smirk she had on her face. She started to chuckle and not long after that, the chuckle became the most evil laugh I had ever heard! She walked up to me, with a knife in her hand. "You shouldn't have let me die!", was all she said as she stuck the knife in my body and with that, I woke up screaming.

I know, I know! It's a short chapter, but I hope you liked it! R&R!