Damon was staring into the fireplace dueling his demons in silence, he watched the flames flicker and burn bright much like the rage he's been trying to subdue. He was aware that his brother, was observing him intently, still sure that he would disappear as quickly as he came.

"Stefan can you stop being a creep." Damon said patting the seat next to him on the couch, yes he would rather drown in alcohol and despair alone but he did miss his little brother.

"Sorry," Stefan apologized and took a seat next to him; and gently patted his brother on the back mainly to make sure that he was indeed real and still there.

"Stefan quit poking me every 5 seconds, I told you I'm real."

"We'll see about that when Alaric comes." Damon scoffs but he gets it, it was hard to believe that he was really back he was having a hard time interpreting it himself. Especially at the expense that came with him being here.

"I'm not going to make it, but you are." Echoed through his mind like an eerie scream in a cave. He finished his glass of bourbon and turned towards his younger brother.

"Whatever makes you feel better, but I can assure you I'm 100% real." Stefan smiled at him he couldn't help it he had his older brother back, but he wondered how. He was trying to find the right the way to word the question because it looked like Damon was adamant on not giving any answers.

"So would you like to tell me what's this incredible surprise? That will apparently prevent me from kicking your ass." Alaric said stepping through the front door of his apartment, until he froze.

"Damon… this can't be possible." He choked out, questioning his sanity immediately. Stefan on the other hand felt a sense of relief, because he was not the only one who could see him. Damon stood and turned to face his best friend with wary eyes.

"Oh but it is." He said giving him a small smirk.

"What but how?" Alaric asked still trying to comprehend what his eyes were showing him.

"I'm not going to make it, but you are."

"The how doesn't matter buddy, what matters is that I'm here." Damon walks up to him and smiles, and then Alaric embraces him. Damon acknowledged the warmth and deepened the hug much like he did with his brother. He attempted to retain the warmth and joy he felt from seeing both his brother and best friend, but he couldn't because his mind was clouded with thoughts, thoughts of her. So the joy and the warmth are quite brief but he dwells in it anyway.

"So I see that nothing has changed, you still reek of bourbon." Alaric cringed breaking their embrace, with a grin on his face but inside he felt his vampire life gain some normality, his best friend was back.

"Well you happen to have an impressive collection." Damon was stunned Alaric had all his favorites; almost as if he were expecting his return.

"You taught me well." Alaric said after he poured himself a glass with an intent eye on his buddy. Damon took the bottle and poured him and his brother a glass as well.

"I did indeed." He handed his brother the glass and he didn't refuse it, although bourbon wasn't Stefan's drink of choice he had been getting use to it as of late. Damon could sense the tension between the other two and decided to plop his ass down on what happened to be a quite comfy armchair.

He sipped his bourbon, he knew there was a lot to spill the beans about because it's Mystic Falls and it wouldn't be Mystic Falls if things weren't constantly falling apart.

"So tell me what have I missed?"

She was dead she was sure of it; there was no way she could have survived the arrow. But yet she was quite aware of her harsh breathing and the pain bursting from her midriff. She managed to open her eyes, only to find that she was indeed still in the cave. Of course she didn't die that would have been way to easy, and nothing in her life was ever easy.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." She turned her head to find Kai sitting on a boulder; great know she had to deal with him too. She tried to move but the pain was too much for her small body to handle. Kai watched her; he himself wasn't in the jolliest of moods seeing how he had lost his one chance out of this god-forsaken prison. In fact he was a little pale and his hair was frazzled from him having tried to yank it out, Bonnie took note of this.

"You know you've been out for awhile now and I just keep on thinking about what you did earlier. And all I can say is how could you have possibly been so stupid!" He finished in a fit of anger; he was closer to her now.

"I wouldn't have expected you to understand." Bonnie stated as her head met the cold stone ground of the cave, she wasn't planning on getting up any time soon, or ever.

"You're right I would never be able to understand the idiocracy I witnessed, today." Bonnie was sick of the sound of his voice.

