here's my first Ultimate Spider-Man story. bold is when Peter breaks the fourth wall or has a fantasy. enjoy

Hey, there, everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man, coming at you live from the SHIELD Tricarrier. It's Good Friday, so it's almost time for spring break, but something's going down that might break one of my teammates.

"You're joking, right Fury?" White Tiger, AKA Ava Ayala said in distress. "Please tell me this is just a cruel joke or prank."

"I'm very serious, White Tiger," Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, said. "Hand over the Tiger Amulet. As of today, you're not White Tiger."


This looks bad, huh? White Tiger becoming just a regular teen. Seems like the end of the team, right? Well, it's not as bad as it looks. Just watch.

"Oh, chill out, Ava," Nova, AKA Sam Alexander, said. "He's just holding onto your amulet while you take the week off."

"No, you don't understand," Ava said. "Without my amulet, I have nothing to do. There's no homework, and none of the teachers or Coulson have told me about upcoming assignments. I've never gone that long without doing anything productive."

"Listen, Ava, I get that you're not used to not being able to train or do homework, but Fury's doing this for your own good," Power Man, AKA Luke Cage, said.

"Sometimes the cat needs a new scratching post, lest it wears it to where it is no longer there," Iron Fist, AKA Danny Rand, said.

"They're right, White Tiger," Phil Coulson said. "While it's admirable that you're a very good student and an excellent SHIELD agent, you're still a teenage girl, and you need to do things a teenage girl does."

"And that would be…"

"I don't know. I don't study teenage girl customs."

Once again, it's up to Spidey to save the day.

"Why don't you go see MJ? She told me Jameson is giving her the week off, so she's got tons of free time."

"I guess it couldn't hurt. Thanks, Spidey."

So, Ava handed Fury the White Tiger Amulet, and went to look for Mary Jane.

"So, Fury, since Ava's off for the week…"

"No, you cannot take the week off. If you want to be the ultimate Spider-Man, you need to train."

"That wasn't what I was gonna say. I was saying since Ava's off, I think it might be a good idea for someone to keep and eye on her, make sure she's fine. She's not used to being out in the open without access to her powers."

Fury seemed to contemplate this for a few moments before he sighed.

"Fine. Make sure she doesn't see you."

"Got it!"

So, Spider-man went to follow, and Coulson walked up to Fury.

"You realize he's just going to spy on them, right?"

"Of course. He's a teenage boy, and needs to get it out before he ends up doing it in his adult years. You should know that, Phil."

"I'm just gonna…Yeah."

So, Phil left and Fury chuckled.

"Enjoy yourself now Peter Parker, 'cause when you get back, you'll be wishing you stayed in bed."