Renji ate as slowly as possible. His idea that the hot bath would tire Byakuya out was a failed notion and as he sat in the chair at the large table he tried not to blush feeling Byakuya's foot continuously rub up against his leg and then toes press against his crotch. He could have sworn he heard Byakuya say that he loved him earlier and apparently whatever kind of love Byakuya felt involved a great deal of lust too and even though Renji could have easily taken whatever Byakuya was giving out he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He shuddered imagining the consequences of his actions; Byakuya probably would have quite literally murdered him if he found out that Renji had….violated the Kuchiki noble.

The red head lieutenant had hoped that by now Captain Kyoraku had gone to see Captain Kurotsuchi to get some kind of answers because Renji wasn't sure how long his body and brain were going to be on the same wavelengths. He was sure any moment his body was going to take over and just ravish his Captain and give him whatever he wanted no matter how much his brain said no.

It wasn't long before Byakuya had lost his patience with Renji eating so slowly and soon enough he was draped over Renji kissing his cheek and down his neck. Goddamn Byakuya! Renji was already straining in his pants and this only made it worse.

He quickly turned and took Byakuya by the shoulders and sat him down back in the chair. He heard his Captain let out a whine and pouted. Renji scooted closer to him in the chair, dragging the ceramic legs along the tiled floor. He reached out and took Byakuya's hand. Maybe taking a more serious approach to this, like Byakuya would have, then he might get through to the rather randy male

" this something you really want? I mean come on…You're a Kuchiki Clan member I am just…a lieutenant. If you did love me then you know it can't go anywhere except sneaking around. We've been partners for centuries and this is the first time you have ever said that to me before. Something's happened to you and we are going to find out because this isn't you at ALL! As much as I want to believe it is and as much as I do want to take you to your room and do whatever you want me to do. I can't, not knowing that you aren't the real Byakuya"

Renji sighed and still kept hold of Byakuya's hand waiting for an answer. His Captain just looked at him with impassive eyes. He blinked a couple of times but still remained silent. Renji was waiting for him to yell, to pounce on him he was just waiting for something! But he still just stared almost blankly at him.

"How do you know that this isn't the real me? What gives you the impression that this isn't my true self and true feelings manifesting in an obvious way rather than a subtle or non-existent one?"

Renji was a little taken aback by that. He supposed Byakuya was right, he just assumed that there was something wrong with the Captain he never actually considered that Byakuya had been bottling up what he felt for so long that it had just exploded within him and he needed to release the pressure. But then why were Yumichika and Captain Ukitake doing the same thing. Maybe they had enough of hiding feelings too?

"I've known you forever Byakuya. I've seen you every day and you don't even have a hair outta place let alone act like this. You're right I don't know if this is the real you and the high strung Captain you usually are is just a façade to keep your elders happy with you representing the Kuchiki's. But if this is the real you and you say you love me and you want to …well you know…do that STUFF with me what happens if you suddenly snap out of this? You'll want to kill me"

Renji said trying to remain calm even though he was thoroughly frustrated with the situation. It was confusing and weird and he wished it was just as simple as agreeing to sleeping with Byakuya and not having to worry about consequences but that just wasn't the case.

"That would only end in my dismissal I could not kill you for such a reason unless it was not consensual but it is. I said that I loved you and you said nothing in return and yet I have still been showing you my affections. Doesn't that tell you something Renji?"

He was right. Whether this was the real Byakuya or not he was still after Renji's attention even after not responding to his confession. The red head sighed and stood up still holding Byakuya's hand. Once the Captain stood along with him he pulled the other close to him. Renji breathed in Byakuya's scent and brushed a hand over the side of his face.

"Ok Captain Kuchiki. I will do whatever you want me to do"

Captain Kyoraku looked at the display before him and he had no idea what to even think this was really rather unusual even after everything that occurred that morning this was definitely the weirdest thing ever. Mayuri Kurotsuchi was resting his head on his Lieutenant, Nemu's lap and twirling the long strands of midnight blue in his fingers.