"Great, now can you let me die in peace." She asked all she wanted was to be left alone. She knew all to well what she gave away, her only ticket out of here and yet she could not bring herself to feel regret. She was glad she sent Damon, because she might not have made it but he did and he would get a chance to live again.

"You know I thought about letting you bleed out here, and letting you die alone. But I decided against it one, because it wouldn't be any fun to let your death go to waste. And two because it's only fair you live out the rest of your miserable existence, in hell with me." His face now inches away from hers.

"What?" Was all she could manage to get out.

"Let me clarify, you don't get to die today or ever for that matter." He said with finality as he began to lift her into her arms, and carry her. She didn't like this one bit, she would much rather die than spend an eternity locked here with Kai.

When the sunlight hit her she instantly covered her eyes but Kai seemed unphased. She watched him how his eyes were sharp ahead, there was something unplaced underneath his exterior. She knew he was mad but somehow he managed to look broken and resolute. She knew then that he would save her but she didn't want to be saved, not by him anyways. She let him carry her to the outskirts of the woods where she had remembered Damon had left his Camaro.

"Put me down." He just snorted in reply not taking her seriously.

"I said put me down!" Bonnie mustered all the strength she could find because she needed it if she expected the ludicrous plan she had conceived in the last 5 seconds to work. Suddenly Kai looked at her and his face was unreadable but he slowly put her down. She managed to keep herself standing, but she knew that she was going to have to be able to do more than that if her escape plan was going to work. She started to move one foot in front of the other, and Kai watched her.

"What exactly is you're plan, to hobble away." Kai laughed at her sad attempt to "run". But Bonnie could see Damon's car in the distance, and she had never been happier to spot that stupid baby blue Camaro.

"No." She turned around and stared at him, he had her backpack and it was strapped on to him but she needed it. So she focused on a rather large stick with a pointy end fairly close to where Kai stood, then grinned.

"Motis" The stick then pierced his heart, and he dropped to the ground. She grabbed her backpack and hustled towards Damon's car, she knew he had only a short amount of time before he rose from the dead. When she made it to the car, she could kiss Damon for leaving the keys in the ignition. She dragged herself in and started the engine, there was a vast difference in height between Bonnie and Damon so she could barely reach the gas pedal. But from afar she saw that Kai had begun to stir, so she slammed her foot on the gas and zoomed the hell out of there.

"So Mystic Falls is supernatural free." Damon said not even bothering to ask because that's what he and Bonnie had figured. And apparently there was a vampire hunter out on the loose; hell-bent on ending the vampire race but just so happens to be friendly with his brother. Stefan and Alaric seemed to be trying to occupy him with trivial things, meanwhile mentally fighting each other. Damon chose to ignore it because his sorrow though still strong was numbing, after downing a two whole bottle of 100% pure alcohol Kentucky bourbon. Yes he could say he felt a bit better now that his mind was scattered, he could feel a buzz coming on.

"Look as much as I would love to discuss the always impending problems of Mystic Falls, I plan on seeing my girl tonight." Damon wanted to see her now, because he was sure she would be the only person who could relinquish the anguish that weighed so heavily over his dead heart. But he noticed the look Alaric and Stefan shared in silence, a look of pity and discomfort.

"What now?" He whined.

"About Elena…" Stefan began as Alaric stared at him; an instant fear crept up into Damon.

"Tell me she's ok!" Damon yelled gripping both of their collars, he was barely dealing with what Bonnie had done; he would not be able to live if something had happened to Elena.

"She's fine actually she's better then fine!" Stefan yelled and Damon dropped both of them, a small sense of relief washed over him. His girl was fine she was more than fine.

"Then what's the problem." If she was more than fine than nothing could possibly be wrong, if Elena was happy all is good.

"The problem is… she doesn't quite remember you." Stefan forced himself to say.

"What do you mean, she doesn't remember me? I'm the love of her life." Damon explained as if it were quite obvious, his mind was spinning. Alaric had been silent ever since the topic of Elena, had come up so Damon eyed him suspiciously.

