A/N: Yeah, I know. This is different from what I usually write but ever since I saw that Spiderman & Jessie crossover, this idea suddenly came to mind lol I Don't know why but that crossover special was decent to me but to me, it could've been better. Oh well. Anyways, to me, I think this story will do just fine, I just have this feeling that it will.

And also, Charlie will not try to get rid of Toby cuz I don't like when she does that in the show, I wish they just put cute brother and sister moment between them. So instead, she has a close sibling relationship with him. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, on to the story! :)

"Aww man" said Teddy.

"What is it, Teddy?" asked her Father, Bob.

She checked the camera again, "I think my video camera is dying"

"Um, Teddy?" Her brother, Gabe Duncan tapped her on her shoulder.

"Yeah?" She responded.

"I think it just needs to be charged"

She looked in recording part of the camera which had static but still had that battery life symbol which was red.

"Hm. You're right, I'll put it on the charger when we- well, if we ever get INTO THIS STUPID HOUSE!" She yelled impatiently.

Teddy Duncan and her family were visiting Bayville, New York for the summer, since they didn't really go on family vacations in a while; they figured that they would enjoy their stay here for only a month. Just one single month. What could happen? This was going to be the best summer vacation ever for them, Teddy, Gabe and PJ hoped that they could make some friends here while they enjoy their stay.

The Duncan family was staying in a cheap but nice looking summer house close to downtown and Amy was struggling to get the door open with the stubborn key that they were given with.

"What's wrong with the door, mommy?" asked Charlie.

"I don't know honey, it won't open" She tried harder to open the door with the key but it just won't budge.

Bob handed their baby son, Toby, to PJ, and volunteered to help her get it open, "Honey! Let me help-"

"BACK OFF BOB! This is a woman's job!" She shouted. He backed off, slightly intimidated by her at this moment. She turned the key and felt it unlock but the door didn't open. She wasn't playing now, she began to back up.

"Stand back guys, Mama is about to go hulk on this door!" warned Amy. Everyone, including the baby, looked at her like she was crazy. She couldn't really bust that door down, can she?

She charged into the door with a jump kick while screaming, causing the door to break open and her to fall down on the floor of the house.

Everyone looked in shock. She immediately got up and smiled. "See, Bob? I told you I didn't need your help" She smiled, patting his shoulder.

They got inside and gazed around the house, it was very nice but it wasn't that big but it was the right size for them to live in for the summer.

"Honey, you didn't tell me you took karate" said Bob, still stunned.

"Oh, don't thank me, thank Mr. Miyagi from the Karate kid films" she laughed after that. Apparently, she has seen the Karate Kid movies more than three times throughout her teenage life. So that's basically where she learned those moves.

For a couple of hours, the family unpacked and looked around in the summer house. There were only two rooms in the house so the kids had to share one room, which had three beds so that was going to be difficult for them. Luckily, there was a crib in the same room that the kids were going to sleep in, so that was good news.

While everyone was making themselves feel right at home, Teddy found a plug near the coffee table downstairs. She plugged in her video camera; she checked it and it all of a sudden turned right off, blacked out more like. And it made Teddy very upset because she was just starting another video diary and was scared that it might have died for good and she was going to have to buy another one, but she didn't really have the money to buy a replacement.

"AACHOO!" sneezed Charlie behind her, scaring Teddy.

"Oh Hi Charlie, Bless you. You startled me"

"What's wrong with the camera?" She asked, wiping her nose. Charlie has been sneezing lately ever since they left home. They figured it was her allergies from some of the dust in the car or something.

"I don't know, Charlie. I think its dead"

Charlie sneezed again and this time it was big one.

"Woah! Bless you again, Charlie. Man, I wonder why you're sneezing that much-"


When the chair from behind her that was knock over on the floor. It scared the life out of her, she wasn't going to lie.

"WOAH! What was that?!" Teddy exclaimed, holding her rapidly beating heart.

The scared toddler held on to her big sister's leg. "Maybe it's a ghost! I'm scared, Teddy!"

Teddy shook her head and hugged her in comfort, "Oh Charlie, come here. I'm pretty sure there are no such things as ghosts. It was probably a big rat or something. It's ridiculous! You think this place was vermin free."

Teddy shook her head and set the chair back up and picked up Charlie, going upstairs with her siblings.

"You know Bob" said Amy, leaning on the kitchen sink.

"What?" He responded, drinking a carton of grape juice from the refrigerator.

"I have a feeling that this vacation is gonna be great" Amy smiled, feeling optimistic about it.

"Definitely" he agreed, flirtatiously approaching her.

They both giggled and shared a kiss.

"Maybe tomorrow if the kids are gone, we could, you know?"

Bob smiled, "Netflix?"

Amy chuckled, "Hey! How did you-"

"Everyone loves Netflix!" He cut her off.

