
Chapter 8:Dead Letter


"So,how did it go?",Claire asked uncertain as she greeted Sheva at the traffic light,cigarette between her fingers .It looked out of place now because those formal clothes ,the hair bun and the 'Miss Goodlady' look ,pants suit and pastel make up was so not Claire .

"Awful .The things they accuse him of are . . .vile .How can someone devote their lives and purpose to a cause, an organization,only to be tossed aside?",Sheva said ,disgusted .Claire put out her cigarette and grabbed Sheva by her arm ,gently .

"You did what you could .Are they letting him go?",she asked .Sheva frowned,cluching at the cuffs of her suit jacket .

"No .They used everything they could,from the Edonia incident to his medical records pointing out his PTSD .He's going away",she admitted .Claire's frown deepened as the two walked the busy streets,no words between them,only the traffic of downtown Philadelphia in their ears .Claire was practically seething with anger,fighting back tears .

"He sacrificed everything for everyone around him and this is the thanks he gets?!",Claire finally said .She slammed down the empty pack of cigarettes and picked up her pace,Sheva struggling to catch up .

"Sheva ",Claire said,more than asked .

"Yes?",she said .

"I want you to meet a friend of mine .Name's Steve .We're going to go see him now",she said,looking across the street .A car pulled up outside a bank and the two crossed the street together .A tall man in dark shades and a suit got out and leaned against the car,waiting .

Steve bit the white apple in his hand as he waited for Claire to approach with the newest member of their party .A smirk crossed his lips and when the two women approached .

"Burnside . . .I recognize the name from somewhere",Sheva said .

"Then it should be easier to trust him .We're gonna get Chris outta there,tonight",she said .

"She said he's going to be court martialed",Sherry said,hanging up .A silence fell across the room

Back at Claire's place,Ada ,Leon ,Steve and Sherry were all waiting for Claire and Sheva to arrive .Angered ,frustration more than anything was in the air .

"How bad is it?",Ada finally said .

"Charges of harboring a fugitive and conspiracy to commit bioterrorism .Not only that,but he's pegged as 'incompetent 'and mentally unfit to be in the outside world ",she said .

"Then we need to act now .They won't be sending him to prison,he's infected .That's just the cover story that they'r going to give to the press .There's a place they keep the infected,an island off of the coast of Alaska .They'll be taking him to Rockfort island *1)",Steve said .All eyes were on him .

"That's Umbrella's old place,isn't it? Why there?",Ada asked .

"Cheap and resoursful .There's already a prison there set up by Umbrella and other things .I know the place by the back of my hand because I was imprisoned there,just like Claire was .It's how we met",he said .There was a cold edge to his voice when he spoke a hard look in his eyes .

For a while,no one spoke .

"We got two choices .Break him out before he gets there,or meet them on Rockfort island and get to him then ",Leon said .

"If it comes to that,I'll go",Steve said .

"Steve -"

"No,Claire .You guys all belong to government agencies and Ada is . . .well Ada is Ada .I'm the only one off the map .Besides ,besides Sherry ,Leon and I ,the rest of you aren't infected ",he said .

"Leon?",Claire said .Leon gave Steve a dirty look and Steve returned it .

"On a mission,years ago,I was infected with T-veronica and with Las plagas on another mission .I took a vaccine ,but there's stll trace amounts in my system .The only obvious symptom is that fire doesn't burn as bad and I heal pretty fast,but that's it",he said .

"And the feds just let you do whatever?",Ada said ,skeptically .

"The only one who knows my status is Hunnigan .It was completely off the record ",he said .

"Then how did you get a vaccine for it ?",Claire asked .

"The same doctor who created the C-virus vaccine .It cost a hell alot and it was risky,but it was worth it .It was either that or possible death .Had no other choice *2) .

"And neither of you thought it was a good idea to tell us this/",Claire said .Sherry frowned visibly but said nothing .

"I only know because other infected can sense one another",Steve said .

"I don't really notice any changes ,aside for more energy and needing less food and less sleep ,so I kinda forget myself sometimes .It was nearly a decade ago",Leon said .

