Aw! Thanks for reading and reviews! I'm grateful that most of you wanted to see more of the story.

For every one who requested Hakuno to be paired with other Servants, Yes I plan to make a short story about that pairings in near future so look forward to it.

I was intrigued when some reader pmed me about "Why pair Hakuno to a Lancer servant?" and "Why Lancer? Are you trying to bend some rules here?!"

Well If you ask me why Lancer then I'm going to tell you that I like Lancer and he does not get some action and spotlight in the Nasuverse. (Blame his famed LUCK E rank). There's running gag in Carnival Phantasm in where Lancer dies many times and I don't like it.

I want to give Lancers some action and decent fights so there! Let the flames start!

Note: I don't own Fate series!

She cried to god or kami to help her but she knew it fell to deaf ears. She didn't want to see the sight of her blood being drawn so she closed her eyes to wait for the painful end.

The lance went closer and collided to the something that resembles…

A Spear.

The metallic object made loud crack in the hard cement as it deflected the attack away from its target. Hakuno blinked many times and pinched her skin to see if it is real. The object that saved her from death started to levitate in the air and returned to where it came from.

However it slowly dematerialized and she did not see the one who threw it.

The crazed man was not fazed about the interruption but kept silent. The thin clown beside him wailed about the meal being delayed and cried while flailing with its arms.

"What is with that clown outfit anyway? By the way who saved me?" Hakuno thought

"For the one who threw that annoying stick I demand you to show yourself! Do not act as you are an Assassin! You are a disgrace to the Lan-!"

Another spear was thrown again and this this it was pretty close to the clown's head.

It missed the clown by several inches.

"Why you little-! How dare you throw that stick to my wife! I shall decorate my lance with your head!" The pale man let out a deathly growl before lunging to the direction of the unknown attacker. His appearance changed again into full armor with red color that resemble of blood. Hakuno felt the emanating rage and the pale man seemed to have forgotten her presence. As she looked to the spot that pale man left, she saw the deranged clown slowly advancing to her with hunger in its eye.

Hakuno backed away as the clown made its way to her.

"My MeAL~! WaiT fOR mE~!"

"Are you kidding me?! I'm not delicious! Get away from me-Ah!"

Metallic fence…Oh crap she is really trapped in the first place.

"YoUR Command SPELLS~ I can smeLL theM~ They ARE YumMy too~!" The clown licked her tongue to the direction in where her 'Command Spell' is. Her hand felt hot but her tattoo seemed to change in another color. The third part of her tattoo is overlapped with blue color and thought when that happened. She was sure that it was red and it was flashing like hell!

"They are tattoos you freak! Get away from me or I'll-" Hakuno looked around for some option and to her left there is a broken pipe lying near the edge of the metallic fence. She bolted to grab it and pointed it towards the crazed clown.

"—beat you up with this if you don't stop now!"

The clown did not feel threatened about it and in fact it made the clown more aggressive now.

"I don't know any sword arts! I can only smash this thing around!"

Hakuno gripped her tattoo and started to get hiccups.

Now where is the one who saved her hide?

She can see specks of red and blue clashing furiously in the school grounds with cloud of dust following their trail. She couldn't make out their appearance as it was too fast for her eyes to follow their movements. She could see the blue speck is becoming slow in movement as it tried to match up with red's movements.

She saw the spear that saved her earlier.

It was now in pale red and covered with a worn out cloth. She felt the tension of the blue stranger towards the pale man. She heard the beastly growl as it charged fiercely towards to the blue one with his lance with ungodly speed.

The blue one seemed to lose this battle.

The stranger changed his stance and skilfully revolved his clothed spear around his body and charged towards his opponent.

His attack missed?!

Hakuno trembled at the sight.

He lost…?

No…he is still standing and he is smiling?

"It is my win…I do not wish to prolong our battle…" The blue stranger released his spear and began to draw away from the battle. The pale man felt something struck his backside but he brushed the sensation off and began hunt down again the one who attacked his wife earlier.


Hakuno herself in front of the clown who is on verge to bite her skin off!

"Ahhh! I completely forgot that I'm still on the run from this lunatic!"

