Hey this is going to be my first Inuyasha fanfic and just to let everyone know that I am a great SesshKag and InupapaXKagome and well I have been having this in my head for some time now, what it would be like if Kagome was Sesshomaru's mother and now I know that people would have plenty to argue with that. Saying that how he would be born just like Inuyasha but I have read some fanfic's that if a Miko was powerful enough she could give birth to full blooded demons. Anyways Sesshomaru's father is still his father and about his demon mother don't worry she will be in there just not as his birth mother, anyways yeah this is my story hope you like it.

Chapter 1
It was almost near midnight as Kagome was once again looking for Inuyasha, though she did wander at times why she even bothered to look for him. After all it wasn't like she didn't know where he was or who he was with. But still she had a sense of responsibility for him, call her crazy but she just felt like it was her duty to take care of him and yes just like a friend but she felt that there was more to it but not like she had once felt before.

No she no longer loved Inuyasha like before but it felt a bit different but she just couldn't quite put her finger on it, but before she could think even further on it she saw one of Kikyo's soul stealers. Though she still found them a bit creepy she noticed that today they were heading towards the opposite way that Inuyasha had went, this confused and her curiosity was always the one that got her into trouble. Before she knew it she was fallowing them to see where they were going and why they weren't heading in the same place as Inuyasha.

After a while of walking Kagome began to notice that there were a bit more soul collectors then before and this worried her a bit, she thought of just returning back to the others but when she looked around she saw that she was somewhere unknown to her. Great she was lost, again.

"Great going Kagome. You fallowed a bunch of soul-snake like things without thinking and now you are lost. Really great job."

As she thought this to herself she had failed to notice that a few of the soul collectors had gathered around her, just when she had noticed it, it was already to late. They lifted her up into the air and were now flying threw the air. At first kagome was about to panic but when she saw how high up on the air she was she decided against it, reason she didn't feel like becoming a pancake.

After a while of flying Kagome finally saw where they were taking her, they were taking her to the the bone eaters well but why? When they were getting closer she started to see a figure standing next to the well, when they were close enough she saw that the figure was Kikyo. This surprised her beyond belief, wasn't she suppose to be with Inuyasha or something?

When they were close enough to the well she had thought that they were going to put her down on the ground but instead they had her right over the well instead. "Wait! What are you doing?" At her panicked expression Kikyo smirked and began to say a chant that Kagome had never heard of before.

"Kikyo what are you doing?" "I'm sending you away." "Away? What do you mean?" Kikyo looked up at Kagome and smirked up at her but then scowled down at the same time. She then said in absolute obvious annoyance, "I'm not at my full strength so I can't send you back home permanently."

At her words Kagome felt the color drain from her face but then she remembered that she had said that we wasn't strong enough to send her away. "Then what are you doing?" At her question Kikyo smirked once again and then said in a some what happy tone.

"I'm going to send you even further back in time and then I am going to seal the well. You would be stuck somewhere else in time. All alone, with no one there to help you. And you'll never return here or to your time ever again!" "No! You can't do that!" "I can and I will!"

Then she signaled her soul collectors and before Kagome knew it she was falling into the well and while she was falling she saw the smirk of Kikyo and the bright full moon. Then the familiar blue lights surrounded her but they soon turned to a light white color mixed with emerald green and just like always she landed safely on the ground, at the bottom of the well.

So here is Part 1 and remember that this is my first Inuyasha fanfic, it is manily a InupapaXKagome type thing so please be gentel with me. Review and no negatives please. Again Sesshomaru will be there just not anytime soon and no I am not going to go back and forth between Kagome and her friends, it is going to follow her all the way up until it meets back to the time Kikyo send Kagome away. Anyways enjoy! ;P