"Nobody's judging you .But guys,we need to get back on track .In order to even get in there ,we need to know the next transport date",Ada said .

"Good point .What do you have ,Sherry?",Leon asked .

"I managed to grab scheduals of when all vehicles and their numbers are leaving and their destinations .I haven't looked over it,but if we do,we can find this out",Sherry said,pulling flash drive .

The group all gathered around her laptop,eyes over her shoulder .Sherry hooked up the flash druive and opened the files .

"Wait . . .A-4763 . . .that's Nivan's detainment number",Leon said .

"Wait a minute,why is he being sent off?I just spoke to him!",Sherry said .

"Quarantines were suppose to be temprary ,always were",Leon said .

"Then Jake . . .Jake isn't going too,is he?",Sherry said .

Leon turned the notebook his awy and frowned .

"A-5985,that's Jake ",Leon said .Sherry bowed her face,her eyes shut .

"Don't worry blondie,we're getting them out .All this did was make our job easier .All three of them are being transported the same day,see?",he said .

"But what if-"

"No buts,we're doing this .The transport is slated for next Tuesday at 7pm .All we have to do is get someone inside",Ada said .

"And how? We can go as guards ,but that's it!And how do we know we'll make the right shift and .-",Sherry was practically panicking .

"We will,just calm down",Ada said .

"No! You don't undestand! I'm the one that told on them!",Sherry said .All eyes were on her .

"They asked me questions,casual,like it was a normal conversation .I think . . .somebody was asking if Chris was single . . .if he was seeing anyone and if he liked men .I said ,go ask him .We talked abit and I finally said I remembered Chris dating a police captain years ago and a few other people,mostly guys .I think somebody heard it,put two and two together and . . .",before Sherry could finish,the keys juingled in the front door and Clair was standing there,a look of betrayal in her eyes .Everyone was quiet,still,the calm before the storm .

"What gave you the RIGHT to tell his business like that?!",Claire demanded .

"I'm sorry! Everyone knows how he is,it wasn't exactly a secret,the way he and Piers . . .",she said and stopped .

"He and Piers ,what?",Sheva asked .

"Chris was seeing Piers before the Edonia incident when he was hit on the head and lost some of his memory .Ever since then,he hadn't been the same "Claire said,then turned back to Sherry .

"And you knew allthis time he was seeing Captain Wesker?",she said .

"I was a kid! I wan't going to tell people that kind of thing .Besides that was before he . . .changed",she said .Claire sut the door and Sheva sat down on the arm of a chair .

"You mean before that son of a bitch showed his true colors",Claire said bitterly as she stormed to the kitchen .

"Claire,just calm down ,okay? Sherry didn't know,and it couldn't have been just that .Somebody was out to hang Chris anyway .As for Wesker,he's not the person we thought he was ",Leon said .

"You don't even know him! You never saw it! The way he was just so sincere . . .kind . . .the way he woul just light up the room sometimes",Claire said taking a bottle from the cabinet .

"He would be all quiet and polite and . . .I knew Chris was in love with him,but I never knew . . .I never knew they were together .I never asked",she said,a shot glass no in hand .She took a shot of whiskey and went for another .Steve was now standing by the kitchen with Leon,eying Claire .

"Then,he put them all through hell",she ground out .Another shot . . .

"Claire,I think you've had enough",Leon said,approaching her .Steve watched the two of them carefully .

"You don't know,that Chris . . .he wasn't right after that .IHe couldn't sleep anymore,he had nighmares all the time .He'd call me all hours of the night and show up to see if I was safe .He slept with aloaded gun in his hand with the lights one .He kept saying 'Wesker,Wesker!',and . . .sometimes he'd go into these episodes",she said,shaking her haed .Leon took the whiskey bottle before Claire could go for more .She looked at him and he gave her a lokk of warning and she just sighed,slamming down her glass .

"Halloween was his favorite holiday,he use to watch horror movies .Now,he won't go outside anymore,he'd just sit in his room and stare at walls .That night at the mansion ,it messed him up forever,it broke him .Chris and I already been through hell and . . .you know Captain Wesker was the same cop who was there when our parents died .The same man who cut me out of a car seat before the car exploded .I still got scars",she said .