Hakuno furiously swiped the broken pipe side by side; she backed away with her eyes closed because she felt nauseous at the sight of the clown's mouth. The pipe nicked something while she swung blindly to make the crazed clown go away.

It was the clown's head and the wig has thrown to a side.

The clown wailed and turned again to face her prey…she bared her teeth and wiped away the blood along the ruined make up.

My meal…RuiNED My image…my IMAGE~!

This time the blue stranger she saw earlier from the school grounds pushed the clown away and got between them. He put his weapon in guarding manner just in case the clown attacks again to eat the prey.

"it seemed that you did not take heed of my warning…I do not enjoy hurting people but killing for no reason in unforgivable."

The clown only laughed maniacally and clapped happily that another food to eat came in front. The blue stranger felt frenzy aura coming from the deranged person.

"This is the master…of that Lancer?" the newcomer seemed confused at the appearance of the clown.

Hakuno observed the visage of the blue stranger in front of her.

The man whose height is like a tower to her (he's TALL!)

Hair slicked backwards with stray hair in front.

His armor covered mostly his body but his arms are exposed but protected by padded arm guards. His one hand holds the spear that saved her earlier. It was now fully wrapped and she can only see the head of his spear.

She turned slightly to the side to see more of his face.

He has this spot just below his eye.

"Who are you?" Hakuno inquired despite of her situation.

"Let's talk later Master…it seems he is not finished…" The stranger eyes never looked and kept his guard.

"Who are calling Master?!" Hakuno heard the familiar howl again and it made her skin crawl. Her surroundings changed again into creepy color with bones and spikes. The sight again made her nauseous as she unconsciously holds the stranger's arm for support. The pale man appeared from above and fell beside his wife with cement he is stepping on gave a dent.

"I'm not done with you yet! You are annoying as that 'one' who keeps running away!"

"As much I want to end this fight…however…" the stranger's lancer glowed faintly

"This fight…has already ended when my spear pierced your armor."

Although the pale man said he was not fazed and felt that was nothing…he felt his strength being sapped slowly and his lance felt heavier. The pale man watched his arm being swarmed in dark color as it advanced.

"It will not kill you and I assure that…take this as a warning to withdraw from this battle. I think this will be enough to stop your murdering frenzy. Judging as your appearance and skills I think I have an idea on who you are. " The stranger addressed the wounds he inflicted and coerced the deranged master to leave while they still can.

To Hakuno's surprise…they left without a word.

Huh? They just left?

"That should keep them away from us for now. Master…are you alright?"

Hakuno quickly shifted her attention towards the handsome stranger who called her Master. He turned his body towards her and shifted his covered weapon away. Hakuno watched the weapon disappeared in small wisps of light in awe.

Magic? Is this for real?

"I-I am alright but who are you? What really happened here? How come they are after me? Where did you come from? Who is that monster?..." Hakuno did not realize that she kept ranting questions in the front of the stranger who fended off her pursuer until she calmed down.

The stranger replied and addressed her concerns in calm manner.

"It seems that I've been summoned by a magus who is unaware of the situation…let us go to a place where we can be safe from intruders…in there I can answer as much as I can."

Hakuno suggested the school's store room since no one goes there and pretty much isolated from building. She thought it was pretty safe enough but could she trust the man who saved her hide?

She gulped at thought…when the man reached his hand to her.

"Don't worry Master…you can trust me. I'm your Servant."

Okay…Hakuno reached the hand and nodded as a sign of approval.

"I can trust him…he saved me from that monster…I don't think he will betray me…but I have to be sure that I can rely on him for answers…Huh? What is this place?! I'm in the store room?! How?!"

The man quickly searched the room for any signs of danger before letting go of his master's hand. He moved away to give space in between them and waited for her to calm down.

"How?! What happened?! I swear we are in the rooftop just seconds ago?!" Hakuno pinched her already red cheeks to see if this is real but the feeling in her cheeks is not enough so she pulled a string of hair in which it really hurt.

"I have the ability to teleport however only short distances. Caster class can do much better in terms of magic."

The man smiled at her antics, he decided to speak now to address the skirmish that happened few minutes ago. "To make things clear…are you a magus?"