"I… Compelled her to forget her love for you." Alaric said his voice tainted with guilt. Damon's eyes grew wide, as did the fire in his heart.

"And why on earth would you do that?" Damon was happy to see his buddy earlier but now he had the overwhelming urge to snap his neck.

"Because she asked me too." Damon's eyebrows shot up at this confession, why would the love of his life do such a thing. His demeanor had fallen, as he fought to comprehend.

"She couldn't handle the fact that you were dead, and she fell of the rocker. She would use herbs to hallucinate you and was feeding on strangers. She was lost without you. So she asked me to-"

"Erase me." Damon finished, his girl who he had been dreaming of getting back to the last 4 months decided to erase him because she couldn't bear the pain of not having him by his side, he had no words for this predicament. So instead of an attempt at words he broke open another bottle of bourbon and chugged the whole thing down, his insides burning as the liquor rushed down his system. He focused on the burning sensation instead of everything else, and was sad when it all ended. His vision began to distort and he could not see clearly nor did he want too, he staggered over to Alaric.

"4 months in hell and I'm coming back to this, I can only say thanks buddy." Alaric's body hardened he knew how Damon could be when his feelings where all over the place.

"Damon you have to understand-"

"Shhh, shh I don't want to hear another word from you." Then with no remorse Damon snapped his neck. Stefan's mouth dropped in regard to what he had done, but Damon didn't even think another second as he grabbed another bottle of bourbon.

"Now if you excuse me, today has been an awfully long day and I do believe it is time for me to take a nap." Damon said with an air of finality because he could sense Stefan's urge to retaliate, but before he could he speed away into a guest bedroom and planted himself on the bed. He downed the bottle of bourbon and threw it across the room, when it had served its use. His was definitely drunk, but how he wished he stole another bottle so that he could simply black out. But he was quite close; he was having a hard time distinguishing what was up and what was down after awhile sleep took him away.

"It's time Damon."

"Alright… let's get awkward."

"Like this?"


"…I'm sure there are about a billion people you would rather be with here with."

"…Not exactly."

"…Not exactly."

"…Not exactly." Damon's eyes flashed open, the sun hurting his eyes. He had seen her face, the way she cringed up her nose at him and smiled.

"…Not exactly." He shook his head to stop her from clouding his mind. Today was a new day, he was alive and it was beautiful out and he'll be damned if he was going to be tortured forever. He got up, a man on a mission he stepped into the closet, with the sudden memory that this was not his closet.

"Stefan!" He screamed there was no way he was going to face today without an armor of leather. But to Damon's disappointment nothing but the wind at his window replied. He barged towards the door wondering why anyone would leave him alone in his present condition. He could understand why Alaric wouldn't be here; he had snapped the man's neck. When he opened the door and peered outside he spotted a set of clothes outside his door, it brought a small smile to his face. Stefan knew him like no other; he retrieved his clothes and changed immediately. The leather jacket was a bit tight around the edges but besides that it fit like a glove, he stared at his reflection. He was back to his bland colorless wardrobe and he should have been glad but instead something was nagging him. It was her, she was nagging him because he knew that she preferred him with colors. His face contorted, so much for not trying to think about her but how could he not she had done the unbelievable for him.

"I'm not going to make it, but you are." Yeah he was going to need a lot of liquor, he marched out of the room. Alaric's new digs were small but then again the professor was living alone, Damon headed towards the kitchen until he came across what looked like a library. He peeked inside and found something that interested his eye a nice set of liquor; he dashed his way towards it grabbing the bottle and proclaiming it his.

"Damon." Damon spun to see that Alaric was seated in a plush chair at what seemed to be his desk, so Damon took a seat across from him. Pouring himself a glass he was glad that his buddy didn't seem all to mad at the fact he snapped his neck last night, maybe because he knew he deserved it.

"So how are you?" Alaric asked seeing that had he been drinking copious amounts of alcohol, he leaned into his chair still glad to see that his friend was alive.

