I'm so sorry, guys.
I wanna apologize for it taking like a zillion years for y'all to hear from me. So much has happened in the time was away
1) I became BTS Trash to like the fullest! (Self-promotion: fellow Armys, I have a couple of fics for the fandom)
2) around the time I stopped updating, I had this mass growing in my right leg and my doctor ordered an emergency surgery to remove it since any smallest movement caused me pain.
3) became BTS trash around that time
4) last year, I was diagnosed with Severe anxiety, OCD, and depression
5) around that same time my younger sister had an accident, the car she was in flipped over several times and a year later give a take a week, the store she works at was robbed at gun point and she was shot at 3 times
6) apparently mental illness runs on my mother's side, from both parents.
7) my other sister, has been having health issues since she was 15, there was a point to where she couldn't handle it that she was basically bedridden for a while and now she's showing signs of schizophrenia.
My life's been a shit storm and I felt it wasn't the atmosphere I needed to be in while this story. Obviously, I want this story to have a few angsty moments but none as dramatic as I made my BTS fics. SNK/AOT, they are how I sometimes wish my life was like, happy, and I know you can't be happy 100% of the time but I want my characters to have happy ending.
Again I wanna apologize for take forever to update but, I'll try my best to complete these fics. Even if it takes me many years to come.
Love you guys and thanks for sticking around
See you soon