"What magus? That involves magic right? Well I'm not…I don't believe in magic but seeing the things happened to me I started to believe this is real. I'm not a magic user and I'm only a student who wants to live a good sweet life!" Hakuno started to fiddle with her fingers due to slight tension in the air and mused that her life is going to go smooth as she wanted to.

"Seeing your reactions I'm right about you…however there is no going back now that you are now my Master and a participant of the Grail War. In this war, masters summons their servants in order to fight for victory. You summoned me under the Lancer class and I wield a spear…you can call me Lancer."

"Lancer? That is his name? I remember summoning yet I did not mutter any words for summoning. I only cried for help for someone to save me…"

Hakuno formed the words in her mouth and questions his name. It bothered her to call him Lancer since it is such a weird name for the man.

"Lancer? But I don't think that is a name…Who really are you?"

"Revealing my name would endanger us both. It would be safe for us if would address me as Lancer here on and as your Servant I will-"A static surged through Lancer's mind as he saw vague images of people. They look familiar but he couldn't place where he saw them…seeing Hakuno's face…she resembled like someone from the images….

"—re you alright?! You spaced out!" The voice of girl echoed his ears as he tried to discern the sudden lapse in his consciousness. He tried to pull back his mind before he is consumed by overwhelming pressure.

Purging process ongoing-

"What? This weird voice!"

Lancer felt the familiar feeling…his anger…his curse…his memories of his previous summoning…the feelings that buried deep inside his heart resurfaced.



Lord Kayneth…

Purge complete-Resetting Lancer-Servant status- 70% ongoing-

A forceful tug pulled Lancer's consciousness back to reality.

Lancer found himself in front of his new master who still shaking his arms in attempt to wake him up. He mused what happened and found lapses in his memory. He distanced himself away from Hakuno and slightly bowed down to show his apology.

He must have spaced out.

"Ah my apologies Master…where was I? Err right…I was explaining to you about me. Please address me as Lancer although I have a name but I can't tell you yet. The main reason is…once the enemy servant or master grasped my true identity and it to their advantage…it will over for me and to you as well."

"I see but…hold on…Don't I give a say about this? I don't want to fight in this ridiculous war! War is for people who want to hurt people! I'm no fighter and again…I'm just a student not magus. This is getting out of hand! What is the matter with those two freaks who is after my tattoo? This is only an ink-See?! Now some bozo wants my head on spear and another wants to eat me and chop this hand! "

Hakuno literally shoved her hand with red tattoo engraved towards Lancer. Her hands were shivering as she rants on followed by tears ready to fall down at any moment.

"I-I don't wanna cry in front of you…not g-gonna cry…ah dammit! I swore not to cry! I just want live normally and not like this war thingy…"

"I do not know what to say Master but this…that command spell serves as the proof that you are a Master and a participant in the Grail War. I know that you want answers but I cannot do something but only to perform duties as a Servant and fight for you. You are reluctant and scared…I can see that…however more cruel things will come and it will be over for us if we don't fight…"

Lancer couldn't come up with better words in order put it together. He has no idea why he ended up as a Servant to the girl in front him. He knew that they do not have similarities but there's a nagging feeling that they have one. Seeing his Master's reactions and he felt that he is responsible for her fate in this war…he don't want to down without a fight but his Master is clueless and reluctant. As a Servant he has to abide with it. The rules of the Grail War are absolute and Masters must follow…kill and win the Grail.

The Grail can make the wishes that the victor desired can come true…that is why Masters desired it.

"If you do not wish to fight I respect that Master. I know this is too much for you to take on…Shall we retire for tonight? I will escort you to your home."

Hakuno nodded as she has no choice but to think of some ways to get her out of this predicament.

"There should be and I really don't want this war!"

"Okay Lancer…my home is not far from from here…I can tell you where to go but please no teleporty thingy…I still feel nauseous after we stepped here and this sick feeling won't away."

"Alright Master I shall carry you-"

"N-no! Walking is just fine!" Hakuno opened the door to let the cool air calm down her nerves.

"I don't like high places so don't make me fly in the air or whatever you do!"

"I guess running would be fine then…shall we go Master?" Lancer excused himself and went to Hakuno's side. He slipped one warm in her waist before lifting her up and sped off to the direction of his Master's home.