"Well let's see. My best friend compels my beautiful lovely girlfriend to forget that she ever loved me. I'm great Ric." Damon said coating every word with sarcasm and taking a sip from his glass.

"Again I apologize but once again it was her wish."

"You think, I don't know that." Damon said ditching the glass and drinking from the bottle.

"You realize you're halfway through my liquor cabinet."

"Yeah I was thinking maybe you should restock." Alaric just gave him a look of pity and decided to change the subject.

"So are you ever going to grace us with the tale of how the Damon Salvatore escaped hell, and returned in one piece?" Little did he know Damon wasn't in one piece he was had been shredded, broken, and stabbed.

"Ahh, the tale that will obviously live on forever."

"Yes that would be the one." Well Damon had yet to fully plot out the details of that tale, so he would prolong the storytelling for as long as possible. Because he couldn't just tell them that he failed to bring her back, that he had failed everyone but most importantly that he had failed Bonnie. They didn't need to know what happened to Bonnie because they didn't need to know to relive the pain of losing her all over again. That was a burden he would carry all on his own.

"I'm not going to make it, but you are."

"Well I don't like telling stories more than once, so that tale will be told when everyone is hear to listen to it."

"Great, because their all on there way here now." Well that bought him no time what so ever, indicating that he would have to be quick on his feet.

"Good because I don't like to be kept waiting. Now do you happen to have any pancakes?" Damon had the urge for pancakes all morning mainly because he was use to them and because they reminded him of Bonnie.

"Pancakes?" Alaric said wondering why the weird request considering he had been in hell for 4 months and he was a vampire.

"Yes pancakes."

"No I don't have any pancakes." Alaric said perplexed at him, why he hasn't he asked for blood. Damon didn't care to notice how he was looked at him because his craving for pancakes just intensified. He was about to recommend that Alaric go fetch him some but then the there was a knock on the door. Alaric stood up abruptly, and Damon knew his time for plotting out his story had ended. Seconds later his acquaintances poured in one by one, each of them equally surprised as the last one to see Damon's blessed face. No one said anything; afraid he might disappear if they did so. Everyone was there besides Enzo who he had figured had skipped town a while ago and Elena who he didn't expect to show up anyways. So Damon decided to state the obvious, "I'm back" he sang. If their eyes were wide before they were even wider, now.

"Now tell us the story." Alaric said stepping in next to Stefan who was also quite eager to hear the tale of his brother's escape but his eyebrows still furrowed in worry of what he had done to return. And Damon had finally realized how he would play out his story.

"Well it looks like the whole Scooby Gang is here, so… wait a minute, where's Bonnie?" He swallowed the sound of her name on his tongue mad his throat run dry, and his stomach churn he didn't know how he was going to keep up this façade.

"What!" Jeremy growled. Damon didn't dare look him in the eye if he was going to survive this lie.

"Oh you know, she's about yay tall. Judgy little thing and happens to have the hots for you." Damon went to the pour himself a drink, and waited for a response that he knew he would not get. Everyone had hoped he knew the answer to his question.

"Wait… don't tell me she didn't make it back."

"I'm not going to make it, but you are." Damon fought to continue his façade, and finished his glass, her face was burning bright in his mind, she was smiling at him with tears in her eyes as she tossed him the ascendant device.

"No she didn't, she died bringing everyone else back." Jeremy stated anger fueling every sentence.

"We we're hoping that she was with you." Damon attempted to snort at what Stefan said but it came out mangled and broken.

"I was in hell Stefan! Do you honestly think that Bonnie Bennett would be there with me? I'm sure she's somewhere up there, judging us right now." His last sentence coming out a little stifled he hadn't thought about where Bonnie could be right now, hopefully she had found peace. Let her at least have found peace, he begged the universe.

"She knew she was going to die didn't she?" Damon asked no one in particular, he knew she had scarified himself to save everyone and that just yesterday she had sacrificed herself to save him.

"Well then, that just shows what we already know to be true."