"He went back to the car, he kept going back .Me, then Chris .Our parents were dead befire the explosion the said .But Sergeant Wesker went back anyway .They told him to stop but he went back and nearly died from the explosion .The blow threw him off his feet .He stayed with us on the way to the hospital . . .holding my hand and rubbing my shoulder and letting us know the hope wasn't lost ",she said .

"Wesker was the same man who brought Chris to my house drunk off his ass several times and Chris even said that he saved his life,saved him from throwing evertything away .How do you go out of your way to help someone then throw them away like trash?",she said bitterly .

"Because the only way out of Umbrella is in a body bag",Steve finally said .Claire and Leon looked at him .

"I watched them kill my mother,turned my father into monster .Then me .We know what happened to Dr .Birkin and Carla Radames . . .she only got away because Simmons kidnapped her and everyone thought she was dead",Steve said .

"Mission report said that the STARS were all slated for execution .That's why they had nemises .In the event that Wekser fucked up,which he did,they had a back up plan to kill all of the STARS,him included .The mission detailsfor phasse three are dated a week before the incident,so he never knew,Claire .He never knew that they were all going to die .So he saved who he could and paid the price",Leon said .

"She's right .He told me all about it .He told me that in the event that he didn't make it out alive,to make sure that Christopher Redfield and Jill Valentine got as far away from Raccoon City as possibleeand sent me to protect the Birkins .I failed and I'm sorry ",Ada said looking at Sherry .

"You helped them protect me .It counts for something ",Sherry said .

"Thanks . . .doesn't make me for less crapoy about it They were good people, except Wilk was a complete troll .Then again, he was best friend swith Jake's mother . . .",she said .

"You knew Ms .Muller? ",,Sherry said .

"Yup .And I'm gonna have to have a talk with Jake about it .So anyway,the infamous Mr .Wesker's story doesn't end there .He's the one who left Chris a trail to follow .He's the one that told Carlos to find Jill and Brad, and he made the call to Barry .He's also the one that finished off Umbrella and he testified against them .He dealt the finishing blow ",Ada said .Claire shook her head i disbeleif .

"No . . .no ,he just-",Claire grabbed the kitchen counter .

"And he's the one who saved my life too",Steve said .Claire looked at him ,shock and confusion on his face .

"The virus that Wesker had was imperfect,that's why he needed injections .And part of that is because he spliced it,put it in me so that I could come back ,like he did .

Back in the labs,he told them I died,which was a lie .He had worked on the virus in his body to create a perfect one,but his body rejected it .Instead he gave it to me and here I am .He told me three things :find Claire,find Chris,find Jill,find Sherry .Find them and protect them with my life .He told me that when the time comes,to go to Avalon .And he told me,that more important than anything,stay away from Alex .Alex Wesker .I failed him,you and everyone and I have to fix this",Steve said .

Claire flopped fown at the kitchen table .

"You know . . .it's so much easier to just paint him a monster,put a face on all the fucked up things that happened to me",Claire said softly,tracing her finger n the table .

"But when I joined TerraSave,I realized,there is no one face of evil,it's afucked up collective .I want to get my brother back,more than anything .And I guess . . .",she said .

"I guess that this is the only way . . . .trusting people that associated with him",Claire said .

Sheva,was now at the door,along with Sherry and Ada .

"Like it or not,Al wasn't dark in the heart,just sick in the mind and it wasn't his fault .Well,some of it anyway .He always had good intentions,but a really fucked up way of doing things .But one thing he wanted more than anything was the keep the people he cared for safe .That's why he had so many secrets .Not saying he wasn't a son of a bitch . . .he was . . .it's just that sometimes,I wonder about that guy .Because despite all the bad he did,sometimes he did good things .Really good things that would seem completely out of character but did it none the less",Ada said approcahing Claire .

"We're going to save Chris and the others no matter what,Claire .But we're going to need tyou to pull together",Steve said firmly .Clair pursed her lips and nodded .

"Yeah,yeah I'm ready .He saved my ass so many times it ai't funny .It's time to return the favor",she said .

