AN: A one-shot for your reading enjoyment. Don't know where this came from and a totally off the wall pairing. I was indulging in soulmate fics this past week or so and got some crazy ideas…ideas that keep interfering with writing of my other works…especially since I ship my various versions of Hela with Bruce Banner. As will see in this story, Hela is not ruler of Helheim. This is a soulmates AU, where the first words your soulmate speaks to you will be imprinted somewhere on your body.

Trigger Warnings: Reference to suicide attempt is Loki's at the end of Thor. Aftermath of suicide is for the aftermath of said incident at the end of Thor.

This story is post Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but totally disregards Thor: The Dark World (it never happened).

The "Am I safe" theme is inspired by Ice and Fire by SteeleHoltingOn, on Ao3; specifically the middle to end of Chapter 18. (Ugh…that part got me right in the feels) While not a soulmate fic per say, it is an awesome story.

Also, the concept of soulmates being able break the programming comes from Breaking (Saving) You by Rainne on Ao3. Another excellent story.

Both are full of Bucky feels.

Hela was seated on the floor and against the wall of an unused warehouse. She didn't know what she was doing on Midgard but figured she would lay low for a bit and decide her next move. She knew her shielding had slipped when she entered the realm, but quickly concealed herself again from Heimdall's view. She needed some down time before she tried to assimilate into the masses of Midgard. Would the populous recognize her resemblance to the being that tried to subjugate the realm? Would they see Loki reflected in her inky black hair, green eyes sharp cheekbones and pale complexion or would she be able to blend into the crowd as Midgardians went about their lives?

In her travels she heard rumors about Thanos and how deep his control over his "allies" ran so when she had heard about her father's attempt to take control of Midgard she knew something was amiss. She was instructed in the art of diplomacy and manipulation from an early age. If her father wanted control of a realm, he certainly would not open a bottle necked portal in a populated area after pissing off the most powerful beings of the realm. She wondered if Thor lifted his pretended veil of stupidity long enough to recognize a rather large shift in tactics from what her father usually used. Whether he did or not really didn't seem to matter; Odin still had Loki imprisoned in Asgard's dungeons or so she heard. She hadn't been in Asgard since about 2 months after her father committed suicide or attempted to commit suicide.

There wasn't really anything in Asgard for her anymore and she could not stand the hushed gossip about the fallen prince that was her father. Packing light and armed with the lessons her father had taught her and the powerful magic she inherited from him, she left Asgard and traveled the galaxy, exploring and just trying to find a new path for her life. While Midgard may have had minimal to no contact with the other realms, big news of Midgard traveled to a variety of areas. She had heard of the Chitauri invasion and her father's capture. And that was a startling surprise; to hear of her father's survival over a year after his supposed death. She couldn't bring herself to return to Asgard, though. She missed her grandmother and even Thor a little. She didn't know if she could face her father after he left her behind. She would have taken care of him. They could have left Asgard together, they could have stayed and she would have helped him pick up the pieces. She had worked hard to be the person who could do that for someone. It was certainly her imagination, but her soul mark burned when her father chose to die instead of coming back for her. It burned those two months she wandered through existence on Asgard before she left.

Soul marks for beings across the nine realms appeared at different times in life; Hela's appeared in early adolescence. Her handmaiden helping her dress the morning hers appeared noticed it and called for Hela's father. The handmaiden was dismissed to continue with her duties as Loki got a mirror so Hela could see the hastily written question that marked the first words her soul mate would speak to her: 'Am I safe?'

"That's a very important question to be asked." Loki told his daughter and they gazed at her soul mark. "What will the answer be?"

"Of course the answer will be 'yes', Papa." Hela said, shaking her head.

"How do you know the answer will be 'yes'?" He asked her.

She did not have an answer for him, instead she looked to him, questioningly.

"You must begin working, harder than you have been, so that you will know the answer to this question when it is asked of you."

"The answer is as important as the question." Hela replied as confirmation.

Hela had continued her regular studies and her magic instruction. But Loki trained his daughter as a warrior as well; not a warrior in the style of Sif but in the style of himself. Hela trained in subterfuge and stratagem tactics, use of her magic in combat as well as small weapons. Hela became versed in the healing arts that were practiced in Asgard. She was sent to Alfheim to study the healing of the mind that was not practiced as widely in Asgard. By the time she reached the age of majority, her father had equipped her well. But he didn't use her talents for himself when he was in the most need and hurting and that was hard for Hela to forgive.

