Harry was awakened to a welcome surprise. There was something soft and warm. And it was giving him kisses... He started giggling, as something tickled his face. He opened his eyes to see Zwei, his new friend, yipping and licking repeatedly. "Doggy!" Zwei let out a yip and nuzzled Harry. He giggled and gave the dog a hug. "Hi!"

Zwei nuzzled Harry and Harry buried his face in his back. Zweii was so soft! And nice! Then, the door opened. "Haaaarryyyy~!" Came a cheerful voice. "Wakey wakey~!"

Harry looked towards the door. "Miss Ruby!" He cheered, as the Huntress walked in and sat on the bed, pulling the two in for a hug.

"Good morning honey!" He snuggled into her eagerly, savouring her touch. He loved her hugs! She did it so gently... "Did you sleep good Harry?" Ruby asked, pulling him and Zweii onto her lap. Harry nodded eagerly and returned to snuggling Ruby. She laughed. "Aww, you're all snuggly!" He blushed, smiling brightly as he clutched at her corset. Ruby giggled and poked his nose. "Boooop!" She said playfully, channeling her inner Nora. Harry blushed deeply, and hid in her shoulder. Ruby giggled and carried him to the closet. "Let's get you all dressed Harry! We're going out to Breakfast today!"

Harry smiled brightly. "Yaaaay!" He cheered, trying to show Miss Ruby how happy he was.

Ruby set him down and pulled a little Red shirt over his head, and changed his PJ pants into regular little jeans. She also tried to tame his hair a bit, but didn't succeed... She pouted slightly, then smiled. "I should take you to get a haircut! You'd look soooo cute and handsome with short hair!" Harry nodded, not wanting to disagree, and nuzzled Ruby's soft and soothing heartbeat filled chest. She scratched his head and put his shoes on. "Now...would you like Miss Blake, Weiss and Yang to come? They'd love to see you im sure!" Harry looked at her with a smile and nodded eagerly. They were all nice to him. He liked them. Ruby laughed and pulled out her scroll. "In that case, yes! I'll go ahead and tell them to meet us there." She replied. Harry clapped his hands happily, then patted Zwei on the head. Zwei yipped in delight and gave him another lick. He liked his new little master. Harry gave Zwei one last hug before Ruby lead him out of the house. They got in Ruby's red convertible, which was converted, and drive off. Harry sat in his secure seat in the back. Yes, she had purchased a car seat for him. He was too little to not have one. She didn't want to get in trouble, and she wanted him safe. She then began her ride out into the city. Harry looked distraught... "What's wrong Harry?" She asked.

"I-I-I wanna be with you..." Harry admitted

Ruby giggled. "Awww, such a sweetie... Don't worry, you'll be with me as soon as we get to the restaraunt! Sound good?" He nodded worriedly and twiddled his thumbs.

"W-What do Muss Weiss and Miss Blake and Niss Yang do?" Harry asked Ruby.

Ruby smiled. "Ah, you wanna know what jobs your aunties have?" Harry nodded. "Well, me and your aunties have a really cool job! We go around, and we save people from threats. We used to stop big bad monsters...but they all got wiped out. So we're really...just policemen now." Ruby told him. "But we've been doing other things to! Your Auntie Yang is a pro MMA Fighter, your auntie Blake is a Civil Rights Worker, and your Auntie Weiss owns a big company!" Harry blinked. He didn't know what those meant. Ruby smiled. "Auntie Yang fights people, Auntie Blake works to make sure faunas like her get treated nice like people, and Auntie Weiss is in charge of a lot of people's jobs." Harry nodded in understanding and Ruby reached back and rubbed his head. She'd gotten a lot taller than she was in Beacon...she'd filled out nicely, and was now the apple of many men's eye. She was proud of her looks, but didn't want to flaunt them. Besides, the other girls on her team got more looks than she did. It made her a bit jealous, but eh. Looking down at how tiny Harry was, she wondered if she'd be that much taller than him if she was still in her Beacon years. She shrugged and pulled up to the Diner where Weiss' limo, Blake's Black Chevrolet and Yang's motorcycle could all be seen in the lot. Ruby hopped out and pulled Harry out of his car seat, taking him in her arms and leading him to the restaurant. He eagerly clutched at her as she picked him up, smiling brightly. He was being held again! That made him happy! He snuggled close to a Ruby and she smiled mirth fully. "Heheh...you love my hugs."

"I love your hugs..." Harry repeated softly. "A lot..."

Ruby's smile grew and she hugged Harry tighter. He listened in on her heartbeat and grinned happily. He liked the sound... "Awww, don't fall asleep on me, honey." Ruby cooed, stroking his head. "You have num-nums to eat!"