"And what's that?" Caroline pondered speaking up for the first time and Damon looked at her like actually looked at her. He could tell she hadn't taken Bonnie's death well.

"That Bonnie Bennett was better than all of us. That I might be the one who returned but she… She's the true hero of this story." In that moment Caroline saw Damon in a new light and she found a respect for him, because all though no one else had bothered to mention it. He had, Damon had been they're all of two seconds before he had stated what everyone needed to hear, the truth. No one could deny the respect that had blossomed in their chest for what Damon had said, not Jeremy, not Matt, and not Tyler. Damon knew that he had never spoke truer words than in that moment, and he hoped that wherever Bonnie was she could hear him. He wanted to thank her but at the same time he wanted to scream at her for being so selfless. She was unlike anyone else he had ever knew, she really was a hero that they should all strive to be like. A silence passed over them, a moment for their fallen hero.

"So how did you manage to escape?" Asked another voice, a voice of he missed dearly. Elena. Her face was even more beautiful then he remembered, and she looked as if she were glowing.

"Well I was trapped in some other dimension." Damon answered averting his eyes from the beauty that was Elena.

"Alone?" Stefan asked. Then her face invaded his thoughts yet again, she was giving him a little lopsided smile again her eyes as bright as emeralds, and his stomach twisted in return.

"Yes, alone or so I thought. Until I met a warlock, who was also imprisoned there. He had this device that could bring us back, but he needed vampire blood to trigger it."

"Let me guess, you killed and him stole the device and came back home." Elena said in a huff, she was beautiful but she still managed to get on his nerves.

"No, I didn't kill him although, I should have. He planned on leaving me behind once he got my blood, so I robbed the device and viola here I am." Damon stated hoping that he had kept the story simple enough that they weren't any major plot holes. He could see them already buzzing with questions he was not prepared to answer.

"Elena can I speak to you, please." Damon pleaded in an attempt to leave the room and finally have some one on one time with the girl he so longed for.

"Uh sure." Damon stepped outside and she followed him, Elena had figured that they would have to talk.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"You know what I want to talk about."

"Look you were dead and you weren't coming back and apparently I couldn't handle that."

"I get that, I do. But why erase the memories of us if that's all you had to remember me by?"

"Because it was those memories that stopped me from living." Damon was trying to understand but he couldn't, he just couldn't. No matter how painful it would feel to lose her he would never erase his memory of her, like he would never erase his memory of Bonnie.

"It's just that-"

"Maybe I shouldn't have come today." Elena said starting to walk away but he grabbed her and reeled her in close, Damon couldn't help but to want to kiss her. Elena could tell what he was trying to do as he leaned in, but she didn't want that. She sped herself into the nearest room and locked the door. Damon followed and just laid his head against the door and heard her heartbeat he knew she was on the other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." He sighed waiting for her to respond but she didn't.

"For 4 months I have missed you, and I want nothing more than to be with you right now. So why don't you just tell Alaric to allow you to remember, so that we could be together."

"Because I'm not sure if I want to remember." With those words whatever was left to be broken inside of him broke. She had begun to speak about how she was actually happy now but Damon wasn't listening anymore. Heck he wasn't even on the same planet; he had gone through hell only to return to a woman who no longer wanted him. He left Alaric's house and decided to roam the streets, he had no idea where he was heading and could care less. There was nothing left to fight for he was down for the count, his morose thoughts suffocating him. When he finally screeched to a halt and took a deep breath, night had fallen and he was unaware as to what time it was. He searched around to see where he was and across the street there was a diner. He walked across the street and stepped inside, taking a seat.

"What would you like to eat?"


"Sorry we don't serve breakfast at this time." Damon stared the waitress in her eyes and entranced her.

"I know it's not breakfast time. But I have been having an awfully bad day so if you could get me those pancakes I would be awfully delighted." Damon finalized compelling her to fetch him some pancakes. His life was a wreck and the only thing he wanted right now were some stupid fucking pancakes, and he'll be damned if he couldn't get them.