The large man chuckled apparently there were more that were affected by whatever had happened even the only one they could give them answers was under the influence.

"I don't know WHAT you are talking about Captain Kyoraku! Everything is fine, everyone one is fine! No need for alarm"

Captain Kurotsuchi was clearly oblivious to his own and other current conditions. It was becoming dire, he was getting worn out and no work was getting done. If something violent occurred then they were going to suffer for it and as much as Kyoraku was enjoying the attention from Ukitake it really couldn't go on any longer

"We received some information from Mashiro Kuna, Shuhei Hisagi and Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya they have experienced the same issues. We don't know what the cause is yet"

Nemu spoke in her feminine stale voice. It would have been enough to put someone to sleep if they listened to her long enough.

Well this was rather troublesome. They had no answers, there were more reports of the odd behavior and there was nothing that could be done while Captain Kurotsuchi was like this.

"Can we arrange for some tests to be done?"

Kyoraku asked the twelfth division lieutenant. He hoped there could be some resolve of some kind to get the Soul Society back to normal and find a way to prevent it happening again.

"I have already taken a sample from Captain Kurotsuchi I will try to get answers as soon as I can for you Captain Kyoraku"

"Tut tut Captain Kyoraku… already said there is nothing wrong! Just smile and love!"

Shunsui let out a chuckle hearing Kurotsuchi obviously the man had no idea how straining it was to have someone that was under the influence of sex and love.

Ikkaku groaned loudly as he rolled off of Yumichika's body. That was the best work out he had ever had. He felt the sweat forming in beads and rolling down his shaved head as he flopped into the futon besides Yumichika who had a glow on his flawless skin that he always had after they had sex.

Ikkaku grinned madly, maybe this whole love thing wasn't as bad as he thought it was. Sure Yumichika had made their quarters look like Cupid had vomited all over the place and he had squashed his testicles to the point where they probably should have popped by the sex and the seemingly undying admiration wasn't bad at all and it kind of weighed out the downsides to it all.

Yumichika moved to lay on Ikkaku's bare and slick chest and traced his finger up and down the muscular contours of Ikkaku's body as they both laid there panting heavily from the intense and physically exhausting romp.

"So do you?"

Ikakku heard Yumichika ask him. He frowned slightly, did he what? Why did Yumi have to be so damn cryptic for why couldn't he just come out and say exactly what he was thinking or trying to get at?

"Do I what?"

"Do you love me?"

Ikkaku's eyes widened slightly. What a fucking stupid question to ask! They had an awesome fucking session and they were all cuddly with one another why did he have to go and ruin it but making it all serious all of a sudden? If Ikkaku said the wrong thing he could have ended up with his balls squeezed viciously again or worse he could have had an emotional and upset Yumichika on his hands.

Ikkaku was even more certain that this was not Yumichika. There was no way in hell HIS Yumichika would have asked that and he would have never got so emotional that he would cry over the most simplest bullshit and what Ikkaku wanted to know was how to get Yumichika back the more hours he spent with this Yumi, the more Ikkaku started to miss the old Yumichika.

He was interesting and narcissistic. He didn't worry about love and the complications that came with it, he was a harsh warrior and a great friend and all this Yumichika cared about was having sex and writing weird poetry that sounded all sweet and loving to start with but turned into a black and white written pornography. The more Ikkaku thought about it the more concerned he got. What if Yumichika never turned back? What if this was the Yumichika that he would have to spend the rest of his life with? The thought was rather sickening to him.

He could feel Yumichika staring at him waiting for a response and Ikkaku didn't know what to say to respond. It was complicated how the hell was he supposed to tell this poser anything when it wasn't the Yumichika he had grown up with the one he had gotten to know better than he knew himself and the one that made him….happy.

"I don't know"

Ikkaku finally replied. His answer was met with a huff and Yumichika rolled over and away from him

"Well you better figure it out Ikkaku!"

The violet haired man grumbled. God….how he just wanted Yumichika back.