Title: Strength of Conviction

Summary: Kaiba wants Yami and he'll enjoy the challenge of convincing his rival.

Pairing: Kaiba x Yami

Rating: M for graphic lemons, sexual content, and mature language.

Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! does not and never has belonged to me.

Chapter 01: Temptation

Kaiba Seto was many things and right now he was interested in his rival, Yami. Ever since the first time they had dueled, Yami had been on Kaiba's radar. At first it was merely as an irritant who needed to be defeated, but somewhere along the way that had changed. Yami became somebody Kaiba wanted to defeat in a different kind of battle, one that took place in bed rather than on the playing field. Kaiba wanted Yami and there was nothing that was going to get in the way of his desire. He was a man who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to take it at any cost.

Thus it came to be that Kaiba was dueling Yami in the privacy of his empty house. It was a rouse to get Yami away from his friends and the fact that his rival agreed to come alone gave Kaiba hope. It didn't matter that he lost the duel. No, all it proved was just how powerful Yami was and that made Kaiba want him even more. Yami was the only one worthy enough for him and Kaiba was determined to win him over somehow.

"I can see why you didn't want any witnesses," Yami arrogantly commented when they met on the floor in front of the dueling platforms.

"Is that why you think I wanted to get you alone?" Kaiba asked as he took two steps closer to Yami and got in his personal space.

It forced Yami to look up at Kaiba and he questioned, "What other reason is there?"

"Several," Kaiba replied as he looked down at Yami.

The intense look in Kaiba's blue eyes stirred something unknown inside of Yami and he found himself taking a step back from the brunette in response. "Is that so?" Yami asked, but there was a note of uncertainty in his tone.

"Aren't you the least bit curious?" Kaiba wondered, enjoying the power rush of making his rival unsteady.

"N-No," Yami stuttered as Kaiba pressed closer still.

Leaning as close as he dared, Kaiba murmured, "I don't believe you."

Yami felt like it was hard to breathe with Kaiba pressed so close to him. Being around his rival was always an intense experience, but this was a new level. He didn't know how to interpret the way Kaiba was looking at him, but he felt like they were on the verge of something. It was intimidating and Yami said, "I think I should go now."

"What about a rematch?" Kaiba asked as he reached out and stroked Yami's cheek just to see the reaction.

Kaiba touching him was a new experience and Yami wasn't quite sure what to do about it or why it sent chills through him. "Maybe another time," Yami deferred, startled when Kaiba went from caressing his cheek to using his chin to pull their faces closer together. "Kaiba…"

Oh, how Kaiba wanted to hear his rival moan his name at the height of ecstasy. It made him say, "Yami," in a tone filled with lust and need.

It startled Yami when he felt himself physically react to the way Kaiba said his name. Kaiba had yelled his name a lot during duels, but this was new. For the briefest moment Yami stopped breathing as he waited for Kaiba to do something. However, his nerves got the best of him and Yami backed away before something could happen.

"Scared?" Kaiba challenged, resisting the urge to corner Yami and have his wicked way with him against a wall.

"No," Yami hotly denied as he crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "I have no reason to be scared of you."

Smirking at that, Kaiba said nothing of it. Instead he realized he had probably pushed his rival as far as he could that day. It was a shame because the empty house was such a wasted opportunity. Instead of mourning that further, Kaiba offered, "I'll drive you home."

"What about your rematch?" Yami asked.

"I think I'll save that for a time when you're better…prepared," Kaiba replied with a dark laugh at his alternative meaning.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Yami demanded, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Kaiba was unable to resist the pouting lips and even though he knew he shouldn't, he captured them in a passionate kiss. Yami's sound of protest was swallowed by Kaiba as he continued a dominating kiss that affected them both. It made Kaiba want to take Yami right then and there, but he showed restraint and backed off with a final suckle of his rival's lower lip. "It means I don't think you're prepared to lose to me," Kaiba murmured as he stepped back with a heated look.

Yami could only blink as he tried to process the fact that his rival had just kissed him and so sensuously at that. He felt heat flaring through his veins and he could only stare in disbelief at Kaiba as he tried to say, "You just…"

Laughing at Yami's reaction, Kaiba led the way out of the dueling arena and to the garage, pleased with himself. "I'll take you home," Kaiba repeated.

"But you just…" Yami continued trying to articulate and failing. Never in a million years would he have expected to be kissed and so passionately by his rival. Why had he done such a thing?

"Unless of course you want to stay," Kaiba volunteered, hoping against all odds that Yami would agree.

Not trusting himself to speak, Yami shook his head. It was only once they were in the car that Yami recovered his composure enough to ask, "Why did you do that?"

"Why didn't you stop me is the better question," Kaiba countered, still surprised that his rival hadn't tried to push him away at the very least. It gave Kaiba hope that his rival might not be as opposed as he had previously thought.

It was a valid question and Yami didn't have a good answer for it. "I need to know why," Yami told him, needing to make sense of what had just happened.

"Because I wanted to," Kaiba replied with a shrug, figuring it was close enough to the truth.

"You weren't punishing me for defeating you?" Yami questioned.

Arching an eyebrow at the interpretation, Kaiba wondered, "Since when was kissing considered a punishment?"

"Why else would you do it?" Yami retorted, still not understanding.

"It's a good thing you're not always this dense," Kaiba said with a laugh that caused Yami to scowl. "You wouldn't be worthy of being my rival otherwise."

"But what other reason is there?" Yami pressed, needing to understand Kaiba's motivation.

Laughing again, Kaiba refused to answer. "You're bright, you'll figure it out," Kaiba told him as they pulled up in front of the Game Shop.

For a moment, Yami thought Kaiba was going to kiss him again, but he didn't. "I'll see you later," Yami said before scrambling to get out of the car.

"I'll look forward to our rematch," Kaiba replied before Yami shut the car door.

Laughing to himself, Kaiba smirked as Yami hurried inside his home. It felt good to have finally kissed his rival and Kaiba longed to do it again and again. It made Kaiba curious as to how their next meeting would go. Until then, Kaiba would content himself with memories of tasting Yami's surprise.

A/N: And so we start another story. This is currently projected to be eight chapters long.


"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Yuugi said, suspecting he was closer to the truth than Yami was comfortable with acknowledging.

The next chapter will be posted on Sunday, November 9th. I look forward to hearing your reactions to this story!