"Well you seem to be in a bad mood." A man seated next to him said.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." Damon said without even glancing at him.

"I'd watch the sarcasm if I were you." Damon snorted, who the hell did this guy think he was? He finally looked at him since he had now spiked his interest.

"Really and what exactly do you plan to do if I don't?" The man just smiled as if he held some secret, his blue eyes hiding something manic.

"Let's just say that you're not going to like it." The man placed his money on the counter and walked away. Damon smirked, because he was pleased at the asshole he had given him something to do. So Damon decided that before he could indulge in his beloved pancakes, that he could take out some of his rage on this man and murder him because he was obviously begging for it. He followed him outside and saw him turn into an alley. Great because alleys were Damon's place of preference when it came to murder.

"Hey asshole, where you going?"

"Nowhere the question you should be asking is where will you be going." Then a group of men stepped out from the shadows and surrounded him. Damon hissed this had been a set up. His fangs dropped in what felt like the first time in forever and he was ready to fight. Except there wasn't a fight with one motion from their leader, Damon was peppered in wood bullets, the pain raking his body as he dropped to the ground.

Bonnie had made it to the hospital, and she was frantically checking over her shoulders to check if Kai lurking over her. She was in search for some morphine, so that she could help ease the pain. She knew she had lost an immense amount of blood, probably past the point of no return. She thought about it, why should she fight to fix herself to have to keep on fighting Kai for what? So that she could spend the rest of eternity here, the ascendant device was shattered there was no returning home. This was it; maybe today was finally the day she died like actually died. No other side, no nothing just this being the end of the line. Her hope for anything more had left when Damon did. Bonnie having searched multiple cabinets finally found some morphine. She picked up a syringe and hobbled off to a bed, she was no doctor but she looked for a vein and hoped she was doing this correctly. She took a deep breath and stabbed the syringe into her arm, instantly she could feel it shoot up her arm. And in minutes she was numb and she had never felt better, she grabbed Cuddles from her backpack and laid down on a hospital bed. Bliss had settled over her body, as the pain eased out of her and she could feel nothing.

"I love you Cuddles, I hope you know that." She said whispering in Cuddles ear and another silence passed.

"What do you think he's doing right now, Cuddles?" Bonnie asked staring at Cuddles listening to her reply.

"You're right he's probably celebrating with Elena and Stefan." Bonnie said thinking about how happy Damon must be know that he was back with Elena and his brother, a soft smile formed on her lips.

"I know there are about a million people you would rather be here with." Little did he know that after spending 4 months with his annoying ass, there was no else she would rather be with. And even though she wanted to go home she wouldn't have changed the last 4 months for anything in the world, she had gotten to know peace here a luxury she was not allowed in real life. Despite her short and tragic life, she had felt love and peace, which is more than others, could say. She snuggled Cuddles closer and whispered to her.

"I'm ready." She closed her eyes, and let her entire life flash before her eyes, from her childhood with Grams to her last kiss with Jeremy. But the last image that resonated in her mind was Damon smiling shyly at her after she admitted to him that there weren't a billion people she would let take his place. She focused on his eyes, and how blue and sweet they were. Then she allowed death to take her.

When Damon awoke he felt like his body had been put through as much as hell as his brain had.

"Enzo?" Damon said when he realized who was sitting across from him.

"It is nice to see you Damon, although I would have preferred it under different conditions." His accent thick, Damon was glad too see his friend who had an equally sarcastic sense of humor as him.

"Wait where are we?" Damon asked as he took in his surroundings they were both chained into a van.

"Oh we just so happen to be on the way to our deaths." Enzo proclaimed with all the nonchalance in the world.

"Oh that's all?" Damon said smiling, trying to yank of his chains but they just burned his skin, must have been dipped in vervain. He started plotting a way out.

"Don't bother, I've already tried everything. We're trapped."

"Great." Just like the good old days.

"So tell me since we have nothing else to do, exactly how you stand before me."

"It's a long story."

