A/N: OKAY! This'll be the last major time-skip for awhile. Mainly cause now we're in X784, which for those who don't know is the starting year of the manga/anime.

~General PoV~

"Where… Am I…?" The girl said, slowly pushing herself up. Nothing seemed familiar to her, and what little she could see was shrouded in darkness. The only source of light was a large hole in the wall, covered by what seemed to be rushing water.

Clinking armour told her that someone was approaching.

"Look who's finally awake." A gentle male voice resonated around what she now believed to be a cavern. A blonde man who appeared to be in his early twenties squatted down in front of her. "Good to know you're alive. You had us worried there for a couple days, little one."

"What… Do you mean..?" She croaked, her eyes steadily adjusting to the dark. Her voice scratched her throat, to which the man held out a small container to her.

"Drink first; it'll do you good." She took it hesitantly, before quickly gulping down several mouthfuls. He laughed lightly. "Slowly. Don't get yourself even more sick." She choked, coughing for a bit before relaxing.

"The girl awake yet-" A newcomer, a silver haired girl with red eyes, walked up. She… Dresses like a… A gangster… The girl thought. "Oh, hey there kid. You're awake after all." She nudged the boy with her elbow, the corners of her lips upturned in a smirk. "Guess this old man isn't insane, I thought he was talking to himself for a second there."

"I'm only one year older than you, Sylvia." He brushed her, Sylvia, away.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say, Devin." She smirked in reply, before turning her attention back to the girl. "So kiddo, you got family or what?"

"Syl, anything but that. We found her in an old alleyway, remember?" Sylvia looked shocked for a second before regaining her composition and hurriedly apologizing too the girl.

'Well, crap! Sorry kiddo. By the way, Dev, have you seen Keith or Hunter around? Been looking for those guys all day."

"Hunter took Keith for his first mission yesterday. You know, the one with the nobles in the boat? I told you yesterday, Sylvia." A new voice sounded behind the trio, and the girl's breath hitched in her throat.

It's him... The guy from... that last dream...!

"Oh, right. Sorry Arthur, guess I forgot." Sylvia scratched the back of her head sheepishly, flipping her baseball cap downwards slightly to hide her small blush of embarrassment. "You know me."

"Ya, sadly, I do know you." He grumbled, walking past her and kneeling down in front of the girl. "Now, kid, what's your name? At least tell us that." The girl looked between the three young adults before nervously drawing a breath.

"My name... It's Siya."

~Alex's PoV~

"Alright, so what do you want me to do here?" I said, looking warily down at the storm clouds below. "I hope you don't want me to fly through that. I'm tired of getting beat up by the weather."

"I want you to fly through that and get beat up by the weather." Odin said. I gave him a sadistic look.

"I can't tell whether you're being serious, or if you're just playing with me." I muttered.

"Actually, I'm being serious. There's a ship somewhere down there with highly important cargo, and a family of nobles. I want you to go find them, and take the nobles to land. Use any means necessary." That picked out my attention.

"Family..? Do they have kids?" I asked him, strands of my emerald hair getting caught in my mouth from the wind. Odd, I didn't think there could be any wind above cloud level… Even as close as we are. Oh well, must just be my draft. I thought as I coughed it out. Stupid hair. Always in the way. I should just chop it all off one of these days.

"Yeah. One son that's around five."

"Alright. I'm off." But before I could dive for more then a few seconds, Odin called me back. I abruptly swerved my shoulder blades, causing my wings to catch the air and stop me.

"Listen, Alex, flying through a storm is no joke. And this is the first time you're going out alone. Pegasus and Blitz are out there somewhere, but they're outside of even Lelani's Aura Vision. That means-"

"If something goes wrong, you're the only one who'll be able to help. I never knew you actually had a soft side, Raven." I grinned, giving him a thumbs-up. Maybe he isn't half bad anymore. "I'll be fine, just wait and see."

"I don't, I just don't want you to screw it up, kid. It'll tarnish my name with the others." He scowled. I take that back. He hasn't changed at all.