Harry perked up and looked around the restaurant. "Ruby!" A perky voice called, and Ruby looked over to see Yang and the rest of RWBY sitting in a booth.

"Hey, big sis!" Ruby called back, waving enthusiastically. "I got my Harry-Beary, so we're all set!"

"It's Harry!" Weiss grinned, hopping up and walking over to Ruby. She crouched down to Harry's height.

"Hey little guy! How are you?"

Harry smiled shyly. "I'm good, Miss Weiss...How are you...?"

"Just wonderful now that you're here!"

Ruby was surprised. "Gee, Weiss I didn't know you liked kids."

Weiss blushed slightly and smiled. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Ruby." She said coolly.

Ruby shrugged. "But we're partners!" She suddenly said, pouting. "We're supposed to know everything about one another!"

Weiss sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ruby, everyone has secrets. I bet you have some stuff you haven't told me."

Ruby shook her head. "I only leave out the extremely personals! Bestie!" She cheered, throwing her arm around Weiss.

Weiss rolled her eyes, but allowed it. She even smiled somewhat. Her partner was such a dork. She and Ruby sat down, Weiss being next to the wall and Harry sitting in Ruby's lap on the outside of the booth, while Blake and Yang sat across from the respectively. Harry hadn't noticed before...but something was on Auntie Blake's head. He looked at her curiously and noticed the kitty ears. He blinked brightly. He had seen people like that while he was doing yardwork. Uncle Vernon thought they were freaks. But Harry thought the people with animal parts were really cool. He wanted...to touch them. But that would be mean... He tugged on Ruby's cloak. "M-Miss Ruby! Auntie Blake has kitty ears..."

Blake blinked and held her hands up to her ears. Ruby giggled. "I know! Aren't they cute?"

Harry nodded, saying, "T-They're so cool...I want kitty ears too..."

Blake had a visible blush on her face. Ruby laughed. "Aww, he's the biggest sweetie ever!" She cooed, patting the boy's head. "Right, Blake? Heeeey...Blake, can Harry scratch your ears?"

Blake's eyes widened at the thought. She looked at Harry to see him...very very hopeful looking. Blake couldn't bring herself to say no to that face... "Okay, okay..." She sighed, leaning down to allow Harry to scratch her ears. He did so eagerly, smiling all the while. And Blake was...secretly enjoying it.

"...Are you purring?" Yang asked.


"Blake you totally are." Yang laughed. Harry blushed and pulled his hands away. Blake returned to her seat on the table.

"I was NOT." She hissed, crossing her arms.

"Were SOOO purring." Yang snickered.

Blake huffed and snuggled into her seat, and was then suddenly petted on the ears by Yang, teasingly. She yelped and glared at Yang...but allowed the petting to continue. Yang snickered. "You loooove it." She said with a smirk.

"I will elbow you in the stomach."

Meanwhile, Weiss tapped Ruby on the shoulder. "Hey...mind if I hold him? Is he okay with it?" Ruby hesitated. SHE wanted to hold her Harry. But...It wasn't fair to hog him... So she gave him a questioning glance. Harry blushed and shrugged, but Ruby decided that meant yes. So she gently placed Harry in Weiss lap, and her eyes became hearts. "Ohhh you're so tiny!" Harry squeaked in surprise at her reaction. He fidgeted uneasily. And this made him more adorable. Weiss nuzzled the top of his head, then kissed it. "Aw...Lookie. I think I love you."

Ruby giggled. "Don't get too clingy. He's MY Harry."

"I'm stealing him." Weiss replied, hugging him protectively. Ruby's jaw dropped.

"No!" She let out a whimper as she tried to take Harry back, but Weiss held her back with one hand. "Nooooo, my Harry!" Weiss snickered, loving teasing her partner.

Weiss was tugged on by Harry. "U-Uhm...a-auntie Weiss...c-can I go back to Miss Ruby?" Weiss pouted.

"Awwwwww, fine..." She said, handing Harry back. "Go back to the dunce..."

Harry snuggled into Ruby's stomach, and then the waitress approached. "Can I take your order?"

Yang fired off her large order. "...You're paying for your own food." Weiss said flatly. "I won't have you taking advantage of my offer to pay."

Yang groaned. "Cmon Weiss! You always pay! You own a company!"

"Doesn't mean I want you taking advantage of me." Weiss huffed. "You ALWAYS do this and I'm sick of it."

Yang groaned and put her head on the table. Blake placed her order, and Weiss said hers, and now it was Ruby's turn. Ruby ordered chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milk. "Okay, sweetie. What're you gonna have?" She asked Harry.

Harry shrugged, and looked down. "U-Um...I-I'm not...hungry..." he said, trying to pass it off. Ruby frowned

"Harry, you know you don't have to be like that with me. C'mon, pick something. I want something in your tummy."

