She's Lost Inside

I probably should be studying or something but oh well! Here's chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or the Heroes of Olympus Series.


Annabeth Chase had admired Luke, looked up to him … until she learned who he really was. For the past 6 years she has been held captive and used as a personal slave to the gang leader of New York, until one day Annabeth is sent to Goode High School on a little "business" on behalf of Luke and his gang. Once there she discovers the truth about her past and who the boy with sea green eyes is she has been dreaming about.

Chapter 3

Annabeth POV

Relax. Breathe. In, out, in, out. I'll be fine as long as I act natural. Don't overthink too much. Wait, I'm overthinking it. Breathe Annabeth, breathe.

"You okay? You look nervous. Remember what we taught you Annie, be natural and smile, just like we practiced. Don't give away too much information about yourself. And if all goes to plan this will be over before you know it. All you have to do is play the role perfectly." Luke barely glances at me from the driver's seat, too busy concentrating on the road. Usually he has a driver, but we have to fit now; as if driving around in a sleek black BMW isn't going to draw any attention.

Its early; 7:50 to be exact. School doesn't start until 8:35. School. A typical experience for practically everyone that is taken for granted. 6 years of my life spent without anyone my own age, and now here I am, having everything I've ever wanted handed to me on a silver platter.

Well almost everything. And with a few terms and conditions.

I look at my reflection once more in the car mirror. My golden blonde hair is straightened and over my left shoulder, reaching just below my breast. The outfit chosen for me involves a horizontal black and white striped halter-neck singlet, with navy blue flyby shorts. I have a beautiful golden A on a necklace that matches the gold trimming on my black sandals. With my tan skin I only need a small amount of foundation and a touch of mascara and lip balm.

I pull out my iPhone 6 from my pocket and go over the information again. On the phone I have Luke's and some of his most–trusted henchmen's numbers (in case anything goes wrong), a map of the school, and profiles of all the students I should get to know while on my mission. Yep, just a normal teenager.

Luke pulls the car over inside the school gates. In front of me looms a large brick building, probably built in the 19 hundreds. Whatever happens is up to me now. I have to be strong enough to handle this, otherwise it'll be my neck on the line.

"Remember the plan and you'll be fine, Annie." Luke gives me that half smirk that makes me even more nervous. Instinctively I brush my palms on my shorts, trying to make them smoother, trying to impress him. Old habits, I guess. I glance at the clock. 7:55. School starts in 40 minutes yet hardly anyone is here. Good. A chance to go unnoticed for a little while longer.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and start to open my door. But before I have the chance to climb out I feel Luke's hand around my wrist.

"You look beautiful, Annie. I would hate to see anything happen to you. I truly mean that." It is a threat. I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. I instinctively wrap my arms around my body, even though they taught me to always walk with confidence, like I own the place. I quickly catch myself and straighten up my shoulders, letting my arms dangle by my side as I walk up the front stairs to the place that could make or break me. Goode High School.


I am knocked to the ground for what feels like the 100th time that day. Over me stands Atlas, an annoyed look on his face. He turns to his left and calls out to Luke, who is watching from the edge of the mat.

"This is hopeless. Why did we think we could–oofmp" I delivered a surprise kick to his gut, winding him and knocking him back, giving me a chance to stand back up and position myself into the right fighting stance. He throws a punch but I duck and roll out of the way, positioning me behind him. I deliver another powerful kick, one which results in him on the ground. Before he knows it I have his head in a tight hold, cutting off his air supply. Before long he taps out, acknowledging my win. Acknowledging my power.

Luke is smiling on the side of the training area. An actual smile, one I haven't seen him wear for quite a long time. One that almost reminds me of the old him.

"What was that you said about this being hopeless?" he asks, earning a grunt from Atlas, who had taken on the role of being my personal trainer. At first all the training was hard, but now I feel unstoppable. I had put on enough weight to consider myself healthy, and am nice and toned due to all the training over the past few months.

Not only have I learned to defend myself in any kind of situation, but I have also caught up on all the learning I missed out on in the past few years. Despite my ADHD and Dyslexia, I have abnormal brain power which results in me being super intelligent. Who knew, right?