"Trust me there is nothing I rather hear." Damon clenched his jaw he really didn't feel like lying his ass off yet again.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm back." Damon figured that if he told himself this enough times he would believe to become true.

"And the girl?"

"What girl?"

"Oh you know, the girl."

"I'm afraid I don't." Damon knew all to well what girl he was referring too, she was about 5'2, short brown hair, and had the tendency to sacrifice herself for everyone.

"I'm talking about your little friend, Bonnie." Damon swallowed hard as he pushed her image away, she was smiling again with tears in her eyes.

"Oh her."

"Yes her." Enzo said staring at him, he was acting suspicious.

"I just learned today that she didn't make it back." Damon said hardening his exterior in hopes that Enzo would not figure him out.

"Well that's a load of crap, if I've ever seen one."

"What do you mean?" Damon asked trying to play innocent but he was never really good at it.

"You're lying, terribly if I might add." Damon rolled his eyes; Enzo wasn't going to be convinced so easily.

"I didn't kn-"

"Oh please you and I both knew that girl was on a suicide mission, and I know you were the last person to see her. So tell me what happened to the girl?"

"Why do you even care?" Damon asked wondering why Enzo of all people was interrogating like a bloodhound about Bonnie Bennett.

"Because that girl just so happened to save my life." Enzo explained and you could see it in his dark brown eyes, that he was grateful. Damon exhaled heavily sick of the guilt that was gnawing at him, she had saved everyone, she had saved him.

"I'm not going to make it, but you are."

"Yeah well you're not the only one." Damon contemplated telling him everything, just so that he didn't have to carry the burden of his secret alone.

"She sa-" Damon had started until the van crashed into something and next thing they knew both of them were flying through air as the van flew on impact. They landed with a thud, and the sound of cracked bones infiltrated their ears. Damon squinted moving his head trying to regain his posture.

"I came back for this?" Damon said he had literally been back for 24 hours and already his life was in jeopardy.

"You alright?" Enzo asked.

"Yeah you?" Enzo nodded in response as they tried to stand up, when someone flung the back doors open. It was Alaric, Matt and Stefan; a weird trio if he had ever saw one.

"Come on lets go." Stefan said ready to flee the scene after he uncuffed his brother, and hesitated when he came to Enzo, but ultimately decided to do it. And when he did Damon was not ready for what happened next, Enzo clasped Stefan's throat with no intention of letting him go and dragged him out of the van and onto the middle of the road. Damon followed behind them wondering what the hell Enzo was doing.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Enzo growled at Stefan whose face had been wiped of any guilt.

"What the hell is happening here?" Damon asked while he, Alaric, and Matt watched in confusion.

"Well while you were gone, you're baby brother here attempted to assassinate me. And is also the reason I was in my current predicament."

"Only because you killed my girlfriend!" Stefan retaliated trying to clasp onto Enzo's neck.

"A girlfriend he so thoughtfully decided to dump on us." Alaric included because he was still not over Stefan's actions. Damon tried to compute everything they were saying but only one thing came to mind.

"Wait, wait a minute. Stefan has a girlfriend?" His eyebrows raising in amusement, and everyone else rolled there eyes of course that was the only thing Damon had caught.

"Yes Damon, he had a girlfriend. Now where is she because she was suppose to be here with you guys." Matt said and suddenly Damon's curiosity sparked wondering what the hell the Matty Blue Blue of all people had to do with all of this.

"Well I can assure you, that Damon and I were the only ones in that van."

"Then where the hell is she?" Matt asked because he had calculated every part of this plan and she was supposed to be in the van.

"She's right here." Tripp said walking out with Ivy in front of him with a stake halfway through her heart.

"Mhm not bad, baby brother, I gotta say she's cute." Everyone paused in there actions and sighed. Alaric just shook his head; this was not the time for Damon's snarky behavior. But Damon didn't care because the present situation had captured his full attention, which he so desperately wanted. And in any other moment the hot stranger calling her cute would have flustered Ivy but right now she happened to have a stake halfway through her heart. Enzo had lowered Stefan because there was someone higher up on his kill list and that happened to be Tripp, Stefan's eyebrows furrowed as they usually did when someone was in trouble.