"I got some calls to ,make .Before the day's over ,I'm going to meet Chris and then maybe tomorrow,somebody get in contact with Piers so we can get him on board",Leon said .

"I'll do it,he trusts me enough,I am his captain's sister",Claire said .

"I will come as well .I was his partner,it's my duty ",Sheva said .

"Alright,it's settled then .We're officially bustin' the big guy outta that hell hole .The bastard's son and Valentine are next",Ada said .

"I can deal with that .But we'll probably need a hell of a lot of unmarked weapons . .I've been slinking around and thy've stepped up security lately after transferring a new patient in",she said .

"She's right .It's a humanoid BOW called X-W-13 .It looks to be a male,can't determine age because there are no good security footage of him .They've got him binded up,strait jacket,masks,chains,the works .They're keeping him in the basements and experimenting on him,which doesn't bode well for us .If he's as powerful as they say in the notes,we may need to neutralize him in case they use him against us",Leon said .

"Well shit,you guys aren't gonna neutralize me,are ya'?",Steve said .

"No,Steve,we know you're with us .But there's no telling what they've done to him .According to what I've seen,he seems complacent and follows orders .That's why he's a problem",she said .

"Exactly .But Chris is our priority .As long as we shut down the lower levels and restrict access,it's a non-issue",Leon said .

"Agreed .And about those unmarked weapons? I can get my hands on them,but I don't know how long it'll take",Ada said .

"Non-issue .Chris is so paranoid that he's got a bunch of unmarked weapons and safehouses from back in his Umbrella days .After Raccoon City,he let me in on all of their locations,so in case something happens,I'd know where to find him",Claire said ,dejected .

"Claire . . ."

"I'm fine ,Steve .I was just thinking about how everything was back in those days,how he was . It still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth ",she said .

"It's okay,Claire .I understand how you feel",Sherry said,placing a hand on her shoulder .

"Thanks",she said,taking Sherry's hand .

"As much as I like a good soap opera,I'm kinda on a schedule .I'll be seeing you guys around",Ada said .

"Right .Everyone knows their jobs,let's do this",Leon said .

'For your eyes only ',the picture said, with a heart drawn next to it in white ink .Sherry recognized this to be Wesker's hand writing .What she didn't recognize though was the blonde man posing sugestively in something tight and black, his blonde hair tousled half over his blue eyes and thick rimmed glasses clutched in his cuffed hands above his head .On the back it read

'be a good boy and come worship me tonight .You know where to find me, dearheart .much love,

-Your angel

There was an old camera and a series of pictures like these with the same message and on the back dates and times and sometimes a suggestive or affectionate message tagged to it .She knew she shouldn't be looking .After all, she and Claire only came to his old place in Arklay county to get all those untraceable weapons he had from back in his hunt-for-umbrella days .

In all the pictures, wesker was wearing something sexy and black, his hair loose with either those red shades, thixk rimmed glasses or bare faced .It was shocking how he didn't even look like the same person .But she knew, that smirk that he wore i some of them gave him away .That, and the fact he never said his name or Chris's .He called Chris 'boy' and referred to himself as 'angel'and love .That way if it ever got out, only people who knew Wesker personally would know . The sad part was, it worked . . .the investigators found a picture at Chris's current place and thought Chris was gay and had a blonde fetish .

It was those gotdamn surveillance videos that hung him .

As she dug deeper so .e of the pictures got a little explicit . . . Sherry shut the book so fast it slammed, her heart pounding in her chest .

It wqs hard to look at 'Uncle Whiskers ' the same after seeing something like that .

It was like the time all those years ago . . .

./. . . .Sherry remembered being with Mr .Wesker while her father worked .He was off that day and agreed to look after her,something that was quite normal .But when Chris came over,things took a different tune .She had thought she had loved Mr .Wesker at the time,but then she saw him with Chris .She saw Chris literally picking Wesker up by his hips,before catching him in the air around his waist .He was holding him there for a bit and Wesker fussed at him . . . /

'/ . . Gimme a kiss and I'll put you down',he said . . ./

/ . . .The way Chris looked dazzled when Wesker grabbed his shoulders with strong hands and leaned down for a kiss while hoisted in the air,Sherry knew Wesker was in control,despite what it may seem .Chris placed him down ,and she could see that he was under Wesker's spell . . ./

"You okay, Sherry? ", Claire asked , concerned .She has a shotgun slung over her shoulder and was shoving a box with her foot .