"Y-you're really fast!" Hakuno shrieked as she watched flurry images as they passed the houses.

"This is one of the common qualities of the Lancer class Master. We specialize more on speed, agility and of course we are proficient also in weapons."

"No wonder I can't see you fighting that monster…you are too fast to follow and I almost couldn't see you fighting him…Ah! I said no jumping to the high air Lancer! Ergh…I feel sick and it is worse than earlier…." Hakuno clumped her hands together in her mouth while fighting the urge to throw up while they are in the air although she gets the annoying feeling of being hoisted up like a kid.

"My apologies again Master…I have to steer clear of the structure in our way." Lancer gave an apologetic smile towards his Master.

"F-fine…just make it quick so I can sleep and I'm pretty tired…See that green house with a small plum tree? That's my house…just drop me near the window. I don't wanna be seen by my mom because I'm late…Ergh…I can't hold it anymore…"

Hakuno's face began losing color as she tried to hold off the urge to vomit in the spot as they landed near window as she instructed.

"We are here now Master…sorry to keep you waiting…"

"Whew…that was too close…okay I'm starting to feel better. Hmmm it's 8:20pm…I think Mom's not home yet." Hakuno slid off the broken lock of her window in order to get inside her room. She dumped her things at her desk then she marched quickly to Lancer and called him to come inside. Like a ghost, Lancer slipped through the wall and materialized inside the room which took Hakuno in surprise.

"Ah! You moved like ghost there! Please don't scare me like that!"

"I failed to tell you Master I scouted your home in any presence of unwanted visitor. No runes or spells hidden in this place." The light she turned on illuminated partially his appearance, she took another look to his eyes that gave a nice shade of blue.

"Mom would be shocked to see that you are staying here…I can't let her see you so I have to hide you but I can't keep hiding you all time…" Hakuno began to search for temporary place for Lancer to hide and stay…keeping in mind that her closet is not a good place for him since it is cramped and under the bed is not an option since he can't fit in there.

Lancer's voice averted her attention as he raised a suggestion.

"Master…I don't need a hiding place as to inform you I can shift myself in spirit form when not needed and also to conserve prana." Lancer demonstrated to his new master of what he meant and returned back to his body. "In this way I can hide and conceal my presence from other Servants, only you can see in my spirit form. You can call me at will whenever you need me."

"Now what's a prana?"

Hakuno mused at the unfamiliar word that Lancer mentioned.

"Thanks Lancer I'll keep that in mind."

Of course Hakuno is still on processing the fight earlier of two Servants.

How strong are the Masters? Sure all of them might be very skilled in magic and many of them want this Grail. According to Lancer, Holy Grail war consists of seven participating masters and servants.

Now she is involved in the war and yet to come with some way to get out of this mess.

Those weirdos she encountered earlier were Master and Servant…ready to kill.

How she is going to fight them now she is this mess? Stabbing them with pens? She is no practitioner of magic yet Lancer to answered her call for help.

She did not like the idea of fighting…

Lancer protected her from the two freaks and he didn't hesitate to fight them. She felt grateful that he saved her from death's grip. Oh she has not thanked him yet!

"Lancer…I'm really clueless about this Grail war and I want to thank you for protecting me."

Hakuno lifted off her eyes towards Lancer as she expressed her gratitude to her savior. She couldn't help but stare again at his features and not denying he is good looking young man. She really wanted to know his name but he really insisted earlier to call him Lancer. She blushed when Lancer smiled and mentioned that it his duty to protect his Master.

Her Servant is willing to follow her wishes and he respected her decision of not fight.

"He is considerate…I expect some objections though…"

There is a war going on and she has no idea on what to do…

How she is going to eat and sleep tonight with nerve racking thoughts going all over her head?

Unknown to her Moon Cell already programmed her very first figh in this and is the same person she fought in the first selection.

Hakuno Kishinami-Processing-

Moon Cell watched the progress of the subject Master and Servant and observed it is moving in a slow pace but it accepted the fact that it is satisfactory for processing.

SERAPH ===online

Fuyuki City—Battle Sequence Registered

Class Battle: Lancer vs. Rider

Thank you for reading!