"Jay," Erin called from the kitchen, she was yanking at her shoelaces as she rushed to get ready. It had been a full three months since Erin and Jay and began their secret affair though it was no longer a secret because about three weeks into the whole ordeal, Voight had stopped by her apartment and caught them. Never in her life had she seen Hank's face so red, he was livid and sat them both down and gave them an hour lecture as he tried to stop the urge to punch Jay, but he could see that this wasn't going to change their minds. He saw that this was what was going to happen.

"I'm coming," Jay popped his head around the corner with a tooth brush in his mouth, she rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile, she had been so happy these past three months and it was all because she didn't have to keep back up pent up feelings, this was how it was supposed to be.

Jay spit into the sink, grabbing the towel next to him, he wiped his mouth before turning his gaze to the mirror. His fingers traced the scar on his neck, it was jagged and ugly but he had seen worse, he couldn't believe that four months ago he was fighting for his life, almost dead and now today he started back up to the job, it was so weird he felt like he had lost so much time.

"Jay," Erin called again. He pulled himself from the mirror, grabbed his jacket off the bed and moved to the front door.

"I'm right here," He smiled as he kissed her quick.

"We are going to be late and Voight is already nervous of your first day back."

"He is not, he is just nervous with us working together." He responded as she locked the door behind them.

"I know, we have been the gossip around the station."

"Antonio and Adam have made me aware of this but I glad that I don't have to hide anything and that I'm finally with you."

"Me too, no let's go before Voight calls and yells."


His first day back was uneventful; he was placed at desk duty, mainly because Hank was still not keen on the idea of Jay and Erin working together. He did research and called contacts for the case but at the end of the day they had found were the killer was and to Jay he was so relieved that he was able to help on a case, he was ready for normal.

The team came running in, smiles on their face and a little skip in their step as they talked about the take down, Jay was a little upset he couldn't be there but he knew that it was for his own good. He was out of practice but a few trips to the shooting range would help that.

"Man, his face was priceless, a tough guy turned to mush, that scumbag in going away forever!" Adam said as he followed Antonio to Jay's desk.

"Well I'm guess that case is over, I'm ready for a drink, Jay you in?"

"Hell yeah, after being stuck here all day I am up for anything."

"Good you and Erin meet us at Molly's, I'm buying first round," Antonio said as he grabbed his coat off the back of his chair before following Olinsky and Ruzek out. Erin sat on the edge of his desk and gave him a smile.

"How was your first day back?"

"Well my butt is numb from sitting in this chair all day but I'm really glad I'm back," He said as he stacked papers in the corner of his desk.

"We are all glad you're back, now come on, I'm not missing the first round." She yanked at his arm.


The weeks went by and Jay finally went back to full duty, He was fending off the bad guys, this time with Antonio which made Jay happy because really Antonio was his best friend. As time passed, Jay could see Voight settling into the idea of him and Erin, which would take time, but he hoped to get him on board. Erin and he were growing stronger, they made each other happy and with the teams support they continued the relationship. Weeks turned to months; months turned to a year and soon they were celebrating their one-year anniversary, the whole trauma almost behind them yet still lingering in their minds because the possibility of losing each other was going to be there. A lot of ups and downs along the way they two were a team and they could conquer the world, they were strong.

Two years later Jay and Erin were home and he got down on one knee and proposed to the woman of his dreams, she said yes of course and the next day they told the team who all applauded, Voight included who had greeted the idea of their marriage which occurred a year later in Fall. The leaves golden, red and orange, slowly drifting to the ground, Voight walked her down the aisle, With Antonio as best man and Atwater, Ruzek and Olinsky as best men and Nadia as maid of honor with Burgess and Pratt as her bridesmaids the ceremony went forth. She stared into his blue eyes, he looked into her hazel eyes, and they smiled, ones that were going to be there all night. They said their "I Do's" and kissed sealing the marriage.

Another year passed, a wonderful year of marriage and they were filled with nothing but joy thinking that nothing could possibly make this better until Erin started to get sick and a doctor's visit later revealed joy, Erin was pregnant. She was terrified that she would be an awful mother but with reassurance from Jay she prepared herself and on February 16th, 2019 their son was born Carter Mason Halstead and he was beautiful. As soon as Jay set eyes on him, he was in love and Erin was too, they were parents to this precious little boy who became the newest member to the intelligence unit family, he was especially fond of Alvin.

This little bundle of joy grew up and when he was a toddler, he turned into a big brother to a little girl, born on June 24, 2022, Nora Lily Halstead. Jay and Erin loved those children unconditionally; they watched them grown up and sent them off school, a day were Erin let a few tears out each time. Their life was one that they never imagined would have happened in 2015, it was that event that set it up, when Erin was so afraid of losing Jay that in the process it showed her that she couldn't bare if she were to let him go, and now here they were years later, happy and raising two wonderful children, the life that Jay had wanted since the third week of working with Erin, it had happened, something wonderful out of a traumatic moment.