"Yeah,I'm fine . . .but where dis he get this stuff? ", Sherry said .

"Honestly, I don't know and I don't think I want to .What did you find? ",Claire said .

"A crap laod of unused clips .Mostly pistols, but there'ssone sshoy gun rounds and AK-47 clips too ", she said .

"I wanna know where he got the money for this ", Claire said .Sherry shrugged .

"You could always ask ",Sherey said, setting the box on the dloor .

"Nah .Chris and I are xlose wbyt there aee things he won't tell me .Cheis is a peivate person and he likes to keep it that way ",Claire said .

Sherry was baxk at the desk again, picking up a knife .The knife was familiar and whe she picked it up .

Wesker's knife .

"Hey what's that? ",Claire asked, approaching .

"It was Unc - I mean . . .Wesker's ",she said .

"Why did he keep it? ",Claire said, frowning .

"Same reason he kept these ",Sherry said, holding out an envelope .Claire looked at it closely and frowned .

It was full of love letters .

Claire moved Sherry aside and grabbed the box labled do not open . All of it was Wesker's things .A pair of his shades, a black leather jacket, Pictures, letters and all kinds of paraphernalia . Claire dropped the box on the ground, disgusted .She read the letter in her hand .

Dear, Christopher

I am no good at expressing myself, you already know this .This is why I write to you the thibgs I need to say, instead of saying them directly to you .I am no good at this kinda thing, intimacy is new to me .

I wanted to tell you that I love you more than anything and I don't deserve someone as pure and genuine as you in my life .

For every time we go on an assignment, every time we have a mission, for every drop of blood shed, bullet fired every human tragedy we get caught in the middle of, the thought of losing you scares me .

It wouldn't happen as often if you weren't such a selfless, reckless git who tried to play hero all the time .But alas, I accept that I cannot change you .

As you know, the investigations as of late have been taking a turn for the worse . If something were to happen to me, I want you to know that I cherish what we have and that . . .god there are so many things I want to tell you somany things .I have to go now, Irons is being a pain in my ass .But Christopher, listen to me .I implore you and the others to accept the transfer I have filed for you, it is for your own good .They are located in Marvin's Mailbox,he said he'd keep them safe .I am afraid that the upcoming mission will end in tragedy like others before have,but I can say nothing more .

Get out of Raccoon City, take Jillian,Bradly and Rebecca with you .You deserve better than me,better than this .

Sincerely yours,

Albert Wesker .

Anger surged through Claire and she flicked out her lighter and took it to the page .

"Claire, no! ", Sherry said and grabbed her wrist .

"You see this? You see this here! He knew, he fucking knew .Set it all up",Claire said .

"He tried to warn him ",Sherry said .

"He didn't try hard enough ",Claire said .

"It isn't good for Chris to have all this shit . It's time to move on ",Claire said,prying her arm away .Sherry snatched the letter away and held it away .

"Chris should be the one to make the decision, Claire ",Sherry said .

"You don't know Chris, like I know Chris .You need to beat the shit out of him to learn his lesson .At least Piers understood this .Al,apparently didn't ",she said .Sherry said nothing, just looked at the envelope, before putting it away .

"Claire . . .the only way to leave Umbrella is in a body bag . . .I use to hear the USS officers say this all the time .I want you to know it's true ", she said, her voice cracked .

"You tryna say that what happened was okay? That Wesker didn't get what he deserved?",Claire questioned .

"Wesker lived a messed up life where everything went to shit for him .There was one right decision and one chance .He missed it and he did what he had to do .I'm not saying it wasn't a horrible thing to do .Just that he was backed into a corner",Sherry said

"Only way to leave Umbrella's in a body bag,right?That's just how all of Raccoon City left em too ,and us if we didn't have Leon on our side", Claire said .

