A Ridiculous Exception

Prologue: Hands Off The Blonde

Music drifted into his ship in soft notes. Jack frowned, his head and back slumped, and he turned to face its source.

"Well, hurry up, then!" Rose's voice rang out as she and the Doctor held each other in what he was sure was not part of his ship. His jaw slackened as he stumbled a bit from his seat to get to them, running to the door of a blue box with his mouth dropping open, dumbfounded and not quite sure as to how to react. He looked around the ship with wonder in his eyes as Rose patiently guided the Doctor through their dance, her gaze on him while his kept on drifting to glance at his clumsy feet.

"Okay, and right and turn," she mumbled, and then the Doctor had twisted her arm at her back. Jack smirked as he watched them, but went back to admiring the Doctor's ship as to give them a little privacy.

"Okay, okay, try and spin me again, but this time, don't get my arm up my back. No extra points for a half-nelson," Rose reprimanded with an exasperated and slightly sheepish expression gracing the Doctor's face, a truly rare sight to behold as he scratched his head.

"I'm sure I used to know this stuff," the Doctor said. "Close the door, will you?" he turned his attention to Jack. "Your ship's about to blow up. There's going to be a draft."

Jack hurried to the TARDIS doors, closing them shut as Rose watched him in amusement. He leaned against the white doors and looked at the pair, speechless as he never had been in a long time.

"Welcome to the TARDIS," the Doctor greeted him as he pulled at a lever on the console.

"Much bigger on the inside," Jack finally said as he stood by the ramp, unsure with what quite to do.

"You'd better be," the Doctor retorted.

"I think what the Doctor's trying to say is," Rose interrupted their conversation before Jack opened his mouth, offering her hand as she went down the ramp, "you may cut in."

Jack grinned back at her tongue-in-teeth smile, and from the corner of his eye, he could just see the dark look passing across the Doctor's face as he held Rose's hand, moving to stand closer to her. He looked like he was stopping himself from growling, his fist tightening, and Jack could feel his seemingly homicidal thoughts directed to him from where he stood. Jack smirked internally, proud of himself to make the Doctor bring out his obvious affections towards Rosie here beside him, though a small part of him wished he hadn't. With that look given to him from the peripheral of his vision, it were as if the Doctor wanted to chop off the tail between his legs.

Come on, Doc, he thought. Show her your true colours.

"Rose! I've just remembered!" the Doctor rudely interrupted the moment going on between him and Rose, a look of realisation and enlightenment plastered on his features.

"What?" Rose asked, a smile playing at her lips.

Glenn Miller's "In The Mood" started to play from the console, and the Doctor started snapping his fingers as his feet started to move, a manic grin growing on his face.

"I can dance! I can dance!" he exclaimed as he moved towards Rose, obviously trying to fight off a wide smile in return to the Doctor's own, directed only to her and for only her.

"Actually, Doctor, I thought Jack might like this dance," Rose said carefully.

"I'm sure he would, Rose. I'm absolutely certain," he answered as he continued to snap his fingers, shooting a look at Jack that spelled "back off" in a fleeting glare that he made sure Rose wouldn't notice. Jack was certain that there was a storm brewing behind those cold blue eyes of the Doctor's, but as he looked at Rose, the tempest that made shivers run down Jack's spine was simply nonexistent.

"But who with?" the Doctor continued, making Rose snigger as she bit her lips. Jack cleared his throat and looked down, making sure his hands were at his side as he lacked the courage to look at the Time Lord's face.

Rose caved in and climbed up the ramp, taking the Doctor's hands, leaving Jack to watch at the side with his arms crossed. He couldn't help but grin in wonder and amusement as the pair moved in perfect unison, their feet moving in time with the beat around the console as Rose giggled at the Doctor's attempt to show her his "moves". They twirled and snapped their fingers, their bodies moving up then down as they moved to their own special dance, and he dipped her, shooting Jack a predatory look with a smirk that said one thing:

Hands off the blonde.

AN: Yeah. I said to myself I'd be focusing on one multi-chapter story at a time, but that's obviously rubbish. Here's a new one! :D It's the prologue, obviously, so please be patient for the real story plot to begin. Please forgive any mistakes, since I don't have any beta reader nor do I proofread it. Leave reviews, yeah? :D It's absolutely fantastic whenever you leave one.