"So what exactly is you're plan?" Alaric asked not sure how Tripp wanted to play this out, his only leverage was Ivy who wouldn't exactly be considered a loss in most of there eyes.

Her eyes fluttered open once again, she was still in the hospital meaning one thing she was alive.

"What the fuck!" Was she not allowed to die in peace, that was literally all she had asked for and yet the universe could not comply with her simple request.

"I have to say, I do enjoy it when you talk dirty." Her head snapped to the reclining chair in the hospital room and there sat Kai as comfortable as ever, his hands covered in blood. She twisted herself to see whom he could have possibly killed but it brought a sore pain to her abdomen. Her wound, she should have bleeded out by now but she hadn't. She lifted her shirt to examine her wound but there was no hole in the middle of her abdomen, just a couple of rugged stitches.

"What did you do?"

"Let's just say you owe me one, a big one." Kai said coyly as he stepped towards her.

"What did you do!" Bonnie screamed she had literally been seconds away from her death, never having to see a day of hell again.

"I think it's pretty obvious, that I saved you."

"Why?" Bonnie trembled she could not believe what he had done, what he had taken away from her.

"Why? You know usually people are grateful when people save their lives." Kai said a bit frustrated considering it was not easy playing doctor, although he did enjoy coping a feel on Bonnie.

"Who told you that I wanted to be saved!" Bonnie yelled she was furious now but her anger was draining her. Kai was baffled at her outcry but he understood, he himself awaited death like a gift but knew it would never come.

"You know what, I don't think Damon would appreciate the display you're putting on right now." Bonnie thought about it, and it hurt her to know that Kai was right. If Damon were here he would have slapped her silly for giving up so easily. He would ask her how she could fight until the ends of the earth for everyone but not herself.

"Well then it's a good thing he's not there." She sneered at him.

"Don't do that to your face, its not a good look on you." Then Bonnie's hand slapped the shit out of his face, you could hear the crack in the other wing of the hospital. When Kai turned his head back he was smiling like the sociopath he is.

"I didn't know you liked it rough." He grabbed her neck and brought her face to his and gazed into her eyes, she already knew what he was going to do.

"Well do it already, drain me." His warm breath hit her face, and he watched her lips with intensity, his lips itching to take hers. But he decided not yet and stared at her face yet again as if trying to drink the very image of her. Then he latched onto her power and let it surge through him giving him an adrenaline high and she gasped, an image and sound that was pure bliss to his ears.

"I'm not going to drain you babe, like I said you don't get to die. Because you're all I got." He finished with a lick of his lips and commanded her to sleep. Instantly she fell into his arms and he laid her to rest, they would try this again tomorrow when she fully recovers and he had to admit he preferred her sleeping, then constantly screaming. Plus she was even prettier when she was sleeping.

"The question you should be asking is what is Stefan's plan?" With a snap two other men stepped out of the shadows and they held Caroline and Elena in the same position as Ivy. All girls had tears in there eyes but Caroline had a look of fortitude about her.

"You see you lied to me, so now you get to choose which one of these lovely girls get to live." Enzo was prepared to launch himself in Caroline's direction, and Matt was furious that he had let the situation go this far. Damon stared into Elena's eyes but she wasn't looking at him she was staring at Alaric. Should he even attempt to save someone who didn't want to be saved by him? What exactly was Tripp's plan though they were 3 humans against 4 vampires and Matt Donavon. Then with another snap he upped the anti and a group of men enclosed them, causing a vibrant anger to flow through the bodies of the all these men.

"Did I mention you only have 10 seconds to decide?"

"Well then, I hope you have your hero hair ready." Damon directed towards his brother but ultimately spoke to all of them. With that the vampires released there fangs and there eyes went dark nerves rippling underneath them, they were ready for war.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2… 1!"