Hela was pulled from her reflection by a noise coming from one of the two exits of the warehouse. A figure slipped into the warehouse and stealthily moved throughout the area, reconnaissance apparent. Hela stayed still but did not try to hide. She watched the figure as he approached. She appeared unassuming; wearing a long sleeved tunic and black trousers that she conjured in a Midgardian style and her black boots that she left Asgard wearing. She had one of the furs from her father's sitting room in Asgard pooled across her legs. She didn't really need it for warmth. It was more for the comfort, for the reminder of what was once home.

As the soldier got closer she could see that he appeared slightly older than her (though she knew she had more years of life than him). He had brown hair that came to his shoulders. Shivers racked his body. He was wearing dark pants and boots and a sweatshirt. She could see that one of his hands was flesh and the other was a silver metal that caught the light periodically. Though he hadn't made eye contact with her yet, she could see the haunted look in his face and exhaustion that tainted his very being. He had a knife drawn in his flesh hand as he methodically checked the warehouse for threats.

Finally, he was within range and his eyes caught what was out of place. He froze as his eyes tracked over Hela as she sat against the wall. He made eye contact and Hela held his gaze. She had her hands open and out so that she did not appear to be a threat, knowing full well that she didn't need a weapon in her hand to be a threat or defend herself. The facial expressions indicative of the war raging in his mind were minute and would have been missed by the casual observer. Hela could see the lost soul break out and peer at her before being absorbed by wintery chill of the soldier. After a full body shiver rolled through him, the lost soul emerged and spoke when the soldier would not…a broken plea, a question. "Am I safe?"

Hela's heart skipped a beat. She inhaled deeply, remembering her father's words from long ago.

"You are safe with me. My name is Hela and I have an extra blanket, if you have need of it."

The man's eyes squinted as he looked at her and thought. Confusion marred his face. The soldier had not returned yet.

"Those…those are my words." His metal hand rubbed the inside of the opposite bicep. Hela assumed this was where his soul mark was.

"They tried to make my words go away, but my words kept coming back." The expression on his face evened out somewhat as the soldier came forth and the lost soul retreated back to safety. There was a few moments of silence and then, "You are not a threat." It was a statement more than a question.

"I'm not a threat to you." She replied. She did not move but added, "I have words also; they're on my shoulder. Would you like me to show you?"

The soldier thought for a moment and then gave a stiff nod. "Slowly." He added.

Hela kept her hands out and as she twisted around. She moved her hair to the side and pulled the collar of her shirt so that her shoulder blade was exposed and he could see his first words to her emblazoned on her skin.

The whimper of the lost soul was barely audible. She turned around and looked at him with kind eyes. "Do you have a name?"

He looked away from her as he thought. He stared off to the side, eyes moving unseeingly back and forth and his mind searched for the answer. He refocused on her, "I think my name is James." He kept his eye contact as he tried to explain things. "There was a man on the bridge that I knew." He said to her. She nodded her head to encourage him to keep talking.

"I know you." He shook his head. "I know your words…my words." He rubbed his arm again. "Your words would come back." He shivered again.

"James, if you sit beside me you can see both exits and the whole of the warehouse. I did reconnaissance before you entered. I have been keeping watch." She held up the fur in offering.

The soldier considered her. "You are not a threat."

"You are safe with me. I am skilled. I can help."

"Soulmates can potentially break programming; jeopardize missions. Soulmates are a threat to the objectives of the Soviet State. Soulmates are a threat to the objectives of Hydra. They tried to make your words go away. The Asset has no soulmate. Your words would come back."

"I'm here now. They cannot make me go away. Come James, sit with me."

A soft keening and the lost soul gazed at her. "I don't want to be cold."

"Come James, let me warm you. It's time for you to rest. Let me keep you safe."

The knife was sheathed and the lost soul maneuvered so that he was seated next to Hela, leaning against the wall. Hela pulled the fur up and tucked it around James. He shivered and leaned into her.

She heard him whisper, "Soulmates can break programming. The Assset has no soulmate."

She leaned into him and said low, "I am your soulmate James and I will not let anyone hurt you, anymore." She slid her arms slowly around him. She knew this was truth. She had to skills and abilities to accomplish this. Even without knowing what would be needed, Loki had ensured it. She sent a simple warming spell into James's body and felt him relax as he stopped shivering. She threw up a protective shield around them after she expanded the concealment spell to include him.

He dipped his head to speak softly into her ear. She recognized the cadence of the soldier's voice. "I am your soulmate, Hela, and I will not let anyone hurt you, either." He kissed her temple and closed his eyes to rest.

AN: Drop me a review and let me know what you think about this one.