"I won't." I grit my teeth, ducking my wings and diving through the clouds. Jeez, just how dense can a guy get. If he doesn't think I can handle it by myself at this point… Well... Maybe it's for the best. I'd rather go without him anyway. I complained to myself I as I beat my wings through the cold tray clouds. Bad enough it's hard to see, but even with my Snow magic this is pretty HOLY CRAP! My chain of thought was abruptly cut off as I got through the clouds, only to almost head dive straight into rushing water. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOT DOING THAT ALEX.

I quickly beat my wings, twisting my body upwards to avoid an upcoming wave. The spray splashed against my legs, and I shrieked.

"SHEESH THAT'S COLD! How the hell do I feel this cold?!" My body should be immune to it, like Eve and every other Cold magic wizard. But somehow, this water I could clearly feel and the freezing rain didn't help either. Crap, even my wings are going numb... No, keep them moving, idiot! You lose them and it's all over..!

"Okay, where's that ship..? Need to find that ship..!" I kept on repeating to myself, scanning the rough surface. I can hardly hear myself think... Where the heck is that ship?!

A crackling boom sounded somewhere around me. Oh well, that's just great... Freezing water that I can actually feel, I can't find that ship, and now thunder. Wait... I froze mid-air just in time to see a flash of light appear almost directly in front of me, there one second and gone the next. Great... Lightning...

"Okay, now I really, really, really need to find that ship..." But of course, it's me and my dumb luck. What else could possibly go wrong? I sighed, now not sure whether I should fly up to avoid the raging ocean or down to try and avoid the lightning strikes.

"Well, I have to do something..." I searched desperately, dodging splashes of water as my body -and wings- only continued getting more numb by the second. (A/N: Number? Numbber? More numb? I got no clue...)

"There!" I practically jumped for joy when I saw the large, wooden boat over the waves, before it disappeared from view once again. That's when my dumb luck hit, answering my previous question and things went from worse to horrifying.

Another thundering boom sounded.

Immediately followed by a flash of light.

And a sudden, stabbing pain in my back.

Then my entire world went white, and I felt my body tumbling towards the crashing water below me.

~Leo's PoV~

It's been three years since then. It's pretty amazing actually, when you think about it. I have a hard time believing I've actually lasted as long as I have.

There's a new girl in the guild, a blonde Celestial Spirit wizard. Which was just my luck. I can't go near her; what if she realizes who I am? I didn't recognize her, and I doubted I could forget such a cute face but it still worried me.

"Yo, Loke! What're you doing, man?"

"Jeez, don't you ever walk, Natsu?" I jumped, the pink-haired boy scaring the remaining life out of me.

"Sure I do! See? I'm walking right now!" He protested, walking a few steps.

"Sure, okay. Look, I just got back from a job so I have to report in to the Master." I told him as I anxiously fiddled with my magic ring. Master Makarov was the only one in the Fairy Tail guild who knew of my current 'condition,' and I had plans to keep it that way until I completely vanished. I easily turned to slip past the Fire Dragon Slayer, quickly hurrying down the road.

Suddenly my legs went weak, giving out from under me and I collapsed against the wall of the closest building, somewhat hidden in the shadows and suddenly short of breath.

"Damnit... Not again..." I grimaced as I looked down at my hand, which was rapidly blinking in and out of the physical world. "Not much time left, huh.." I looked up at the sky, in the direction Regulus would be had it been night. "Guess I can't complain, though... You've given me three whole years, old friend." I stayed there, leaning against the cold stone, until my body returned to normal and I started the short trip through Magnolia to the Fairy Tail guild hall.

A/N: Jeez, just can't cut that girl a break, huh? XD

I dunno why this took so long... I just completely lost inspiration to write anything for a couple weeks there, but I've spent a good 45 hours on this and it just wasn't getting done. Maybe 'cause there're too many different PoVs..? Ehhh oh well. Now that school's back in session I'll have something to help keep track of time, so hopefully updates'll start coming around more frequently than summer.