Harry bit his lip and waved her down. Ruby leaned down, and Harry whispered, "I-I-I can't read the thingy..." Ruby's eyes widened.

"Oooooooh." She giggled softly. "Guess I'm gonna have to teach you how to read then!" Harry blushed, and Ruby decided to just order him the usual Pancake, bacon, Sausage menu, with Chocolate Milk. The Waitress grinned, then took off. Harry still felt a little stupid... Ruby noticed his demeanour and frowned. "Nooo, honey, it's okay..." She cooed stroking his cheek. "You're only little."

"B-But..." he tried to protest, but Ruby shushed him and gave him a tight squeeze.

"No Honey...I promise it's okay..." She rocked him back and forth. "I'll teach you AAAALL about reading, and you'll be a super genius by the time I'm done with you. That's a promise!" Harry giggled and blushed, hiding in her stomach. Ruby grinned and rocked him around. Team WBY was staring at them. Ruby looked at them with a tilted head. "Uh...Something wrong?" She asked with a blink.

Weiss and Yang burst out first. "Dawwwwww! You're such a good mom!"

Ruby blushed and smiled at the praise. "Awww, you think so?" She said, squeezing Harry gently.

"I know so!" Yang replied. Weiss just clapped. Blake was seriously freaking out over how good a mother she was.

Ruby smiled proudly. "I'm the best mom ever!" She said, sticking her nose up high.

Weiss laughed condescendingly. "I could probably be a better mom than you if I had a kid." She taunted.

Ruby pouted and poked Weiss in the belly. "Could not! You'd be too busy with work!"

"Hey I could too!" Weiss backtalked. Ruby shook her head.

"Nuh uh!" Ruby shot back

"Yuh huh!"

"Nuh UH!"

"Yuh HUH!"

"Should we stop them?" Yang asked.

"No. I wanna see how stupid this gets." Blake replied.

Soon, Weiss and Ruby were pushing on each other and saying,


"No me!"

They didn't even notice the food... Harry was confused. Yang was watching with a quirked brow. Blake was smirking. Yang clapped her hands. "EY! You two! Foods here!"

Ruby looked to see her steaming food. "Oooooh, my meal!" She cheered excitedly. "Yay!" Harry's plate was set down in front of her and Ruby decided to feed Harry first. She grabbed a fork, impaled some eggs, and raised the fork to Harry's lips. "Open wide!"

Harry grinned widely and opened his mouth expectantly. "Aaaaaahhh..." He said happily.

Ruby spoonfed him his meal with a happy look in her eyes, until his whole plate was gone. Harry sleepily laid against her as Ruby ate her own meal. All the food made him sleepy. Ruby looked down at him and giggled. "Awww, someone needs a nap!" She cooed. Harry shook his head and the girls, Who had finished their food, cooed at him. It made him blush and hide deeper in Ruby's soft tummy. Ruby laughed at his antics. "Awww, who's all widdle and cuddly? Are you all widdle and cuddly? Yes you are! Oh, yes you are!"

"He's not a dog, Ruby." Blake said flatly.

"Oh." Ruby said, shrugging. "Then... Who's my little kitty? You are! Oh yes you are!"

Blake was mortified "Seriously?!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up. "Why?!"

"To annoy you~" Ruby laughed. Blake grumbled, and Weiss paid the tab, forgetting about her promise to Yang. Yang didn't complain And so, the girls all rose to leave. Ruby was cradling Harry like he was an infant. The other girls smirked.

"You baby him too much~." Weiss said. Yang shrugged in response. And Blake stepped in front of Ruby.

"May...I hold him?"

Ruby smiled broadly. "Sure!" She said enthusiastically. "Go see Auntie Blake, Harry!"

Harry looked out at Blake and looked unsure for a moment...but then reached out to her. Blake took him into her arms. She stared at him contemplatively for a few moments. Then she nuzzled the top of his head. She even purred as she did so. Harry giggled and felt himself get nuzzled, so he nuzzled back. Soon the two were just cuddling each other close. It was adorable... But now Ruby was jealous. Blake should get her own Harry! This one was all hers and hers alone! Ruby reached out and took Harry back and Blake looked disappointed. But regardless, they all hugged. "Let's meet up soon!" Yang grinned.

"Yeah totally!" Ruby agreed happily. She loved spending time with the girls. They all separated into their own cars, and drive off towards their own houses. Ruby looked back at Harry in his car seat, only to see him fast asleep... "Awwwwwwww!" She cooed happily. She almost reached back to hug him before remembering she was driving. She groaned. Oh well, gotta be safe! And with that she drive back home, grinning. She'd cuddle him a bit before tucking him in for his nap. Then she'd plan lunch! Hmm...What would he get for lunch?