"I know ",Sherry said, her eyes on the ground .

"And Wesker was Umbrella -"

"Umbrella's slave .Just like my parents .They never asked for what they got, none of them .I was there, I was with them, I knew these people .I watched people disapear because they didn't do their jobs .Steve burnside . . .Steve was my best friend . . .since we were little ",Sherry said .She already felt a lump rise in her throat .

"Before you met him . . .I knew him and he was like a brother to me .I watched him and his family disapear .The Wilson's, the Mavericks, the Nealson's . . .I stopped making friends because of that .Just like Wesker stopped falling in love .

Man was cold as ice and sometimes he was a son of a bitch . . .but don't you dare try to say he didn't love your brother, because he did ",Sherry said .Claire, was once again surprised at Sherry .Sherry use to be a meek girl and was now a woman and once again, standing against Claire .Claire sighed, turned away .She took out a half crumpled pack of cigarettes .

"Yeah? Well he had a fucked up way of showing it",she said .

/ . . ."Captain,get up! Captain,wake up!",a voice a voice Chris could barely place but somewhere he knew he knew who it was . . . /

"Piers . . .",he heard himself saying but hardly registering the name .Gunshots were everywhere ,automatic fire .There was blood everywhere ,not his blood,it was their blood,the blood of all those people,his soldiers that he couldn't protect . . .

/ . . ."It's okay . . .I'm here Chrsitopher"


"Yes,it's me .It's time to come home . . .",he said .He could see him in stark black against stark white .A hand to his face and all was serene . . ./

/ . . "Chris,no!",Piers was saying .Chris's eyes opened and Albert was quickly replaced by Piers .Chris could see it,see what the virus had done to him .He saw himself being slammed into the escape pod,the sound of water . . .Haos .

Cold hands,cold hands,hands so cold wet and water . . .hit the floor and electricity,electric light .

"He's still down there! He's alive,he's alive",Chris's own voice . . ./

"Chris . . .",calloused hands against his stuble,eyes questioning as he lay on the bed .

/ . . ."Captain . . . .",Piers's voice was laced with pleasure and clawing his back .Was slow and sensual and so genuine . . .

"Captain?",Chris said .Blonde hair in uncertain blue eyes .Pain,pain and Chris would be his relief,his reprieve . . .deception so much more beautiful than truth itself could ever be .

"I love you . . . .",and Chris felt guilty .

"Piers . . .",he breathe back

"I love you", and Chris felt like melting .

"Albert",Chris breathed .This was forbidden,the way he sat on the floor in those hand cuffs was forbidden,tempting him . . ./

/ . . ."Piers ",Piers looked up,questioning .The way he sat on the floor in those hand cuffs was . . .it wasn't right . . . ./

Suddenly ,there was the sound of broken glass ,more gunfire and


Sheva's voice and the wind .

/ . . ."I don't need anyone else .I have Uroburos . . .",words of a lonely man who had given up on love .Resigned to his wretched role as the hated one as the devil .

"In less than five minutes . . ."/

'/ . . .I'm so alone I can't take it sometimes .Why does everyone keep leaving? Why?",eyes like liquid gold, breath burning with alcohol . . ./

"Chris . . .",hands human,so inhuman touched and he drew back disgusted .Behimd monster eyes,his angel was in there .

"Our fates are forever intertwined,like it or not .I'll always be here . . .always"

"Chriiiiis!",in those last moments,he couldn't let go .Chris saw the loneliness in his eyes and was trapped,trapped trapped .

'We'll burn together',Chris quite literally thought and he nearly let go .God . . .it was those eyes that alwasy got him .Heart burning on his sleeve so he had to hide behind the shades . . .

"Captain! Get up!",wrong voice,wrong voice . . .

"Chriiissss!" .electricity,the smell,the smell of electric death and dampness everywhere .

Broken glass ,rain dark of night and both his lovers,his lifeline his everything all at once .His world shattered with that window that took his angel and his mistress to the underworld .


'I let her fall' . .

'I let him burn . . . .'

'I let him drown . . .'