Amy poured herself a glass of grape juice and did a toast with Bob, "My kind of chill day! Or whatever the kids are saying these days"

Meanwhile upstairs, the kids were enjoying their room despite the fact that they had to learn to share the whole room.

"Toby! Peek-a-boo!" Charlie put her hands over her eyes then opened them back up, causing the one year old to laugh and clap. They were playing on the floor while the kids were talking about making new friends or love interests or whatever.

"Toby, you're so cute" Charlie complimented, hugging him. "You're the best little brother I could ask for" Toby spit up on Charlie's shirt.

"Ewww!" She said in disgust. "That's okay Toby, I get you a tissue"

She went over to the night table to get the tissue and wiped up the throw up on Toby's chin then her shirt.

"Oh, Toby you always make a mess" said Charlie, laughing.

The infant just giggled.

"I don't know Teddy, maybe mom and dad are right, you should take it to the shop and see what's wrong with it" said Gabe.

"What if I have to buy another video camera but I don't have enough money!? And I will have to use mom and dad's outdated camera and-"

"Hey, Teddy! Stop being so dramatic!" PJ scolded.

"I'm not being dramatic, I'm just saying that some cameras can be very expensive and I'm not sure if I want to trade in for a new one"

"How about we go to the mall tomorrow and we might find a store that can check out your camera to see what's wrong with it" suggested Gabe. "Maybe they have a Radio Shack there or something. It might need a new battery"

Teddy thought about this for a moment, "hmmm, well I'm not really sure but I guess it couldn't hurt to check"

"Ah… Ah-CHOO!" sneezed Charlie, causing the drawers in their room to shot open and the clothes to fall on the floor.

"What the heck?!" Gabe exclaimed, just as scared as the others. "Bless You Charlie?"

"Why'd the drawers just open out of the blue?!" questioned PJ.

"I almost had a heart attack!" Teddy held her heart that was quickly beating.

"Oh I hope there isn't a ghost in this house" said Gabe worriedly. "We're gonna have to tell mom and dad about it!"

"Or call an exorcist or something" Added PJ.

"See, Teddy? I told you there are ghosts in here!" claimed Charlie.

Getting Suspicious, Teddy decided to have a private chat with her brothers. "Hey guys, huddle up" said Teddy. They huddled up and whispered so Charlie couldn't hear them, but right now, she was too busy playing with her little brother to care.

"What is it, Teddy?" asked Gabe.

"Guys, I know this might sound crazy but, something might be wrong with Charlie" said Teddy.

PJ and Gabe looked at each other, "What are you talking about, Teddy?"

"I think, she might have some sort of," The stressed blonde pushed back her hair.

"How do I say this? Um? Well, Gift, if you know what I mean?"

"Teddy, I'm confused here! What are you trying to say?" said PJ.

"Alright! Question! Don't you find it weird that right after she sneezed, the drawers just flew out? And Remember when we drove past that farm then Charlie sneezed and the cows tipped over? And what about when she sneezed when some kid on his bike fell off his bike and into that huge puddle! Don't you think that all adds up to something?"

The boys looked at each other, confused, and then looked back at Teddy. They had no idea what she was trying to claim here. They thought everything that Teddy stated was merely just the heat talking.

"OH! I forgot to mention, earlier when I was looking at my camera, the chair fell by itself and I thought it was a rat but now that I think-"

PJ felt on Teddy's head, "Are you alright? Because you're starting to sound a little ridiculous?"

Teddy jerked her head away, "Get off me PJ! And I am not sick! I'm just saying I feel like Charlie is… well, you know? Gifted. Like-"

"Gifted like how?" asked Gabe, "Are you saying she might have some sort of magical powers!" He mocked, laughing with PJ.

"Yeah! Like the movie, Carrie or something?" PJ scoffed. "Teddy don't be silly! I'm pretty sure what everything that happened, with the drawers, the cows and stuff, were all just a coincidence don't you think?"

"Yeah" agreed Gabe, "I mean, for one, I'm pretty sure that there were some punks that knocked those cows over while they thought no one was looking"

"Exactly!" said PJ. "Anybody could have fallen off their bike! Oh! As for the drawers and chair, it's SO obvious there's a ghost in here trying to mess with us"

Teddy rolled her eyes, "Well, I don't know about you two. But I know there isn't any ghost in this house and I know its Charlie doing those things but doesn't know it! And I am going to find out by recording it on my camera"



"Right after a delicious dinner!" said Teddy, rubbing her belly.

They don't really want to believe that their little sister might be having some sort of special powers. It sounded just sounded ridiculous to them, some they believe to be just coincidences and some they believe to be caused by a ghost.

Teddy didn't care if they thought she was crazy, she was determined to find out whether if her little sister was really gifted with some sort of power but didn't know it.

But, Right after they finish a delicious evening meal.