Along with training and learning, I have been over the plan a million and one times. And the backup plan in case something goes wrong in the first plan. And the second backup plan in case for some reason the first two plans go haywire. But I know they won't. Because I'll be the one initiating them. I have become the perfect soldier. I am ready.

As if reading my mind, Luke smiles his crocodile smile and nods. Goode, here I come.

*End of Flashback*

All my training did not prepare me for high school. I'm still nervous about hanging out around people my own age. What if no one likes me? What if somehow they know my secret? I push those thoughts out of my head. No, I can do this. I have to do this.

"The principal will see you now dear, sorry for the wait." I smile as I take my timetable and head in the direction the receptionist pointed out. I glance at the clock. 8:15. Almost time. I wait outside the Principal's door, putting on my perfect, innocent façade before knocking and entering. The first thing I notice is the metaphorical elephant in the room: a rather chubby man with black curly hair wearing a leopard print Hawaiian shirt. The second is the pinochle table in the corner weird. The man – who I assume is the Principal – looks rather bored regarding the scene taking place in his office. The two other people in the room, a boy and a girl who look around my age, seem to be in the middle of something, with the girl getting angry at the boy who seems to be holding back laughter, unsuccessfully.

I recognise them almost immediately from the profiles I was given, and I am proven right when the Principal – Mr. Dionysus – decides to interrupt the argument.

"Look, Mr. Stroll, I have to agree with Mrs. Gardners here. You, and your brother, I assume, destructed school property and all that blah blah blah. For your punishment, two weeks after school detention helping Mrs. Cardner plant trees in the greenhouse, or whatever you do there."

The girl – Katie Gardner, a pretty and petite brunette – looks both stunned and angry and the same time. Whereas Travis Stoll – a tall and lean brunette with a trouble making glint in his eyes – looks rather happy.

"Yay! Two weeks with Katie–Cat!" Travis exclaims, while Katie sends him a death glare.

"Do not call me that! And Mr. D, how is this fair on me! I didn't do anything wron–"

"That's enough, Kate. There's nothing I can do about it now. Although I have to ask: Trever, the school year hasn't even started yet, how did you manage to plant chocolate Easter bunnies on top of the greenhouse roof?"

Katie lets out an exasperated sigh, while Travis just smirks. Just as Travis is about to answer, I clear my throat, earning attention from all three people in the room.

"Ah, Miss. Saggio, Goode's newest transfer. Personally I should welcome you and show you around, but I can't be bothered. But I'm sure Miss. Jardner would love too."

Katie rolls her eyes but smiles when she turns to face me.

"I'm Katie Gardner. What homeroom are you in?" she asks me politely. When I tell her I am in Mr. Arnolds homeroom, she smiles and tells me that she is too. But I already knew that.

As Katie talks and shows me around, I observe her. She is very pretty, with dark brown eyes and hair. She is wearing a lace blue smock dress with black ballet flats, and from her file I know she cares about the environment a lot. But she won't be a threat to me.

It's 8:27 when we reach the hallway, and by the sounds of it, everyone is catching up all the gossip from the holidays. As Katie starts leading me towards my locker – 137 – I notice a few people staring, and I'm not sure whether to be happy with all the attention, like Annabeth Saggio would be, or shy and nervous like Annabeth Chase would be. Except I'm not Annabeth Chase here, I'm someone completely different. So I smile a little at some of the boys I pass, just like I was trained to.

Katie notices the attention I'm getting and gives a small laugh.

"Wow. It's like they think you're a celebrity or something." I laugh back in reply and say something like: "Yeah, maybe I should start handing out autographs". But I can't be certain what I said, because that was the moment I saw him, making his way through his crowd of admirers and fellow students. He's wearing jeans despite it being August, and his grey rollas cross singlet not only shows off his muscles, but makes his sea green eyes stand out even more. And of course there was his smile; it made you want to melt into a puddle of goo, yet filled you with such a feeling of confidence and happiness that made you feel as though you would never get tired of looking at him, or being around him.

And that was the only time I seriously doubted myself, where I seriously wondered if I could pull this whole thing off. Where I seriously wondered if I had it in me to kill Percy Jackson.

That's it for chapter 3 yay! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and that's probably why it has been the longest so far. Please please please review and tell me what you think! I love reading your reviews and it really makes my day. Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks for reading!