"I let them die! I'm a failure",from un-sober lips and the liquor made him so numb .And his angel,his angel was over his shoulder,holding him,rocking him and taking him under .And Jill,Jill was there and her hair is how it should be all three together,trinity ,limbs tangled into the silk sheets abyss and ecstasy

"I'm sorry",said number four .Number one too many stains of blood on Chris's hands . . .


"Who . . ."


A hand on his shoulder and Chris's eyes flew open

"Huh . . .whu . . ."

"Are you alright?",Leon said,looking more panicked than he sounded .

"I'm fine . . .just a bad dream .I'm use to it",Chris said .

"You never get use to it",Leon said quietly .A sigh,some of the tenseness eased away .

"I know",he admitted .Leon kneeled in front of the bed,took Chris by his sleeve .

"How do you really feel?",he questioned .

"Well enough to function",he said as his heart hammered away .

"Good .Get up,you have to get ready",he said .Leon .

"What's going on?",he said,gaining clarity .

"Daily check up,it's my shift .How are you feeling physically?",Leon asked,sitting the bed beside him .Chris frowned as he sat up .

"A little less like hell than usual .They cut off my meds and I started excercising,so that's a plus",Chris said .

"Good",Leon said ,patting his shoulder .

"Here",he said,handing Chris a bottle of water .

"Thanks",Chris said,accepting it .Leon was going through his pouch again and getting out the standard medical equipment .Chris was getting use to this now,after a few visits .He found he preferred Leon to do his check ups because he was someone from the outside and not nearly as strict as some others .

"You been getting sleep?",Lepn asked,looking in his eyes with a light .

"Yeah,and not over sleeping for once",he said .

"That's good news",he said .

"Speaking of good news?",Chris said,more than asked .

"The trials",Leon said .

"Yeah",he said .

"You're getting out tomorrow",Leon said casually .

"They let me go ? I thought-"

"We're getting you out",is all Leon said .

"So soon? Isn't that a bit risky? They'll be on high alert .In fact,they just stepped up security",he said .

"I know,which is why they won't see it coming .Get them before they even have a chance to arrange proper protocol .That and the fact that they plan on shipping you and the others out soon",he said,going for a a stethoscope .

"Where? To prison?",he asked .

"To Rockfort island",he said .When Leon looked back,he could see the look of horror in Chris's eyes .

/ . . ."Why are you denying me? I'm the only one who can take you from this world . . .just me . . .",that familiar voice and eerie amber eyes . . ./

"Chris?",he said .

"I-I'm fine .Just . . .shit . . .I still get the creeps thinking of that place .I never got over it .Any of it",Chris said .

"Neither did I",Leon said earnestly .

"That the reason you got streaks of gray in your hair?",Chris said jokingly .

"Yup",Leon responded,taking out the tongue depressor .

"C'mon .You know it's gotta happen",Leon said .

"Yeah,but it's still a pain in the ass",he said .

After Leon did the routine check up,he handed Chris a satchel .

"Keep it hidden,it's got all your weapons ,ammo and anything else you can carry",he said .

"Thanks . . .I really appreciate it . . .just . . .nevermind",he said .

"Come on,Chris .You can tell me",Leon said .

"Piers .What kinda relationship did we have . . .were we friends or . . ."

"You'd have to ask him yourself,which won't be a problem because you'll be seeing him soon .By the way he sent you this",he said,passing Chris and envelope .

"Make sure you flush it when you're done .If you wanna write back,I'll be back around to pick the rest up later",he said .

"Thanks Leon .Thankyou",Chris said,a smile on his face .Leon paused a bit held out his hand .

"What are friends for?",he said .

"Same here",Chris said and shook took his hand .

Chris hastily tore open Piers's letter .There were so many questions,no answers .Why was he seeing this boy . . .no ,this man .Why was he seeing this man in his dreams and fantasies? Chris suspected they had slept together .Even before this whole madness with him on lockdown,even all through the madness with that Carla bitch,there was something off .Piers seemed to be waiting for something ,trying to get a rise ,a reaction out of Chris .But what was it .?

'Could it be . . .?',he thought and paused .Chris finally tore open the letter:

Dear Captain,

I want to say it was an honor serving under you and in all of this time,I regret nothing .However,I can no longer hold back my thoughts ,my feelings . . .everything .It's so long since I've seen the light of day and longer since I've seen you .What I'm trying to say is that I love you .

Chris froze .

"How could I have missed it?",he cursed himself .

The intense looks ,the fact that they were far too comfortable around each other .The extra toothbrush in the bathroom and othe rlitle things he missed .

He and Piers were lovers . . .how could he forget?

And even if you don't love me back,that changes nothing .I still love you just the same .There is a chance that we will never see each other again,that much I am sure of .But no matter what,keep fighting ,Chris .Keep fighting the good fight,stay strong,be happy .

Much love ,


P .S . Hopefully ,this will make you smile .You're not alone,Chris

Chris crumpled the letter in his hand .

"All this time . . .all this time . . .",he said .And with the letter was a picture of him and Piers with their arms over each other's shoulder ,looking into each other's eyes .

Chris had been so fixated on his past,on Wesker,that he failed to see what was in front of him .That was the missing thing .Without Piers,Chris retreated back to Wesker,it all made since .

But where did that leave Jill?

It was the sound of the lunch buzzer that startled him from his thoughts once more .Chris resolved to write to Piers .He deserved better,he deserved to be happy .nd Chris would do anything in his power to make that happen .

When Piers opened the letter he was expecting it to be another 'get well soon ', pity card .

He didn't expect a letter from his captain .He knew it was him,he knew his handwriting,there was no denying it .

Dear Piers,

First,before you read anything,I want you to burn this letter .Second,I want you to know I've been thinking of you .

Piers felt himself smile at the mere thought .It's been a long time since he had smiled .

I had a dream where you came to me and you saved me from myself like you had done so many times before .I cannot thank you enough .I don't know what we had before but god,I need to see you again and I don't know if I ever will .Please forgive me if I had hurt you,I never meant to .I always wondered how you're able to put up with a fucked up person like me,and in the back of my mind I wonder if it's even worth it,trying to save a drowning man with a gun to his head .

But somehow,you found it in you to see things in me I never saw myself .I'm still struggling to see these things .I only what the best for you Piers,so I need you to do something for me .

I need you to run away .

Piers frowned,thinking deeply for a moment .Yes,yes he wanted to be free,yes he wanted to get out of this hell hole,but where would he go? He was a monster .Sure,his arm recovered,but he still had disfiguring scars and one of his hazel eyes was plae gray .Not to mention,his family .His mom,his dad,his sister

'Who hardly even come around anymore',he thought bitterly .

I you need to run away before the night is out,because tomorrow,I will be long gone .I can't just leave you like this,I could never live with myself,not after you sacrificed so much .

Piers already felt a smile spread to his face .

'He remembers',is what he thought .His Captain remembered him .Piers had started becoming jaded and cold and now Chris was back,Chris was here to melt away all the ice and cold and make him whole again .

He wished it worked that way .Piers was never an idealist,always a realist .He could only wait and see .But now . . .

In the box are your weapons, your gear and directions .There will be people who will take you, take you far away from here .Just show them my knife, they will know who you are .

More than anything, I want to . . .no I need to see you again,but I don't know if I can because I may or may not make it out alive .As for you,they're coming for you tonight .Don't let them get you,or I'll be disappointed because I taught you better than that,soldier .

Piers smiled a breif moment,part laughter,part nervousness .

Love your life, live free and live happy,no matter what .And if you see anyone in a BSAA uniform, don't trust them . They are not your friends, they are your enemy .Be safe Piers, and remember that I will never forget you ever again


Just as Piers finished the letter,he heard trucks outside,knocking at the door .He slung his bag on his back,tied his scarf around his neck and armed himself,preparing for the worse .

1)I know where Rockfort island is,I changed it for my own purposes .

2)Theory ; Sherry Birkin recieved a vaccine,giving her a mild version of it's abilities .If Leon had T-veronica and got vaccinated,he would have a mild version of the T-veronica strain in him .Where he got it? Operartion Javier in Umbrella chronicals ,accidently got it from Manuela